blob: 02ee8458922cd6a2940d298d236d95a26f728b83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.env.ExternalConstants;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.env.InternalConstants;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.utils.*;
public class SquigglyEngine
private var _ignoreCappedWord:Boolean; // Hello is always correct
private var _ignoreAllUpperCase:Boolean; // HELLO is always correct
private var _ignoreWordWithNumber:Boolean; // win2003 is always correct
private var wordBreak:Array; // Used to hold BREAK characters for BREAK rule
private const SPELL_COMPOUND:int = (1 << 0);
private const SPELL_FORBIDDEN:int = (1 << 1);
private const SPELL_ALLCAP:int = (1 << 2);
private const SPELL_NOCAP:int = (1 << 3);
private const SPELL_INITCAP:int = (1 << 4);
private const MAXDIC:int = 20;
private const MAXSHARPS:int = 5;
private var attributeMgr:LinguisticRule;
private var dictMgr:DictionaryManager;
private var sugestionMgr:SuggestionManager;
private var encoding:String;
private var wordbreak:Array;//an Array that holds the word breaks
private var langCode:int;
private var complexPrefixes:int;
private var maxWordLength:int;
public function SquigglyEngine( rule:LinguisticRule, dict:SquigglyDictionary )
if ( rule == null ) throw new Error("illegal argument for constructor", 200901);
if ( dict == null ) throw new Error("illegal argument for constructor", 200901);
maxWordLength = InternalConstants.MAXWORDLEN;
dictMgr = new DictionaryManager();
attributeMgr = rule;
attributeMgr.dictionaryManager = dictMgr;
sugestionMgr = new SuggestionManager( rule, false);
this.ignoreWordWithNumber = false;
this.ignoreCappedWord = false;
this.ignoreAllUpperCase = false;
public function set ignoreWordWithNumber( value:Boolean):void {
this._ignoreWordWithNumber =value;
public function get ignoreWordWithNumber():Boolean {
return this._ignoreWordWithNumber;
public function set ignoreCappedWord(value:Boolean):void {
this._ignoreCappedWord = value;
public function get ignoreCappedWord():Boolean {
return this._ignoreCappedWord;
public function set ignoreAllUpperCase(value:Boolean ):void {
this._ignoreAllUpperCase = value;
public function get ignoreAllUpperCase():Boolean {
return this._ignoreAllUpperCase;
public function set fastMode(value:Boolean ) :void {
this.sugestionMgr.fastMode = value;
public function get fastMode():Boolean {
return this.sugestionMgr.fastMode;
public function addDictionary( dict:SquigglyDictionary ) : Boolean {
return dictMgr.addDictionary(dict);
public function spell( word:String ) :Boolean {
if ( word.length > maxWordLength ) return false;
word = StringUtils.normalize(word);
var captype:int = InternalConstants.NOCAP;
var hasNumber:Boolean =false; //assuming that there are no numbers;
var abbv:int = 0;
var i:int;
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var info:SpellingInfo = new SpellingInfo(0);
var wspace:String;
// input conversion USING ICONV TABLE
/* //Commented code is a unit test code
var teststr:String="marùvîà ";
var teststr2:String;
trace("Called Word "+teststr+"converted word "+teststr2);
var convWord:Array=new Array;
if(this.attributeMgr && this.attributeMgr.iconvFilterTable && this.attributeMgr.iconvFilterTable.length!=0){
if(wspace) word=wspace;
// first skip over any leading or trailing blanks
word = StringUtils.trim( word );
// now strip off any trailing periods (recording their presence)
for ( i = word.length-1; (i>=0) && (word.charCodeAt(i) == 46) ; --i ) { // '.'
word = word.substr(0, word.length- abbv );
captype = StringUtils.getCapType(word);
if ( (dictMgr.isEmpty()) || (word.length == 0) ) return false;
// allow numbers with dots, dashes and commas (but forbid double separators: "..", "--" etc.)
const NBEGIN:int = 0, NNUM:int=1, NSEP:int=2;
var nstate:int = NBEGIN;
var charCode:int;
for ( i=0 ; i < word.length ; ++i ) {
charCode = word.charCodeAt(i);
if ( (charCode <= 57 ) && ( charCode >= 48) ) { // '0' to '9'
nstate = NNUM;
}else if ( (charCode==44) || (charCode==45) || (charCode==46) ) { //',' or '.' or '-'
if ( (nstate == NSEP) || ( i==0 ) ) return false;
nstate = NSEP;
}else break;
if ( (i==word.length) && ( nstate == NNUM ) ) return true;//checks if all are just numbers
// ignore word with Number.
if ( ignoreWordWithNumber && hasNumber)return true;//Ignore word with numbers!
