blob: 15f151bb239fc49abc270ce443577fcd2a9efda8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core
// import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.PhoneticTable;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.env.*;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.rule.*;
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.utils.SimpleNumberParser;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
public class LinguisticRule
private var _encoding:String // ToDo, not sure how to handle this encoding stuff...
private var snp:SimpleNumberParser = new SimpleNumberParser();
private var _prefixFlagTable:Array;
private var _prefixKeyTable:Array;
private var _suffixFlagTable:Array;
private var _suffixKeyTable:Array;
private var _optSuffixKeyTable:Dictionary;
private var _optPrefixKeyTable:Dictionary;
//these are attributes
private var _keyString:String;
private var _tryString:String;
private var _noSuggest:Number;// don't suggest words signed with NOSUGGEST flag
private var _forbiddenWord:Number; // forbidden word signing flag
private var _circumfix:Number=0; //Circumfix Flag
private var _ignoredChars:String; // letters + spec. word characters
private var _wordChars:String; //extends tokenizer of Hunspell command line interface with additional word character. For example, dot, dash, n-dash, numbers, percent sign are word character in Hungarian.
private var _languageCode:String;
private var _version:String;
private var _maxngramsugs:int = -1; // undefined
private var _nosplitsugs:int = 0;
private var _sugswithdots:int = 0;
private var _fullStrip:int;
private var _keepCase:Number;
private var _haveContClass:Boolean;//added to support (double) prefixes
private var _flagMode:int;
private var _needAffix:Number;
private var _contClasses:Dictionary;//this is list of all possible contclasses
/* ToDo */
private var _onlyInCompound:Number = 0;
// private var _phoneTable:PhoneticTable; //phone table
ToDO: should be removed after we have complex-affix support and compound-word support..
pHMgr = ptr[0];
alldic = ptr;
maxdic = md;
keystring = NULL;
trystring = NULL;
utf8 = 0;
complexprefixes = 0;
maptable = NULL;
nummap = 0;
breaktable = NULL;
numbreak = 0;
reptable = NULL;
numrep = 0;
iconvtable = NULL;
oconvtable = NULL;
checkcpdtable = NULL;
// allow simplified compound forms (see 3rd field of CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN)
simplifiedcpd = 0;
numcheckcpd = 0;
defcpdtable = NULL;
numdefcpd = 0;
phone = NULL;
compoundflag = FLAG_NULL; // permits word in compound forms
compoundbegin = FLAG_NULL; // may be first word in compound forms
compoundmiddle = FLAG_NULL; // may be middle word in compound forms
compoundend = FLAG_NULL; // may be last word in compound forms
compoundroot = FLAG_NULL; // compound word signing flag
compoundpermitflag = FLAG_NULL; // compound permitting flag for suffixed word
compoundforbidflag = FLAG_NULL; // compound fordidden flag for suffixed word
checkcompounddup = 0; // forbid double words in compounds
checkcompoundrep = 0; // forbid bad compounds (may be non compound word with a REP substitution)
checkcompoundcase = 0; // forbid upper and lowercase combinations at word bounds
checkcompoundtriple = 0; // forbid compounds with triple letters
simplifiedtriple = 0; // allow simplified triple letters in compounds (Schiff+fahrt -> Schiffahrt)
forbiddenword = FORBIDDENWORD; // forbidden word signing flag
nosuggest = FLAG_NULL; // don't suggest words signed with NOSUGGEST flag
lang = NULL; // language
langnum = 0; // language code (see
needaffix = FLAG_NULL; // forbidden root, allowed only with suffixes
cpdwordmax = -1; // default: unlimited wordcount in compound words
cpdmin = -1; // undefined
cpdmaxsyllable = 0; // default: unlimited syllablecount in compound words
cpdvowels=NULL; // vowels (for calculating of Hungarian compounding limit, O(n) search! XXX)
cpdvowels_utf16=NULL; // vowels for UTF-8 encoding (bsearch instead of O(n) search)
cpdvowels_utf16_len=0; // vowels
pfxappnd=NULL; // previous prefix for counting the syllables of prefix BUG
sfxappnd=NULL; // previous suffix for counting a special syllables BUG
cpdsyllablenum=NULL; // syllable count incrementing flag
checknum=0; // checking numbers, and word with numbers
wordchars=NULL; // letters + spec. word characters
wordchars_utf16=NULL; // letters + spec. word characters
wordchars_utf16_len=0; // letters + spec. word characters
ignorechars=NULL; // letters + spec. word characters
ignorechars_utf16=NULL; // letters + spec. word characters
ignorechars_utf16_len=0; // letters + spec. word characters
version=NULL; // affix and dictionary file version string
havecontclass=0; // flags of possible continuing classes (double affix)
// LEMMA_PRESENT: not put root into the morphological output. Lemma presents
// in morhological description in dictionary file. It's often combined with PSEUDOROOT.
