Title: Mailing Lists and User Forums

We welcome you to join our mailing lists and user forums and let us know about your thoughts or ideas about Apache Flex.

We ask all mailing list and forum participants to observe these guidelines.

Note: This list does not replace current sources for community support on Adobe Flex. Please continue to use those sources for versions of Flex prior to 4.8.0 . This list is strictly for current versions of Apache Flex.

The Flex users forum is a mirror of the Flex users mailing list. All posts to the forum are mailed to the mailing list, and all messages sent to the mailing list are posted on the forum.

This mailing list is geared towards users working on the SDK or related utilities. Everybody is welcome but the discussion is of a high-level. If you want to ask the developers questions about the bugs, features, etc., this is the mailing list to do so. This is where the project community hangs out. This list is used to coordinate activities and ensure we are all pulling in the same direction. This is a high traffic list.

The Flex development forum is a mirror of the Flex development mailing list. All posts to the forum are mailed to the mailing list, and all messages sent to the mailing list are posted on the forum.

This is where the community receives automated notifications of any changes to the code and documentation.

This is where JIRA posts issues and bug reports about Apache Flex.