| <?xml version="1.0"?> |
| <!-- |
| |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| |
| --> |
| |
| <project name="Installer" basedir="." default="build"> |
| |
| <!--load environment variables prefixed with env --> |
| <property environment="env"/> |
| |
| <!--location of property file --> |
| <property file="${basedir}/local.properties" /> |
| <condition property="CERT_PASSWORD_FILE" value="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE_WIN}" > |
| <and> |
| <not> |
| <available file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE}" /> |
| </not> |
| <available file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE_WIN}" /> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="CERT_PASSWORD_FILE" value="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE_MAC}" > |
| <and> |
| <not> |
| <available file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE}" /> |
| </not> |
| <available file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE_MAC}" /> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE" value="${RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE_WIN}" > |
| <and> |
| <not> |
| <available file="${RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE}" /> |
| </not> |
| <available file="${RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE_WIN}" /> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE" value="${RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE_MAC}" > |
| <and> |
| <not> |
| <available file="${RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE}" /> |
| </not> |
| <available file="${RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE_MAC}" /> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <property file="${basedir}/build.properties" description="Properties for Apache Flex SDK Installer project" /> |
| <property file="${basedir}/build.number"/> |
| <property file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE}"/> |
| |
| <property name="installer.version" value="${release.version}"/> |
| <property name="kit.prefix" value="apache-flex-sdk-installer-${installer.version}"/> |
| <property name="kit.prefix64" value="apache-flex-sdk-installer-${installer.version}-64bit"/> |
| <property name="source.kit" value="${kit.prefix}-src"/> |
| <property name="binary.kit" value="${kit.prefix}-bin"/> |
| <property name="LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE" value="${basedir}/src/installer/sdk-installer-config-4.0.xml" /> |
| |
| <!--<property name="commons.zip" value="http://projects.yoolab.org/maven/content/repositories/releases/org/as3commons/as3commons-zip/1.0.0-alpha.1/as3commons-zip-1.0.0-alpha.1.swc" />--> |
| <!-- use this one for now until we find a better source --> |
| <property name="commons.zip" value="https://github.com/bigosmallm/MakeApacheFlexForFlashBuilder/blob/master/libs/as3commons-zip-1.0.0-alpha.1.swc?raw=true" /> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Properties are immutable so value frozen first time property is set. |
| If FLEX_HOME is not set with -DFLEX_HOME=/path/to/flex/sdk on the ant command line |
| use the environment variable, if it exists. Else if windows, use FLEX_HOME_WIN |
| else use FLEX_HOME_MAC, which are both defined in build.properties. |
| --> |
| <condition property="FLEX_HOME" value="${env.FLEX_HOME}"> |
| <isset property="env.FLEX_HOME" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="FLEX_HOME" value="${FLEX_HOME_WIN}"> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="FLEX_HOME" value="${FLEX_HOME_MAC}"> |
| <os family="mac"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="FLEX_HOME" value="${FLEX_HOME_LINUX}"> |
| <os family="unix"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="adl" value="adl.exe"> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="adl" value="adl"> |
| <os family="mac"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="runtime" value="win"> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="runtime" value="mac"> |
| <os family="mac"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="isWindows"> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="LOCAL_CONFIG_URL" value="file:///${LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE}"> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| </condition> |
