tree: 1fb45c2db5bdb35bd14f12e56656c21b46da17e5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. docker-compose.yml
  3. Dockerfile
  4. module.yaml
  5. pom.xml
  7. user-logins.txt

Greeter Example with Docker Compose

This example is intended as a follow-up after completion of the Java SDK Showcase Tutorial. If you‘re already familiar with the Java SDK fundamentals and would like to get a better understanding of how a realistic StateFun application looks like, then you’re in the right place! Otherwise, we highly suggest taking a look at the Showcase tutorial first.

This example works with Docker Compose, and runs a few services that build up an end-to-end StateFun application:

  • Functions service that runs your functions and expose them through an HTTP endpoint.
  • StateFun runtime processes (a manager plus workers) that will handle ingress, egress, and inter-function messages as well as function state storage in a consistent and fault-tolerant manner.
  • Apache Kafka broker for the application ingress and egress. StateFun currently natively supports AWS Kinesis as well, and you can also extend to connect with other systems.

To motivate this example, we'll implement a simple user greeter application, which has two functions - a UserFn that expects UserLogin JSON events from an ingress and keeps in state storage information about users, and a GreetingsFn that accepts user information to generate personalized greeting messages that are sent to users via an egress.

Directory structure

  • src/, pom.xml and Dockerfile: These files and directories are the contents of a Java Maven project which builds our functions service, hosting the UserFn and UserLogin behind a HTTP endpoint. Check out the source code under src/main/java. The Dockerfile is used to build a Docker image for our functions service.
  • user-logins.txt: A file with multiple JSON objects per line; this is used as test events produced to our application ingress.
  • module.yaml: The Module Specification file to be mounted to the StateFun runtime process containers. This configures a few things for a StateFun application, such as the service endpoints of the application's functions, as well as definitions of Ingresses and Egresses which the application will use.
  • docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose file to spin up everything.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Running the example

First, lets build the example. From this directory, execute:

$ docker-compose build

This pulls all the necessary Docker images (StateFun and Kafka), and also builds the functions service image. This can take a few minutes as it also needs to build the function's Java project.

Afterward the build completes, start running all the services:

$ docker-compose up

Play around!

You can take a look at what messages are being sent to the Kafka egress:

$ docker-compose exec kafka kafka-console-consumer \
      --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
      --topic greetings \

You can also try modifying the function code in the src/main/java directory, and do a zero-downtime upgrade of the functions. Some ideas you can try out:

  • Add some more state to be persisted by the UserFn. For example, let it additionally keep track of the user's previous login location.
  • Or maybe just simply changing the greetings message generated by the GreetingsFn!

After you've finished changing the function code, you can do a hot redeploy of your functions service:

$ docker-compose up -d --build greeter-functions

This rebuilds the functions service image with the updated code, and restarts the service with the new image.