blob: 5bf874f3b1080863f2b13315da07b876e0cbd4e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mx.controls
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
import flash.utils.clearInterval;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.xml.XMLNode;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.collections.CursorBookmark;
import mx.collections.ICollectionView;
import mx.collections.ItemResponder;
import mx.collections.IViewCursor;
import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
import mx.collections.errors.ItemPendingError;
import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
import mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer;
import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer;
import mx.controls.listClasses.ListRowInfo;
import mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseSelectionDataPending;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.HierarchicalCollectionView;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.HierarchicalViewCursor;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor2;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeListData;
import mx.core.ClassFactory;
import mx.core.EdgeMetrics;
import mx.core.EventPriority;
import mx.core.FlexSprite;
import mx.core.FlexShape;
import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
import mx.core.IIMESupport;
import mx.core.IInvalidating;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.core.UIComponentGlobals;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.effects.Tween;
import mx.managers.DragManager;
import mx.managers.ISystemManager;
import mx.managers.SystemManager;
use namespace mx_internal;
// Events
* Dispatched when a branch is closed or collapsed.
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Event(name="itemClose", type="")]
* Dispatched when a branch is opened or expanded.
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Event(name="itemOpen", type="")]
* Dispatched when a branch open or close is initiated.
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Event(name="itemOpening", type="")]
// Styles
include "../styles/metadata/";
* Colors for rows in an alternating pattern.
* Value can be an Array of two of more colors.
* Used only if the <code>backgroundColor</code> property is not specified.
* @default undefined
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="alternatingItemColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")]
* Array of colors used in the Tree control, in descending order.
* @default undefined
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="depthColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")]
* Specifies the default icon for a leaf item.
* In MXML, you can use the following syntax to set this property:
* <code>defaultLeafIcon="&#64;Embed(source='c.jpg');"</code>
* The default value is the "TreeNodeIcon" symbol in the Assets.swf file.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="defaultLeafIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")]
* Specifies the icon that is displayed next to a parent item that is open so that its
* children are displayed.
* The default value is the "TreeDisclosureOpen" symbol in the Assets.swf file.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="disclosureOpenIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")]
* Specifies the icon that is displayed next to a parent item that is closed so that its
* children are not displayed (the subtree is collapsed).
* The default value is the "TreeDisclosureClosed" symbol in the Assets.swf file.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="disclosureClosedIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")]
* Specifies the folder open icon for a branch item of the tree.
* In MXML, you can use the following syntax to set this property:
* <code>folderOpenIcon="&#64;Embed(source='a.jpg');"</code>
* The default value is the "TreeFolderOpen" symbol in the Assets.swf file.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="folderOpenIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")]
* Specifies the folder closed icon for a branch item of the tree.
* In MXML, you can use the following syntax to set this property:
* <code>folderClosedIcon="&#64;Embed(source='b.jpg');"</code>
* The default value is the "TreeFolderClosed" symbol in the Assets.swf file.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="folderClosedIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")]
* Indentation for each tree level, in pixels.
* @default 17
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="indentation", type="Number", inherit="no")]
* Length of an open or close transition, in milliseconds.
* The default value for the Halo theme is <code>250</code>.
* The default value for the Spark theme is <code>0</code>.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="openDuration", type="Number", format="Time", inherit="no")]
* Easing function to control component tweening.
* <p>The default value is <code>undefined</code>.</p>
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="openEasingFunction", type="Function", inherit="no")]
* Color of the background when the user rolls over the link.
* The default value for the Halo theme is <code>0xB2E1FF</code>.
* The default value for the Spark theme is <code>0xCEDBEF</code>.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="rollOverColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")]
* Color of the background when the user selects the link.
* The default value for the Halo theme is <code>0x7FCEFF</code>.
* The default value for the Spark theme is <code>0xA8C6EE</code>.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="selectionColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")]
* Specifies the disabled color of a list item.
* @default 0xDDDDDD
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="selectionDisabledColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")]
* Reference to an <code>easingFunction</code> function used for controlling programmatic tweening.
* <p>The default value is <code>undefined</code>.</p>
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="selectionEasingFunction", type="Function", inherit="no")]
* Color of the text when the user rolls over a row.
* The default value for the Halo theme is <code>0x2B333C</code>.
* The default value for the Spark theme is <code>0x000000</code>.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="textRollOverColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")]
* Color of the text when the user selects a row.
* The default value for the Halo theme is <code>0x2B333C</code>.
* The default value for the Spark theme is <code>0x000000</code>.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="textSelectedColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")]
// Other metadata
* The Tree control lets a user view hierarchical data arranged as an expandable tree.
* Each item in a tree can be a leaf or a branch.
* A leaf item is an end point in the tree.
* A branch item can contain leaf or branch items, or it can be empty.
* <p>By default, a leaf is represented by a text label next to a file icon.
* A branch is represented by a text label next to a folder icon, with a
* disclosure triangle that a user can open to expose children.</p>
* <p>The Tree class uses an ITreeDataDescriptor or ITreeDataDescriptor2 object to parse and
* manipulate the data provider.
* The default tree data descriptor, an object of the DefaultDataDescriptor class,
* supports XML and Object classes; an Object class data provider must have all children
* in <code>children</code> fields.
* </p>
* <p>The Tree control has the following default sizing
* characteristics:</p>
* <table class="innertable">
* <tr>
* <th>Characteristic</th>
* <th>Description</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Default size</td>
* <td>Wide enough to accommodate the icon, label, and
* expansion triangle, if any, of the widest node in the
* first 7 displayed (uncollapsed) rows, and seven rows
* high, where each row is 20 pixels in height. If a
* scroll bar is required, the width of the scroll bar is
* not included in the width calculations.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Minimum size</td>
* <td>0 pixels.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Maximum size</td>
* <td>5000 by 5000.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* @mxml
* <p>
* The &lt;mx:Tree&gt; tag inherits all the tag attributes of its superclass, and
* adds the following tag attributes:
* </p>
* <pre>
* &lt;mx:Tree
* <b>Properties</b>
* dataDescriptor="<i>Instance of DefaultDataDescriptor</i>"
* dataProvider="null"
* dragMoveEnabled="true|false"
* firstVisibleItem="<i>First item in the control</i>"
* hasRoot="false|true"
* itemIcons="null"
* maxHorizontalScrollPosition="0"
* openItems="null"
* showRoot="true|false"
* &nbsp;
* <b>Styles</b>
* alternatingItemColors="undefined"
* backgroundDisabledColor="0xDDDDDD"
* defaultLeafIcon="<i>'TreeNodeIcon' symbol in Assets.swf</i>"
* depthColors="undefined"
* disclosureClosedIcon="<i>'TreeDisclosureClosed' symbol in Assets.swf</i>"
* disclosureOpenIcon="<i>'TreeDisclosureOpen' symbol in Assets.swf</i>"
* folderClosedIcon="<i>'TreeFolderClosed' symbol in Assets.swf</i>"
* folderOpenIcon="<i>'TreeFolderOpen' symbol in Assets.swf</i>"
* indentation="17"
* openDuration="250"
* openEasingFunction="undefined"
* paddingLeft="2"
* paddingRight="0"
* rollOverColor="0xAADEFF"
* selectionColor="0x7FCDFE"
* selectionDisabledColor="0xDDDDDD"
* selectionEasingFunction="undefined"
* textRollOverColor="0x2B333C"
* textSelectedColor="0x2B333C"
* &nbsp;
* <b>Events</b>
* change="<i>No default</i>"
* itemClose="<i>No default</i>"
* itemOpen="<i>No default</i>"
* itemOpening="<i>No default</i>"
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @see mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor
* @see mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor2
* @see mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
* @includeExample examples/TreeExample.mxml
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public class Tree extends List implements IIMESupport
include "../core/";
// Class constants
* @private
private var IS_NEW_ROW_STYLE:Object =
depthColors: true,
indentation: true,
disclosureOpenIcon: true,
disclosureClosedIcon: true,
folderOpenIcon: true,
folderClosedIcon: true,
defaultLeafIcon: true
// Class mixins
* @private
* Placeholder for mixin by TreeAccImpl.
mx_internal static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
// Constructor
* Constructor.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function Tree()
itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(TreeItemRenderer);
editorXOffset = 12;
editorWidthOffset = -12;
addEventListener(TreeEvent.ITEM_OPENING, expandItemHandler,
false, EventPriority.DEFAULT_HANDLER);
// Variables
* @private
* Item is currently in the process of opening
private var opening:Boolean;
* @private
* The tween object that animates rows
private var tween:Object;
* @private
private var maskList:Array;
* @private
private var _userMaxHorizontalScrollPosition:Number = 0;
* @private
private var eventPending:Object;
* @private
private var eventAfterTween:Object;
* @private
private var oldLength:int = -1;
* @private
private var expandedItem:Object;
* @private
private var bSelectedItemRemoved:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Used to slow the scrolling down a bit
private var minScrollInterval:Number = 50;
* @private
private var rowNameID:Number = 0;
* @private
private var _editable:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Used to block giving focus to editor on focusIn
private var dontEdit:Boolean = false;
* @private
private var lastUserInteraction:Event;
* @private
* automation delegate access
mx_internal var _dropData:Object;
* An object that specifies the icons for the items.
