[FLINK-8468][RabbitMQ] Make RabbitMQ connector to take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange and message properties)

[FLINK-8468] Make the connector to take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange and message properties) and Test

[FLINK-8468] Make the connector to take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange and message properties) and Test

[FLINK-8468] Make the connector to take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange and message properties) and Test

[FLINK-8468] Make the connector to take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange and message properties) and Test

[FLINK-8468] Make the connector to take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange and message properties) and Test

[FLINK-8468] Make the connector to take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange and message properties) and Test

Fix test assertions and imports

Modified according to code reviews.

[FLINK-8468] Take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange, flags, message properties and returnListener)

Update README.md

Update Readme.md

[FLINK-8468] Take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange, flags, message properties and returnListener)

[FLINK-8468] Take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange, flags, message properties and returnListener)

[FLINK-8468] Take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange, flags, message properties and returnListener)

[FLINK-8468] Take advantage of AMQP features (routing key, exchange, flags, message properties and returnListener)
4 files changed
tree: 1916eaecf53ce41d5544964706f200f4870f132f
  1. .github/
  2. .idea/
  3. docs/
  4. flink-connector-rabbitmq/
  5. tools/
  6. .asf.yaml
  7. .gitignore
  10. README.md
