blob: 26621b71961a3ab11d14ee8d9298717fb9c41436 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.flink.table.functions.aggfunctions
import java.math.{BigDecimal, BigInteger, MathContext}
import java.lang.{Iterable => JIterable}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.{BasicTypeInfo, TypeInformation}
import{Tuple2 => JTuple2}
import org.apache.flink.table.functions.AggregateFunction
/** The initial accumulator for Integral Avg aggregate function */
class IntegralAvgAccumulator extends JTuple2[Long, Long] {
f0 = 0L //sum
f1 = 0L //count
* Base class for built-in Integral Avg aggregate function
* @tparam T the type for the aggregation result
abstract class IntegralAvgAggFunction[T] extends AggregateFunction[T, IntegralAvgAccumulator] {
override def createAccumulator(): IntegralAvgAccumulator = {
new IntegralAvgAccumulator
def accumulate(acc: IntegralAvgAccumulator, value: Any): Unit = {
if (value != null) {
val v = value.asInstanceOf[Number].longValue()
acc.f0 += v
acc.f1 += 1L
def retract(acc: IntegralAvgAccumulator, value: Any): Unit = {
if (value != null) {
val v = value.asInstanceOf[Number].longValue()
acc.f0 -= v
acc.f1 -= 1L
override def getValue(acc: IntegralAvgAccumulator): T = {
if (acc.f1 == 0) {
} else {
resultTypeConvert(acc.f0 / acc.f1)
def merge(acc: IntegralAvgAccumulator, its: JIterable[IntegralAvgAccumulator]): Unit = {
val iter = its.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext) {
val a =
acc.f1 += a.f1
acc.f0 += a.f0
def resetAccumulator(acc: IntegralAvgAccumulator): Unit = {
acc.f0 = 0L
acc.f1 = 0L
override def getAccumulatorType: TypeInformation[IntegralAvgAccumulator] = {
new TupleTypeInfo(
* Convert the intermediate result to the expected aggregation result type
* @param value the intermediate result. We use a Long container to save
* the intermediate result to avoid the overflow by sum operation.
* @return the result value with the expected aggregation result type
def resultTypeConvert(value: Long): T
* Built-in Byte Avg aggregate function
class ByteAvgAggFunction extends IntegralAvgAggFunction[Byte] {
override def resultTypeConvert(value: Long): Byte = value.toByte
* Built-in Short Avg aggregate function
class ShortAvgAggFunction extends IntegralAvgAggFunction[Short] {
override def resultTypeConvert(value: Long): Short = value.toShort
* Built-in Int Avg aggregate function
class IntAvgAggFunction extends IntegralAvgAggFunction[Int] {
override def resultTypeConvert(value: Long): Int = value.toInt
/** The initial accumulator for Big Integral Avg aggregate function */
class BigIntegralAvgAccumulator
extends JTuple2[BigInteger, Long] {
f0 = BigInteger.ZERO //sum
f1 = 0L //count
* Base Class for Built-in Big Integral Avg aggregate function
* @tparam T the type for the aggregation result
abstract class BigIntegralAvgAggFunction[T]
extends AggregateFunction[T, BigIntegralAvgAccumulator] {
override def createAccumulator(): BigIntegralAvgAccumulator = {
new BigIntegralAvgAccumulator
def accumulate(acc: BigIntegralAvgAccumulator, value: Any): Unit = {
if (value != null) {
val v = value.asInstanceOf[Long]
acc.f0 = acc.f0.add(BigInteger.valueOf(v))
acc.f1 += 1L
def retract(acc: BigIntegralAvgAccumulator, value: Any): Unit = {
if (value != null) {
val v = value.asInstanceOf[Long]
acc.f0 = acc.f0.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(v))
acc.f1 -= 1L
override def getValue(acc: BigIntegralAvgAccumulator): T = {
if (acc.f1 == 0) {
} else {
def merge(acc: BigIntegralAvgAccumulator, its: JIterable[BigIntegralAvgAccumulator]): Unit = {
val iter = its.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext) {
val a =
acc.f1 += a.f1
acc.f0 = acc.f0.add(a.f0)
def resetAccumulator(acc: BigIntegralAvgAccumulator): Unit = {
acc.f0 = BigInteger.ZERO
acc.f1 = 0
override def getAccumulatorType: TypeInformation[BigIntegralAvgAccumulator] = {
new TupleTypeInfo(
* Convert the intermediate result to the expected aggregation result type
* @param value the intermediate result. We use a BigInteger container to
* save the intermediate result to avoid the overflow by sum
* operation.
