
When updating the playgrounds we have to deal with three versions that need to be adjusted.

Externally defined versions:

  • Flink version: Version of Apache Flink
  • Flink Docker image version: Version of the official Flink Docker image on Docker Hub

Internally defined version:

  • Playground Version: This version is used for the Java artifacts and Docker images. It follows the scheme of <Playground-Version>-Flink-<Minor-Flink-Version>. For example 2-Flink-1.9 denotes Version 2 of the playground for Flink 1.9.x.

Updating the playgrounds

Update playgrounds due to a new minor (or major) Flink release

First of all, check that a Flink Docker image was published on Docker Hub for the new Flink version.

Update all playgrounds as follows:

  1. All pom.xml:
  • Update the versions of all Flink dependencies
  • Update the Maven artifact version to the new playground version (1-Flink-1.9 if 1.9.0 is the new Flink release).
  • Check that all Maven projects build.
  1. All Dockerfile:
    • Update version of the base image to the new Flink Docker image version.
  2. docker-compose.yaml:
    • Update the version of the Flink containers to the new Flink docker image version.
    • Update the version of the custom Docker images to the new playground version.

Update a playground due to bug in a custom Docker image

Whenever, you need to update a Docker image, please increment the playground version in the following places.

  • the artifact version of all Maven projects in all pom.xml files.
  • the tag (name and version) of all custom images in all docker-compose.yaml files.

Update a playground without updating a custom Docker image

Just update the docker-compose.yaml file.