// ignore cappitalized word or ignore all upper case word.
if ( (ignoreCappedWord &&( (captype&InternalConstants.HUHINITCAP) || (captype&InternalConstants.INITCAP))&&(hasNumber==false) ) || (ignoreAllUpperCase&&(captype & InternalConstants.ALLCAP)&&(hasNumber==false)) ) return true; //return only if it does not have number
switch(captype) {
case InternalConstants.HUHCAP:
case InternalConstants.HUHINITCAP:
case InternalConstants.NOCAP:
rv = checkWord(word,info);
if ( (abbv!=0) && (rv == null ) ) {
word += ".";
rv = checkWord(word,info);
case InternalConstants.ALLCAP:
rv = checkWord(word,info);
if( rv ) break;
if ( (abbv!=0 ) ) {
word +=".";
rv = checkWord(word,info);
if ( rv ) break;
// ToDo: Spec. prefix handling for Catalan, French, Italian:
// prefixes separated by apostrophe (SANT'ELIA -> Sant'+Elia).
// need better understand...
//sharps handle....
word = word.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+word.slice(1).toLocaleLowerCase();
case InternalConstants.INITCAP:
if (captype == InternalConstants.INITCAP) info.Info +=ExternalConstants.SPELL_INITCAP;
wspace = word.toLocaleLowerCase();
rv = checkWord(word,info);
if (captype == InternalConstants.INITCAP) info.Info -=ExternalConstants.SPELL_INITCAP;
// forbid bad capitalization
// (for example, ijs -> Ijs instead of IJs in Dutch)
// use explicit forms in dic: Ijs/F (F = FORBIDDENWORD flag)
if (info.Info & ExternalConstants.SPELL_FORBIDDEN) {
rv = null;
if ( rv && (captype == InternalConstants.ALLCAP ) ) {
if ( attributeMgr && rv.affixFlagVector && attributeMgr.keepCase && rv.testAffix(attributeMgr.keepCase) ) rv = null;
if ( rv) break;
rv = checkWord(wspace,info);
if ( !rv && abbv ) {
wspace += ".";
rv = checkWord(wspace,info);
if ( !rv) {
word += ".";
if (captype == InternalConstants.INITCAP) info.Info +=ExternalConstants.SPELL_INITCAP;
rv = checkWord(word,info);
if (captype == InternalConstants.INITCAP) info.Info -=ExternalConstants.SPELL_INITCAP;
if ( rv && (captype == InternalConstants.ALLCAP ) ) {
if ( attributeMgr && rv.affixFlagVector && attributeMgr.keepCase && rv.testAffix(attributeMgr.keepCase) ) rv = null;
if ( rv && (captype == InternalConstants.ALLCAP ) ) {
if ( attributeMgr && rv.affixFlagVector && attributeMgr.keepCase && rv.testAffix(attributeMgr.keepCase) ) rv = null;
if ( rv ) return true;
//implementation break-table... recursive breaking at break points
var nbr:int=0;
var parseArr:Array;
var searchIndex:int=0;
for(i=0; i<wordbreak.length;i++){
//Search for number of break points in this word
while (wspace && ((searchIndex=wspace.indexOf(wordbreak[i])) != -1 )) {
if(nbr>InternalConstants.MAX_WORD_BREAKS) return false;//Limiting maximum Word breaks
for(var j:int=0; j<wordbreak.length;j++){
if([j])!=-1 && (parseArr=word.split(wordbreak[j]))!=null)
if(! spell(parseArr[i]) ) return false;//keep checking all parts of the input word. If any part is wrongly spelt send false
return true;//no part is spelled wrong so send correct
return false;
public function suggest( word:String ) : Array {
if ( word.length > maxWordLength ) return null;
var captype:int = InternalConstants.NOCAP;
var capwords:int = 0;
var abbv:int = 0;
var i:int,ns:int;
var wspace:String;
var slst:Array = new Array();
var convWord:Array=new Array;
// input conversion USING ICONV TABLE
if(this.attributeMgr && this.attributeMgr.iconvFilterTable.length!=0){
// first skip over any leading or trailing blanks
word = StringUtils.trim( word );
// now strip off any trailing periods (recording their presence)
for ( i = word.length-1; (i>=0) && (word.charCodeAt(i) == 46) ; --i ) { // '.'
