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## Request Signer for Amazon Managed Prometheus (AMP)
Request signer implementation for Amazon Managed Prometheus (AMP)
The signer retrieves AWS credential using a ``.
The default `com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain` works in most of the cases.
Alternatively, you can pass an instance of `AwsCredentialsProvider` to the signer constructor.
The Flink application requires `RemoteWrite` permissions to the AMP workspace (e.g. `AmazonPromethusRemoteWriteAccess`
### Sample usage
To enable request signing for Amazon Managed Prometheus, and instance of `AmazonManagedPrometheusWriteRequestSigner`
must be provided when building the `PrometheusSink` instance. The only required parameters are the AWS region and the
AMP remote-write URL.
// AWS region of the AMP workspace
String prometheusRegion = "us-east-1";
// Remote-Write URL of the AMP workspace
String prometheusRemoteWriteUrl = "";
// Build the sink to AMP using the request signer
AsyncSinkBase<PrometheusTimeSeries, Types.TimeSeries> sink = PrometheusSink.builder()
.setRequestSigner(new AmazonManagedPrometheusWriteRequestSigner(prometheusRemoteWriteUrl, prometheusRegion))