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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.internals;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.Internal;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.RuntimeContext;
import org.apache.flink.metrics.MetricGroup;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.KinesisShardAssigner;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.config.ConsumerConfigConstants;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.metrics.KinesisConsumerMetricConstants;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.metrics.ShardMetricsReporter;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.model.KinesisStreamShardState;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.model.SentinelSequenceNumber;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.model.SequenceNumber;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.model.StreamShardHandle;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.model.StreamShardMetadata;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.proxy.GetShardListResult;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.proxy.KinesisProxy;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.proxy.KinesisProxyInterface;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kinesis.serialization.KinesisDeserializationSchema;
import org.apache.flink.util.InstantiationUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
* A KinesisDataFetcher is responsible for fetching data from multiple Kinesis shards. Each parallel subtask instantiates
* and runs a single fetcher throughout the subtask's lifetime. The fetcher accomplishes the following:
* <ul>
* <li>1. continuously poll Kinesis to discover shards that the subtask should subscribe to. The subscribed subset
* of shards, including future new shards, is non-overlapping across subtasks (no two subtasks will be
* subscribed to the same shard) and determinate across subtask restores (the subtask will always subscribe
* to the same subset of shards even after restoring)</li>
* <li>2. decide where in each discovered shard should the fetcher start subscribing to</li>
* <li>3. subscribe to shards by creating a single thread for each shard</li>
* </ul>
* <p>The fetcher manages two states: 1) last seen shard ids of each subscribed stream (used for continuous shard discovery),
* and 2) last processed sequence numbers of each subscribed shard. Since operations on the second state will be performed
* by multiple threads, these operations should only be done using the handler methods provided in this class.
public class KinesisDataFetcher<T> {
public static final KinesisShardAssigner DEFAULT_SHARD_ASSIGNER = (shard, subtasks) -> shard.hashCode();
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KinesisDataFetcher.class);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Consumer-wide settings
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Configuration properties for the Flink Kinesis Consumer. */
private final Properties configProps;
/** The list of Kinesis streams that the consumer is subscribing to. */
private final List<String> streams;
* The deserialization schema we will be using to convert Kinesis records to Flink objects.
* Note that since this might not be thread-safe, {@link ShardConsumer}s using this must
* clone a copy using {@link KinesisDataFetcher#getClonedDeserializationSchema()}.
private final KinesisDeserializationSchema<T> deserializationSchema;
* The function that determines which subtask a shard should be assigned to.
private final KinesisShardAssigner shardAssigner;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Consumer metrics
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The metric group that all metrics should be registered to. */
private final MetricGroup consumerMetricGroup;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subtask-specific settings
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Runtime context of the subtask that this fetcher was created in. */
private final RuntimeContext runtimeContext;
private final int totalNumberOfConsumerSubtasks;
private final int indexOfThisConsumerSubtask;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Executor services to run created threads
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Executor service to run {@link ShardConsumer}s to consume Kinesis shards. */
private final ExecutorService shardConsumersExecutor;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Managed state, accessed and updated across multiple threads
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The last discovered shard ids of each subscribed stream, updated as the fetcher discovers new shards in.
* Note: this state will be updated if new shards are found when {@link KinesisDataFetcher#discoverNewShardsToSubscribe()} is called.
private final Map<String, String> subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds;
* The shards, along with their last processed sequence numbers, that this fetcher is subscribed to. The fetcher
* will add new subscribed shard states to this list as it discovers new shards. {@link ShardConsumer} threads update
* the last processed sequence number of subscribed shards as they fetch and process records.
* <p>Note that since multiple {@link ShardConsumer} threads will be performing operations on this list, all operations
* must be wrapped in synchronized blocks on the {@link KinesisDataFetcher#checkpointLock} lock. For this purpose,
* all threads must use the following thread-safe methods this class provides to operate on this list:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link KinesisDataFetcher#registerNewSubscribedShardState(KinesisStreamShardState)}</li>
* <li>{@link KinesisDataFetcher#updateState(int, SequenceNumber)}</li>
* <li>{@link KinesisDataFetcher#emitRecordAndUpdateState(T, long, int, SequenceNumber)}</li>
* </ul>
private final List<KinesisStreamShardState> subscribedShardsState;
private final SourceFunction.SourceContext<T> sourceContext;
/** Checkpoint lock, also used to synchronize operations on subscribedShardsState. */
private final Object checkpointLock;
/** Reference to the first error thrown by any of the {@link ShardConsumer} threads. */
private final AtomicReference<Throwable> error;
/** The Kinesis proxy that the fetcher will be using to discover new shards. */
private final KinesisProxyInterface kinesis;
/** Thread that executed runFetcher(). */
private volatile Thread mainThread;
* The current number of shards that are actively read by this fetcher.
