blob: a5e5f44ae591641bb00fcc0d9c2447650c2fd898 [file] [log] [blame]
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contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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limitations under the License.
Apache Flex
Copyright 2014 The Apache Software Foundation
Apache Flex SDK Installer 3.1
1. Fixed bugs in ant_on_air library to support more checkums in installer scripts.
2. Reports more information when an install fails or is aborted.
3. Caching is now implemented in the ant scripts. This means that Apache Flex SDK
4.12.1 and earlier will not use the download cache and may install more slowly.
4. Minor UI/usability improvements
5. Installer log now saved to disk in installation directory
Apache Flex SDK Installer 3.0
1. Now uses external localized strings
2. Added support for install scripts based on Apache Ant
Apache Flex SDK Installer 2.7
1. Added support for OSMF2.0 []
From Apache Flex 4.11.0 onwards, support for OSMF2.0 has been added.
2. The osmf.swf RSL now gets generated by the Installer.
Apache Flex SDK Installer 2.6
Here is a list of significant issues that were fixed with this release:
1. Able to select which version of AIR and Flash Player to use.
Apache Flex SDK Installer 2.5
Issues addressed in this release:
Here is a list of significant issues that were fixed with this release:
1. Enable Flex SDK download stats tracking
2. (UI fix for license screen (show regular checkboxes))
3. (Auto-update logic fix)
4. French and Dutch language locale fixes.
5. Added the SDK version number to be downloaded in the window title.
6. (more issues).
7. (added german language).
Apache Flex SDK Installer 2.0
1. If you have previously installed a release candidate (RC) version of
Apache Flex SDK Installer, you need to uninstall it first.
And then run the downloaded installer file.
2. From Flex 4.9 onwards, the Text Layout Framework (TLF) is part of the Flex SDK.
So the installer does not download it separately anymore.
3. By default, Apache Flex SDK Installer 2.0 downloads Adobe Flash Player 11.1
and Adobe AIR SDK 3.4. If you want to change it to any other supported
combination, save a copy of the config file found at:,
modify the download urls to point to the required versions. Then run the app
from command line mode with the optional command line parameter:
-config=<path to config file>.
The new urls will be used to download the required dependencies.
Issues addressed in this release:
Here is a list of significant issues that were fixed with this release:
1. (Fix UI of license screen)
2. (Enable language switching)
Available languages: English(US), English(AU), English(GB), Español (ES),
Français, Greek, Nederlands and Português
Apache Flex Installer SDK 1.0
1. If you have previously installed a pre-release version of Apache Flex SDK Installer, you need to uninstall it first. And then run the downloaded installer file.