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| <!-- |
| |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| |
| --> |
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| <xsl:param name="globalPropsFile" select="'global_props.xml'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="constantsFile" select="'constants.xml'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="operatorsFile" select="'operators.xml'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="statementsFile" select="'statements.xml'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="specialTypesFile" select="'specialTypes.xml'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="unsupportedFile" select="'unsupported.xml'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="fscommandFile" select="'fscommand.xml'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="splitIndex" select="$config/options[@splitIndex='true']"/> |
| <xsl:param name="outputPath" select="''"/> |
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| <xsl:param name="ditaFile" select="'packages.dita'"/> |
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| <xsl:param name="packageOverviewFile" select="'overviews.xml'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="prog_language_name" select="'ActionScript'"/> |
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| <xsl:copy-of select="document(concat($basedir,$unsupportedFile))/asdoc"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
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| <xsl:variable name="fscommand"> |
| <xsl:if test="$config/index[@showFscommand='true']"> |
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| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="matches" |
| select="//*[((self::apiOperation or self::apiValue or self::apiConstructor or self::style or self::SkinPart or self::SkinState or self::effect) and not(ancestor::asAncestor)) or self::apiPackage or self::apiClassifier or (self::adobeApiEvent[not(adobeApiEventDetail/adobeApiEventDef/apiDefinedEvent)] and (not(parent::apiOperation) and not(parent::apiConstructor) and not(parent::eventsDefined) and not(ancestor::asAncestor)))] | $directives/asdoc/object/methods/method | $globalFuncs/asdoc/object/methods/method | $globalProps/asdoc/object/fields/field | $constants/asdoc/object/fields/field | $operators/asdoc/operators/operator | $statements/asdoc/statements/statement | $specialTypes/asdoc/specialTypes/specialType | $unsupported/asdoc/unsupported//*[@name] | $fscommand/asdoc/fscommand | $config/index/entry"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="symbols"> |
| <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">+,:!?/.^~*=%|&<>()[]{}"</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="letters"> |
| <xsl:if test="$config/languageElements[@show='true' and (@operators='true' or @specialTypes='true')]"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$symbolsName"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text>A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="letterSet" select="tokenize($letters,' ')"/> |
| <xsl:template match="/"> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex='false'"> |
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| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex!='false'"> |
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| <xsl:for-each select="$letterSet"> |
| <xsl:variable name="fileName" select="concat('all-index-',.)"/> |
| <xsl:result-document href="{concat($outputPath,$fileName,'.html')}"> |
| <xsl:apply-templates select="$context/allClasses"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="displayLetters" select="tokenize(.,' ')"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="fileName" select="$fileName"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="letter" select="."/> |
| </xsl:apply-templates> |
| </xsl:result-document> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template match="allClasses"> |
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| <xsl:param name="fileName" select="'all-index'"/> |
| <xsl:param name="letter"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="localizedLetter"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$letter = 'Symbols'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Symbols']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$letter"/> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="localizedIndex"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Index']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:copy-of select="$noLiveDocs"/> |
| <xsl:copy-of select="$docType"/> |
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| <xsl:comment>#config errmsg=""</xsl:comment> |
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| <title> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex and $letter"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$localizedLetter"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not($splitIndex)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$config/title"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="localizedIndex"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getPageTitlePostFix"/> |
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| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getTitleScript"> |
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| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="concat($letter,' ',$localizedIndex,' - ',$title-base)"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not($splitIndex)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="concat('All Index - ',$title-base)"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:with-param> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLinks2"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="subTitle"> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex"> |
| <xsl:if test="$letter!='Symbols'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="concat($localizedLetter,$nbsp,$localizedIndex)"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$letter='Symbols'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'SymbolsIndex']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not($splitIndex)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="concat('All',$nbsp,'Index')"/> |
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| <xsl:with-param name="fileName" select="$fileName"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="fileName2" select="'index-list.html'"/> |
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| </xsl:call-template> |
| <div class="MainContent"> |
| <br/> |
| <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$displayLetters"> |
| <tr> |
| <td colspan="2"> |
| <a name="{.}"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="currLetter" select="."/> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$letterSet"> |
| <xsl:if test="$currLetter=."> |
| <xsl:if test="$currLetter=$symbolsName"> |
| <font color="black" size="6px" style="bold"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLocalizedString"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="key" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </font> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$currLetter!=$symbolsName"> |
| <font color="black" size="10px" style="bold"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLocalizedString"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="key" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </font> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$currLetter!=."> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex='false'"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$prog_language_name='javascript'"/> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <a href="#{.}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('index-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLocalizedString"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="key" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex!='false'"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$prog_language_name='javascript'"/> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <a href="all-index-{.}.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('index-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLocalizedString"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="key" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[ ]]></xsl:text> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <xsl:variable name="firstUpper" select="."/> |