* Each entry in the object has a field name that is the item UID
* and a value that is an an object with the following format:
* <pre>
* {iconID: <i>Class</i>, iconID2: <i>Class</i>}
* </pre>
* The <code>iconID</code> field value is the class of the icon for
* a closed or leaf item and the <code>iconID2</code> is the class
* of the icon for an open item.
* <p>This property is intended to allow initialization of item icons.
* Changes to this array after initialization are not detected
* automatically.
* Use the <code>setItemIcon()</code> method to change icons dynamically.</p>
* @see #setItemIcon()
* @default undefined
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var itemIcons:Object;
* @private
mx_internal var isOpening:Boolean = false;
* @private
* used by opening tween
* rowIndex is the row below the row that was picked
* and is the first one that will actually change
private var rowIndex:int;
* @private
* Number of rows that are or will be tweened
private var rowsTweened:int;
* @private
private var rowList:Array;
* @private
mx_internal var collectionLength:int;
* A hook for accessibility
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
mx_internal var wrappedCollection:ICollectionView;
* @private
mx_internal var collectionThrowsIPE:Boolean;
* @private
private var haveItemIndices:Boolean;
* @private
private var lastTreeSeekPending:TreeSeekPending;
* @private
private var bFinishArrowKeySelection:Boolean = false;
private var proposedSelectedItem:Object;
// Overridden properties
// dataProvider
* @private
private var dataProviderChanged:Boolean = false;
[Inspectable(category="Data", defaultValue="null")]
* An object that contains the data to be displayed.
* When you assign a value to this property, the Tree class handles
* the source data object as follows:
* <p>
* <ul><li>A String containing valid XML text is converted to an XMLListCollection.</li>
* <li>An XMLNode is converted to an XMLListCollection.</li>
* <li>An XMLList is converted to an XMLListCollection.</li>
* <li>Any object that implements the ICollectionView interface is cast to
* an ICollectionView.</li>
* <li>An Array is converted to an ArrayCollection.</li>
* <li>Any other type object is wrapped in an Array with the object as its sole
* entry.</li></ul>
* </p>
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override public function set dataProvider(value:Object):void
// in all cases save off the original
if (_rootModel)
// handle strings and xml
if (typeof(value)=="string")
value = new XML(value);
else if (value is XMLNode)
value = new XML(XMLNode(value).toString());
else if (value is XMLList)
value = new XMLListCollection(value as XMLList);
if (value is XML)
_hasRoot = true;
var xl:XMLList = new XMLList();
xl += value;
_rootModel = new XMLListCollection(xl);
//if already a collection dont make new one
else if (value is ICollectionView)
_rootModel = ICollectionView(value);
if (_rootModel.length == 1)
_hasRoot = true;
else if (value is Array)
_rootModel = new ArrayCollection(value as Array);
//all other types get wrapped in an ArrayCollection
else if (value is Object)
_hasRoot = true;
// convert to an array containing this one item
var tmp:Array = [];
_rootModel = new ArrayCollection(tmp);
_rootModel = new ArrayCollection();
//flag for processing in commitProps
dataProviderChanged = true;
* @private
override public function get dataProvider():Object
if (_rootModel)
return _rootModel;
return null;
// maxHorizontalScrollPosition
* The maximum value for the <code>maxHorizontalScrollPosition</code> property for the Tree control.
* Unlike the <code>maxHorizontalScrollPosition</code> property
* in the List control, this property is modified by the Tree control as
* items open and close and as items in the tree otherwise become
* visible or are hidden (for example, by scrolling).
* <p>If you set this property to the widest known item in the dataProvider,
* the Tree control modifies it so that even if that widest item
* is four levels down in the tree, the user can scroll to see it.
* As a result, although you read back the same value for the
* <code>maxHorizontalScrollPosition</code> property that you set,
* it isn't necessarily the actual value used by the Tree control.</p>
* @default 0
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number
return _userMaxHorizontalScrollPosition > 0 ?
_userMaxHorizontalScrollPosition :
* @private
override public function set maxHorizontalScrollPosition(value:Number):void
_userMaxHorizontalScrollPosition = value;
value += getIndent();
super.maxHorizontalScrollPosition = value;
// dragMoveEnabled
* @private
* Storage for the dragMoveEnabled property.
* For Tree only, this initializes to true.
private var _dragMoveEnabled:Boolean = true;
* Indicates that items can be moved instead of just copied
* from the Tree control as part of a drag-and-drop operation.
* @default true
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override public function get dragMoveEnabled():Boolean
return _dragMoveEnabled;
* @private
override public function set dragMoveEnabled(value:Boolean):void
_dragMoveEnabled = value;
// Properties
// firstVisibleItem
* The item that is currently displayed in the top row of the tree.
* Based on how the branches have been opened and closed and scrolled,
* the top row might hold, for example, the ninth item in the list of
* currently viewable items which in turn represents
* some great-grandchild of the root.
* Setting this property is analogous to setting the verticalScrollPosition of the List control.
* If the item isn't currently viewable, for example, because it
* is under a nonexpanded item, setting this property has no effect.
* <p>NOTE: In Flex 1.0 this property was typed as XMLNode although it really was
* either an XMLNode or TreeNode. In 2.0, it is now the generic type Object and will
* return an object of the same type as the data contained in the dataProvider.</p>
* <p>The default value is the first item in the Tree control.</p>
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get firstVisibleItem():Object
if (listItems.length > 0 && listItems[0].length > 0)
return listItems[0][0].data;
return null;
* @private
public function set firstVisibleItem(value:Object):void
var pos:int = getItemIndex(value);
if (pos < 0)
verticalScrollPosition = Math.min(maxVerticalScrollPosition, pos);
dispatchEvent(new Event("firstVisibleItemChanged"));
// dataDescriptor
* @private
mx_internal var _dataDescriptor:ITreeDataDescriptor =
new DefaultDataDescriptor();
* Tree delegates to the data descriptor for information about the data.
* This data is then used to parse and move about the data source.
* <p>When you specify this property as an attribute in MXML you must
* use a reference to the data descriptor, not the string name of the
* descriptor. Use the following format for the property:</p>
* <pre>&lt;mx:Tree id="tree" dataDescriptor="{new MyCustomTreeDataDescriptor()}"/&gt;></pre>
* <p>Alternatively, you can specify the property in MXML as a nested
* subtag, as the following example shows:</p>
* <pre>&lt;mx:Tree&gt;
* &lt;mx:dataDescriptor&gt;
* &lt;myCustomTreeDataDescriptor&gt;</pre>
* <p>The default value is an internal instance of the
* DefaultDataDescriptor class.</p>
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function set dataDescriptor(value:ITreeDataDescriptor):void
_dataDescriptor = value;
* Returns the current ITreeDataDescriptor.
* @default DefaultDataDescriptor
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get dataDescriptor():ITreeDataDescriptor
return ITreeDataDescriptor(_dataDescriptor);
// showRoot
* @private
* Storage variable for showRoot flag.
mx_internal var _showRoot:Boolean = true;
* @private
* Storage variable for changes to showRoot.
mx_internal var showRootChanged:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Flag to indicate if the model has a root
mx_internal var _hasRoot:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Storage variable for the original dataProvider
mx_internal var _rootModel:ICollectionView;
[Inspectable(category="Data", enumeration="true,false", defaultValue="false")]
* Sets the visibility of the root item.
* If the dataProvider data has a root node, and this is set to
* <code>false</code>, the Tree control does not display the root item.
