blob: 9c072b77d31f40ecbf9eeb5c0c40f0890f1f2dd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package spark.components.gridClasses
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import mx.collections.IList;
import mx.core.ClassFactory;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.core.IInvalidating;
import mx.core.IUITextField;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
import mx.core.IVisualElementContainer;
import mx.core.Singleton;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient;
import mx.managers.LayoutManager;
import spark.collections.SubListView;
import spark.components.DataGrid;
import spark.components.Grid;
import spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase;
import spark.core.IGraphicElement;
import spark.layouts.supportClasses.DropLocation;
import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase;
use namespace mx_internal;
* @private
* A virtual two dimensional layout for the Grid class. This is not a general purpose layout,
* it's only intended to be use with GridView.
public class GridViewLayout extends LayoutBase
include "../../core/";
// Variables
* @private
* The following variables define the visible part of the grid, where each item
* renderer typically displays dataProvider[rowIndex][columns[columnIndex]].dataField.
* The index vectors are sorted in increasing order but their items may not be
* sequential.
private var visibleRowIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(0);
private var visibleColumnIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(0);
* @private
* The previous values of the corresponding variables. Set by layoutItemRenderers()
* and only valid during updateDisplayList(), for a complete relayout.
private var oldVisibleRowIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(0);
private var oldVisibleColumnIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(0);
* TODO (hmuller): document how do these vectors relate to visibleRow,ColumnIndices
private var visibleRowBackgrounds:Vector.<IVisualElement> = new Vector.<IVisualElement>(0);
private var visibleRowSeparators:Vector.<IVisualElement> = new Vector.<IVisualElement>(0);
private var visibleColumnSeparators:Vector.<IVisualElement> = new Vector.<IVisualElement>(0);
private var visibleItemRenderers:Vector.<IGridItemRenderer> = new Vector.<IGridItemRenderer>(0);
* @private
* TODO (hmuller): provide documentation
private var hoverIndicator:IVisualElement = null;
private var caretIndicator:IVisualElement = null;
private var editorIndicator:IVisualElement = null;
* @private
* The bounding rectangle for all of the visible item renderers. Note that this
* rectangle may be larger than the scrollRect, since the first/last rows/columns
* of item renderers may only be partially visible. See scrollPositionChanged().
private const visibleItemRenderersBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
* @private
* The viewport's bounding rectangle; often smaller then visibleItemRenderersBounds.
* Initialized by updateDisplayList with the current scrollPosition, and grid.width,Height.
private const visibleGridBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
* @private
* The elements available for reuse. Maps from an IFactory to a list of the elements
* that have been allocated by that factory and then freed. The list is represented
* by a Vector.<IVisualElement>.
* Updated by allocateGridElement().
private const freeElementMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
* @private
* Records the IFactory used to allocate a Element so that free(Element) can find it again.
* Updated by createGridElement().
private const elementToFactoryMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
* @private
* Used by scrollPositionChanged() to determine which scroll position properties changed.
private var oldVerticalScrollPosition:Number = 0;
private var oldHorizontalScrollPosition:Number = 0;
// Class methods and properties
* @private
* The static embeddedFontsRegistryExists property is initialized lazily.
private static var _embeddedFontRegistryExists:Boolean = false;
private static var embeddedFontRegistryExistsInitialized:Boolean = false;
* @private
* True if an embedded font registry singleton exists.
private static function get embeddedFontRegistryExists():Boolean
if (!embeddedFontRegistryExistsInitialized)
embeddedFontRegistryExistsInitialized = true;
_embeddedFontRegistryExists = Singleton.getInstance("mx.core::IEmbeddedFontRegistry") != null;
catch (e:Error)
_embeddedFontRegistryExists = false;
return _embeddedFontRegistryExists;
// Constructor
* Constructor.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.4
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function GridViewLayout()
// Properties
* @private
private function dispatchChangeEvent(type:String):void
if (hasEventListener(type))
dispatchEvent(new Event(type));
// columnsView
private var _columnsView:SubListView = null;
* @default null
public function get columnsView():SubListView
return _columnsView;
* @private
public function set columnsView(value:SubListView):void
if (value == _columnsView)
_columnsView = value;
// dataProviderView
private var _dataProviderView:SubListView = null;
* @default null
public function get dataProviderView():SubListView
return _dataProviderView;
* @private
public function set dataProviderView(value:SubListView):void
if (value == _dataProviderView)
_dataProviderView = value;
// grid
private var _grid:Grid = null;
* @private
public function get grid():Grid
return _grid;
* The Grid parent of this layout's target. This property is set by the Grid when the
* target GridView is added/removed from the Grid.
