Stateful Functions Documentation

This documentation is using with the plugin.

Consult the requirements.txt file for the relevant versions of the packages we're using.

Build the documentation locally

Since we're using the sphinxcontrib-versioning plugin to build multiple versions of the documentation, building the docs locally will depend on what you want to achieve.

If you are only concerend with seeing a particular branch/commit that you're working on, then using make docker-autobuild will achieve what you want. You can then navigate to http://localhost:8000/index.html to see the resulting pages, and it will auto rebuild the docs on every edit as well.

If the build fails or you experience any issues, try doing a make clean to remove any old build artifacts first.

Export the documentation locally as PDF

make docker-latexpdf will export the current brach/commit of the documentation asd PDF. The final documentation will be located under _build/pdf/latex/StatefulFunctions.pdf.