* Only the decendants of the root item are displayed.
* This flag has no effect on non-rooted dataProviders, such as List and Array.
* @default true
* @see #hasRoot
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get showRoot():Boolean
return _showRoot;
* @private
public function set showRoot(value:Boolean):void
if (_showRoot != value)
_showRoot = value;
showRootChanged = true;
* Indicates that the current dataProvider has a root item; for example,
* a single top node in a hierarchical structure. XML and Object
* are examples of types that have a root. Lists and arrays do not.
* @see #showRoot
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get hasRoot():Boolean
return _hasRoot;
// openItems
* @private
* Used to hold a list of items that are opened or set opened.
private var _openItems:Object = {};
* @private
private var openItemsChanged:Boolean = false;
* The items that have been opened or set opened.
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get openItems():Object
var openItemsArray:Array = [];
for each(var item:* in _openItems)
return openItemsArray;
* @private
public function set openItems(value:Object):void
if (value != null)
for (var uid:String in _openItems)
delete _openItems[uid];
for each (var item:* in value)
_openItems[itemToUID(item)] = item;
openItemsChanged = true;
// Overridden methods
* @private
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void
if (Tree.createAccessibilityImplementation != null)
* @private
override protected function commitProperties():void
if (showRootChanged)
if (!_hasRoot)
showRootChanged = false;
if (dataProviderChanged || showRootChanged || openItemsChanged)
var tmpCollection:ICollectionView;
//reset flags
dataProviderChanged = false;
showRootChanged = false;
//we always reset the open and selected items on a dataprovider assignment
if (!openItemsChanged)
_openItems = {};
openItemsChanged = false;
// are we swallowing the root?
if (_rootModel && !_showRoot && _hasRoot)
var rootItem:* = _rootModel.createCursor().current;
if (rootItem != null &&
_dataDescriptor.isBranch(rootItem, _rootModel) &&
_dataDescriptor.hasChildren(rootItem, _rootModel))
// then get rootItem children
tmpCollection = getChildren(rootItem, _rootModel);
// at this point _rootModel may be null so we dont need to continue
if (_rootModel)
//wrap userdata in a TreeCollection and pass that collection to the List
super.dataProvider = wrappedCollection = (_dataDescriptor is ITreeDataDescriptor2) ?
tmpCollection != null ? tmpCollection : _rootModel,
_openItems) :
new HierarchicalCollectionView(
tmpCollection != null ? tmpCollection : _rootModel,
// not really a default handler, but we need to be later than the wrapper
EventPriority.DEFAULT_HANDLER, true);
super.dataProvider = null;
* @private
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
// Kill any animation before resizing;
// tween is null if there is no Tween underway.
if (tween)
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
//update collection length
if (collection)
collectionLength = collection.length;
* @private
override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void
if (styleProp == null ||
styleProp == "styleName" ||
itemsSizeChanged = true;
* @private
* Position indicator bar that shows where an item will be placed in the list.
override public function showDropFeedback(event:DragEvent):void
// Adjust for indent
var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetrics;
var offset:int = 0;
var indent:int = 0;
var depth:int;
if (_dropData.parent)
offset = getItemIndex(iterator.current);
depth = getItemDepth(_dropData.parent, Math.abs(offset - getItemIndex(_dropData.parent)));
indent = (depth + 1) * getStyle("indentation");
indent = getStyle("indentation");
if (indent < 0)
indent = 0;
//position drop indicator
dropIndicator.width = listContent.width - indent;
dropIndicator.x = indent + vm.left + 2;
if (_dropData.emptyFolder)
dropIndicator.y += _dropData.rowHeight / 2;
* @private
override public function calculateDropIndex(event:DragEvent = null):int
if (event)
return _dropData.rowIndex;
* @private
override protected function addDragData(ds:Object):void // actually a DragSource
ds.addHandler(collapseSelectedItems, "treeItems");
* @private
* see
override mx_internal function addClipMask(layoutChanged:Boolean):void
var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetrics;
if (horizontalScrollBar && horizontalScrollBar.visible)
vm.bottom -= horizontalScrollBar.minHeight;
if (verticalScrollBar && verticalScrollBar.visible)
vm.right -= verticalScrollBar.minWidth;
listContent.scrollRect = new Rectangle(
0, 0,
unscaledWidth - vm.left - vm.right,
* @private
* Undo the effects of the addClipMask function (above)
override mx_internal function removeClipMask():void
* Creates a new TreeListData instance and populates the fields based on
* the input data provider item.
* @param data The data provider item used to populate the ListData.
* @param uid The UID for the item.
* @param rowNum The index of the item in the data provider.
* @return A newly constructed ListData object.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override protected function makeListData(data:Object, uid:String,
var treeListData:TreeListData = new TreeListData(itemToLabel(data), uid, this, rowNum);
initListData(data, treeListData);
return treeListData;
* @private
override public function itemToIcon(item:Object):Class
if (item == null)
return null;
var icon:*;
var open:Boolean = isItemOpen(item);
var branch:Boolean = isBranch(item);
var uid:String = itemToUID(item);
//first lets check the component
var iconClass:Class =
itemIcons && itemIcons[uid] ?
itemIcons[uid][open ? "iconID2" : "iconID"] :
if (iconClass)
return iconClass;
else if (iconFunction != null)
return iconFunction(item)
else if (branch)
return getStyle(open ? "folderOpenIcon" : "folderClosedIcon");
//let's check the item itself
if (item is XML)
if (item[iconField].length() != 0)
icon = String(item[iconField]);
else if (item is Object)
if (iconField && item[iconField])
icon = item[iconField];
else if (item.icon)
icon = item.icon;
//set default leaf icon if nothing else was found
if (icon == null)
icon = getStyle("defaultLeafIcon");
//convert to the correct type and class
if (icon is Class)
return icon;
else if (icon is String)
iconClass = Class(systemManager.getDefinitionByName(String(icon)));
if (iconClass)
return iconClass;
return document[icon];
return Class(icon);
* @private
override protected function drawRowBackgrounds():void
var rowBGs:Sprite = Sprite(listContent.getChildByName("rowBGs"));
if (!rowBGs)
rowBGs = new FlexSprite(); = "rowBGs";
rowBGs.mouseEnabled = false;
listContent.addChildAt(rowBGs, 0);
var color:*;
var colors:Array;
var depthColors:Boolean = false;
colors = getStyle("depthColors");
if (colors)
depthColors = true;
var colorsStyle:Object = getStyle("alternatingItemColors");
if (colorsStyle)
colors = (colorsStyle is Array) ? (colorsStyle as Array) : [colorsStyle];
color = getStyle("backgroundColor");
if (color === undefined)
color = 0xFFFFFF;
if (!colors || colors.length == 0)
while (rowBGs.numChildren > n)
rowBGs.removeChildAt(rowBGs.numChildren - 1);
var curRow:int = 0;
var actualRow:int = verticalScrollPosition;
var i:int = 0;
var n:int = listItems.length;
while (curRow < n)
if (depthColors)
if (listItems[curRow][0])
var d:int = getItemDepth(listItems[curRow][0].data, curRow);
var rowColor:uint = colors[d-1] ? colors[d - 1] : uint(color);
drawRowBackground(rowBGs, i++, rowInfo[curRow].y, rowInfo[curRow].height, rowColor, actualRow);
drawRowBackground(rowBGs, i++, rowInfo[curRow].y, rowInfo[curRow].height, uint(color), actualRow);
//trace("[Tree] caught exception in drawRowBackground");
drawRowBackground(rowBGs, i++, rowInfo[curRow].y, rowInfo[curRow].height, colors[actualRow % colors.length], actualRow);
while (rowBGs.numChildren > n)
rowBGs.removeChildAt(rowBGs.numChildren - 1);
// Methods
* Sets the associated icon for the item. Calling this method overrides the
* <code>iconField</code> and <code>iconFunction</code> properties for
* this item if it is a leaf item. Branch items don't use the
* <code>iconField</code> and <code>iconFunction</code> properties.
* They use the <code>folderOpenIcon</code> and <code>folderClosedIcon</code> properties.
* @param item Item to affect.
* @param iconID Linkage ID for the closed (or leaf) icon.