word = word.substr(0, word.length- abbv );
captype = StringUtils.getCapType(word);
if ( (dictMgr.isEmpty()) || (word.length == 0) ) return null;
switch(captype) {
case InternalConstants.NOCAP: {
ns = sugestionMgr.suggest( slst, word, InternalConstants.NOCAP );
case InternalConstants.INITCAP:{
capwords = 1;
ns = sugestionMgr.suggest( slst, word, InternalConstants.INITCAP );
if ( ns == -1) break;
wspace = word.toLocaleLowerCase();
ns = sugestionMgr.suggest( slst, wspace, InternalConstants.NOCAP );
case InternalConstants.HUHINITCAP:{
capwords = 1;
case InternalConstants.HUHCAP: { // ToDo: still a lot of work...
ns = sugestionMgr.suggest( slst, word, InternalConstants.HUHCAP );
case InternalConstants.ALLCAP: {
wspace = word.toLocaleLowerCase();
ns = sugestionMgr.suggest( slst, wspace, InternalConstants.NOCAP );
if ( ns == -1) break;
if ( this.attributeMgr.keepCase && spell(word ) ) {
//ns = insert_sug(slst, wspace, ns); ToDo
wspace = word.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+word.slice(1).toLocaleLowerCase();
ns = sugestionMgr.suggest( slst, wspace, InternalConstants.INITCAP );
// try ngram approach since found nothing
if ( this.attributeMgr && (this.attributeMgr.maxNgramSuggestions != 0)) {
ns = sugestionMgr.nsuggest(slst,word);
// try dash suggestion (Afo-American -> Afro-American)
// capitalize
if (capwords) {
for ( i=0;i<slst.length; ++i ) {
slst[i] = slst[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase()+slst[i].slice(1);
// expand suggestions with dot(s)
if ( abbv && this.attributeMgr.suggestionsWithDots ) {
for ( i=0;i<slst.length; ++i ) {
slst[i] += ".";
// remove bad capitalized and forbidden forms
// remove original one
for ( i=0;i<slst.length;++i) {
if ( slst[i] == word )
// remove duplications
// output conversion
if(this.attributeMgr && this.attributeMgr.oconvFilterTable && this.attributeMgr.oconvFilterTable.length!=0){
{wspace=convWord.pop();delete(slst[i]); slst[i]=wspace;}
// if suggestions removed by nosuggest, onlyincompound parameters
return (slst.length!=0) ? slst :null;
private function checkWord( word:String, info:SpellingInfo ):HashEntry {
var i:int;
var he:HashEntry = null;
if ( attributeMgr.ignoredChars ) {
word = StringUtils.removeIgnoredChars(word, attributeMgr.ignoredChars);
// word reversing wrapper for complex prefixes
if(complexprefixes) {
// look word in hash table
for ( i=0; i < dictMgr.dictonaryList.length && !he; ++i ) {
he = dictMgr.dictonaryList[i].getElement(word);
// check forbidden and onlyincompound words
if ( he && (he.affixFlagVector != null) &&
((attributeMgr) && ( he.testAffix(attributeMgr.forbiddenWord)))
) {
// ToDo: LANG_hu section: set dash information for suggestions
return null;
// ToDo: he = next not needaffix, onlyincompound homonym or onlyupcase word
/* while (he && (he.affixFlagVector) &&
((attributeMgr.needAffix && testAffix(he.affixFlagVector, attributeMgr.needAffix)) ||
(pAMgr->get_onlyincompound() && TESTAFF(he->astr, pAMgr->get_onlyincompound(), he->alen)) ||
(info && (*info & SPELL_INITCAP) && TESTAFF(he->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, he->alen))
)) //he =; should maintain a next homonym which is not being maintained as of now next_homonym;
*/ }
// check with affixes
if ( !he && attributeMgr ) {
he = attributeMgr.affixCheck2(word,0,0);
//DO not allow affixed forms of forbidden words
if ( he && (he.affixFlagVector != null) && (attributeMgr) && he.testAffix(attributeMgr.forbiddenWord) ) {
// ToDo: LANG_hu section: set dash information for suggestions
return null;
return he;