| <property name="LOCAL_CONFIG_URL" value="file://${LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE}" /> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Properties are immutable so value frozen first time property is set. |
| If AIR_HOME is not set on the command line with -DAIR_HOME=/path/to/air/sdk on the |
| ant command line use the environment variable, if it exists. Else if windows, use |
| AIR_HOME_WIN else use AIR_HOME_MAC, which are both defined in build.properties. |
| --> |
| <condition property="AIR_HOME" value="${env.AIR_HOME}"> |
| <isset property="env.AIR_HOME" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="AIR_HOME" value="${AIR_HOME_WIN}"> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="AIR_HOME" value="${AIR_HOME_MAC}"> |
| <os family="mac"/> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="AIR_HOME" value="${AIR_HOME_LINUX}"> |
| <os family="unix"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="cert_pwd_not_found" > |
| <not> |
| <available file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE}"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="KEYSTORE" value="${RELEASE_KEYSTORE_FILE}" > |
| <available file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE}"/> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="KEYSTORE" value="temp.p12" > |
| <not> |
| <available file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE}"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="CERT_PASSWORD" value="${TEMP_PASS_CHANGE_THIS}" > |
| <not> |
| <available file="${CERT_PASSWORD_FILE}"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <!-- compilers --> |
| <property name="ADL" value="${AIR_HOME}/bin/adl"/> |
| <property name="ADT" value="${AIR_HOME}/lib/adt.jar"/> |
| |
| <!-- additional tasks - mxmlc tag --> |
| <path id="flexTasks.path"> |
| <fileset dir="${FLEX_HOME}"> |
| <include name="lib/flexTasks.jar" /> |
| <include name="ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" /> |
| </fileset> |
| </path> |
| <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpathref="flexTasks.path"/> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Optional jars but should be in place for a real release build. |
| |
| For <rat> apache-rat-0.8.jar and apache-rat-tasks-0.8.jar should be in classpath. |
| See rat-report. |
| --> |
| <path id="anttask.classpath"> |
| <fileset dir="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib"> |
| <include name="**/apache-rat*.jar"/> |
| </fileset> |
| <fileset dir="${user.home}"> |
| <include name=".ant/lib/**/apache-rat*.jar"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </path> |
| |
| <!-- AIR package extension --> |
| <condition property="extension" value="exe"> |
| <os family="windows" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="extension" value="dmg"> |
| <os family="mac" /> |
| </condition> |
| <condition property="extension" value="deb"> |
| <os family="unix" /> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <target name="build" depends="init,certificate,compile,packagenative,packagebundle,cleanup" |
| description="Compiles and packages application"/> |
| |
| <target name="release" depends="clean,build,source-package,rat-report,sign,copy-misc" |
| description="Build the application and package up the distros for release."/> |
| |
| <target name="init" depends="clean,createDirs,update-version-in-xml-files" |
| description="Creates the deploy folders and sets app extension"/> |
| |
| <target name="clean" description="Cleans up old files."> |
| <delete dir="${BUILD_DIR}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" /> |
| <delete dir="${DEPS_DIR}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" /> |
| <delete dir="${LIBRARY_DIR}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" /> |
| <delete dir="${RELEASE_DIR}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" /> |
| <delete file="${basedir}/rat.report" failOnError="false"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="cleanup" description="Cleans up old files." unless="no.cleanup"> |