* @param iconID2 Linkage ID for the open icon.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function setItemIcon(item:Object, iconID:Class, iconID2:Class):void
if (!itemIcons)
itemIcons = {};
if (!iconID2)
iconID2 = iconID;
itemIcons[itemToUID(item)] = { iconID: iconID, iconID2: iconID2 };
itemsSizeChanged = true;
* @private
* Returns <code>true</code> if the specified item is a branch item. The Tree
* control delegates to the IDataDescriptor to determine if an item is a branch.
* @param item Item to inspect.
* @return True if a branch, false if not.
private function isBranch(item:Object):Boolean
if (item != null)
return _dataDescriptor.isBranch(item, iterator.view);
return false;
* @private
* wraps calls to the descriptor
* mx_internal for automation delegate access
mx_internal function getChildren(item:Object, view:Object):ICollectionView
//get the collection of children
var children:ICollectionView = _dataDescriptor.getChildren(item, view);
return children;
* Determines the number of parents from root to the specified item.
* Method starts with the Cursor.current item and will seek forward
* to a specific offset, returning the cursor to its original position.
* @private
mx_internal function getItemDepth(item:Object, offset:int):int
//first test for a match (most cases)
if (!collection)
return 0;
if (!iterator)
listContent.iterator = collection.createCursor();
if (iterator.current == item)
return getCurrentCursorDepth();
//otherwise seek to offset and get the depth
var bookmark:CursorBookmark = iterator.bookmark;, offset);
var depth:int = getCurrentCursorDepth();
//put the cursor back, 0);
return depth;
* @private
* Utility method to get the depth of the current item from the cursor.
private function getCurrentCursorDepth():int //private
if (_dataDescriptor is ITreeDataDescriptor2)
return ITreeDataDescriptor2(_dataDescriptor).getNodeDepth(iterator.current, iterator, _rootModel);
return HierarchicalViewCursor(iterator).currentDepth;
* @private
* Gets the number of visible items from a starting item.
private function getVisibleChildrenCount(item:Object):int
var count:int = 0;
if (item == null)
return count;
var uid:String = itemToUID(item);
var children:Object;
if (_openItems[uid] &&
_dataDescriptor.isBranch(item, iterator.view) &&
_dataDescriptor.hasChildren(item, iterator.view))
children = getChildren(item, iterator.view);
if (children != null)
var cursor:IViewCursor = children.createCursor();
while (!cursor.afterLast)
uid = itemToUID(cursor.current);
if (_openItems[uid])
count += getVisibleChildrenCount(cursor.current);
return count;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the specified item branch is open (is showing its children).
* @param item Item to inspect.
* @return True if open, false if not.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function isItemOpen(item:Object):Boolean
var uid:String = itemToUID(item);
return _openItems[uid] != null;
* @private
private function makeMask():DisplayObject
var tmpMask:Shape = new FlexShape(); = "mask";
var g:Graphics =;
return tmpMask;
* Opens or closes a branch item.
* When a branch item opens, it restores the open and closed states
* of its child branches if they were already opened.
* If you set <code>dataProvider</code> and then immediately call
* <code>expandItem()</code> you may not see the correct behavior.
* You should either wait for the component to validate
* or call <code>validateNow()</code>.
* @param item Item to affect.
* @param open Specify <code>true</code> to open, <code>false</code> to close.
* @param animate Specify <code>true</code> to animate the transition. (Note:
* If a branch has over 20 children, it does not animate the first time it opens,
* for performance reasons.)
* @param dispatchEvent Controls whether the tree fires an <code>open</code> event
* after the open animation is complete.
* @param cause The event, if any, that initiated the item open action.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function expandItem(item:Object, open:Boolean,
animate:Boolean = false,
dispatchEvent:Boolean = false,
cause:Event = null):void
//if the iterator is null, that indicates we have not been
//validated yet, so we will not continue.
if (iterator == null)
if (cause)
lastUserInteraction = cause;
expandedItem = item;
listContent.allowItemSizeChangeNotification = false;
var i:int;
var bSelected:Boolean = false;
var bHighlight:Boolean = false;
var bCaret:Boolean = false;
var newRowIndex:int;
var rowData:BaseListData;
var tmpMask:DisplayObject;
var uid:String = itemToUID(item);
// if this can't be opened, or shouldn't be, don't!
if (!isBranch(item) || (isItemOpen(item)==open) || isOpening)
if (itemEditorInstance)
//we'll use the last recorded length not necessarily the current one
oldLength = collectionLength;
var bookmark:CursorBookmark = iterator.bookmark;
// sent to update the length in the collection
var event:CollectionEvent = new CollectionEvent(
event.items = [item];
// update the list of _openItems
if (open)
_openItems[uid] = item;
rowsTweened = Math.abs(oldLength - collection.length);
delete _openItems[uid];
//how many rows to move?
rowsTweened = Math.abs(oldLength - collection.length);
// will it affect the displayList?
if (isItemVisible(item))
// is the item on screen?
if (visibleData[uid])
//find the row index of the first row after the one that's opening/closing
var n:int = listItems.length;
for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < n; rowIndex++)
if (rowInfo[rowIndex].uid == uid)
// rowIndex is set to the row after the one opening/closing
// because that is the first row to change
//if we're opening or closing a node that is not visible,
//we still need to dispatch the correct collectionChange events
//so that scroll position and selection properties update correctly.
var eventArr:Array = open ?
buildUpCollectionEvents(true) : buildUpCollectionEvents(false);
for (i = 0; i < eventArr.length; i++)
var rC:int = listItems.length;
var tmpRowInfo:Object;
var row:Array;
// we will cap this with as many rows as can be displayed later
var rowsToMove:int = rowsTweened;
var dur:Number = getStyle("openDuration");
if (animate && rowIndex < rC && rowsToMove > 0 && rowsToMove < 20 && dur != 0)
// Kill any previous animation. tween is undefined if there is no Tween underway.
if (tween)
var renderer:IListItemRenderer = listItems[rowIndex - 1][0];
if (renderer is IDropInListItemRenderer)
var di:IDropInListItemRenderer = IDropInListItemRenderer(renderer);
var treeListData:TreeListData = TreeListData(di.listData);
treeListData = TreeListData(makeListData(treeListData.item,
treeListData.uid, treeListData.rowIndex));
di.listData = treeListData; =; // this forces eval of new listData
// animate the opening
opening = open;
isOpening = true;
maskList = [];
rowList = [];
var xx:Number = getStyle("paddingLeft") - horizontalScrollPosition;
var ww:Number = renderer.width;
var yy:Number = 0;
var hh:Number;
// don't tween anymore than the amount of space we have
var delta:int = rowIndex;
var maxDist:Number = 0;
if (open)
newRowIndex = rowIndex;
// don't tween anymore than the amount of space we have
maxDist = listContent.height - rowInfo[rowIndex].y;, delta);
var data:Object;
// create the rows now so we know how much to move
for (i = 0; i < rowsToMove && yy < maxDist; i++)
data = iterator.current;
if (freeItemRenderers.length)
renderer = freeItemRenderers.pop();
renderer = createItemRenderer(data);
renderer.owner = this;
renderer.styleName = listContent;
uid = itemToUID(data);
rowData = makeListData(data, uid, rowIndex + i);
rowMap[] = rowData;
if (renderer is IDropInListItemRenderer)
IDropInListItemRenderer(renderer).listData = data ? rowData : null; = data;
renderer.enabled = enabled;
if (data)
visibleData[uid] = renderer;
renderer.visible = true;
renderer.visible = false;
renderer.explicitWidth = ww;
//from list
if ((renderer is IInvalidating) &&
(wordWrapChanged ||
UIComponentGlobals.layoutManager.validateClient(renderer, true);
hh = Math.ceil(variableRowHeight ?