lemma_present = FLAG_NULL;
circumfix = FLAG_NULL;
onlyincompound = FLAG_NULL;
maxngramsugs = -1; // undefined
nosplitsugs = 0;
sugswithdots = 0;
keepcase = 0;
checksharps = 0;
substandard = FLAG_NULL;
fullstrip = 0;
private var _simpleFilterTable:Array;
private var _mapFilterTable:Array;
private var _iconvFilterTable:Array; //Contains conversion table for ICONV conversion
private var _oconvFilterTable:Array;//Contains conversion table for OCONV conversion
private var _breakTable:Array;//Contains list of characters in BREAK rule
private var _aliasfTable:Array;//Contains conversion table for AF rule
/* internal use only properties. */
private var _pfxEntry:PrefixEntry;
private var _sfxEntry:SuffixEntry;
private var _optSfxEntry:OptimizedSuffixEntry;
private var _optPfxEntry:OptimizedPrefixEntry;
private var _dictMgr:DictionaryManager;
public function LinguisticRule()
this._prefixFlagTable = new Array()
this._prefixKeyTable = new Array();
this._suffixFlagTable = new Array();
this._suffixKeyTable = new Array();
this._optSuffixKeyTable = new Dictionary(true);
this._optPrefixKeyTable = new Dictionary(true);
this._simpleFilterTable = new Array();
this._mapFilterTable = new Array();
this._iconvFilterTable=new Array();
this._oconvFilterTable=new Array();
this._breakTable=new Array();//We are not adding any break points by default. Hunspell C does this for -, ^-, -$
this._aliasfTable=new Array();
// this._phoneTable=new PhoneticTable();
/* init the attributes */
this.noSuggest = InternalConstants.FLAG_NULL;
this.tryString= null;
this.keyString= null;
this.ignoredChars = null;
this.wordChars = null;
this.version = null;
this.languageCode = null;
this.forbiddenWord = InternalConstants.FORBIDDENWORD;
this.maxNgramSuggestions = -1; // undefined
this.nosplitSuggestions = 0;
this.suggestionsWithDots = 0;
this.fullStrip = 0;
this.keepCase = 0;
this.onlyInCompound = 0;
this.flagMode = InternalConstants.FLAG_CHAR;
this._contClasses= new Dictionary;
/* */
this._dictMgr = null;
* Deprecated function for now...
* History:
* A pre-version of implementation for error detection. After I optimized the code for performance,
* I drop this function by that time, but you know performance meassuring is a tricky problem...
* ToDo: Need a revisit when we implementing complex-affix support and compound-word support.
// check if word with affixes is correctly spelled
public function affixCheck( word:String, needFlag:int, inCompound:int ):HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
// check all prefixes (also crossed with suffixes if allowed)
rv = optSuffixCheck(word, needFlag, inCompound);
if( rv ) return rv;
// if still not found check all suffixes
rv = optPrefixCheck(word, 0, null, inCompound, needFlag);
return rv;
// This function checks if word with affixes is correctly spelled.
public function affixCheck2( word:String, needFlag:int, inCompound:int ):HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
if ( word.length <2 ) return rv;
// check onelevel prefix case or one level prefix+one level suffix: un->run or under->taker (note: hypothetical words) also will check milli->litre->s and d'->autre->s
rv = optPrefixCheck2(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if( rv ) return rv;
// check all one level suffix drink->able or drink->s
rv = optSuffixCheck2(word,0,null, needFlag, inCompound);
//double affix checking
if(rv) return rv;
//check all 2 level suffixes case: drink->able->s
rv= optTwoSuffixCheck(word,0, null, needFlag,0);
if(rv) return rv;
//check prefix and then 2 level suffix case un->drink->able->s
rv= optTwoPrefixCheck(word, 0, needFlag);
return rv;
* Deprecated function for now...
