title: “Flink on Zeppelin QuickStart” nav-title: Flink on Zeppelin Examples nav-parent_id: examples nav-pos: 31

  • This will be replaced by the TOC {:toc}

We provide a docker image to facilitate user to use Flink on Zeppelin easily.


Nothing else is required except docker, here's reference

How to use Flink in Zeppelin

Here's the command to launch zeppeln-blink image. (8085 is zeppelin port, 8091 is flink job mangager dashboard port)

docker run -d -p 8085:8085 -p 8091:8091 zjffdu/zeppelin-blink:latest

After executing this command, you can open http://localhost:8085 and we provide 3 tutorial in this image.

  • Flink batch tutorial
  • Flink stream tutorial
  • Flink stream etl

And this is the command to ssh to this container in case you want to check the logs or something else.

docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash

We have one streaming ETL tutorial which require kafka installed. Here's kafka image we use to launch kafka service. Check this link for details {% top %}