* <p>This value is updated in {@link KinesisDataFetcher#registerNewSubscribedShardState(KinesisStreamShardState)},
* and {@link KinesisDataFetcher#updateState(int, SequenceNumber)}.
private final AtomicInteger numberOfActiveShards = new AtomicInteger(0);
private volatile boolean running = true;
* Creates a Kinesis Data Fetcher.
* @param streams the streams to subscribe to
* @param sourceContext context of the source function
* @param runtimeContext this subtask's runtime context
* @param configProps the consumer configuration properties
* @param deserializationSchema deserialization schema
public KinesisDataFetcher(List<String> streams,
SourceFunction.SourceContext<T> sourceContext,
RuntimeContext runtimeContext,
Properties configProps,
KinesisDeserializationSchema<T> deserializationSchema,
KinesisShardAssigner shardAssigner) {
new AtomicReference<>(),
new ArrayList<>(),
protected KinesisDataFetcher(List<String> streams,
SourceFunction.SourceContext<T> sourceContext,
Object checkpointLock,
RuntimeContext runtimeContext,
Properties configProps,
KinesisDeserializationSchema<T> deserializationSchema,
KinesisShardAssigner shardAssigner,
AtomicReference<Throwable> error,
List<KinesisStreamShardState> subscribedShardsState,
HashMap<String, String> subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds,
KinesisProxyInterface kinesis) {
this.streams = checkNotNull(streams);
this.configProps = checkNotNull(configProps);
this.sourceContext = checkNotNull(sourceContext);
this.checkpointLock = checkNotNull(checkpointLock);
this.runtimeContext = checkNotNull(runtimeContext);
this.totalNumberOfConsumerSubtasks = runtimeContext.getNumberOfParallelSubtasks();
this.indexOfThisConsumerSubtask = runtimeContext.getIndexOfThisSubtask();
this.deserializationSchema = checkNotNull(deserializationSchema);
this.shardAssigner = checkNotNull(shardAssigner);
this.kinesis = checkNotNull(kinesis);
this.consumerMetricGroup = runtimeContext.getMetricGroup()
this.error = checkNotNull(error);
this.subscribedShardsState = checkNotNull(subscribedShardsState);
this.subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds = checkNotNull(subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds);
this.shardConsumersExecutor =
* Starts the fetcher. After starting the fetcher, it can only
* be stopped by calling {@link KinesisDataFetcher#shutdownFetcher()}.
* @throws Exception the first error or exception thrown by the fetcher or any of the threads created by the fetcher.
public void runFetcher() throws Exception {
// check that we are running before proceeding
if (!running) {
this.mainThread = Thread.currentThread();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Procedures before starting the infinite while loop:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. check that there is at least one shard in the subscribed streams to consume from (can be done by
// checking if at least one value in subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds is not null)
boolean hasShards = false;
StringBuilder streamsWithNoShardsFound = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> streamToLastDiscoveredShardEntry : subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds.entrySet()) {
if (streamToLastDiscoveredShardEntry.getValue() != null) {
hasShards = true;
} else {
streamsWithNoShardsFound.append(streamToLastDiscoveredShardEntry.getKey()).append(", ");
if (streamsWithNoShardsFound.length() != 0 && LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
LOG.warn("Subtask {} has failed to find any shards for the following subscribed streams: {}",
indexOfThisConsumerSubtask, streamsWithNoShardsFound.toString());
if (!hasShards) {
throw new RuntimeException("No shards can be found for all subscribed streams: " + streams);
// 2. start consuming any shard state we already have in the subscribedShardState up to this point; the
// subscribedShardState may already be seeded with values due to step 1., or explicitly added by the
// consumer using a restored state checkpoint
for (int seededStateIndex = 0; seededStateIndex < subscribedShardsState.size(); seededStateIndex++) {
KinesisStreamShardState seededShardState = subscribedShardsState.get(seededStateIndex);