| <xsl:variable name="checkingSymbol" select=".=$symbolsName and $config/languageElements[@show='true' and (@operators='true' or @specialTypes='true')]"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="firstLower" select="translate($firstUpper,$upperCase,$lowerCase)"/> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$matches"> |
| <xsl:sort select="concat(translate(self::apiPackage[apiName='__Global__']/apiName,'Global__','Top Le'),translate(@symbol,$symbols,''),translate(./apiName | @name,'#_.( ',''))" |
| data-type="text" lang="en-US"/> |
| <xsl:sort select="../../apiName | @name"/> |
| <xsl:sort select="../apiName | @name"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="isSymbol" select="string-length(./@symbol) > 0 and not(contains($letters,translate(substring(./@symbol,1,1),$lowerCase,$upperCase)))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="isSpecialSymbol" select="self::specialType and not(contains($letters,translate(substring(@name,1,1),$lowerCase,$upperCase)))"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="isRestParam" select="starts-with(@name,'...')"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="sortableName"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <!-- special case for -Infinity --> |
| <xsl:when test="./apiName='-Infinity'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="substring(./apiName,2)"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="./apiName='__Global__'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'TopLevel']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:if test="$isSymbol"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@symbol"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not($isSymbol)"> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(@symbol) > 0"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@symbol"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(string-length(@symbol) > 0)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate(./apiName,'#_.( ','')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="local-name(.) ='style' or local-name(.) ='SkinPart' or local-name(.) ='SkinState' or local-name(.) ='effect' or local-name(.) ='statement' or local-name(.) ='specialType' or local-name(.) ='operator'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="./@name"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="symbolMatch" select="$checkingSymbol and ($isSymbol or $isSpecialSymbol or $isRestParam)"/> |
| <xsl:if test="$symbolMatch or starts-with($sortableName,$firstLower) or starts-with($sortableName,$firstUpper)"> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="idxrow" colspan="2"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <!-- unsupported must come first, otherwise they show up in their original sections --> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor::unsupported"> |
| <a href="unsupported.html"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| <xsl:if test="self::method"> |
| <xsl:text>()</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Unsupported']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="self::globalFunction"> |
| <a href="global_functions.html"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="../@label"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::fscommand"> |
| <a href="global_functions.html#fscommand()"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="../@label"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:if test="self::eventHandler and not(string-length(@class))"> |
| <xsl:text> global </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:value-of select="parent::node()/@label"/> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(@package)"> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(@class)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <a href=""> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@package"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(string-length(@class))"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Package']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <a href="{concat(translate(@package,'.','/'),'/package-detail.html')}"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@package"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(string-length(@package))"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="self::class"> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <a href="package-detail.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'TopLevel']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(@class)"> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <a href="{@class}.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@class"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::fscommand"> |
| <a href="{concat('fscommand/',@name,'.html')}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('fscommand-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:text>Command for </xsl:text> |
| <a href="global_functions.html#fscommand2()"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'fscommand2']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'GlobalFunction']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="(self::apiOperation and (not(@type) or (@type!='handler'))) or self::apiConstructor"> |
| <xsl:variable name="packageName" select="ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="$packageName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="classPath"> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='true' or ../../@type='list'"> |
| <xsl:text>.</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate($packageName,'.','/')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:when test="../../@type='list'"> |
| <a href="{../../@href}#{@name}()"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor::apiClassifier"> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{../apiName}.html#{apiName}()" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/package.html#{apiName}()" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:if test="not(@type) or @type!='directive'"> |
| <xsl:variable name="params"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getParamList"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="params" select=".//apiParam"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:text>(</xsl:text> |
| <xsl:copy-of select="$params"/> |
| <xsl:text>)</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:if test="self::apiOperation"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getMethodDesc"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="self::apiConstructor"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getConstructorDesc"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::apiValue"> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="classPath"> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='true' or ../../@type='list'"> |
| <xsl:text>.</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <xsl:if test="ancestor::apiClassifier"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate(ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName,'.','/')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(ancestor::apiClassifier)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate(ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName,'.','/')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:when test="../../@type='list'"> |
| <a href="{../../@href}#{apiName}"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor::apiClassifier"> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName}.html#{apiName}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/package.html#{apiName}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getPropertyDesc"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::style or self::SkinPart or self::SkinState or self::effect"> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="ancestor::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="classPath"> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='true' or ../../@type='list'"> |