* History:
* A pre-version of implementation for error detection. After I optimized the code for performance,
* I drop this function by that time, but you know performance meassuring is a tricky problem...
* ToDo: Need a revisit when we implementing complex-affix support and compound-word support.
public function optPrefixCheck(word:String, sfxopts:int, ppfx:AffixEntry, needFlag:int, inCompound:int) :HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var tmpWord:String;
// first handle the special case of 0 length prefixes
if ( _optPrefixKeyTable[''] != undefined ) {
_optPfxEntry = _optPrefixKeyTable[''];
while ( _optPfxEntry ) {
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
rv = _optPfxEntry.checkWord(word, sfxopts, ppfx, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv ) {
return rv;
_optPfxEntry = _optPfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
// now handle the general case
for ( var i:int =1; i < word.length ; ++i ) {
tmpWord = word.substr(0,i);
if ( _optPrefixKeyTable[tmpWord] != undefined ) {
_optPfxEntry = _optPrefixKeyTable[tmpWord];
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
while ( _optPfxEntry ) {
rv = _optPfxEntry.checkWord(word, sfxopts, ppfx, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv) {
return rv;
_optPfxEntry = _optPfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
return rv;
// This function checks one level prefix OR one level prefix+ one level suffix
public function optPrefixCheck2(word:String, inCompound:int, needFlag:int) :HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var tmpWord:String;
var i:int;
var locOptPfxEntry:OptimizedPrefixEntry=null;//local optimised prefix entry added because we are adding optTwoPrefixCheck
// first handle the special case of 0 length prefixes
if ( _optPrefixKeyTable[''] != undefined ) {
for ( i=0; i<_optPrefixKeyTable[''].length; ++i ) {
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
while ( locOptPfxEntry ) {
rv = locOptPfxEntry.checkWord2(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv) {
return rv;
locOptPfxEntry = locOptPfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
// now handle the general case
var firstKeyStr:String = word.charAt(0);
var secondKeyNum:Number = word.charCodeAt(1);
var breakFlag:Boolean = false;
if ( _optPrefixKeyTable[firstKeyStr] != undefined ) {
for ( i=0; i< _optPrefixKeyTable[firstKeyStr].length; ++i ) {
if ( (locOptPfxEntry.affixKey.length!=1) ) {
if ( locOptPfxEntry.affixKey.charCodeAt(1)> secondKeyNum )
if ( locOptPfxEntry.affixKey.charCodeAt(1)< secondKeyNum) {
if (breakFlag) break;
else continue;
breakFlag = true;
if (word.indexOf(locOptPfxEntry.affixKey) != 0)
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
while ( locOptPfxEntry ) {
rv = locOptPfxEntry.checkWord2(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv) {
return rv;
locOptPfxEntry = locOptPfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
return rv;
// This is a new function added to include one level prefix checking followed by two level suffix checking
public function optTwoPrefixCheck(word:String, inCompound:int, needFlag:int) :HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
//pfx=null;//TODO:Need to figure these out, seems they will be needed for compound rules. keeping for some time
//sfxrevkey=null;//TODO:Need to figure these out, seems they will be needed for compound rules. keeping for some time
var tmpWord:String;
var i:int;
var locOptPfxEntry:OptimizedPrefixEntry=null;//local optimised prefix entry
// first handle the special case of 0 length prefixes
if ( _optPrefixKeyTable[''] != undefined ) {
for ( i=0; i<_optPrefixKeyTable[''].length; ++i ) {
while ( locOptPfxEntry ) {
rv = locOptPfxEntry.checkTwoWord(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv) {
return rv;
locOptPfxEntry = locOptPfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
// now handle the general case
var firstKeyStr:String = word.charAt(0);
var secondKeyNum:Number = word.charCodeAt(1);
var breakFlag:Boolean = false;
if ( _optPrefixKeyTable[firstKeyStr] != undefined ) {
for ( i=0; i< _optPrefixKeyTable[firstKeyStr].length; ++i ) {
if ( (locOptPfxEntry.affixKey.length!=1) ) {
if ( locOptPfxEntry.affixKey.charCodeAt(1)> secondKeyNum )
if ( locOptPfxEntry.affixKey.charCodeAt(1)< secondKeyNum) {
if (breakFlag) break;
else continue;
breakFlag = true;
if (word.indexOf(locOptPfxEntry.affixKey) != 0)
while ( locOptPfxEntry ) {
rv = locOptPfxEntry.checkTwoWord(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv) {
return rv;
locOptPfxEntry = locOptPfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
return rv;//this most certainly will return NULL
* Deprecated function for now...