| <delete dir="${BUILD_DIR}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="createDirs"> |
| <echo>***************************************${line.separator}Execute the update-version target once,${line.separator}and only once, when you modifiy this app.${line.separator}This will increment the version number to allow${line.separator}the app to be updated by the AIR installer.${line.separator}*************************************** |
| </echo> |
| <mkdir dir="${BUILD_DIR}"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${RELEASE_DIR}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Make sure version, esp, build.number, in APP_NAME-app.xml is in sync. --> |
| <target name="update-version-in-xml-files" description="Update version in APP_NAME-app.xml."> |
| <echo message="version in ${APP_NAME}-app.xml will be ${installer.version}"/> |
| <replaceregexp byline="true"> |
| <regexp pattern="<versionNumber>(\d+\.)?(\d+\.)?(\d+)</versionNumber>"/> |
| <substitution expression="<versionNumber>${installer.version}</versionNumber>"/> |
| <fileset dir="${SOURCE_DIR}"> |
| <include name="${APP_NAME}-app.xml"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </replaceregexp> |
| <replaceregexp byline="true"> |
| <regexp pattern="<latest>(\d+\.)?(\d+\.)?(\d+)</latest>"/> |
| <substitution expression="<latest>${installer.version}</latest>"/> |
| <fileset dir="${SOURCE_DIR}"> |
| <include name="${APP_CONFIG_XML_NAME}.xml"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </replaceregexp> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Run this target once, and then rebuild, when you make a change to this app |
| so that the AIR Installer will allow the app to be updated. The build.number |
| property in the file build.property will be read and then incremented and the |
| nano version number in the <version> tag in InstallApacheFlex-app.xml will be |
| updated. |
| --> |
| <target name="update-version" description="Update the app version number so the installer will be updated."> |
| <tstamp> |
| <format property="touch.year" pattern="yyyy"/> |
| </tstamp> |
| |
| <propertyfile file="build.number" |
| comment="Copyright ${touch.year} The Apache Software Foundation."> |
| <entry key="build.number" type="int" default="0" operation="+"/> |
| </propertyfile> |
| |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="packagenative" depends="packageair" |
| description="Packages the AIR file from the build directory to create a native installer (exe/dmg) file"> |
| |
| <java jar="${ADT}" fork="true" |
| failonerror="true" |
| maxmemory="512m"> |
| <arg value="-package"/> |
| <arg value="-target"/> |
| <arg value="native"/> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.${extension}"/> |
| <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.air"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="packagebundle" if="isWindows" |
| description="Packages a 64-bit Windows version"> |
| <property name="BUNDLE_DIR" value="${RELEASE_DIR}/Win64" /> |
| <mkdir dir="${BUNDLE_DIR}" /> |
| <copy file="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" tofile="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" /> |
| <replace file="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" token=">32<" value=">64<" /> |
| <copy file="${basedir}/binary_license/LICENSE" tofile="${BUILD_DIR}/LICENSE" /> |
| <copy file="${basedir}/NOTICE" tofile="${BUILD_DIR}/NOTICE" /> |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/deps"> |
| <fileset dir="${DEPS_DIR}" /> |
| </copy> |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/assets"> |
| <fileset dir="${ASSETS_DIR}" /> |
| </copy> |
| <copy file="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_CONFIG_XML_NAME}.xml" tofile="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_CONFIG_XML_NAME}.xml" /> |
| <java jar="${ADT}" fork="true" dir="${BUILD_DIR}" |
| failonerror="true" |
| maxmemory="512m"> |
| <arg value="-package"/> |
| <arg value="-storetype"/> |
| <arg value="${STORETYPE}"/> |
| <arg value="-keystore"/> |
| <arg value="${KEYSTORE}"/> |
| <arg value="-storepass"/> |
| <arg value="${CERT_PASSWORD}"/> |
| <arg value="-target"/> |