| <xsl:text>.</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate(ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName,'.','/')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:if test="self::style"> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName}.html#style:{@name}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Style']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <tr> |
| <td width="20"/> |
| <td> |
| <xsl:variable name="styleText"> |
| <xsl:if test="./description/@conref"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getConRefText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="conref" select="./description/@conref"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="local-name(./description)"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'style'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(./description/@conref)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(./description)"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length($styleText) > 0"> |
| <xsl:variable name="styleTextShortDesc"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getFirstSentence"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="$styleText"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="$styleTextShortDesc"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </xsl:if> |
| |
| |
| <xsl:if test="self::SkinPart"> |
| <xsl:variable name="pkg" select="translate($classPath,'/','.')"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="class" select="ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName"/> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName}.html#skinpart:{@name}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'SkinPart']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <tr> |
| <td width="20"/> |
| <td> |
| <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(./description)"/> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </xsl:if> |
| |
| <xsl:if test="self::SkinState"> |
| <xsl:variable name="pkg" select="translate($classPath,'/','.')"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="class" select="ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName"/> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName}.html#skinstate:{@name}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>Skin |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'SkinState']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <tr> |
| <td width="20"/> |
| <td> |
| <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(./description)"/> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </xsl:if> |
| |
| <xsl:if test="self::effect"> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName}.html#effect:{@name}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Effect']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::apiPackage"> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="./apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="packagePath"> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='true'"> |
| <xsl:text>.</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate(./apiName,'.','/')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <a href="{$packagePath}/package-detail.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$packagePath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='true'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'TopLevel']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="./apiName"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Package']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::apiClassifier"> |
| <xsl:variable name="name" select="./apiName"/> |
| <xsl:variable name="packageName"> |
| <xsl:if test="../apiName != '__Global__'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="../apiName"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="$packageName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="classPath"> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='true'"> |
| <xsl:text>.</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate($packageName,'.','/')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{$name}.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:if test="./apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef[apiInterface]"> |
| <i> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$name"/> |
| </i> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="./apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef[not(apiInterface)]"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$name"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassDesc"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="$packageName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::adobeApiEvent or (self::apiOperation and @type='handler')"> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="ancestor::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="classPath"> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='true' or ../../@type='list'"> |
| <xsl:text>.</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <xsl:if test="ancestor::apiClassifier"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate(../../apiName,'.','/')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(ancestor::apiClassifier)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="translate(../apiName,'.','/')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:when test="../../@type='list'"> |
| <a href="{../../@href}#event:{./apiName}"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="./apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor::apiClassifier"> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{../apiName}.html#event:{./apiName}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="./apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/package-detail.html#event:{./apiName}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="./apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:if test="@type='handler'"> |
| <xsl:variable name="params"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getParamList"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="params" select="params"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:text>(</xsl:text> |
| <xsl:copy-of select="$params"/> |
| <xsl:text>)</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getEventDesc"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::operator or self::statement"> |
| <xsl:variable name="suffix"> |
| <xsl:if test="self::operator and deprecated"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="'_deprecated'"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="self::statment or not(deprecated)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="''"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="href"> |
| <xsl:if test="$config/options/@docversion='2'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="../@href"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not($config/options/@docversion='2')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="local-name()"/> |
| <xsl:text>s.html</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <a href="{$href}#{concat(translate(@name,' ','_'),$suffix)}"> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(@symbol)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@symbol"/> |
| <xsl:text> (</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(@symbol)"> |
| <xsl:text>)</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:if test="self::operator"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Operator']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="self::statement"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Statement']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::specialType"> |
| <a href="specialTypes.html#{@name}"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'SpecialType']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::entry"> |
| <a href="{@href}" onclick="loadClassListFrame('mxml-tags.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$emdash"/> |
| <a href="mxml-tag-detail.html" onclick="loadClassListFrame('mxml-tags.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'MXMLOnly']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </a> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="(self::statement or self::specialType)"> |
| <xsl:variable name="desc"> |