* History:
* A pre-version of implementation for error detection. After I optimized the code for performance,
* I drop this function by that time, but you know performance meassuring is a tricky problem...
* ToDo: Need a revisit when we implementing complex-affix support and compound-word support.
public function optSuffixCheck( word:String, needFlag:int, inCompound:int):HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var tmpWord:String;
// first handle the special case of 0 length suffixes
if ( this._optSuffixKeyTable[''] != undefined ) {
_optSfxEntry = this._optSuffixKeyTable[''];
while ( _optSfxEntry ) {
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
rv = _optSfxEntry.checkWord(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv ) {
return rv;
_optSfxEntry = _optSfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
// now handle the general case
for ( var i:int =word.length-1; i > 0 ; --i ) {
tmpWord = word.substr(i);
if ( _optSuffixKeyTable[tmpWord] != undefined ) {
_optSfxEntry = _optSuffixKeyTable[tmpWord];
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
while ( _optSfxEntry ) {
rv = _optSfxEntry.checkWord(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv) {
return rv;
_optSfxEntry = _optSfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
return rv;
//This function takes care of all one level suffix stripping. This is called from other affix stripping functions also
public function optSuffixCheck2( word:String, sfxopts:int, ppfx:AffixEntry, needFlag:int, inCompound:int, cclass:int=0, pfxcclass:int=0):HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var tmpWord:String;
var locOptSfxEntry:OptimizedSuffixEntry=null;//local optimised suffic entry
// first handle the special case of 0 length suffixes
if ( this._optSuffixKeyTable[''] != undefined ) {
while ( locOptSfxEntry ) {
//if(!cclass|| locOptSfxEntry.contclass)
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
//if((_optSfxEntry &&!(_optSfxEntry.contclass && HashEntry.TESTAFF(_optSfxEntry.contclass, this._needAffix)))||(ppfx&& !(ppfx.contclass && HashEntry.TESTAFF(ppfx.contclass,this._needAffix))))// needaffix on prefix or first suffix
rv = locOptSfxEntry.checkWord2(word, sfxopts, ppfx, inCompound, needFlag, cclass, pfxcclass);
if ( rv ) {
_optSfxEntry = locOptSfxEntry;//WIll possibily needed in compound check
return rv;
// }
locOptSfxEntry = locOptSfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
// now handle the general case
for ( var i:int =word.length-1; i >= 0 ; --i ) {
tmpWord = word.substr(i);
if ( _optSuffixKeyTable[tmpWord] != undefined ) {
locOptSfxEntry = (_optSuffixKeyTable[tmpWord] is OptimizedSuffixEntry)? _optSuffixKeyTable[tmpWord] : null;
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
while ( locOptSfxEntry ) {
//if(_optSfxEntry &&HashEntry.TESTAFF(_optSfxEntry.contclass, this._needAffix)||(ppfx&& HashEntry.TESTAFF(ppfx.contclass,this._needAffix)))// needaffix on prefix or first suffix
rv = locOptSfxEntry.checkWord2(word, sfxopts, ppfx, inCompound, needFlag, cclass, pfxcclass);
if ( rv) {
_optSfxEntry = locOptSfxEntry;//WIll possibily needed in compound check
return rv;
locOptSfxEntry = locOptSfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
return rv;