| <arg value="bundle"/> |
| <arg value="${BUNDLE_DIR}"/> |
| <arg value="${APP_NAME}-app.xml"/> |
| <arg value="${APP_NAME}.swf"/> |
| <arg value="NOTICE"/> |
| <arg value="deps"/> |
| <arg value="LICENSE"/> |
| <arg value="${APP_CONFIG_XML_NAME}.xml"/> |
| <arg value="assets"/> |
| </java> |
| <zip basedir="${BUNDLE_DIR}" destfile="${RELEASE_DIR}/${kit.prefix64}-bin.zip"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="check-as3commons.swc"> |
| <available file="${LIBRARY_DIR}/as3commons-zip-1.0.0-alpha.1.swc" property="as3commons.swc.present"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="get-as3commons.swc" depends="check-as3commons.swc" unless="as3commons.swc.present" |
| description="Download as3commons.swc and fail if checksum mismatch."> |
| <mkdir dir="${LIBRARY_DIR}"/> |
| <get src="${commons.zip}" |
| dest="${LIBRARY_DIR}/as3commons-zip-1.0.0-alpha.1.swc" |
| verbose="true"/> |
| <!-- skip checksum until we find a valid file |
| <get src="${commons.zip}.md5" |
| dest="${LIBRARY_DIR}/as3commons-zip-1.0.0-alpha.1.swc.md5" |
| verbose="true"/> |
| <checksum file="${LIBRARY_DIR}/as3commons-zip-1.0.0-alpha.1.swc" algorithm="md5" verifyProperty="isMD5ok"/> |
| <delete file="${LIBRARY_DIR}/as3commons-zip-1.0.0-alpha.1.swc.md5" failOnError="false"/> |
| <fail message="Checksum failure for ${LIBRARY_DIR}/as3commons-zip-1.0.0-alpha.1.swc"> |
| <condition> |
| <isfalse value="${isMD5ok}"/> |
| </condition> |
| </fail> |
| --> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="check-as3httpclient.swc"> |
| <available file="${LIBRARY_DIR}/as3httpclient.swc" property="as3httpclient.swc.present"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- This has a BSD license which is a reciprocal license with the Apache v2 license. --> |
| <target name="get-as3httpclient.swc" depends="check-as3httpclient.swc" unless="as3httpclient.swc.present" |
| description="Download as3httpclient.swc"> |
| <mkdir dir="${LIBRARY_DIR}"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${LIBRARY_DIR}/temp"/> |
| <get src="https://github.com/quetwo/as3httpclient/releases/download/1.0/as3httpclient.swc" |
| dest="${LIBRARY_DIR}/as3httpclient.swc" |
| /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="compile" depends="get-as3commons.swc, get-as3httpclient.swc" |
| description="Compiles the AIR application to a SWF file and places SWF in a temp directory to be packaged."> |
| <mxmlc file="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.${APP_EXTENSION}" |
| output="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.swf" |
| swf-version="23" |
| static-rsls="true" |
| accessible="true" |
| configname="air" |
| debug="${DEBUG_FLAG}" |
| failonerror="true" |
| fork="true" |
| link-report="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.lnk.xml" |
| maxmemory="512m"> |
| <source-path path-element="${SOURCE_DIR}"/> |
| <source-path path-element="${COMMON_SOURCE_DIR}"/> |
| <external-library-path file="${AIR_HOME}/frameworks/libs/air/airglobal.swc" append="true"/> |
| <external-library-path file="${AIR_HOME}/frameworks/libs/air/applicationupdater.swc" append="true"/> |
| <library-path dir="${LIBRARY_DIR}" includes="*.swc" append="true"/> |
| <library-path dir="${ANT_ON_AIR_DIR}" includes="*.swc" append="true"/> |
| <!--<library-path dir="${LIBRARY_DIR}/temp/as3httpclient-master/lib" includes="*.swc" append="true"/>--> |
| </mxmlc> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Make sure to use the same certificate each time so we can update the app. --> |
| <target name="certificate" if="cert_pwd_not_found"> |
| <antcall target="generate-certificate"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="generate-certificate"> |
| <echo message="Using cert ${KEYSTORE}" /> |
| <java jar="${ADT}" fork="true" |
| failonerror="true"> |
| <arg value="-certificate"/> |
| <arg value="-cn"/> |
| <arg value="${CERT_NAME}"/> |
| <arg value="-ou"/> |
| <arg value="${CERT_ORG_UNIT}"/> |
| <arg value="-o"/> |
| <arg value="${CERT_ORG_NAME}"/> |
| <arg value="-c"/> |
| <arg value="${CERT_COUNTRY}"/> |
| <arg value="${CERT_KEY_TYPE}"/> |
| <arg value="${KEYSTORE}"/> |