* @return the result value with the expected aggregation result type
def resultTypeConvert(value: BigInteger): T
* Built-in Long Avg aggregate function
class LongAvgAggFunction extends BigIntegralAvgAggFunction[Long] {
override def resultTypeConvert(value: BigInteger): Long = value.longValue()
/** The initial accumulator for Floating Avg aggregate function */
class FloatingAvgAccumulator extends JTuple2[Double, Long] {
f0 = 0 //sum
f1 = 0L //count
* Base class for built-in Floating Avg aggregate function
* @tparam T the type for the aggregation result
abstract class FloatingAvgAggFunction[T] extends AggregateFunction[T, FloatingAvgAccumulator] {
override def createAccumulator(): FloatingAvgAccumulator = {
new FloatingAvgAccumulator
def accumulate(acc: FloatingAvgAccumulator, value: Any): Unit = {
if (value != null) {
val v = value.asInstanceOf[Number].doubleValue()
acc.f0 += v
acc.f1 += 1L
def retract(acc: FloatingAvgAccumulator, value: Any): Unit = {
if (value != null) {
val v = value.asInstanceOf[Number].doubleValue()
acc.f0 -= v
acc.f1 -= 1L
override def getValue(acc: FloatingAvgAccumulator): T = {
if (acc.f1 == 0) {
} else {
resultTypeConvert(acc.f0 / acc.f1)
def merge(acc: FloatingAvgAccumulator, its: JIterable[FloatingAvgAccumulator]): Unit = {
val iter = its.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext) {
val a =
acc.f1 += a.f1
acc.f0 += a.f0
def resetAccumulator(acc: FloatingAvgAccumulator): Unit = {
acc.f0 = 0
acc.f1 = 0L
override def getAccumulatorType: TypeInformation[FloatingAvgAccumulator] = {
new TupleTypeInfo(
* Convert the intermediate result to the expected aggregation result type
* @param value the intermediate result. We use a Double container to save
* the intermediate result to avoid the overflow by sum operation.
* @return the result value with the expected aggregation result type
def resultTypeConvert(value: Double): T
* Built-in Float Avg aggregate function
class FloatAvgAggFunction extends FloatingAvgAggFunction[Float] {
override def resultTypeConvert(value: Double): Float = value.toFloat
* Built-in Int Double aggregate function
class DoubleAvgAggFunction extends FloatingAvgAggFunction[Double] {
override def resultTypeConvert(value: Double): Double = value
/** The initial accumulator for Big Decimal Avg aggregate function */
class DecimalAvgAccumulator extends JTuple2[BigDecimal, Long] {
f0 = BigDecimal.ZERO //sum
f1 = 0L //count
* Base class for built-in Big Decimal Avg aggregate function
class DecimalAvgAggFunction(context: MathContext)
extends AggregateFunction[BigDecimal, DecimalAvgAccumulator] {
override def createAccumulator(): DecimalAvgAccumulator = {
new DecimalAvgAccumulator
def accumulate(acc: DecimalAvgAccumulator, value: Any): Unit = {
if (value != null) {
val v = value.asInstanceOf[BigDecimal]
acc.f0 = acc.f0.add(v)
acc.f1 += 1L
def retract(acc: DecimalAvgAccumulator, value: Any): Unit = {
if (value != null) {
val v = value.asInstanceOf[BigDecimal]
acc.f0 = acc.f0.subtract(v)
acc.f1 -= 1L
override def getValue(acc: DecimalAvgAccumulator): BigDecimal = {
if (acc.f1 == 0) {
} else {
acc.f0.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(acc.f1), context)
def merge(acc: DecimalAvgAccumulator, its: JIterable[DecimalAvgAccumulator]): Unit = {
val iter = its.iterator()
while (iter.hasNext) {
val a =
acc.f0 = acc.f0.add(a.f0)
acc.f1 += a.f1
def resetAccumulator(acc: DecimalAvgAccumulator): Unit = {
acc.f0 = BigDecimal.ZERO
acc.f1 = 0L
override def getAccumulatorType: TypeInformation[DecimalAvgAccumulator] = {
new TupleTypeInfo(