// This is a new function added to include two level suffix checking
public function optTwoSuffixCheck(word:String, sfxopts:int, ppfx:AffixEntry,needFlag:int,pfxcclass:int=0) :HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var tmpWord:String;
var locOptSfxEntry:OptimizedSuffixEntry;//local optimised suffic entry
// first handle the special case of 0 length suffixes
if ( this._optSuffixKeyTable[''] != undefined )
while ( locOptSfxEntry )
for(var j:int=0; locOptSfxEntry.flags && j<locOptSfxEntry.flags.length; j++)
{ //if this can be a possible contclass check furthur
rv = locOptSfxEntry.checkTwoWord(word, sfxopts, ppfx, needFlag, locOptSfxEntry.flags[j], pfxcclass );
if (rv)
_optSfxEntry = locOptSfxEntry;//WIll possibily needed in compound check
return rv;
// get next suffix entry from table
locOptSfxEntry = locOptSfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
//now handle the general case
for ( var i:int =word.length-1; i >= 0 ; --i )
tmpWord = word.substr(i);
if ( _optSuffixKeyTable[tmpWord] != undefined )
locOptSfxEntry = (_optSuffixKeyTable[tmpWord] is OptimizedSuffixEntry)? _optSuffixKeyTable[tmpWord] : null;
while ( locOptSfxEntry )
for(j=0;locOptSfxEntry.flags && j<locOptSfxEntry.flags.length; j++)
//if this can be a possible contclass check furthur
rv = locOptSfxEntry.checkTwoWord(word, sfxopts, ppfx, needFlag,locOptSfxEntry.flags[j], pfxcclass );
if ( rv)
_optSfxEntry = locOptSfxEntry;//WIll possibily needed in compound check
return rv;
locOptSfxEntry = locOptSfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
return rv;//will be null in most cases
* Deprecated function for now...
* History:
* A pre-version of implementation for error detection. After I optimized the code for performance,
* I drop this function by that time, but you know performance meassuring is a tricky problem...
* ToDo: Need a revisit when we implementing complex-affix support and compound-word support.
public function suffixCheck2( word:String, sfxopts:int, ppfx:AffixEntry, needFlag:int, inCompound:int):HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var tmpWord:String;
// first handle the special case of 0 length suffixes
if ( this._suffixKeyTable[''] != undefined ) {
_sfxEntry = this._suffixKeyTable[''];
while ( _sfxEntry ) {
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
rv = _sfxEntry.checkWord(word, sfxopts, ppfx, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv ) {
return rv;
_sfxEntry = _sfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
// now handle the general case
for ( var i:int =word.length-1; i > 0 ; --i ) {
tmpWord = word.substr(i);
if ( _suffixKeyTable[tmpWord] != undefined ) {
_sfxEntry = _suffixKeyTable[tmpWord];
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
while ( _sfxEntry ) {
rv = _sfxEntry.checkWord(word, sfxopts, ppfx, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv) {
return rv;
_sfxEntry = _sfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
return rv;
* Deprecated function for now...
* History:
* A pre-version of implementation for error detection. After I optimized the code for performance,
* I drop this function by that time, but you know performance meassuring is a tricky problem...
* ToDo: Need a revisit when we implementing complex-affix support and compound-word support.