| <arg value="${CERT_PASSWORD}"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="check-as3crypto-license" > |
| <condition property="found-as3crypto-license" > |
| <available file="${DEPS_DIR}/as3crypto/LICENSE.txt"/> |
| </condition> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="get-as3crypto-license" depends="check-as3crypto-license" unless="found-as3crypto-license"> |
| <mkdir dir="${DEPS_DIR}/as3crypto/temp" /> |
| <get src="https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/as3crypto/Crypto.zip" |
| dest="${DEPS_DIR}/as3crypto/temp" |
| /> |
| <unzip src="${DEPS_DIR}/as3crypto/temp/Crypto.zip" dest="${DEPS_DIR}/as3crypto"> |
| <patternset> |
| <include name="LICENSE.txt"/> |
| </patternset> |
| </unzip> |
| <delete dir="${DEPS_DIR}/as3crypto/temp" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="simple-untar-license" > |
| <mkdir dir="${DEPS_DIR}/as3-simple-untar" /> |
| <get src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thdtjsdn/as3-simple-untar/master/src/de/ketzler/utils/SimpleUntar.as" |
| dest="${DEPS_DIR}/as3-simple-untar/LICENSE"/> |
| <replaceregexp file="${DEPS_DIR}/as3-simple-untar/LICENSE" |
| match="package .*" replace="" |
| flags="s" |
| /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="packageair" |
| description="Packages the build SWF file from a temp directory to create an AIR file"> |
| <echo message="Using cert ${KEYSTORE}" /> |
| <echo message="Using pass ${STOREPASS}" /> |
| <echo message="Using type ${STORETYPE}" /> |
| <mkdir dir="${DEPS_DIR}/as3httpclientlib" /> |
| <get src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quetwo/as3httpclient/as3httpclient-work/License.txt" |
| dest="${DEPS_DIR}/as3httpclientlib" |
| /> |
| <mkdir dir="${DEPS_DIR}/as3corelib" /> |
| <get src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikechambers/as3corelib/master/README" |
| dest="${DEPS_DIR}/as3corelib" |
| /> |
| <antcall target="get-as3crypto-license" /> |
| <antcall target="simple-untar-license" /> |
| <echo message="Run Adobe Air ADT"/> |
| <java jar="${ADT}" fork="true" |
| failonerror="true" |
| maxmemory="512m"> |
| <arg value="-package"/> |
| <arg line="-tsa http://timestamp.digicert.com"/> |
| <arg value="-storetype"/> |
| <arg value="${STORETYPE}"/> |
| <arg value="-keystore"/> |
| <arg value="${KEYSTORE}"/> |
| <arg value="-storepass"/> |
| <arg value="${CERT_PASSWORD}"/> |
| <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.air"/> |
| <arg value="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml"/> |
| <arg value="${basedir}/NOTICE"/> |
| <arg value="${DEPS_DIR}"/> |
| <arg value="-C"/> |
| <arg value="${basedir}/binary_license"/> |
| <arg value="${basedir}/binary_license/LICENSE"/> |
| <arg value="-C"/> |
| <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}"/> |
| <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.swf"/> |
| <arg value="-C"/> |
| <arg value="${SOURCE_DIR}"/> |
| <arg value="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_CONFIG_XML_NAME}.xml"/> |
| <arg value="${ASSETS_DIR}"/> |
| </java> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="copy-misc" description="Copy config files to release directory"> |
| <copy file="${basedir}/README" tofile="${RELEASE_DIR}/READme"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Packages the source distribution with ZIP and TAR_GZIP. |
| The source file line endings match the package type. |
| --> |
| <target name="source-package" description="Package source files."> |
| <mkdir dir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp"/> |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp/${COMMON_PROJECT_NAME}" includeEmptyDirs="false"> |
| <fileset dir="${COMMON_PROJECT_DIR}"> |
| <exclude name="*.p12"/> |
| <exclude name="*.password"/> |
| <exclude name="rat.report"/> |
| <exclude name="libs/**"/> |
| <exclude name="bin/**"/> |
| <exclude name="bin-debug/**"/> |
| <exclude name="release/**"/> |
| <exclude name=".settings/**"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.actionScriptProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.flexProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.flexLibProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.project"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.idea/**"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp/ant_on_air" includeEmptyDirs="false"> |
