title: “Catalog” is_beta: true nav-parent_id: tableapi nav-pos: 100

A catalog can provide information about databases and tables such as their name, schema, statistics, and information for how to access data stored in a database, table, or file. Once a catalog is registered to a TableEnvironment, all meta-objects including databases and tables defined in a catalog can be accessed from Table API or SQL queries.

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Catalog Interface

Catalogs are categorized into ReadableCatalog and ReadableWritableCatalog. The former one can only read meta-objects from the catalog system, and the later one can do both read and write.

Naming Structure in Catalog

Flink's catalogs use a strict two-level structure, that is, catalogs contain databases, and databases contain meta-objects. Thus, the full name of a meta-object is always structured as catalogName.databaseName.objectName.

All registered catalogs are managed by a CatalogManager instance in a TableEnvironment. In order to ease access to meta-objects, CatalogManager has a concept of default catalog and default database. Usually how users access meta-objects in a catalog is to specify its full name in the format of catalogName.databaseName.objectName. By setting default catalog and default database, users can use just the meta-object's name in their queries. This greatly simplifies user experience. For example, a previous query as

select * from mycatalog.mydb.myTable

can be shortened as

select * from myTable

Querying tables in a different databases under the default catalog would be

select * from mydb2.myTable

CatalogManager always has a built-in FlinkInMemoryCatalog with name of builtin, which has a built-in default database named default. If no catalog is explicitly set as default catalog, they will be the default catalog and default database. All temp meta-objects will be registered to this catalog. Users can set default catalog and database via TableEnvironment.setDefaultDatabase() in Table API or use catalog.db in Flink SQL Cli.

Catalog Types


This class implements ReadableWritableCatalog and will be provided by Flink to host meta-objects defined in Flink using memory as storage.


HiveCatalog integrates Flink with Hive at metadata level.

The ultimate goal for HiveCatalog is that:

  1. existing meta-objects, like tables, views, and functions, created by Hive or other Hive-compatible applications can be used by Flink

  2. meta-objects created by HiveCatalog can be written back to Hive metastore such that Hive and other Hive-compatibile applications can consume.

To query Hive data with HiveCatalog, users have to use Flink's batch mode by either using BatchTableEnvironment in Table APIs or setting execution.type as batch in Flink SQL Cli.

Note that currently HiveCatalog only offers capabilities of reading Hive metastore metadata, including databases, tables, table partitions, simple data types, and table and column stats. Other meta-objects read and write capabilities are under either experiment or active development.

Also note that currently only registering HiveCatalog through Table APIs allows users to customize their HiveConf with additional Hive connection parameters. Users need to make sure Flink can connect to their Hive metastore within their environment.

Data Type Mapping between Flink and Hive via HiveCatalog

Currently HiveCatalog supports most simple data types. Upon reading Hive table, HiveCatalog will map Hive data type to Flink data type according to the following mapping:

Hive Data TypeFlink Data Type
decimal(p, s)Decimal(p, s)


GenericHiveMetastoreCatalog is created to persist Flink meta-objects in Hive metastore by using Hive metastore purely as storage. Users are not dealing with anything specific to Hive, and Hive may not understand these objects at all.

GenericHiveMetastoreCatalog is under active development. Stay tuned.

Hive Compatibility

For Hive compatibility and versions, see [Hive Compatibility]({{ site.baseurl }}/dev/batch/hive_compatibility.html)

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Catalog Module

FlinkInMemoryCatalog is built in flink-table module.

In order to use Hive-metastore-backed catalogs in Flink, users need to include flink-connector-hive jar in their projects.

{% highlight xml %} com.alibaba.blink flink-connector-hive{{ site.scala_version_suffix }} {{site.version}} {% endhighlight %}

Use Catalog

We will use HiveCatalog for example in the following content.

Use HiveCatalog in Table API

// Option 1: Register with Hive metastore thrift URIs tEnv.registerCatalog(new HiveCatalog(“myHive1”, “thrift::,thrift::”));

// Option 2: Register with HiveConf HiveConf hiveConf = ... tEnv.registerCatalog(new HiveCatalog(“myHive2”, hiveConf));

// ------ Set default catalog and database ------

tEnv.setDefaultDatabase(“myHive1”, “myDb”);

// ------ Access Hive meta-objects ------

// First get the catalog ReadableCatalog myHive1 = tEnv.getCatalog(“myHive1”);

// Then read Hive meta-objects myHive1.listDatabases(); myHive1.listAllTables(); myHive1.listTables(“myDb”);

ObjectPath myTablePath = ew ObjectPath(“myDb”, “myTable”); myHive1.getTable(myTablePath); myHive1.listPartitions(myTablePath);


{% endhighlight %}

// Option 1: Register with Hive metastore thrift URIs tEnv.registerCatalog(new HiveCatalog(“myHive1”, “thrift::,thrift::”));

// Option 2: Register with HiveConf val hiveConf = ... tEnv.registerCatalog(new HiveCatalog(“myHive2”, hiveConf));

// ------ Set default catalog and database ------

tEnv.setDefaultDatabase(“myHive1”, “myDb”);

// ------ Access Hive meta-objects ------

// First get the catalog val myHive1 = tEnv.getCatalog(“myHive1”);

// Then read Hive meta-objects myHive1.listDatabases(); myHive1.listAllTables(); myHive1.listTables(“myDb”);

val myTablePath = ew ObjectPath(“myDb”, “myTable”); myHive1.getTable(myTablePath); myHive1.listPartitions(myTablePath);


{% endhighlight %}

Use HiveCatalog in Flink SQL Cli

Users can specify catalogs in the yaml config file of Flink SQL Cli. See [SQL Cli]({{ site.baseurl }}/dev/table/sqlClient.html) for more details.

   - name: myHive1
      type: hive
        # Hive metastore thrift uri
        Hive.metastore.uris: thrift://<ip1>:<port1>,thrift://<ip2>:<port2>
   - name: myHive2
      type: hive
        # Hive metastore thrift uri
        Hive.metastore.uris: thrift://<ip>:<port>

To run a few example SQL commands to access a Hive table.

Flink SQL> show catalogs;

# ------ Set default catalog and database ------

Flink SQL> use myHive1.myDb;

# ------ Access Hive metadata ------

Flink SQL> show databases;

Flink SQL> show tables;

Flink SQL> describe myTable;
 |--    name: name
    |-- type: StringType
    |-- isNullable: true
 |--    name: value
    |-- type: DoubleType
    |-- isNullable: true

Flink SQL> ......

For a full list of Flink SQL commands to access Hive meta-objects, see [FLINK SQL]({{ site.baseurl }}/dev/table/sql.html)

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