renderer.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() +
cachedPaddingTop + cachedPaddingBottom :
var rh:Number = renderer.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();
renderer.setActualSize(ww, variableRowHeight ? rh : rowHeight - cachedPaddingTop - cachedPaddingBottom);
renderer.move(xx, yy + cachedPaddingTop);
bSelected = selectedData[uid] != null;
bHighlight = highlightUID == uid;
bCaret = caretUID == uid;
tmpRowInfo = new ListRowInfo(yy, hh, uid, data);
if (data)
drawItem(renderer, bSelected, bHighlight, bCaret);
yy += hh;
rowInfo.splice(rowIndex + i, 0, tmpRowInfo);
row = [];
listItems.splice(rowIndex + i, 0, row);
// due to issues in HCV with paging
// don't go looking for something unless you really
// need it
if (i < rowsToMove - 1)
rowsToMove = i + 1;
rowsTweened = i;
// position the new rows;
var referenceRowInfo:ListRowInfo = rowInfo[rowIndex + rowsTweened];
for (i = 0; i < rowsTweened; i++)
renderer = listItems[rowIndex + i][0];
renderer.move(renderer.x, renderer.y - (yy - referenceRowInfo.y));
rowInfo[rowIndex + i].y -= yy - referenceRowInfo.y;
tmpMask = makeMask();
tmpMask.x = xx;
tmpMask.y = referenceRowInfo.y;
tmpMask.width = ww;
tmpMask.height = yy;
listItems[rowIndex + i][0].mask = tmpMask;
else // closing up rows
var more:Boolean = true;
var valid:Boolean = true;
var startY:Number = yy = rowInfo[listItems.length - 1].y + rowInfo[listItems.length - 1].height;
// figure out how much space was consumed by the rows that are going away
for (i = rowIndex; i < rowIndex + rowsToMove && i < rC; i++)
maxDist += rowInfo[i].height;
// retain a reference to the rows going away
rowList.push({item: listItems[i][0]});
tmpMask = makeMask();
tmpMask.x = xx;
tmpMask.y = listItems[rowIndex][0].y;
tmpMask.width = ww;
tmpMask.height = maxDist;
listItems[i][0].mask = tmpMask;
rowsToMove = i - rowIndex;
// remove the rows going away
rowInfo.splice(rowIndex, rowsToMove);
listItems.splice(rowIndex, rowsToMove);, listItems.length);
more = (iterator != null && !iterator.afterLast && iteratorValid);
maxDist += yy;
// create the rows now so we know how much to move
for (i = 0; i < rowsToMove && yy < maxDist; i++)
//reset item specific values
uid = null;
data = null;
renderer = null;
valid = more;
data = more ? iterator.current : null;
if (valid)
if (freeItemRenderers.length)
renderer = freeItemRenderers.pop();
renderer = createItemRenderer(data);
renderer.owner = this;
renderer.styleName = listContent;
uid = itemToUID(data);
rowData = makeListData(data, uid, rC - rowsToMove + i);
rowMap[] = rowData;
if (renderer is IDropInListItemRenderer)
IDropInListItemRenderer(renderer).listData = data ? rowData : null; = data;
renderer.enabled = enabled;
if (data)
visibleData[uid] = renderer;
renderer.visible = true;
renderer.visible = false;
renderer.explicitWidth = ww;
//from list
if ((renderer is IInvalidating) &&
(wordWrapChanged ||
UIComponentGlobals.layoutManager.validateClient(renderer, true);
hh = Math.ceil(variableRowHeight ?
renderer.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() +
cachedPaddingTop + cachedPaddingBottom :
rh = renderer.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();
renderer.setActualSize(ww, variableRowHeight ? rh : rowHeight - cachedPaddingTop - cachedPaddingBottom);
renderer.move(xx, yy + cachedPaddingTop);
// if we've run out of data, we dont make renderers
// and we inherit the previous row's height or rowHeight
// if it is the first row.
// EXCEPT when variable row height is on since the row
// above us might be bigger then we are. So we'll get
// this row out of the rowList and check it.
if (!variableRowHeight)
hh = rowIndex + i > 0 ? rowInfo[rowIndex + i - 1].height : rowHeight;
if (rowList[i])
hh = Math.ceil(rowList[i].item.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() +
cachedPaddingTop + cachedPaddingBottom);
hh = rowHeight;
bSelected = selectedData[uid] != null;
bHighlight = highlightUID == uid;
bCaret = caretUID == uid;
tmpRowInfo = new ListRowInfo(yy, hh, uid, data);
if (data)
drawItem(renderer, bSelected, bHighlight, bCaret);
yy += hh;
if (valid)
row = [];
if (more)
more = iterator.moveNext();
catch (e:ItemPendingError)
more = false;
//make indicator masks
var maskY:Number = rowList[0].item.y - getStyle("paddingTop");
var maskX:Number = rowList[0].item.x - getStyle("paddingLeft");
for (i = 0; i < rowList.length; i++)
var indicator:Object = selectionIndicators[itemToUID(rowList[i]];
if (indicator)
tmpMask = makeMask();
tmpMask.x = maskX;
tmpMask.y = maskY;
tmpMask.width = rowList[i].item.width +
getStyle("paddingLeft") +
tmpMask.height = rowList[i].item.y +
rowList[i].item.height +
getStyle("paddingTop") +
getStyle("paddingBottom") -
selectionIndicators[itemToUID(rowList[i]].mask = tmpMask;
// restore the iterator, 0);
rC = rowList.length;
for (i = 0; i < rC; i++)
rowList[i].itemOldY = rowList[i].item.y;
rC = listItems.length;
for (i = rowIndex; i < rC; i++)
if (listItems[i].length)
rowInfo[i].itemOldY = listItems[i][0].y;
rowInfo[i].oldY = rowInfo[i].y;
// slow down the tween if there's lots of rows to tween
dur = dur * Math.max(rowsToMove / 5, 1);
if (dispatchEvent)
eventAfterTween = item;
tween = new Tween(this, 0, (open) ? yy : startY - yy, dur, 5);
var oE:Function = getStyle("openEasingFunction") as Function;
if (oE != null)
tween.easingFunction = oE;
// Block all layout, responses from web service, and other background
// processing until the tween finishes executing.
// force drawing in case there's new rows
// not to be animated
if (dispatchEvent)
dispatchTreeEvent(open ? TreeEvent.ITEM_OPEN : TreeEvent.ITEM_CLOSE,
lastUserInteraction = null;
itemsSizeChanged = true;
// If we're wordwrapping, no need to adjust maxHorizontalScrollPosition.
// Also check if _userMaxHorizontalScrollPosition is greater than 0.
if (!wordWrap && initialized)
super.maxHorizontalScrollPosition =
_userMaxHorizontalScrollPosition > 0 ?
_userMaxHorizontalScrollPosition + getIndent() :
//restore ItemSizeChangeNotification flag
listContent.allowItemSizeChangeNotification = variableRowHeight;
* @private
mx_internal function onTweenUpdate(value:Object):void
var renderer:IFlexDisplayObject;
var n:int;
var i:int;
var deltaY:Number;
var lastY:Number;
n = listItems.length;
var s:Sprite;
for (i = rowIndex; i < n; i++)
//move items that are staying
if (listItems[i].length)
renderer = IFlexDisplayObject(listItems[i][0]);
lastY = renderer.y;
renderer.move(renderer.x, rowInfo[i].itemOldY + value);
deltaY = renderer.y - lastY;
//move selection graphics of the items that are staying visible
s = selectionIndicators[rowInfo[i].uid];
rowInfo[i].y += deltaY;
if (s)
s.y += deltaY;
//move the items that are going away.
n = rowList.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
s = null;
renderer = IFlexDisplayObject(rowList[i].item);
if (rowMap[] != null)
s = selectionIndicators[BaseListData(rowMap[]).uid];
lastY = renderer.y;
renderer.move(renderer.x, rowList[i].itemOldY + value);
deltaY = renderer.y - lastY;
//move selection graphic for items that are going away
if (s)
s.y += deltaY;
* @private
mx_internal function onTweenEnd(value:Object):void
var i:int;
var renderer:*;
var dilir:IDropInListItemRenderer;
var rC:int = listItems.length;
var itemUID:*;
var indicator:Object;
isOpening = false;
//dispatch collectionChange ADD or REMOVE events that correlate
//to the nodes that were expanded or collapsed
if (collection)
var eventArr:Array = opening ?