| <fileset dir="${basedir}/ant_on_air"> |
| <include name="build.properties" /> |
| <include name="build.xml" /> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp/ant_on_air/src" includeEmptyDirs="false"> |
| <fileset dir="${basedir}/ant_on_air/src"> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp/ant_on_air/locale" includeEmptyDirs="false"> |
| <fileset dir="${basedir}/ant_on_air/locale"> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp/ant_on_air/tests" includeEmptyDirs="false"> |
| <fileset dir="${basedir}/ant_on_air/tests"> |
| <exclude name="*.swf" /> |
| <exclude name="temp/" /> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp/${INSTALLER_PROJECT_NAME}" includeEmptyDirs="false"> |
| <fileset dir="${basedir}/${INSTALLER_PROJECT_NAME}"> |
| <exclude name="*.p12"/> |
| <exclude name="*.password"/> |
| <exclude name="rat.report"/> |
| <exclude name="libs/**"/> |
| <exclude name="bin/**"/> |
| <exclude name="bin-debug/**"/> |
| <exclude name="build/**"/> |
| <exclude name="release/**"/> |
| <exclude name="rc/**"/> |
| <exclude name=".settings/**"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.actionScriptProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.flexProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.flexLibProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.project"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.idea/**"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <!-- Bump these up to the top-level release directory. --> |
| <copy todir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp" includeEmptyDirs="false"> |
| <fileset dir="${basedir}"> |
| <include name="build.*"/> |
| <include name="binary_license/LICENSE"/> |
| <include name="LICENSE"/> |
| <include name="NOTICE"/> |
| <include name="README"/> |
| <include name="RELEASE_GUIDE"/> |
| <include name="CONTRIBUTING"/> |
| <include name="CONTRIBUTORS"/> |
| <include name="RELEASE_NOTES"/> |
| <exclude name="installerBadge/**" /> |
| <exclude name="installerLocaleEditor/**" /> |
| <exclude name="common/**" /> |
| <exclude name="ant_on_air/**" /> |
| <exclude name="*.p12"/> |
| <exclude name="*.password"/> |
| <exclude name="rat.report"/> |
| <exclude name="build/**"/> |
| <exclude name="release/**"/> |
| <exclude name="local.properties"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <fixcrlf srcdir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp" eol="crlf" encoding="UTF8" excludes="**/assets/**,**/*.ttf,**/*.png" fixlast="false"/> |
| |
| <mkdir dir="${RELEASE_DIR}"/> |
| <zip destfile="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.zip" |
| basedir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp"/> |
| |
| <fixcrlf srcdir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp" eol="unix" encoding="UTF8" excludes="**/assets/**,**/*.ttf,**/*.png" fixlast="false"/> |
| |
| <tar destfile="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.tar.gz" |
| compression="gzip" |
| basedir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp"/> |
| |
| <delete dir="${BUILD_DIR}/temp"/> |
| <delete dir="${BUILD_DIR}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Packages the binary distribution with ZIP and TAR_GZIP. |
| --> |
| <target name="binary-package" description="Package binary files."> |
| <mkdir dir="${RELEASE_DIR}"/> |
| |
| <zip destfile="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.zip"> |
| <fileset dir="${basedir}/release"> |
| <exclude name="**/*.zip"/> |
| <exclude name="**/*.tar*"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </zip> |
| |
| <tar destfile="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.tar.gz" compression="gzip"> |
| <zipfileset src="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.zip"/> |
| </tar> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Run the Apache Rat audit tool against the source in the source kit. |
| The report is written to rat.report. |
| |
| You need to place apache-rat-tasks-0.8.jar and apache-rat-0.8.jar in the |
