blob: 683185d25ff0788e3b95c6f9ee1f65d985895469 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var maxColumnWidth = 200;
var minColumnWidth = 100;
// global variable for the currently requested plan
var pactPlanRequested = 0;
* This function toggels the child checkbox on and of, depending on the parent's state
function toggleShowPlanBox(box)
var child = $('#suspendJobDuringPlanCheck');
if (':checked')) {
child.attr('disabled', false);
else {
child.attr('disabled', true);
* Shows an error message below the upload field.
function showUploadError(message)
$('#upload_error_text').fadeOut("fast", function () { $('#upload_error_text')[0].innerHTML = "" + message;
$('#upload_error_text').fadeIn("slow"); } );
* Checks the selected file and triggers an upload, if all is correct.
function processUpload()
var filename = $('#upload_file_input').val();
var len = filename.length;
if (len == 0) {
showUploadError("Please select a file.");
else if (len > 4 && filename.substr(len - 4, len) == ".jar") {
else {
showUploadError("Please select a .jar file.");
* This function makes sure only one checkbox is selected.
* Upon selection it initializes the drawing of the pact plan.
* Upon deselection, it clears the pact plan.
function toggleCheckboxes(box)
if (':checked')) {
$('.jobItemCheckbox').attr('checked', false);
box.attr('checked', true);
var id = box.parentsUntil('.JobListItems').parent().attr('id').substr(4);
var assemblerClass = box.attr('id');
pactPlanRequested = id;
type: "GET",
url: "pactPlan",
data: { job: id, assemblerClass: assemblerClass},
success: function(response) { showPreviewPlan(response); }
else {
* Function that takes the returned plan and draws it.
function showPreviewPlan(data)
var svgElement = "<div id=\"attach\"><svg id=\"svg-main\" width=500 height=500><g transform=\"translate(20, 20)\"/></svg></div>";
drawGraph(data.plan, "#svg-main");
pactPlanRequested = 0;
//activate zoom buttons
// }
* Asynchronously loads the jobs and creates a list of them.
function loadJobList()
$.get("jobs", { action: "list" }, createJobList);
* Triggers an AJAX request to delete a job.
function deleteJob(id)
var name = id.substr(4);
$.get("jobs", { action: "delete", filename: name }, loadJobList);
* Creates and lists the returned jobs.
function createJobList(data)
var markup = "";
var lines = data.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
if (lines[i] == null || lines[i].length == 0) {
var date = "unknown date";
var assemblerClass = "<em>no entry class specified</em>";
var tokens = lines[i].split("\t");
var name = tokens[0];
if (tokens.length > 1) {
date = tokens[1];
if (tokens.length > 2) {
assemblerClass = tokens[2];
var entries = assemblerClass.split("#");
var classes = entries[0].split(",");
markup += '<div id="job_' + name + '" class="JobListItems"><table class="table"><tr>';
markup += '<td colspan="2"><p class="JobListItemsName">' + name + '</p></td>';
markup += '<td><p class="JobListItemsDate">' + date + '</p></td>';
markup += '<td width="30px"><img class="jobItemDeleteIcon" src="img/delete-icon.png" width="24" height="24" /></td></tr>';
var j = 0;
for (var idx in classes) {
markup += '<tr><td width="30px;"><input id="' + classes[idx] + '" class="jobItemCheckbox" type="checkbox"></td>';
markup += '<td colspan="3"><p class="JobListItemsDate" title="' + entries[++j] + '">' + classes[idx] + '</p></td></tr>';
markup += '</table></div>';
// add the contents
// register the event handler that triggers the delete when the delete icon is clicked
$('.jobItemDeleteIcon').click(function () { deleteJob($(this).parentsUntil('.JobListItems').parent().attr('id')); } );
// register the event handler, that ensures only one checkbox is active
$('.jobItemCheckbox').change(function () { toggleCheckboxes($(this)) });
* Function that checks and launches a pact job.
function runJob ()
var job = $('.jobItemCheckbox:checked');
if (job.length == 0) {
$('#run_error_text').fadeOut("fast", function () { $('#run_error_text')[0].innerHTML = "Select a job to run.";
$('#run_error_text').fadeIn("slow"); } );
var jobName = job.parentsUntil('.JobListItems').parent().attr('id').substr(4);
var assemblerClass = job.attr('id');
var showPlan = $('#showPlanCheck').is(':checked');
var suspendPlan = $('#suspendJobDuringPlanCheck').is(':checked');
var options = $('#commandLineOptionsField').attr('value'); //TODO? Replace with .val() ?
var args = $('#commandLineArgsField').attr('value'); //TODO? Replace with .val() ?
var url;
if (assemblerClass == "<em>no entry class specified</em>") {
url = "runJob?" + $.param({ action: "submit", options: options, job: jobName, arguments: args, show_plan: showPlan, suspend: suspendPlan});
} else {
url = "runJob?" + $.param({ action: "submit", options: options, job: jobName, assemblerClass: assemblerClass, arguments: args, show_plan: showPlan, suspend: suspendPlan});
window.location = url;
* Document initialization.
$(document).ready(function ()
// hide the error text sections
// register the event listener that keeps the hidden file form and the text fied in sync
$('#upload_file_input').change(function () { $('#upload_file_name_text').val($(this).val()) } );
// register the event handler for the upload button
// register the event handler that (in)activates the plan display checkbox
$('#showPlanCheck').change(function () { toggleShowPlanBox ($(this)); });
// start the ajax load of the jobs