buildUpCollectionEvents(true) : buildUpCollectionEvents(false);
for (i = 0; i < eventArr.length; i++)
if (opening)
var firstDeletedRow:int = -1;
for (i = rowIndex; i < rC; i++)
if (listItems[i].length)
renderer = listItems[i][0];
var mask:DisplayObject = renderer.mask;
if (mask)
renderer.mask = null;
rowMap[].rowIndex = i;
if (renderer is IDropInListItemRenderer)
dilir = IDropInListItemRenderer(renderer);
if (dilir.listData)
dilir.listData.rowIndex = i;
dilir.listData = dilir.listData; // call the setter
if (renderer.y > listContent.height)
itemUID = itemToUID(;
if (selectionIndicators[itemUID])
//remove indicators mask
indicator = selectionIndicators[itemUID];
if (indicator)
mask = indicator.mask;
if (mask)
indicator.mask = null;
delete rowMap[];
if (firstDeletedRow < 0)
firstDeletedRow = i;
if (rowInfo[i].y >= listContent.height)
if (firstDeletedRow < 0)
firstDeletedRow = i;
if (firstDeletedRow >= 0)
else //closing
for (i = 0; i < rowList.length; i++)
mask = rowList[i].item.mask;
if (mask)
rowList[i].item.mask = null;
//kill graphic and graphic mask if necessary
itemUID = itemToUID(rowList[i];
if (selectionIndicators[itemUID])
//remove indicators mask
indicator = selectionIndicators[itemUID];
if (indicator)
mask = indicator.mask;
if (mask)
indicator.mask = null;
delete rowMap[rowList[i]];
for (i = rowIndex; i < rC; i++)
if (listItems[i].length)
renderer = listItems[i][0];
rowMap[].rowIndex = i;
if (renderer is IDropInListItemRenderer)
dilir = IDropInListItemRenderer(renderer);
if (dilir.listData)
dilir.listData.rowIndex = i;
dilir.listData = dilir.listData; // call the setter
//should we dispatch a tree event?
if (eventAfterTween)
? TreeEvent.ITEM_OPEN
: TreeEvent.ITEM_CLOSE),
lastUserInteraction = null;
eventAfterTween = false;
itemsSizeChanged = true;
// Get rid of the tween, so this onTweenEnd doesn't get called more than once.
tween = null;
* @private
* Helper function that builds up the collectionChange ADD or
* REMOVE events that correlate to the nodes that were expanded
* or collapsed.
private function buildUpCollectionEvents(open:Boolean):Array
var ce:CollectionEvent;
var i:int;
var item:Object;
var parentArray:Array;
var rowsAdded:Array = [];
var rowsRemoved:Array = [];
var retVal:Array = [];
var itemIndex:int = getItemIndex(expandedItem);
if (open)
var children:ICollectionView = getChildren(expandedItem, iterator.view);
if (!children)
return [];
var cursor:IViewCursor = children.createCursor();
var push:Boolean = true;
while (!cursor.afterLast)
var stack:Array = [];
var j:int = 0;
stack = getOpenChildrenStack(expandedItem, stack);
while (j < stack.length)
for (i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++)
if (selectedItems[i] == stack[j])
bSelectedItemRemoved = true;
if (rowsAdded.length > 0)
ce = new CollectionEvent(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE);
ce.kind = CollectionEventKind.ADD;
ce.location = itemIndex + 1;
ce.items = rowsAdded;
if (rowsRemoved.length > 0)
ce = new CollectionEvent(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE);
ce.kind = CollectionEventKind.REMOVE;
ce.location = itemIndex + 1;
ce.items = rowsRemoved;
return retVal;
* @private
* Go through the open items and figure out which is deepest.
private function getIndent():Number
var depth:Number = 0;
for (var p:String in _openItems)
// add one since its children are actually indented
depth = Math.max(getParentStack(_openItems[p]).length + 1, depth);
return depth * getStyle("indentation");
* Checks to see if item is visible in the list
* @private
override public function isItemVisible(item:Object):Boolean
//first check visible data
if (visibleData[itemToUID(item)])
return true;
//then check parent items
var parentItem:Object = getParentItem(item);
if (parentItem)
var uid:String = itemToUID(parentItem);
if (visibleData[uid] && _openItems[uid])
return true;
return false;
* @private
public function getItemIndex(item:Object):int
var cursor:IViewCursor = collection.createCursor();
var i:int = 0;
if (cursor.current === item)
while (cursor.moveNext());
// set back to 0 in case a change event comes along
// and causes the cursor to hit an unexpected IPE, 0);
return i;
* @private
private function getIndexItem(index:int):Object
var cursor:IViewCursor = collection.createCursor();
var i:int = index;
while (cursor.moveNext())
if (i == 0)
return cursor.current;
return null;
* Opens or closes all the tree items below the specified item.
* If you set <code>dataProvider</code> and then immediately call
* <code>expandChildrenOf()</code> you may not see the correct behavior.
* You should either wait for the component to validate
* or call the <code>validateNow()</code> method.
* @param item The starting item.
* @param open Toggles an open or close operation.
* Specify <code>true</code> to open the items, and <code>false</code> to close them.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function expandChildrenOf(item:Object, open:Boolean):void
//if the iterator is null, that indicates we have not been
//validated yet, so we will not continue.
if (iterator == null)
// if it is not a branch item there's nothing to do
if (isBranch(item))
item, //item
null, //renderer
null, //trigger
open, //opening
false, //animate
true); //dispatch
var childItems:ICollectionView;
if (item != null &&
_dataDescriptor.isBranch(item, iterator.view) &&
_dataDescriptor.hasChildren(item, iterator.view))
childItems = getChildren(item, iterator.view);
if (childItems)
var cursor:IViewCursor = childItems.createCursor();
while (!cursor.afterLast)
if (isBranch(cursor.current))
expandChildrenOf(cursor.current, open);
* Returns the known parent of a child item. This method returns a value
* only if the item was or is currently visible. Top level items have a
* parent with the value <code>null</code>.
* @param The item for which to get the parent.
* @return The parent of the item.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function getParentItem(item:Object):*
if (item == null)
return null;
if (item && collection)
if (_dataDescriptor is ITreeDataDescriptor2)
return ITreeDataDescriptor2(_dataDescriptor).getParent(item, wrappedCollection, _rootModel);
return HierarchicalCollectionView(collection).getParentItem(item);
return null;
* @private
* Returns the stack of parents from a child item.
private function getParentStack(item:Object):Array
var stack:Array = [];
if (item == null)
return stack;
var parent:* = getParentItem(item);
while (parent)
parent = getParentItem(parent);
return stack;
* @private
* Returns a stack of all open descendants of an item.
private function getOpenChildrenStack(item:Object, stack:Array):Array
var curr:Object;
if (item == null)
return stack;
var children:ICollectionView = getChildren(item, iterator.view);
if (!children)
return [];
var cursor:IViewCursor = children.createCursor();
while (!cursor.afterLast)
curr = cursor.current;
if (isBranch(curr) && isItemOpen(curr))
getOpenChildrenStack(curr, stack);
return stack;
* @private
* Finds the index distance between a parent and child
private function getChildIndexInParent(parent:Object, child:Object):int
var index:int = 0;
if (!parent)
var cursor:IViewCursor = ICollectionView(iterator.view).createCursor();
while (!cursor.afterLast)
if (child === cursor.current)
if (parent != null &&
_dataDescriptor.isBranch(parent, iterator.view) &&
_dataDescriptor.hasChildren(parent, iterator.view))
var children:ICollectionView = getChildren(parent, iterator.view);
if (children.contains(child))
cursor = children.createCursor();
while (!cursor.afterLast)
if (child === cursor.current)
//throw new Error("Parent item does not contain specified child: " + itemToUID(child));
return index;
* @private
* Collapses those items in the selected items array that have
* parent nodes already selected.
private function collapseSelectedItems():Array
var collection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(selectedItems);
for (var i:int = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++)
var item:Object = selectedItems[i];
var stack:Array = getParentStack(item);
for (var j:int = 0; j < stack.length; j++)
if (collection.contains(stack[j]))
//item's parent is included in the selected item set
var index:int = collection.getItemIndex(item);
var removed:Object = collection.removeItemAt(index);
return collection.source;
* @private
private function updateDropData(event:DragEvent):void
var rowCount:int = rowInfo.length;
var rowNum:int = 0;
var yy:int = rowInfo[rowNum].height;
var pt:Point = globalToLocal(new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY));
while (rowInfo[rowNum] && pt.y >= yy)
if (rowNum != rowInfo.length-1)
yy += rowInfo[rowNum].height;
// now we're past all rows. adding a pixel or two should be enough.