| <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="./shortDescription"/> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:call-template name="deTilda"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="$desc"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:variable name="desc"> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(./shortdesc) > 0 and not(string-length(./shortdesc/@conref) > 0)"> |
| <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="./shortdesc"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(string-length(./shortdesc) > 0) and (string-length(./shortdesc/@conref) > 0)"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::apiOperation"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getConRefText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="conref" select="./shortdesc/@conref"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="'shortdesc'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'method'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="currentPackage" select="ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::apiValue"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getConRefText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="conref" select="./shortdesc/@conref"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="'shortdesc'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'property'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="currentPackage" select="ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::adobeApiEvent"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getConRefText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="conref" select="./shortdesc/@conref"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="'shortdesc'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'event'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="currentPackage" select="ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:call-template name="deTilda"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="$desc"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td width="20"/> |
| <td> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="deprecated"> |
| <xsl:apply-templates select="deprecated"/> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="(self::apiValue or self::apiOperation or self::apiConstructor or self::adobeApiEvent) and ../../deprecated"> |
| <xsl:copy-of select="$deprecatedLabel"/> |
| <em> |
| <xsl:variable name="deprecated" select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'DeprecatedAsOf']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:apply-templates select="$deprecated" mode="terms"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="class" select="../../@name"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="as-of" select="../../deprecated/@as-of"/> |
| </xsl:apply-templates> |
| </em> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::entry"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="deTilda"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="node()"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::effect"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="deTilda"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="./description"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="self::apiPackage"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getPackageComment"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="./apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="(self::operator or self::statement or self::specialType)"> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(shortDescription/.) or string-length(short-description)"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="deTilda"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="shortDescription/. | short-description/."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:variable name="desc"> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length(normalize-space(./shortdesc)) > 0 and not(string-length(normalize-space(./shortdesc/@conref)) > 0)"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="deTilda"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="./shortdesc"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(string-length(normalize-space(./shortdesc)) > 0) and (string-length(normalize-space(./shortdesc/@conref)) > 0)"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::apiOperation"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getConRefText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="conref" select="./shortdesc/@conref"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="'shortdesc'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'method'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="currentPackage" select="ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::apiValue"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getConRefText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="conref" select="./shortdesc/@conref"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="'shortdesc'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'property'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="currentPackage" select="ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::adobeApiEvent"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getConRefText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="conref" select="./shortdesc/@conref"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="'shortdesc'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'event'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="currentPackage" select="ancestor-or-self::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(string-length(normalize-space(./shortdesc)) > 0) and (string-length(normalize-space(./shortdesc/@conref)) = 0)"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::apiOperation"> |
| <xsl:if test="ancestor-or-self::apiOperation/apiOperationDetail/apiOperationDef/apiInheritDoc"> |
| <xsl:if |
| test="ancestor-or-self::apiClassifier/apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiBaseClassifier or ancestor-or-self::apiClassifier/apiClassifierDetail/apiBaseInterface "> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getInheritDocText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="baseClass" select="ancestor-or-self::apiClassifier/apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiBaseClassifier"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="'shortdesc'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'apiOperation'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="nameToMatch" select="ancestor-or-self::apiOperation/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::apiValue"> |
| <xsl:if test="ancestor-or-self::apiValue/apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiInheritDoc"> |
| <xsl:if |
| test="ancestor-or-self::apiClassifier/apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiBaseClassifier or ancestor-or-self::apiClassifier/apiClassifierDetail/apiBaseInterface "> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getInheritDocText"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="baseClass" select="ancestor-or-self::apiClassifier/apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiBaseClassifier"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="descriptionType" select="'shortdesc'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="entryType" select="'apiValue'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="nameToMatch" select="ancestor-or-self::apiValue/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:when> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:variable name="text"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="search-and-replace"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="search-string" select="'~~'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="replace-string" select="'*'"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="input" select="$desc"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$text"/> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| <tr> |
| <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom:20px"/> |
| </tr> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex!='false'"> |
| <tr> |
| <td colspan="2"> |
| <xsl:variable name="currLetter" select="."/> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$letterSet"> |
| <xsl:if test="$currLetter=."> |