private function prefixCheck2(word:String, inCompound:int, needFlag:int) :HashEntry {
var rv:HashEntry = null;
var tmpWord:String;
// first handle the special case of 0 length prefixes
if ( _prefixKeyTable[''] != undefined ) {
_pfxEntry = _prefixKeyTable[''];
while ( _pfxEntry ) {
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
rv = _pfxEntry.checkWord(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv ) {
return rv;
_pfxEntry = _pfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
// now handle the general case
for ( var i:int =1; i < word.length ; ++i ) {
tmpWord = word.substr(0,i);
if ( _prefixKeyTable[tmpWord] != undefined ) {
_pfxEntry = _prefixKeyTable[tmpWord];
// fogemorpheme
// permit prefixes in compounds
// check prefix
while ( _pfxEntry ) {
rv = _pfxEntry.checkWord(word, inCompound, needFlag);
if ( rv) {
return rv;
_pfxEntry = _pfxEntry.nextElementWithKey;
return rv;
public function lookup(word:String ):HashEntry {
var he:HashEntry = null;
var i:int;
// look word in hash table
for ( i=0; i < this._dictMgr.dictonaryList.length && !he; ++i ) {
he = this._dictMgr.dictonaryList[i].getElement(word);
return he;
public function set flagMode(value:int) :void {
this._flagMode = value;
public function get flagMode():int {
return this._flagMode;
public function set encoding(value:String) :void {
this._encoding = value;
public function get encoding():String {
return this._encoding;
public function set keepCase(value:Number):void {
this._keepCase = value;
public function get keepCase():Number {
return this._keepCase;
public function set haveContClass(value:Boolean):void {
this._haveContClass = value;
public function get haveContClass():Boolean {
return this._haveContClass;
public function set needAffix(value:Number):void {
this._needAffix = value;
public function get needAffix():Number {
return this._needAffix;
public function set circumfix(value:Number):void {
this._circumfix = value;
public function get circumfix():Number {
return this._circumfix;
public function set onlyInCompound(value:Number):void {
this._onlyInCompound = value;
public function get onlyInCompound():Number {
return this._onlyInCompound;
public function set dictionaryManager(value:DictionaryManager) :void {
this._dictMgr = value;
public function get dictionaryManager():DictionaryManager {
return this._dictMgr;
public function set fullStrip(value:int):void {
this._fullStrip = value;
public function get fullStrip():int {
return this._fullStrip;
public function set suggestionsWithDots(value:int):void {
this._sugswithdots = value;
public function get suggestionsWithDots():int {
return this._sugswithdots;
public function set nosplitSuggestions(value:int ) :void {
this._nosplitsugs = value;
public function get nosplitSuggestions():int {
return this._nosplitsugs;
public function set maxNgramSuggestions(value:int ) :void {
this._maxngramsugs = value;
public function get maxNgramSuggestions():int {
return this._maxngramsugs;
public function set version(value:String) :void {
this._version = value;
public function get version():String {
return this._version;
public function set languageCode(value:String) :void {
this._languageCode = value;
public function get languageCode():String {
return this._languageCode;
public function set wordChars(value:String):void {
this._wordChars= value;
public function get wordChars():String {
return this._wordChars;
public function addMapFilter(mapString:String ):Boolean {
var mf:MapFilter = new MapFilter(mapString);
for ( var i:int; i< this._mapFilterTable.length; ++i ) {
if ( this._mapFilterTable[i].mapCharSet == mapString ) {
return false;
return true;
public function addSimpleFilter(matchString:String, replacement:String):Boolean {
var sf:SimpleFilter = new SimpleFilter( matchString, replacement);
for ( var i:int; i< this._simpleFilterTable.length; ++i ) {
if ( (this._simpleFilterTable[i].matchString==matchString) && (this._simpleFilterTable[i].replacement==replacement ) ) {
return false;
return true;
//--adding to iconv/oconv table
public function addConvFilter(matchString:String, replacement:String, ioflag:Boolean):Boolean {
var convTable:Array;
for ( var i:int; convTable && i< convTable.length; ++i ) {
if ( (convTable[i].matchString==matchString) && (convTable[i].replacement==replacement ) ) {
return false;
var sf:SimpleFilter = new SimpleFilter( matchString, replacement);
return true;
public function addAffixEntry(affixFlag:int, stripString:String, affixValue:String, conditionsStr:String, morph:String = "", permission:Boolean = false, affixType:int = 0, contclass:String=null):Boolean{
if ( stripString == null || affixValue == null || conditionsStr==null || conditionsStr=="" ) return false;
if ( affixType == 0 ) {
if ( stripString == null || affixValue == null || conditionsStr==null || conditionsStr=="" ) return false;
var pfxEntry:PrefixEntry = new PrefixEntry(affixFlag,stripString,affixValue,conditionsStr,morph,permission,contclass);
pfxEntry.attributeManager = this;
}else {
if ( stripString == null || affixValue == null || conditionsStr==null || conditionsStr=="" ) return false;
var sfxEntry:SuffixEntry = new SuffixEntry(affixFlag,stripString,affixValue,conditionsStr,morph,permission,contclass);
sfxEntry.attributeManager = this;
return true;
private function addOptPrefixEntry(pfxEntry:PrefixEntry):Boolean {
var optPfxEntry:OptimizedPrefixEntry
var hashKey:String = pfxEntry.affixKey.charAt(0);
optPfxEntry = new OptimizedPrefixEntry(pfxEntry);
optPfxEntry.attributeManager = this;
//insert prefix key table....