| anttask.classpath in order to do this. If the jar isn't found, the report |
| will not be generated. |
| --> |
| <target name="rat-report" depends="rat-taskdef" if="have.rattasks" |
| description="Report on licenses in source kit."> |
| |
| <!-- Unzip the source kit --> |
| <unzip src="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.zip" dest="${RELEASE_DIR}/temp"/> |
| |
| <property name="rat.dir" value="${RELEASE_DIR}/temp"/> |
| |
| <echo message="Checking files at ${rat.dir}, report is ${basedir}/rat.report"/> |
| |
| <rat:report xmlns:rat="antlib:org.apache.rat.anttasks" |
| reportFile="${basedir}/rat.report"> |
| <fileset dir="${rat.dir}"> |
| <exclude name="**/Apache License Version 2.txt"/> |
| <!-- Start of source files --> |
| <!-- generated source files that don't have Apache v2 license header --> |
| <exclude name="**/build.number"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.actionScriptProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.flexProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.flexLibProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.project"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.fxpProperties"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.settings/**"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.idea/**"/> |
| <exclude name="**/*.iml"/> |
| <exclude name="CONTRIBUTING"/> |
| <exclude name="CONTRIBUTORS"/> |
| <!-- End of source files --> |
| <!-- Start of binary files --> |
| <!-- exclude media (png, ico) --> |
| <exclude name="**/*.ico"/> |
| <exclude name="**/*.png"/> |
| <!-- exclude fonts --> |
| <exclude name="**/*.ttf"/> |
| <!-- End of binary files --> |
| </fileset> |
| </rat:report> |
| |
| <delete dir="${RELEASE_DIR}/temp" failOnError="false"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="rat-taskdef" description="Rat taskdef"> |
| <available property="have.rattasks" |
| resource="org/apache/rat/anttasks/antlib.xml" |
| classpathref="anttask.classpath"/> |
| |
| <antcall target="have-rattasks"/> |
| <antcall target="no-rattasks"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="have-rattasks" if="have.rattasks"> |
| <typedef resource="org/apache/rat/anttasks/antlib.xml" |
| uri="antlib:org.apache.rat.anttasks" |
| classpathref="anttask.classpath"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="no-rattasks" unless="have.rattasks"> |
| <echo message="Rat report not generated."/> |
| <echo message="rat jars (apache-rat-*.jar, apache-rat-tasks-*.jar)"/> |
| <echo message="not found in anttask.classpath"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="create-SHA-512" > |
| <echo message="Generating SHA-512 hashes for release artifacts"/> |
| <checksum algorithm="SHA-512" fileext=".sha512" file="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.zip" forceOverwrite="yes"/> |
| <checksum algorithm="SHA-512" fileext=".sha512" file="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.tar.gz" forceOverwrite="yes"/> |
| <checksum algorithm="SHA-512" fileext=".sha512" file="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.${extension}" forceOverwrite="yes"/> |
| <antcall target="create-SHA-512-64bit" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="create-SHA-512-64bit" if="isWindows"> |
| <checksum algorithm="SHA-512" fileext=".sha512" file="${RELEASE_DIR}/${kit.prefix64}-bin.zip" forceOverwrite="yes"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="sign" depends="create-SHA-512"> |
| <echo message="Signing sources"/> |
| |
| <exec executable="gpg"> |
| <arg value="--armor" /> |
| <arg value="--output" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.zip.asc" /> |
| <arg value="--detach-sig" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.zip" /> |
| </exec> |
| |
| <exec executable="gpg"> |
| <arg value="--armor" /> |
| <arg value="--output" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.tar.gz.asc" /> |
| <arg value="--detach-sig" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${source.kit}.tar.gz" /> |
| </exec> |
| |
| <exec executable="gpg"> |
| <arg value="--armor" /> |
| <arg value="--output" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.${extension}.asc" /> |
