Apache Flink AWS Connectors end-to-end tests

To run the end-to-end tests you will need a flink-dist. You can build Flink from source or download from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/flink. For example, download flink-{FLINK_VERSION}-bin-scala_{SCALA_VERSION}.tgz and extract, then find flink-dist-{FLINK_VERSION}.jar in the lib folder.

The end-to-end tests are disabled by default, to run them you can use the run-end-to-end-tests maven profile.

Example command to run end-to-end tests:

mvn clean verify -Prun-end-to-end-tests -DdistDir=<path-to-dist>/flink-{FLINK_VERSION}/lib/flink-dist-{FLINK_VERSION}.jar