// at this point yOffset doesn't really matter b/c we're past all elements
// but might as well try to keep it somewhat correct
yy += rowInfo[rowNum].height;
var lastRowY:Number = rowNum < rowInfo.length ? rowInfo[rowNum].y : (rowInfo[rowNum-1].y + rowInfo[rowNum-1].height);
var yOffset:Number = pt.y - lastRowY;
var rowHeight:Number = rowNum < rowInfo.length ? rowInfo[rowNum].height : rowInfo[rowNum-1].height;
rowNum += verticalScrollPosition;
var parent:Object;
var index:int;
var emptyFolder:Boolean = false;
var numItems:int = collection ? collection.length : 0;
var topItem:Object = (rowNum > _verticalScrollPosition && rowNum <= numItems) ?
listItems[rowNum - _verticalScrollPosition - 1][0].data : null;
var bottomItem:Object = (rowNum - verticalScrollPosition < rowInfo.length && rowNum < numItems) ?
listItems[rowNum - _verticalScrollPosition][0].data : null;
var topParent:Object = collection ? getParentItem(topItem) : null;
var bottomParent:Object = collection ? getParentItem(bottomItem) : null;
// check their relationship
if (yOffset > rowHeight * .5 &&
isItemOpen(bottomItem) &&
_dataDescriptor.isBranch(bottomItem, iterator.view) &&
(!_dataDescriptor.hasChildren(bottomItem, iterator.view) ||
_dataDescriptor.getChildren(bottomItem, iterator.view).length == 0))
// we'll get here if we're dropping into an empty folder.
// we have to be in the lower 50% of the row, otherwise
// we're "between" rows.
parent = bottomItem;
index = 0;
emptyFolder = true;
else if (!topItem && !rowNum == rowCount)
parent = collection ? getParentItem(bottomItem) : null;
index = bottomItem ? getChildIndexInParent(parent, bottomItem) : 0;
rowNum = 0;
else if (bottomItem && bottomParent == topItem)
// we're dropping in the first item of a folder, that's an easy one
parent = topItem;
index = 0;
else if (topItem && bottomItem && topParent == bottomParent)
parent = collection ? getParentItem(topItem) : null;
index = iterator ? getChildIndexInParent(parent, bottomItem) : 0;
//we're dropping at the end of a folder. Pay attention to the position.
if (topItem && (yOffset < (rowHeight * .5)))
// ok, we're on the top half of the bottomItem.
parent = topParent;
index = getChildIndexInParent(parent, topItem) + 1; // insert after
else if (!bottomItem)
parent = null;
if ((rowNum - verticalScrollPosition) == 0)
index = 0;
else if (collection)
index = collection.length;
else index = 0;
parent = bottomParent;
index = getChildIndexInParent(parent, bottomItem);
_dropData = { parent: parent, index: index, localX: event.localX, localY: event.localY,
emptyFolder: emptyFolder, rowHeight: rowHeight, rowIndex: rowNum };
* Initializes a TreeListData object that is used by the tree item renderer.
* @param item The item to be rendered.
* @param treeListData The TreeListDataItem to use in rendering the item.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
protected function initListData(item:Object, treeListData:TreeListData):void
if (item == null)
var open:Boolean = isItemOpen(item);
var branch:Boolean = isBranch(item);
var uid:String = itemToUID(item);
// this is hidden by non-branches but kept so we know how wide it is so things align
treeListData.disclosureIcon = getStyle(open ? "disclosureOpenIcon" :
"disclosureClosedIcon"); = open;
treeListData.hasChildren = branch;
treeListData.depth = getItemDepth(item, treeListData.rowIndex);
treeListData.indent = (treeListData.depth - 1) * getStyle("indentation");
treeListData.item = item;
treeListData.icon = itemToIcon(item);
// Overridden event handlers
* @private
override protected function layoutEditor(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int):void
var indent:int = rowMap[].indent;
itemEditorInstance.move(x + indent, y);
itemEditorInstance.setActualSize(w - indent, h);
* @private
override protected function scrollHandler(event:Event):void
if (isOpening)
// TextField.scroll bubbles so you might see it here
if (event is ScrollEvent)
* @private
override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
var evt:ListEvent;
var pt:Point;
if (isOpening)
if (itemEditorInstance)
// If rtl layout, need to swap LEFT and RIGHT so correct action
// is done.
var keyCode:uint = mapKeycodeForLayoutDirection(event);
// Keyboard handling is consistent with Windows Explorer.
var item:Object = selectedItem;
if (event.ctrlKey)
// Ctrl keys always get sent to the List.
else if (keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE)
// if user has moved the caret cursor from the selected item
// move the cursor back to selected item
if (caretIndex != selectedIndex)
// erase the caret
var renderer:IListItemRenderer = indexToItemRenderer(caretIndex);
if (renderer)
caretIndex = selectedIndex;
// Spacebar toggles the current open/closed status. No effect for leaf items.
if (isBranch(item))
var o:Boolean = !isItemOpen(item);
item, //item
null, //renderer
event, //trigger
o, //opening
true, //animate
true); //dispatch
else if (keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
// Left Arrow closes an open item.
// Otherwise, selects the parent item if there is one.
if (isItemOpen(item))
item, //item
null, //renderer
event, //trigger
false, //opening
true, //animate
true) //dispatch
var parentItem:Object = getParentItem(item);
if (parentItem)
proposedSelectedItem = parentItem;
else if (keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
// Right Arrow has no effect on leaf items. Closed branch items are opened.
//Opened branch items select the first child.
if (isBranch(item))
if (isItemOpen(item))
if (item)
var children:ICollectionView = getChildren(item, iterator.view);
if (children)
var cursor:IViewCursor = children.createCursor();
if (cursor.current)
proposedSelectedItem = cursor.current;
proposedSelectedItem = null;
selectedItem = proposedSelectedItem = null;
item, //item
null, //renderer
event, //trigger
true, //opening
true, //animate
true); //dispatch
else if (keyCode == Keyboard.NUMPAD_MULTIPLY)
expandChildrenOf(item, !isItemOpen(item));
else if (keyCode == Keyboard.NUMPAD_ADD)
if (isBranch(item))
if (!isItemOpen(item))
item, //item
null, //renderer
event, //trigger
true, //opening
true, //animate
true); //dispatch
else if (keyCode == Keyboard.NUMPAD_SUBTRACT)
if (isItemOpen(item))
item, //item
null, //renderer
event, //trigger
false, //opening
true, //animate
true); //dispatch
// Nothing that we know or care about. Send it off to the List.
* @private
* finish up left/right arrow key handling
private function finishArrowKeySelection():void
bFinishArrowKeySelection = false;
if (proposedSelectedItem)
selectedItem = proposedSelectedItem;
// now test to see if it worked, if it didn't we probably
// got an IPE
if (selectedItem === proposedSelectedItem || !proposedSelectedItem)
var evt:ListEvent;
var pt:Point;
evt = new ListEvent(ListEvent.CHANGE);
evt.itemRenderer = indexToItemRenderer(selectedIndex);
pt = itemRendererToIndices(evt.itemRenderer);
if (pt)
evt.rowIndex = pt.y;
evt.columnIndex = pt.x;
var dI:int = getItemIndex(selectedItem);
if (dI != caretIndex)
caretIndex = selectedIndex;
if (dI < _verticalScrollPosition)
verticalScrollPosition = dI;
bFinishArrowKeySelection = true;
* @private
* Blocks mouse events on items that are tweening away and are invalid for input
override protected function mouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!tween)
* @private
* Blocks mouse events on items that are tweening away and are invalid for input
override protected function mouseOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!tween)
* @private
* Blocks mouse events on items that are tweening away and are invalid for input
override protected function mouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!tween)
* @private
* Blocks mouse events on items that are tweening away and are invalid for input
override protected function mouseDoubleClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!tween)
* @private
* Blocks mouse events on items that are tweening away and are invalid for input
override protected function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!tween)
* @private
* Blocks mouse events on items that are tweening away and are invalid for input
override protected function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!tween)
* @private
* Blocks mouse wheel handling while tween is running
override protected function mouseWheelHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!tween)
* @private
override protected function dragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void
if (event.isDefaultPrevented())
lastDragEvent = event;
haveItemIndices = false;
if (iteratorValid && event.dragSource.hasFormat("treeItems"))
//if (collectionThrowsIPE)
DragManager.showFeedback(event.ctrlKey ?
DragManager.COPY :
if (!lastTreeSeekPending)
lastTreeSeekPending = new TreeSeekPending(event, dragEnterHandler)
e.addResponder(new ItemResponder(seekPendingDuringDragResultHandler, seekPendingDuringDragFailureHandler,
* @private
override protected function dragOverHandler(event:DragEvent):void
if (event.isDefaultPrevented())
lastDragEvent = event;
if (iteratorValid && event.dragSource.hasFormat("treeItems"))
if (collectionThrowsIPE)
DragManager.showFeedback(event.ctrlKey ?