if ( _optPrefixKeyTable[hashKey] == undefined ) {
_optPrefixKeyTable[hashKey] = new Array();
else {
for each( var optPfxKeyEntry:OptimizedPrefixEntry in _optPrefixKeyTable[hashKey] ){
if ( optPfxKeyEntry.affixKey == pfxEntry.affixKey ) {
while( optPfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey != null ) {
if ( optPfxKeyEntry.isSimilarObject(pfxEntry) ) {
return true;
optPfxKeyEntry = optPfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey;
if ( optPfxKeyEntry.isSimilarObject(pfxEntry) ) {
return true;
optPfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey = optPfxEntry;
return true;
return true;
private function addOptSuffixEntry(sfxEntry:SuffixEntry):Boolean {
var optSfxEntry:OptimizedSuffixEntry
//insert suffix key table....
if ( _optSuffixKeyTable[sfxEntry.affixKey] == undefined ) {
optSfxEntry = new OptimizedSuffixEntry(sfxEntry);
optSfxEntry.attributeManager = this;
_optSuffixKeyTable[sfxEntry.affixKey] = optSfxEntry;
else {
var optSfxKeyEntry:OptimizedSuffixEntry = _optSuffixKeyTable[sfxEntry.affixKey];
while( optSfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey != null ) {
if ( optSfxKeyEntry.isSimilarObject(sfxEntry) ) {
return true;
optSfxKeyEntry = optSfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey;
if ( optSfxKeyEntry.isSimilarObject(sfxEntry) ) {
return true;
optSfxEntry = new OptimizedSuffixEntry(sfxEntry);
optSfxEntry.attributeManager = this;
optSfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey = optSfxEntry;
return true;
private function addPrefixEntry(pfxEntry:PrefixEntry):Boolean {
// We may combine prefix/suffix insertion into one function in the future, it could be good for reduce the code size.
// Since may there is some difference between prefix and suffix, so leave it with different class and different table....
// need better consideration for performance and code style in next step...
var flagChar:String;
flagChar = String.fromCharCode(pfxEntry.flag);
// insert prefix flag table...
if ( _prefixFlagTable[flagChar] == undefined )
_prefixFlagTable[flagChar] = pfxEntry;
else {
var pfxFlagEntry:PrefixEntry = _prefixFlagTable[flagChar];
while( pfxFlagEntry.nextElementWithFlag != null ) {
pfxFlagEntry = pfxFlagEntry.nextElementWithFlag;
pfxFlagEntry.nextElementWithFlag = pfxEntry;
//insert prefix key table....
if ( _prefixKeyTable[pfxEntry.affixKey] == undefined )
_prefixKeyTable[pfxEntry.affixKey] = pfxEntry;
else {
var pfxKeyEntry:PrefixEntry = _prefixKeyTable[pfxEntry.affixKey];
while( pfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey != null ) {
pfxKeyEntry = pfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey;
pfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey = pfxEntry;
return true;
private function addSuffixEntry(sfxEntry:SuffixEntry ):Boolean {
// We may combine prefix/suffix insertion into one function in the future, it could be good for reduce the code size.
// Since may there is some difference between prefix and suffix, so leave it with different class and different table....
