tree: 8747ce813af899eecb82045e98a16161169630df [path history] [tgz]
  1. flink-connector-aws-kinesis-firehose-e2e-tests/
  2. flink-connector-aws-kinesis-streams-e2e-tests/
  3. flink-connector-kinesis-e2e-tests/
  4. flink-formats-avro-glue-schema-registry-e2e-tests/
  5. flink-formats-json-glue-schema-registry-e2e-tests/
  6. pom.xml

Apache Flink AWS Connectors end-to-end tests

To run the end-to-end tests you will need a flink-dist. You can build Flink from source or download from For example, download flink-{FLINK_VERSION}-bin-scala_{SCALA_VERSION}.tgz and extract, then find flink-dist-{FLINK_VERSION}.jar in the lib folder.

The end-to-end tests are disabled by default, to run them you can use the run-end-to-end-tests maven profile.

Example command to run end-to-end tests:

mvn clean verify -Prun-end-to-end-tests -DdistDir=<path-to-dist>/flink-{FLINK_VERSION}/lib/flink-dist-{FLINK_VERSION}.jar 

Running end-to-end tests which require AWS credentials

This test suite includes some integration tests that require access to AWS credentials. These tests run directly against AWS services.

These tests can be run by configuring the required AWS credentials, and using the run-aws-end-to-end-tests maven profile. Example command:

FLINK_AWS_USER=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> FLINK_AWS_PASSWORD=<AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> mvn clean verify -Prun-aws-end-to-end-tests -DdistDir=<path-to-dist>/flink-{FLINK_VERSION}/lib/flink-dist-{FLINK_VERSION}.jar