// only start a consuming thread if the seeded subscribed shard has not been completely read already
if (!seededShardState.getLastProcessedSequenceNum().equals(SentinelSequenceNumber.SENTINEL_SHARD_ENDING_SEQUENCE_NUM.get())) {
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Subtask {} will start consuming seeded shard {} from sequence number {} with ShardConsumer {}",
indexOfThisConsumerSubtask, seededShardState.getStreamShardHandle().toString(),
seededShardState.getLastProcessedSequenceNum(), seededStateIndex);
new ShardConsumer<>(
registerShardMetrics(consumerMetricGroup, subscribedShardsState.get(seededStateIndex))));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// finally, start the infinite shard discovery and consumer launching loop;
// we will escape from this loop only when shutdownFetcher() or stopWithError() is called
final long discoveryIntervalMillis = Long.valueOf(
if (this.numberOfActiveShards.get() == 0) {"Subtask {} has no active shards to read on startup; marking the subtask as temporarily idle ...",
while (running) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Subtask {} is trying to discover new shards that were created due to resharding ...",
List<StreamShardHandle> newShardsDueToResharding = discoverNewShardsToSubscribe();
for (StreamShardHandle shard : newShardsDueToResharding) {
// since there may be delay in discovering a new shard, all new shards due to
// resharding should be read starting from the earliest record possible
KinesisStreamShardState newShardState =
new KinesisStreamShardState(convertToStreamShardMetadata(shard), shard, SentinelSequenceNumber.SENTINEL_EARLIEST_SEQUENCE_NUM.get());
int newStateIndex = registerNewSubscribedShardState(newShardState);
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Subtask {} has discovered a new shard {} due to resharding, and will start consuming " +
"the shard from sequence number {} with ShardConsumer {}",
indexOfThisConsumerSubtask, newShardState.getStreamShardHandle().toString(),
newShardState.getLastProcessedSequenceNum(), newStateIndex);
new ShardConsumer<>(
registerShardMetrics(consumerMetricGroup, newShardState)));
// we also check if we are running here so that we won't start the discovery sleep
// interval if the running flag was set to false during the middle of the while loop
if (running && discoveryIntervalMillis != 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException iex) {
// the sleep may be interrupted by shutdownFetcher()
// make sure all resources have been terminated before leaving
// any error thrown in the shard consumer threads will be thrown to the main thread
Throwable throwable = this.error.get();
if (throwable != null) {
if (throwable instanceof Exception) {
throw (Exception) throwable;
} else if (throwable instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) throwable;
} else {
throw new Exception(throwable);
* Creates a snapshot of the current last processed sequence numbers of each subscribed shard.
* @return state snapshot
public HashMap<StreamShardMetadata, SequenceNumber> snapshotState() {
// this method assumes that the checkpoint lock is held
assert Thread.holdsLock(checkpointLock);
HashMap<StreamShardMetadata, SequenceNumber> stateSnapshot = new HashMap<>();
for (KinesisStreamShardState shardWithState : subscribedShardsState) {
stateSnapshot.put(shardWithState.getStreamShardMetadata(), shardWithState.getLastProcessedSequenceNum());
return stateSnapshot;
* Starts shutting down the fetcher. Must be called to allow {@link KinesisDataFetcher#runFetcher()} to complete.
* Once called, the shutdown procedure will be executed and all shard consuming threads will be interrupted.
public void shutdownFetcher() {
running = false;
if (mainThread != null) {
mainThread.interrupt(); // the main thread may be sleeping for the discovery interval
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Shutting down the shard consumer threads of subtask {} ...", indexOfThisConsumerSubtask);
/** After calling {@link KinesisDataFetcher#shutdownFetcher()}, this can be called to await the fetcher shutdown. */
public void awaitTermination() throws InterruptedException {
while (!shardConsumersExecutor.isTerminated()) {
/** Called by created threads to pass on errors. Only the first thrown error is set.