DragManager.COPY :
if (!lastTreeSeekPending)
lastTreeSeekPending = new TreeSeekPending(event, dragOverHandler)
e.addResponder(new ItemResponder(seekPendingDuringDragResultHandler, seekPendingDuringDragFailureHandler,
* @private
* The default failure handler when a seek fails due to a page fault.
private function seekPendingDuringDragFailureHandler(data:Object,
* @private
* The default result handler when a seek fails due to a page fault.
* This method re-attempts setting the drag feedback
private function seekPendingDuringDragResultHandler(data:Object,
lastTreeSeekPending = null;
if (lastDragEvent)
* @private
private function checkItemIndices(event:DragEvent):void
if (haveItemIndices)
// if we're moving to ourselves, we need to make sure we have
// everything paged below before we allow a drop
if ((event.action == DragManager.MOVE || event.action == DragManager.NONE) && dragMoveEnabled)
if (event.dragInitiator == this)
var items:Array = event.dragSource.dataForFormat("treeItems") as Array;
var n:int = items.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
var parent:Object = getParentItem(items[i]);
getChildIndexInParent(parent, items[i]);
haveItemIndices = true;
* Handles <code>DragEvent.DRAG_DROP events</code>. This method hides
* the drop feedback by calling the <code>hideDropFeedback()</code> method.
* <p>If the action is a <code>COPY</code>,
* then this method makes a deep copy of the object
* by calling the <code>ObjectUtil.copy()</code> method,
* and replaces the copy's <code>uid</code> property (if present)
* with a new value by calling the <code>UIDUtil.createUID()</code> method.</p>
* @param event The DragEvent object.
* @see mx.utils.ObjectUtil
* @see mx.utils.UIDUtil
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override protected function dragDropHandler(event:DragEvent):void
if (event.isDefaultPrevented())
if (event.dragSource.hasFormat("treeItems"))
var items:Array = event.dragSource.dataForFormat("treeItems") as Array;
var i:int;
var n:int;
// if we're moving to ourselves, we need to treat it specially and check for "parent"
// problems where we could recurse forever.
if (event.action == DragManager.MOVE && dragMoveEnabled)
if (event.dragInitiator == this)
// If we're dropping onto ourselves or a child of a descendant then dont actually drop
// If we did start this drag op then we need to remove first
var index:int;
var parent:*;
var parentItem:*;
var dropIndex:int = _dropData.index;
//get ancestors of the drop target item
var dropParentStack:Array = getParentStack(_dropData.parent);
n = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
parent = getParentItem(items[i]);
index = getChildIndexInParent(parent, items[i]);
//check ancestors of the dropTarget if the item matches, we're invalid
for each (parentItem in dropParentStack)
//we dont want to drop into one of our own sets of children
if (items[i] === parentItem)
//we remove before we add due to the behavior
//of structures with parent pointers like e4x
removeChildItem(parent, items[i], index);
//is the removed item before the drop location?
// then we need to shift the dropIndex accordingly
if (parent == _dropData.parent && index < _dropData.index)
addChildItem(_dropData.parent, items[i], dropIndex);
// If not dropping onto ourselves, then add the
// items here if it's a copy operation.
// If it's a move operation (and not on ourselves), then they
// are added in dragCompleteHandler and are removed from
// the source's dragCompleteHandler. We do both in dragCompleteHandler
// because in order to be re-parented, they must be removed from their
// original source FIRST. This means our code isn't coupled fantastically
// as dragCompleteHandler must get the destination tree and
// cast it to a Tree.
if (event.action == DragManager.COPY)
if (!dataProvider) {
// Create an empty collection to drop items into.
dataProvider = [];
n = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
var item:Object = copyItemWithUID(items[i]);
lastDragEvent = null;
* Handles <code>DragEvent.DRAG_COMPLETE</code> events. This method
* removes the item from the data provider.
* @param event The DragEvent object.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override protected function dragCompleteHandler(event:DragEvent):void
isPressed = false;
if (event.isDefaultPrevented())
if (event.dragSource.hasFormat("treeItems"))
// if we've moved the elements, then remove them here
if (event.action == DragManager.MOVE && dragMoveEnabled)
// if we moved onto ourselves, we already handled this in
// dragDropHandler
if (event.relatedObject != this)
var items:Array = event.dragSource.dataForFormat("treeItems") as Array;
var parent:*;
var index:int;
var i:int;
var n:int;
//do the remove
n = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
parent = getParentItem(items[i]);
index = getChildIndexInParent(parent, items[i]);
removeChildItem(parent, items[i], index);
// then add it to the target control (copy operations are
// handled in the target's dragDropHandler), but the MOVE
// operations need to be handled here (see comment in
// dragDropHandler about this)
if (event.relatedObject is Tree)
var targetTree:Tree = Tree(event.relatedObject);
if (!targetTree.dataProvider) {
// Create an empty collection to drop items into.
targetTree.dataProvider = [];
n = items.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
var item:Object = items[i];
e.addResponder(new ItemResponder(seekPendingDuringDragResultHandler, seekPendingDuringDragFailureHandler,
new TreeSeekPending(event, dragCompleteHandler)));
lastDragEvent = null;
* @private
* Delegates to the Descriptor to add a child to a parent
mx_internal function addChildItem(parent:Object, child:Object, index:Number):Boolean
return _dataDescriptor.addChildAt(parent, child, index, iterator.view);
* @private
* Delegates to the Descriptor to remove a child from a parent
mx_internal function removeChildItem(parent:Object, child:Object, index:Number):Boolean
return _dataDescriptor.removeChildAt(parent, child, index, iterator.view);
* @private
mx_internal function dispatchTreeEvent(type:String,
trigger:Event = null,
opening:Boolean = true,
animate:Boolean = true,
dispatch:Boolean = true):void
var event:TreeEvent;
// Create expanding event.
if (type == TreeEvent.ITEM_OPENING)
event = new TreeEvent(TreeEvent.ITEM_OPENING,
false, true);
event.opening = opening;
event.animate = animate;
event.dispatchEvent = dispatch;
// Create all other events.
if (!event)
event = new TreeEvent(type);
// Common values.
event.item = item;
event.itemRenderer = renderer;
event.triggerEvent = trigger;
// Send it off.
// Event handlers
* @private
* Handler for CollectionEvents dispatched from the root dataProvider as the data changes.
override protected function collectionChangeHandler(event:Event):void
//if the iterator is null that indicates we havent been validated yet so we'll bail.
if (iterator == null)
var node:Object;
var parent:Object;
if (event is CollectionEvent)
var ce:CollectionEvent = CollectionEvent(event);
if (ce.kind == CollectionEventKind.EXPAND)
//we ignore expand in list/tree
if (ce.kind == CollectionEventKind.UPDATE)
//this prevents listbase from invalidating the displaylist too early.
//we only want to update the displaylist if an updated item was visible
//but dont have a sufficient test for that yet
itemsSizeChanged = true;
* @private
override protected function adjustAfterRemove(items:Array, location:int, emitEvent:Boolean):Boolean
var indicesLength:int = selectedItems.length;
var requiresValueCommit:Boolean = emitEvent;
var length:int = items.length;
if (_selectedIndex > location)
_selectedIndex -= length;
requiresValueCommit = true;
if (bSelectedItemRemoved && indicesLength < 1)
_selectedIndex = getItemIndex(expandedItem);
requiresValueCommit = true;
bSelectionChanged = true;
bSelectedIndexChanged = true;
return requiresValueCommit;
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
mx_internal function expandItemHandler(event:TreeEvent):void
if (event.isDefaultPrevented())
if (event.type == TreeEvent.ITEM_OPENING)
expandItem(event.item, event.opening, event.animate, event.dispatchEvent, event.triggerEvent);
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override mx_internal function selectionDataPendingResultHandler(
super.selectionDataPendingResultHandler(data, info);
if (bFinishArrowKeySelection && selectedItem === proposedSelectedItem)
class TreeSeekPending
public function TreeSeekPending(event:DragEvent, retryFunction:Function)
this.event = event;
this.retryFunction = retryFunction;
public var event:DragEvent;
public var retryFunction:Function;