FLEX-34020 In TLF truncation, these static variables got re-used by the various attempts at composing different lengths of text to see what would fit.  Changed to instance vars and all tests still passed.
diff --git a/textLayout/src/flashx/textLayout/factory/TextLineFactoryBase.as b/textLayout/src/flashx/textLayout/factory/TextLineFactoryBase.as
index b738cac..c59999b 100644
--- a/textLayout/src/flashx/textLayout/factory/TextLineFactoryBase.as
+++ b/textLayout/src/flashx/textLayout/factory/TextLineFactoryBase.as
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
 		static tlf_internal var _factoryComposer:SimpleCompose;
 		/** @private */		
-		static protected var _truncationLineIndex:int; 	// used during truncation
+		protected var _truncationLineIndex:int; 	// used during truncation
 		/** @private */		
-		static protected var _pass0Lines:Array; 		// used during truncation
+		protected var _pass0Lines:Array; 		// used during truncation
 		/** @private return the next factory composer that will be used */
 		static tlf_internal function peekFactoryCompose():SimpleCompose