| <xsl:if test="$currLetter=$symbolsName"> |
| <font color="black" size="6px" style="bold"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLocalizedString"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="key" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </font> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$currLetter!=$symbolsName"> |
| <font color="black" size="10px" style="bold"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLocalizedString"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="key" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </font> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$currLetter!=."> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex='false'"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$prog_language_name='javascript'"/> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <a href="#{.}" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('index-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLocalizedString"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="key" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex!='false'"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$prog_language_name='javascript'"/> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <a href="all-index-{.}.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('index-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getLocalizedString"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="key" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[ ]]></xsl:text> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </table> |
| <p/> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getFeedbackLink"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="topic"> |
| <xsl:if test="$splitIndex"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="concat($letter,' Index')"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not($splitIndex)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="'Index'"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:with-param> |
| <xsl:with-param name="filename" select="$fileName"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="filename2" select="'index-list.html'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <center class="copyright"> |
| <xsl:copy-of select="$copyright"/> |
| </center> |
| </div> |
| <xsl:if test="$config/options[@livedocs='true']"> |
| <div class="separator"> </div> |
| <xsl:comment>BEGIN IONCOMMENTS</xsl:comment> |
| <div id="ionComHere"> </div> |
| <xsl:comment>END IONCOMMENTS</xsl:comment> |
| <xsl:comment>#include virtual="ionComments.ssi"</xsl:comment> |
| <p id="creativecommons" class="creativecommons"> |
| <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/"> |
| <img id="creativecommons_img" src="images/CC.png"/> |
| </a> |
| </p> |
| <xsl:comment>#include virtual="/livedocs/googleAnalytics.ssi"</xsl:comment> |
| <xsl:comment>#include virtual="/ubi/analytics/analytics_ssi.html"</xsl:comment> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:element> |
| </xsl:element> |
| <xsl:copy-of select="$copyrightComment"/> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:param name="classPath"/> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="string-length($classPath) > 1"> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$prog_language_name='javascript'"/> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| <xsl:text>.</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/{ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName}.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <a href="{ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName}.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::apiClassifier/apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="getMethodDesc"> |
| <xsl:param name="classPath"/> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="parent::apiClassifier"> |
| <!-- TODO handle more variations (override,final?) --> |
| <xsl:if test="apiOperationDetail/apiOperationDef/apiStatic"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'StaticMethodIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiOperationDetail/apiOperationDef/apiStatic)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Method']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:if test="../apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'InterfaceIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(../apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="parent::apiPackage"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiOperationDetail/apiOperationDef/apiStatic"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'PackageStaticFunctionIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiOperationDetail/apiOperationDef/apiStatic)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'PackageFunctionIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="ancestor::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/package.html" onclick="loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel!='false'"> |
| <a href="package.html" onclick="loadClassListFrame('class-list.html')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'TopLevel']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="../../@type='list'"> |
| <xsl:if test="@type='directive'"> |
| <xsl:text>Compiler Directive</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="@type!='directive'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'GlobalFunction']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="getConstructorDesc"> |
| <xsl:param name="classPath"/> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Constructor']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="getPropertyDesc"> |
| <xsl:param name="classPath"/> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="parent::apiClassifier"> |
| <xsl:if test="$prog_language_name='ActionScript'"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiStatic"> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiProperty)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ConstantStaticPropertyIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>,</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiProperty"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'StaticPropertyIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>,</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiStatic)"> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiProperty)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ConstantPropertyIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>,</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiProperty"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'PropertyIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>,</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:if test="../apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'InterfaceIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(../apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="parent::apiPackage"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiStatic"> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiProperty)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'PackageConstantStaticPropertyIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiProperty"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'PackageStaticPropertyIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiStatic)"> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiProperty)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'PackageConstantPropertyIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="apiValueDetail/apiValueDef/apiProperty"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Package']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Property']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="ancestor::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <a href="{$classPath}/package.html" onclick="loadClassListFrame('{$classPath}/class-list.html')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::apiPackage/apiName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel!='false'"> |
| <a href="package.html" onclick="loadClassListFrame('class-list.html')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'TopLevel']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="../../@type='list'"> |