* Once set, the shutdown process will be executed and all shard consuming threads will be interrupted. */
protected void stopWithError(Throwable throwable) {
if (this.error.compareAndSet(null, throwable)) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions that update the subscribedStreamToLastDiscoveredShardIds state
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Updates the last discovered shard of a subscribed stream; only updates if the update is valid. */
public void advanceLastDiscoveredShardOfStream(String stream, String shardId) {
String lastSeenShardIdOfStream = this.subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds.get(stream);
// the update is valid only if the given shard id is greater
// than the previous last seen shard id of the stream
if (lastSeenShardIdOfStream == null) {
// if not previously set, simply put as the last seen shard id
this.subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds.put(stream, shardId);
} else if (StreamShardHandle.compareShardIds(shardId, lastSeenShardIdOfStream) > 0) {
this.subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds.put(stream, shardId);
* A utility function that does the following:
* <p>1. Find new shards for each stream that we haven't seen before
* 2. For each new shard, determine whether this consumer subtask should subscribe to them;
* if yes, it is added to the returned list of shards
* 3. Update the subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds state so that we won't get shards
* that we have already seen before the next time this function is called
public List<StreamShardHandle> discoverNewShardsToSubscribe() throws InterruptedException {
List<StreamShardHandle> newShardsToSubscribe = new LinkedList<>();
GetShardListResult shardListResult = kinesis.getShardList(subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds);
if (shardListResult.hasRetrievedShards()) {
Set<String> streamsWithNewShards = shardListResult.getStreamsWithRetrievedShards();
for (String stream : streamsWithNewShards) {
List<StreamShardHandle> newShardsOfStream = shardListResult.getRetrievedShardListOfStream(stream);
for (StreamShardHandle newShard : newShardsOfStream) {
int hashCode = shardAssigner.assign(newShard, totalNumberOfConsumerSubtasks);
if (isThisSubtaskShouldSubscribeTo(hashCode, totalNumberOfConsumerSubtasks, indexOfThisConsumerSubtask)) {
stream, shardListResult.getLastSeenShardOfStream(stream).getShard().getShardId());
return newShardsToSubscribe;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to get / set information about the consumer
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected Properties getConsumerConfiguration() {
return configProps;
protected KinesisDeserializationSchema<T> getClonedDeserializationSchema() {
try {
return InstantiationUtil.clone(deserializationSchema, runtimeContext.getUserCodeClassLoader());
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) {
// this really shouldn't happen; simply wrap it around a runtime exception
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Thread-safe operations for record emitting and shard state updating
// that assure atomicity with respect to the checkpoint lock
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Atomic operation to collect a record and update state to the sequence number of the record.
* This method is called by {@link ShardConsumer}s.
* @param record the record to collect
* @param recordTimestamp timestamp to attach to the collected record
* @param shardStateIndex index of the shard to update in subscribedShardsState;
* this index should be the returned value from
* {@link KinesisDataFetcher#registerNewSubscribedShardState(KinesisStreamShardState)}, called
* when the shard state was registered.
* @param lastSequenceNumber the last sequence number value to update
protected void emitRecordAndUpdateState(T record, long recordTimestamp, int shardStateIndex, SequenceNumber lastSequenceNumber) {
synchronized (checkpointLock) {
if (record != null) {
sourceContext.collectWithTimestamp(record, recordTimestamp);
} else {
LOG.warn("Skipping non-deserializable record at sequence number {} of shard {}.",
updateState(shardStateIndex, lastSequenceNumber);
* Update the shard to last processed sequence number state.
* This method is called by {@link ShardConsumer}s.
* @param shardStateIndex index of the shard to update in subscribedShardsState;
* this index should be the returned value from
* {@link KinesisDataFetcher#registerNewSubscribedShardState(KinesisStreamShardState)}, called
* when the shard state was registered.
* @param lastSequenceNumber the last sequence number value to update
protected final void updateState(int shardStateIndex, SequenceNumber lastSequenceNumber) {
synchronized (checkpointLock) {
// if a shard's state is updated to be SENTINEL_SHARD_ENDING_SEQUENCE_NUM by its consumer thread,
// we've finished reading the shard and should determine it to be non-active
if (lastSequenceNumber.equals(SentinelSequenceNumber.SENTINEL_SHARD_ENDING_SEQUENCE_NUM.get())) {"Subtask {} has reached the end of subscribed shard: {}",
indexOfThisConsumerSubtask, subscribedShardsState.get(shardStateIndex).getStreamShardHandle());
// check if we need to mark the source as idle;
// note that on resharding, if registerNewSubscribedShardState was invoked for newly discovered shards
// AFTER the old shards had reached the end, the subtask's status will be automatically toggled back to
// be active immediately afterwards as soon as we collect records from the new shards
if (this.numberOfActiveShards.decrementAndGet() == 0) {"Subtask {} has reached the end of all currently subscribed shards; marking the subtask as temporarily idle ...",
* Register a new subscribed shard state.
