| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <!-- |
| |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| |
| --> |
| <mx:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" |
| xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" |
| xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" |
| xmlns:haloviews="halo.views.*" |
| xmlns:sparkviews="spark.views.*" |
| xmlns:graphicsviews="graphics.views.*" |
| xmlns:fxgviews="fxg.views.*" |
| xmlns:dmvviews="dmv.views.*" |
| preloader="BasicTestsPreloader" |
| height="800" width="1000" |
| paddingTop="8" verticalGap="0" |
| > |
| |
| <!-- Style sheet used in this application --> |
| <fx:Style source="BasicTests.css"/> |
| |
| <!-- STEP 1: Add a state for your test here --> |
| <mx:states> |
| <mx:State name="basicTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloButtonTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloCheckBoxTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloRadioButtonTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloTextInputTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloTextAreaTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloComboBoxTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloColorPickerTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloNumericStepperTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloDateFieldTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloMenuTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloMenuBarTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloFocusManagerTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloListAndDataGridTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloTreeTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloImageTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloSWFLoaderTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloTextTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloFTETextTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloProgressBarTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloSliderTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloTabNavigatorTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloAccordionTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloAlertTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloRPCDataBindingTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="haloCollectionTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="dmvADGTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="dmvODGTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="dmvChartsTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkListDragDropTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkBorderContainerTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkButtonTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkCheckBoxTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkAnimateConstraintsTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkEasingTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkRadioButtonTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkTextInputTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkTextAreaTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkComboBoxTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkDropDownListTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkFormTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkLayoutDirectionTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkNumericStepperTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkSliderTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkScrollBarTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkDeferredInstantiationTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkLayoutTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkPanelControlBarTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkButtonBarTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkTileGroupTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkTitleWindowTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkVideoPlayerTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="mxItemRendererTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="graphicsTagsTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="fxgCompileTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="fxg2CompileTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="designLayerTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="styleManagerTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="fxg2RuntimeTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="imageTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkDateTimeFormatterTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkAdvancedStyleClientTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkNumberFormatterTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkStringToolsTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkCollatorTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkCurrencyFormatterTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkDataGridTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkCurrencyValidatorTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkNumberValidatorTest" /> |
| <mx:State name="sparkSortTest" /> |
| </mx:states> |
| |
| <!-- STEP 2: Add an mxml component with the widgets for your test here --> |
| <haloviews:ButtonTests id="haloButtonTests" includeIn="haloButtonTest" /> |
| <haloviews:CheckBoxTests id="haloCheckBoxTests" includeIn="haloCheckBoxTest" /> |
| <haloviews:RadioButtonTests id="haloRadioButtonTests" includeIn="haloRadioButtonTest" /> |
| <haloviews:TextInputTests id="haloTextInputTests" includeIn="haloTextInputTest" /> |
| <haloviews:TextAreaTests id="haloTextAreaTests" includeIn="haloTextAreaTest" /> |
| <haloviews:ComboBoxTests id="haloComboBoxTests" includeIn="haloComboBoxTest" /> |
| <haloviews:ColorPickerTests id="haloColorPickerTests" includeIn="haloColorPickerTest" /> |
| <haloviews:NumericStepperTests id="haloNumericStepperTests" includeIn="haloNumericStepperTest" /> |
| <haloviews:DateFieldTests id="haloDateFieldTests" includeIn="haloDateFieldTest" /> |
| <haloviews:MenuTests id="haloMenuTests" includeIn="haloMenuTest" /> |
| <haloviews:MenuBarTests id="haloMenuBarTests" includeIn="haloMenuBarTest" /> |
| <haloviews:FocusManagerTests id="haloFocusManagerTests" includeIn="haloFocusManagerTest" /> |
| <haloviews:ListAndDataGridTests id="haloListAndDataGridTests" includeIn="haloListAndDataGridTest" /> |
| <haloviews:TreeTests id="haloTreeTests" includeIn="haloTreeTest" /> |
