blob: b1649b26f9279cdb8c5c8017dbff7e05ce1be137 [file] [log] [blame]
org.apache.flink.connector.opensearch.sink.Opensearch2SinkITCase does not satisfy: only one of the following predicates match:\
* reside in a package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and contain any fields that are static, final, and of type InternalMiniClusterExtension and annotated with @RegisterExtension\
* reside outside of package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and contain any fields that are static, final, and of type MiniClusterExtension and annotated with @RegisterExtension or are , and of type MiniClusterTestEnvironment and annotated with @TestEnv\
* reside in a package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and is annotated with @ExtendWith with class InternalMiniClusterExtension\
* reside outside of package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and is annotated with @ExtendWith with class MiniClusterExtension\
or contain any fields that are public, static, and of type MiniClusterWithClientResource and final and annotated with @ClassRule or contain any fields that is of type MiniClusterWithClientResource and public and final and not static and annotated with @Rule
org.apache.flink.connector.opensearch.sink.Opensearch2WriterITCase does not satisfy: only one of the following predicates match:\
* reside in a package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and contain any fields that are static, final, and of type InternalMiniClusterExtension and annotated with @RegisterExtension\
* reside outside of package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and contain any fields that are static, final, and of type MiniClusterExtension and annotated with @RegisterExtension or are , and of type MiniClusterTestEnvironment and annotated with @TestEnv\
* reside in a package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and is annotated with @ExtendWith with class InternalMiniClusterExtension\
* reside outside of package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and is annotated with @ExtendWith with class MiniClusterExtension\
or contain any fields that are public, static, and of type MiniClusterWithClientResource and final and annotated with @ClassRule or contain any fields that is of type MiniClusterWithClientResource and public and final and not static and annotated with @Rule
org.apache.flink.connector.opensearch.table.Opensearch2DynamicSinkITCase does not satisfy: only one of the following predicates match:\
* reside in a package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and contain any fields that are static, final, and of type InternalMiniClusterExtension and annotated with @RegisterExtension\
* reside outside of package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and contain any fields that are static, final, and of type MiniClusterExtension and annotated with @RegisterExtension or are , and of type MiniClusterTestEnvironment and annotated with @TestEnv\
* reside in a package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and is annotated with @ExtendWith with class InternalMiniClusterExtension\
* reside outside of package 'org.apache.flink.runtime.*' and is annotated with @ExtendWith with class MiniClusterExtension\
or contain any fields that are public, static, and of type MiniClusterWithClientResource and final and annotated with @ClassRule or contain any fields that is of type MiniClusterWithClientResource and public and final and not static and annotated with @Rule