| <xsl:if test="../../@name='Constants'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ConstantProperty']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="../../@name!='Constants'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'GlobalProperty']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="getEventDesc"> |
| <xsl:param name="classPath"/> |
| <!-- AS2 lang elements --> |
| <xsl:if test="parent::apiClassifier"> |
| <xsl:variable name="typeName"> |
| <xsl:if test="../apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'InterfaceIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(../apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="@type = 'handler'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'EventHandlerIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>,</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:when test="@type != 'handler'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'EventListenerIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>,</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'EventIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text>,</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$typeName"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="getClassRef"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="classPath" select="$classPath"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(../../@type) or ../../@type='list'"> |
| <xsl:if test="@type = 'handler'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'GlobalEventHandler']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="@type != 'handler'"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'GlobalEventListener']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="getPackageComment"> |
| <xsl:param name="packageName"/> |
| <xsl:if test="not($config/overviews/package)"> |
| <xsl:variable name="packageComments" select="document($packageOverviewFile)/overviews/packages/package[@name=$packageName]"/> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$packageComments/shortDescription"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="deTilda"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$config/overviews/package"> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$config/overviews/package"> |
| <xsl:variable name="packageOverview" select="document(.)/overviews/packages/package[@name=$packageName]"/> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$packageOverview/shortDescription"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="deTilda"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="inText" select="."/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="getClassDesc"> |
| <xsl:param name="packageName"/> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length($packageName)=0"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiFinal"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiDynamic"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'FinalDynamicClass']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiDynamic)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'FinalClass']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiFinal)"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiDynamic"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'DynamicClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiDynamic)"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Interface']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <a href="package-detail.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'TopLevel']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length($packageName)"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiFinal"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiDynamic"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'FinalDynamicClass']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiDynamic)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'FinalClass']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiFinal)"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiDynamic"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'DynamicClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiDynamic)"> |
| <xsl:if test="apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Interface']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="not(apiClassifierDetail/apiClassifierDef/apiInterface)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'ClassIn']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'Package']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| <xsl:text> </xsl:text> |
| <xsl:variable name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="isTopLevel"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="packageName" select="$packageName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel='false'"> |
| <a href="{translate($packageName,'.','/')}/package-detail.html" onclick="javascript:loadClassListFrame('{translate($packageName,'.','/')}/class-list.html');"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$packageName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$isTopLevel!='false'"> |
| <a href="package.html" onclick="loadClassListFrame('class-list.html')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$asdoc_terms/row[entry[1][p/text() = 'TopLevel']]/entry[2]/p"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="getParamList"> |
| <xsl:param name="params"/> |
| <xsl:for-each select="$params"> |
| <xsl:if test="position()>1"> |
| <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:variable name="typeName"> |
| <xsl:if test="./apiType and not(./apiOperationClassifier)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="./apiType/@value"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="./apiOperationClassifier and not(./apiType)"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="./apiOperationClassifier"/> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:if test="$prog_language_name = 'ActionScript'"> |
| <xsl:if test="$config/options/@docversion='2' and @optional='true'"> |
| <xsl:text>[</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="($typeName!= 'restParam')"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="./apiItemName"/> |
| <xsl:if test="($typeName!= '')"> |
| <xsl:text>:</xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="processParamType"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="typeName" select="$typeName"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="($typeName = 'restParam')"> |
| <xsl:text>... rest</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$config/options/@docversion='2' and @optional='true'"> |
| <xsl:text>]</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:for-each> |
| </xsl:template> |
| <xsl:template name="processParamType"> |
| <xsl:param name="typeName"/> |
| <xsl:if test="($typeName='list')"> |
| <a href="{$typeName}.html"> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$typeName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| <xsl:if test="$typeName !='list'"> |
| <xsl:variable name="doesTypeExist"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="doesClassExist"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="class_name" select="translate($typeName, '[]', '')"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:choose> |
| <xsl:when test="$doesTypeExist = '1'"> |
| <xsl:variable name="href"> |
| <xsl:call-template name="convertFullName"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="fullname" select="$typeName"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="separator">/</xsl:with-param> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| </xsl:variable> |
| <xsl:if test="string-length($href)"> |
| <a href="{$href}.html"> |
| <xsl:attribute name="onclick"> |
| <xsl:text>javascript:loadClassListFrame('</xsl:text> |
| <xsl:call-template name="substring-before-last"> |
| <xsl:with-param name="input" select="$href"/> |
| <xsl:with-param name="substr" select="'/'"/> |
| </xsl:call-template> |
| <xsl:text>./class-list.html');</xsl:text> |
| </xsl:attribute> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$typeName"/> |
| </a> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:when> |
| <xsl:otherwise> |
| <xsl:value-of select="$typeName"/> |
| </xsl:otherwise> |
| </xsl:choose> |
| </xsl:if> |
| </xsl:template> |
| </xsl:stylesheet> |