| <haloviews:ImageTests id="haloImageTests" includeIn="haloImageTest" /> |
| <haloviews:SWFLoaderTests id="haloSWFLoaderTests" includeIn="haloSWFLoaderTest" /> |
| <haloviews:TextTests id="haloTextTests" includeIn="haloTextTest" /> |
| <haloviews:FTETextTests id="haloFTETextTests" includeIn="haloFTETextTest" /> |
| <haloviews:ProgressBarTests id="haloProgressBarTests" includeIn="haloProgressBarTest" /> |
| <haloviews:SliderTests id="haloSliderTests" includeIn="haloSliderTest" /> |
| <haloviews:TabNavigatorTests id="haloTabNavigatorTests" includeIn="haloTabNavigatorTest" /> |
| <haloviews:AccordionTests id="haloAccordionTests" includeIn="haloAccordionTest" /> |
| <haloviews:AlertTests id="haloAlertTests" includeIn="haloAlertTest" /> |
| <haloviews:RPCDataBindingTests id="haloRPCDataBindingTests" includeIn="haloRPCDataBindingTest" /> |
| <haloviews:CollectionTests id="haloCollectionTests" includeIn="haloCollectionTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:ListDragDropTests id="sparkListDragDropTests" includeIn="sparkListDragDropTest" /> |
| <haloviews:MXItemRendererTests id="mxItemRendererTests" includeIn="mxItemRendererTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:BorderContainerTests id="sparkBorderContainerTests" includeIn="sparkBorderContainerTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:ButtonTests id="sparkButtonTests" includeIn="sparkButtonTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:CheckBoxTests id="sparkCheckBoxTests" includeIn="sparkCheckBoxTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:EasingTests id="sparkEasingTests" includeIn="sparkEasingTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:AnimateConstraintsTests id="sparkAnimateConstraintsTests" includeIn="sparkAnimateConstraintsTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:RadioButtonTests id="sparkRadioButtonTests" includeIn="sparkRadioButtonTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:TextInputTests id="sparkTextInputTests" includeIn="sparkTextInputTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:TextAreaTests id="sparkTextAreaTests" includeIn="sparkTextAreaTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:ComboBoxTests id="sparkComboBoxTests" includeIn="sparkComboBoxTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:DropDownListTests id="sparkDropDownListTests" includeIn="sparkDropDownListTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:FormTests id="sparkFormTests" includeIn="sparkFormTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:LayoutDirectionTests id="sparkLayoutDirectionTests" includeIn="sparkLayoutDirectionTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:NumericStepperTests id="sparkNumericStepperTests" includeIn="sparkNumericStepperTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:SliderTests id="sparkSliderTests" includeIn="sparkSliderTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:ScrollBarTests id="sparkScrollBarTests" includeIn="sparkScrollBarTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:DeferredInstantiationTests id="sparkDeferredInstantiationTests" includeIn="sparkDeferredInstantiationTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:DesignLayerTests id="designLayerTests" includeIn="designLayerTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:TileGroupTests id="sparkTileGroupTests" includeIn="sparkTileGroupTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:LayoutTests id="sparkLayoutTests" includeIn="sparkLayoutTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:PanelControlBarTests id="sparkPanelControlBarTests" includeIn="sparkPanelControlBarTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:ButtonBarTests id="sparkButtonBarTests" includeIn="sparkButtonBarTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:TitleWindowTests id="sparkTitleWindowTests" includeIn="sparkTitleWindowTest" /> |
| <graphicsviews:GraphicsTagsTests id="graphicsTagsTests" includeIn="graphicsTagsTest" /> |
| <fxgviews:FXGCompileTests id="fxgCompileTests" includeIn="fxgCompileTest" /> |
| <fxgviews:FXG2CompileTests id="fxg2CompileTests" includeIn="fxg2CompileTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:StyleManagerTests id="styleManagerTests" includeIn="styleManagerTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:FXG2RuntimeTests id="fxg2RuntimeTests" includeIn="fxg2RuntimeTest" /> |
| <dmvviews:ADGTests id="dmvADGTests" includeIn="dmvADGTest" /> |
| <dmvviews:ODGTests id="dmvODGTests" includeIn="dmvODGTest" /> |
| <dmvviews:ChartsTests id="dmvChartsTests" includeIn="dmvChartsTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:ImageTests id="imageTests" includeIn="imageTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:DateTimeFormatterTests id="sparkDateTimeFormatterTests" includeIn="sparkDateTimeFormatterTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:AdvancedStyleClientTests id="sparkAdvancedStyleClientTests" includeIn="sparkAdvancedStyleClientTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:NumberFormatterTests id="sparkNumberFormatterTests" includeIn="sparkNumberFormatterTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:StringToolsTests id="sparkStringToolsTests" includeIn="sparkStringToolsTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:CollatorTests id="sparkCollatorTests" includeIn="sparkCollatorTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:CurrencyFormatterTests id="sparkCurrencyFormatterTests" includeIn="sparkCurrencyFormatterTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:DataGridTests id="sparkDataGridTests" includeIn="sparkDataGridTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:CurrencyValidatorTests id="sparkCurrencyValidatorTests" includeIn="sparkCurrencyValidatorTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:NumberValidatorTests id="sparkNumberValidatorTests" includeIn="sparkNumberValidatorTest" /> |
| <sparkviews:SortTests id="sparkSortTests" includeIn="sparkSortTest" /> |
| |
| |
| <!-- STEP 3: Add the testscript to BasicTests-config.xml --> |
| |
| <!-- STEP 4 (Optional): Debug your state without running tests. |
| a. Rename BasicTests-config.xml to BasicTests-config.sav |
| b. Uncomment the block of components below. |
| c. Re-run basic tests or compile BasicTests.mxml at the command line and run BasicTests.swf. |
| d. Enter the name of the state you want to debug. |
| --> |
| |
| <!-- |
| <s:Group > |
| <s:layout> |
| <s:HorizontalLayout paddingTop="10" /> |
| </s:layout> |
| <mx:Label text="Enter the new state:" /> |
| <mx:TextInput id="newStateInput" text="" enter="{currentState=newStateInput.text}" /> |
| </s:Group> |
| --> |
| </mx:Application> |