* @param newSubscribedShardState the new shard state that this fetcher is to be subscribed to
public int registerNewSubscribedShardState(KinesisStreamShardState newSubscribedShardState) {
synchronized (checkpointLock) {
// If a registered shard has initial state that is not SENTINEL_SHARD_ENDING_SEQUENCE_NUM (will be the case
// if the consumer had already finished reading a shard before we failed and restored), we determine that
// this subtask has a new active shard
if (!newSubscribedShardState.getLastProcessedSequenceNum().equals(SentinelSequenceNumber.SENTINEL_SHARD_ENDING_SEQUENCE_NUM.get())) {
return subscribedShardsState.size() - 1;
* Registers a metric group associated with the shard id of the provided {@link KinesisStreamShardState shardState}.
* @return a {@link ShardMetricsReporter} that can be used to update metric values
private static ShardMetricsReporter registerShardMetrics(MetricGroup metricGroup, KinesisStreamShardState shardState) {
ShardMetricsReporter shardMetrics = new ShardMetricsReporter();
MetricGroup streamShardMetricGroup = metricGroup
streamShardMetricGroup.gauge(KinesisConsumerMetricConstants.MILLIS_BEHIND_LATEST_GAUGE, shardMetrics::getMillisBehindLatest);
return shardMetrics;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Miscellaneous utility functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Utility function to determine whether a shard should be subscribed by this consumer subtask.
* @param shardHash hash code for the shard
* @param totalNumberOfConsumerSubtasks total number of consumer subtasks
* @param indexOfThisConsumerSubtask index of this consumer subtask
public static boolean isThisSubtaskShouldSubscribeTo(int shardHash,
int totalNumberOfConsumerSubtasks,
int indexOfThisConsumerSubtask) {
return (Math.abs(shardHash % totalNumberOfConsumerSubtasks)) == indexOfThisConsumerSubtask;
protected ExecutorService createShardConsumersThreadPool(final String subtaskName) {
return Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() {
public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
final AtomicLong threadCount = new AtomicLong(0);
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
thread.setName("shardConsumers-" + subtaskName + "-thread-" + threadCount.getAndIncrement());
return thread;
public List<KinesisStreamShardState> getSubscribedShardsState() {
return subscribedShardsState;
* Utility function to create an initial map of the last discovered shard id of each subscribed stream, set to null;
* This is called in the constructor; correct values will be set later on by calling advanceLastDiscoveredShardOfStream().
* @param streams the list of subscribed streams
* @return the initial map for subscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardIds
protected static HashMap<String, String> createInitialSubscribedStreamsToLastDiscoveredShardsState(List<String> streams) {
HashMap<String, String> initial = new HashMap<>();
for (String stream : streams) {
initial.put(stream, null);
return initial;
* Utility function to convert {@link StreamShardHandle} into {@link StreamShardMetadata}.
* @param streamShardHandle the {@link StreamShardHandle} to be converted
* @return a {@link StreamShardMetadata} object
public static StreamShardMetadata convertToStreamShardMetadata(StreamShardHandle streamShardHandle) {
StreamShardMetadata streamShardMetadata = new StreamShardMetadata();
if (streamShardHandle.getShard().getHashKeyRange() != null) {
if (streamShardHandle.getShard().getSequenceNumberRange() != null) {
return streamShardMetadata;
* Utility function to convert {@link StreamShardMetadata} into {@link StreamShardHandle}.
* @param streamShardMetadata the {@link StreamShardMetadata} to be converted
* @return a {@link StreamShardHandle} object
public static StreamShardHandle convertToStreamShardHandle(StreamShardMetadata streamShardMetadata) {
Shard shard = new Shard();
HashKeyRange hashKeyRange = new HashKeyRange();
SequenceNumberRange sequenceNumberRange = new SequenceNumberRange();
return new StreamShardHandle(streamShardMetadata.getStreamName(), shard);