| <arg value="--detach-sig" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.${extension}" /> |
| </exec> |
| <antcall target="sign64" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="sign64"> |
| <exec executable="gpg"> |
| <arg value="--armor" /> |
| <arg value="--output" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${kit.prefix64}-bin.zip.asc" /> |
| <arg value="--detach-sig" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${kit.prefix64}-bin.zip" /> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="sign_exe" description="sign exe when on mac" > |
| <echo message="Signing exe"/> |
| |
| <checksum file="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.exe" algorithm="SHA-512" forceOverwrite="yes" /> |
| |
| <exec executable="gpg"> |
| <arg value="--armor" /> |
| <arg value="--output" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.exe.asc" /> |
| <arg value="--detach-sig" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.exe" /> |
| </exec> |
| |
| <checksum file="${RELEASE_DIR}/${kit.prefix64}-bin.zip" algorithm="SHA-512" forceOverwrite="yes" /> |
| |
| <exec executable="gpg"> |
| <arg value="--armor" /> |
| <arg value="--output" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${kit.prefix64}-bin.zip.asc" /> |
| <arg value="--detach-sig" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${kit.prefix64}-bin.zip" /> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="sign_dmg" description="sign dmg when on win" > |
| <echo message="Signing dmg"/> |
| |
| <checksum file="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.dmg" algorithm="SHA-512" forceOverwrite="yes" /> |
| |
| <exec executable="gpg"> |
| <arg value="--armor" /> |
| <arg value="--output" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.dmg.asc" /> |
| <arg value="--detach-sig" /> |
| <arg value="${RELEASE_DIR}/${binary.kit}.dmg" /> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="debug" > |
| <copy file="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" todir="${BUILD_DIR}" /> |
| <mkdir dir="${BUILD_DIR}/installer" /> |
| <exec executable="${AIR_HOME}/bin/${adl}" dir="${BUILD_DIR}" failonerror="true"> |
| <arg value="-runtime" /> |
| <arg value="${AIR_HOME}/runtimes/air/${runtime}" /> |
| <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" /> |
| <arg value="--" /> |
| <arg value="-config=${LOCAL_CONFIG_URL}" /> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="debug-locale" > |
| <copy file="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" todir="${BUILD_DIR}" /> |
| <mkdir dir="${BUILD_DIR}/installer" /> |
| <exec executable="${AIR_HOME}/bin/${adl}" dir="${BUILD_DIR}" failonerror="true"> |
| <arg value="-runtime" /> |
| <arg value="${AIR_HOME}/runtimes/air/${runtime}" /> |
| <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" /> |
| <arg value="--" /> |
| <arg value="-config=${LOCAL_CONFIG_URL}" /> |
| <arg value="-language=${TEST_LOCALE}" /> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="debug-for-real" > |
| <copy file="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" todir="${BUILD_DIR}" /> |
| <mkdir dir="${BUILD_DIR}/installer" /> |
| <exec executable="${AIR_HOME}/bin/${adl}" dir="${BUILD_DIR}" failonerror="true"> |
| <arg value="-runtime" /> |
| <arg value="${AIR_HOME}/runtimes/air/${runtime}" /> |
| <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" /> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="debug64" > |
| <copy file="${SOURCE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" todir="${BUILD_DIR}" /> |
| <replace file="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" token=">64<" value=">32<" /> |
| <mkdir dir="${BUILD_DIR}/installer" /> |
| <exec executable="${AIR_HOME}/bin/${adl}" dir="${BUILD_DIR}" failonerror="true"> |
| <arg value="-runtime" /> |
| <arg value="${AIR_HOME}/runtimes/air/${runtime}" /> |
| <arg value="${BUILD_DIR}/${APP_NAME}-app.xml" /> |
| <arg value="--" /> |
| <arg value="-64-bit-path=file:///C:/git/apache/flex/flex-utilities/flex-installer/release" /> |
| <arg value="-64-bit-file=${kit.prefix64}-bin.zip" /> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| </project> |