blob: cde28f22f44000f0eab2160a1f3c1cf53eae2cb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core
import com.adobe.linguistics.spelling.core.utils.StringUtils;
public class HashEntry
private var _affStr:String; // affix flag vector
private var _nextEntry:HashEntry;
// Not sure now..just leave it here.
private var _variableFields:String; // variable fields (only for special pronounciation yet)
public function HashEntry(affStr:String=null,desc:String = null)
this._affStr = StringUtils.sort(affStr);
this._variableFields = desc;
this._nextEntry = null;
public function addEntry(affStr:String=null,desc:String = null):Boolean {
if ( this._nextEntry != null ) return false;
this._nextEntry = new HashEntry(affStr, desc);
return true;
public function get next():HashEntry {
return this._nextEntry;
public function get affixFlagVector():String {
return this._affStr;
public function set affixFlagVector(affStr:String):void {
this._affStr = StringUtils.sort(affStr);
public function get variableFields():String {
return this._variableFields;
public function set variableFields( varF:String) :void {
this._variableFields = varF;
public function testAffix(flag:Number):Boolean {
if ( this._affStr == null ) return false;
var mid:int, left:int=0, right:int= this._affStr.length - 1;
while ( left <= right ) {
mid = (right+left)/2;
if ( this._affStr.charCodeAt(mid) == flag )
return true;
if ( flag < this._affStr.charCodeAt(mid) ) right = mid -1;
else left = mid + 1;
return false;
public function testAffixs(flags:Array):Boolean {
for ( var i:int; i< flags.length; ++i) {
if( testAffix(flags[i]) )
return true;
return false;
//For develepors only, this function is made so that when flagmode=flag_long flags can be viewed.
public function printFlag(flag:Number):void{
var result:String = String.fromCharCode(flag>>8) + String.fromCharCode(flag-((flag>>8)<<8));
static public function TESTAFF(affix:String, flag:Number):Boolean {
if ( affix == null ) return false;
affix = StringUtils.sort(affix);
var mid:int, left:int=0, right:int= affix.length - 1;
while ( left <= right ) {
mid = (right+left)/2;
if ( affix.charCodeAt(mid) == flag )
return true;
if ( flag < affix.charCodeAt(mid) ) right = mid -1;
else left = mid + 1;
return false;