title: “DESCRIBE Statements” weight: 8 type: docs aliases:

  • /dev/table/sql/describe.html

DESCRIBE Statements

DESCRIBE statements are used to describe the schema of a table or a view.

Run a DESCRIBE statement

{{< tabs “describe” >}} {{< tab “Java” >}} DESCRIBE statements can be executed with the executeSql() method of the TableEnvironment. The executeSql() method returns the schema of given table for a successful DESCRIBE operation, otherwise will throw an exception.

The following examples show how to run a DESCRIBE statement in TableEnvironment. {{< /tab >}} {{< tab “Scala” >}} DESCRIBE statements can be executed with the executeSql() method of the TableEnvironment. The executeSql() method returns the schema of given table for a successful DESCRIBE operation, otherwise will throw an exception.

The following examples show how to run a DESCRIBE statement in TableEnvironment. {{< /tab >}} {{< tab “Python” >}}

DESCRIBE statements can be executed with the execute_sql() method of the TableEnvironment. The execute_sql() method returns the schema of given table for a successful DESCRIBE operation, otherwise will throw an exception.

The following examples show how to run a DESCRIBE statement in TableEnvironment.

{{< /tab >}} {{< tab “SQL CLI” >}}

DESCRIBE statements can be executed in [SQL CLI]({{< ref “docs/dev/table/sqlClient” >}}).

The following examples show how to run a DESCRIBE statement in SQL CLI.

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{{< tabs “a5de1760-e363-4b8d-9d6f-0bacb35b9dcf” >}} {{< tab “Java” >}}

TableEnvironment tableEnv = TableEnvironment.create(...);

// register a table named "Orders"
        "CREATE TABLE Orders (" +
        " `user` BIGINT NOT NULl," +
        " product VARCHAR(32)," +
        " amount INT," +
        " ts TIMESTAMP(3)," +
        " ptime AS PROCTIME()," +
        " PRIMARY KEY(`user`) NOT ENFORCED," +
        " WATERMARK FOR ts AS ts - INTERVAL '1' SECONDS" +
        ") with (...)");

// print the schema
tableEnv.executeSql("DESCRIBE Orders").print();

// print the schema
tableEnv.executeSql("DESC Orders").print();

{{< /tab >}} {{< tab “Scala” >}}

val tableEnv = TableEnvironment.create(...)

// register a table named "Orders"
        "CREATE TABLE Orders (" +
        " `user` BIGINT NOT NULl," +
        " product VARCHAR(32)," +
        " amount INT," +
        " ts TIMESTAMP(3)," +
        " ptime AS PROCTIME()," +
        " PRIMARY KEY(`user`) NOT ENFORCED," +
        " WATERMARK FOR ts AS ts - INTERVAL '1' SECONDS" +
        ") with (...)")

// print the schema
tableEnv.executeSql("DESCRIBE Orders").print()

// print the schema
tableEnv.executeSql("DESC Orders").print()

{{< /tab >}} {{< tab “Python” >}}

table_env = TableEnvironment.create(...)

# register a table named "Orders"
table_env.execute_sql( \
        "CREATE TABLE Orders (" 
        " `user` BIGINT NOT NULl," 
        " product VARCHAR(32),"
        " amount INT,"
        " ts TIMESTAMP(3),"
        " ptime AS PROCTIME(),"
        " PRIMARY KEY(`user`) NOT ENFORCED,"
        ") with (...)");

# print the schema
table_env.execute_sql("DESCRIBE Orders").print()

# print the schema
table_env.execute_sql("DESC Orders").print()

{{< /tab >}} {{< tab “SQL CLI” >}}

Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE Orders (
>  `user` BIGINT NOT NULl,
>  product VARCHAR(32),
>  amount INT,
>  ts TIMESTAMP(3),
>  ptime AS PROCTIME(),
> ) with (
>  ...
> );
[INFO] Table has been created.

Flink SQL> DESCRIBE Orders;

Flink SQL> DESC Orders;

{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}

The result of the above example is: {{< tabs “c20da697-b9fc-434b-b7e5-3b51510eee5b” >}} {{< tab “Java” >}}

+---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ | name | type | null | key | computed column | watermark | +---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ | user | BIGINT | false | PRI(user) | | | | product | VARCHAR(32) | true | | | | | amount | INT | true | | | | | ts | TIMESTAMP(3) *ROWTIME* | true | | | `ts` - INTERVAL '1' SECOND | | ptime | TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL *PROCTIME* | false | | PROCTIME() | | +---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ 5 rows in set

{{< /tab >}} {{< tab “Scala” >}}

+---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ | name | type | null | key | computed column | watermark | +---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ | user | BIGINT | false | PRI(user) | | | | product | VARCHAR(32) | true | | | | | amount | INT | true | | | | | ts | TIMESTAMP(3) *ROWTIME* | true | | | `ts` - INTERVAL '1' SECOND | | ptime | TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL *PROCTIME* | false | | PROCTIME() | | +---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ 5 rows in set

{{< /tab >}} {{< tab “Python” >}}

+---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ | name | type | null | key | computed column | watermark | +---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ | user | BIGINT | false | PRI(user) | | | | product | VARCHAR(32) | true | | | | | amount | INT | true | | | | | ts | TIMESTAMP(3) *ROWTIME* | true | | | `ts` - INTERVAL '1' SECOND | | ptime | TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL *PROCTIME* | false | | PROCTIME() | | +---------+----------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------------+----------------------------+ 5 rows in set

{{< /tab >}} {{< tab “SQL CLI” >}}

root |-- user: BIGINT NOT NULL |-- product: VARCHAR(32) |-- amount: INT |-- ts: TIMESTAMP(3) *ROWTIME* |-- ptime: TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL *PROCTIME* AS PROCTIME() |-- WATERMARK FOR ts AS `ts` - INTERVAL '1' SECOND |-- CONSTRAINT PK_3599338 PRIMARY KEY (user)

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{{< top >}}


{ DESCRIBE | DESC } [catalog_name.][db_name.]table_name