// need better consideration for performance and code style in next step...
var flagChar:String;
flagChar = String.fromCharCode(sfxEntry.flag);
// insert suffix flag table...
if ( _suffixFlagTable[flagChar] == undefined )
_suffixFlagTable[flagChar] = sfxEntry;
else {
var sfxFlagEntry:SuffixEntry = _suffixFlagTable[flagChar];
while( sfxFlagEntry.nextElementWithFlag != null ) {
sfxFlagEntry = sfxFlagEntry.nextElementWithFlag;
sfxFlagEntry.nextElementWithFlag = sfxEntry;
//insert suffix key table....
if ( _suffixKeyTable[sfxEntry.affixKey] == undefined )
_suffixKeyTable[sfxEntry.affixKey] = sfxEntry;
else {
var sfxKeyEntry:SuffixEntry = _suffixKeyTable[sfxEntry.affixKey];
while( sfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey != null ) {
sfxKeyEntry = sfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey;
sfxKeyEntry.nextElementWithKey = sfxEntry;
return true;
* Deprecated function for now...
* History:
* A pre-version of implementation for error detection. After I optimized the code for performance,
* I drop this function by that time, but you know performance meassuring is a tricky problem...
* ToDo: Need a revisit when we implementing complex-affix support and compound-word support.
public function addAffixEntry2(affixFlag:int, stripString:String, affixValue:String, conditionsStr:String, morph:String = "", permission:Boolean = false, affixType:int = 0):Boolean{
if ( stripString == null || affixValue == null || conditionsStr==null || conditionsStr=="" ) return false;
if ( affixType == 0 ) {
if ( stripString == null || affixValue == null || conditionsStr==null || conditionsStr=="" ) return false;
var pfxEntry:PrefixEntry = new PrefixEntry(affixFlag,stripString,affixValue,conditionsStr,morph,permission);
pfxEntry.attributeManager = this;
}else {
if ( stripString == null || affixValue == null || conditionsStr==null || conditionsStr=="" ) return false;
var sfxEntry:SuffixEntry = new SuffixEntry(affixFlag,stripString,affixValue,conditionsStr,morph,permission);
sfxEntry.attributeManager = this;
return true;
public function get prefixFlagTable():Array {
return this._prefixFlagTable;
public function get prefixKeyTable():Array {
return this._prefixKeyTable;
public function get suffixFlagTable():Array {
return this._suffixFlagTable;
public function get suffixKeyTable():Array {
return this._suffixKeyTable;
public function set forbiddenWord(value:Number) :void {
this._forbiddenWord = value;
public function get forbiddenWord():Number {
return this._forbiddenWord;
public function set ignoredChars(value:String ) :void {
this._ignoredChars = value;
public function get ignoredChars():String {
return this._ignoredChars;
public function set keyString(value:String):void {
this._keyString = value;
public function get keyString():String {
if ( this._keyString == null ) this._keyString=InternalConstants.SPELL_KEYSTRING;
return this._keyString;
public function set tryString(value:String):void {
this._tryString = value;
public function get tryString():String {
return this._tryString;
public function get contClasses():Dictionary {
return _contClasses;
public function set noSuggest(value:Number ):void {
this._noSuggest = value;
public function get noSuggest():Number {
return this._noSuggest;
public function get simpleFilterTable():Array {
return this._simpleFilterTable;
public function get iconvFilterTable():Array {
return this._iconvFilterTable;
public function get oconvFilterTable():Array {
return this._oconvFilterTable;
/* public function get phoneTable():PhoneticTable {
return this._phoneTable;
public function get breakTable():Array {
return this._breakTable;
public function get aliasfTable():Array{
return this._aliasfTable;
public function get mapFilterTable():Array {
return this._mapFilterTable;
/*This function is used for supporting ICONV/OCONV rule. This function is called whenever an input or output conversion is needed.*/
public function conv(word:String,convWord:Array,ioflag:Boolean):Boolean{
var searchIndex:int=0;
var change:Boolean=false;
var wspace:String;
var convTable:Array=(ioflag)?this._iconvFilterTable:this._oconvFilterTable;
if ( (convTable==null) || (convTable.length == 0) ) return false;
for ( var i:int = 0; i < convTable.length; ++i ) {
while ( (searchIndex = word.indexOf( convTable[i].matchString,searchIndex)) != -1 ){
searchIndex = searchIndex + convTable[i].matchString.length;
wspace = word.substr(0, searchIndex-convTable[i].matchString.length) +
convTable[i].replacement +
return change;