public function set grid(value:Grid):void
if (_grid == value)
if (_grid)
_grid.removeEventListener("dataProviderChanged", grid_dataProviderChangedHandler);
_grid.removeEventListener("columnsChanged", grid_columnsChangedHandler);
_grid = value;
if (_grid)
dataProviderView = new SubListView(grid.dataProvider);
columnsView = new SubListView(grid.columns);
gridDimensionsView = new GridDimensionsView(grid.gridDimensions);
_grid.addEventListener("dataProviderChanged", grid_dataProviderChangedHandler);
_grid.addEventListener("columnsChanged", grid_columnsChangedHandler);
dataProviderView = null;
columnsView = null;
gridDimensionsView = null;
* @private
* Called when the Grid's dataProvider property is set - not when the dataProvider itself changes.
private function grid_dataProviderChangedHandler(ignored:Event):void
dataProviderView = new SubListView(grid.dataProvider);
dataProviderView.startIndex = viewRowIndex;
dataProviderView.count = viewRowCount;
* @private
* Called when the Grid's column property is set - not when columns are added/removed (etc).
private function grid_columnsChangedHandler(ignored:Event):void
columnsView = new SubListView(grid.columns);
columnsView.startIndex = viewColumnIndex;
columnsView.count = viewColumnCount;
// gridDimensionsView
private var _gridDimensionsView:GridDimensionsView = null;
* @default null
public function get gridDimensionsView():GridDimensionsView
return _gridDimensionsView;
* @private
public function set gridDimensionsView(value:GridDimensionsView):void
if (value == _gridDimensionsView)
_gridDimensionsView = value;
// horizontalScrollingLocked
private var _horizontalScrollingLocked:Boolean = false;
* @default false
public function get horizontalScrollingLocked():Boolean
return _horizontalScrollingLocked;
* @private
public function set horizontalScrollingLocked(value:Boolean):void
if (value == _horizontalScrollingLocked)
_horizontalScrollingLocked = value;
// requestedColumnCount
private var _requestedColumnCount:int = 0;
* @default 0
public function get requestedColumnCount():int
return _requestedColumnCount;
* @private
public function set requestedColumnCount(value:int):void
if (value == _requestedColumnCount)
_requestedColumnCount = value;
// requestedRowCount
private var _requestedRowCount:int = 0;
* @default 0
public function get requestedRowCount():int
return _requestedRowCount;
* @private
public function set requestedRowCount(value:int):void
if (value == _requestedRowCount)
_requestedRowCount = value;
// useVirtualLayout (override)
* GridLayout only supports virtual layout, the value of this property can not be changed.
* @return true.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
override public function get useVirtualLayout():Boolean
return true;
* @private
override public function set useVirtualLayout(value:Boolean):void
// verticalScrollingLocked
private var _verticalScrollingLocked:Boolean = false;
* @default false
public function get verticalScrollingLocked():Boolean
return _verticalScrollingLocked;
* @private
public function set verticalScrollingLocked(value:Boolean):void
if (value == _verticalScrollingLocked)
_verticalScrollingLocked = value;
// viewColumnCount
* The number of columns displayed by the target GridView.
* @default -1
public function get viewColumnCount():int
return gridDimensionsView.viewColumnCount;
* @private
public function set viewColumnCount(value:int):void
gridDimensionsView.viewColumnCount = value;
columnsView.count = value;
// viewColumnIndex
* The column index origin of the grid region displayed by the target GridView.
* @default 0
public function get viewColumnIndex():int
return gridDimensionsView.viewColumnIndex;
* @private
public function set viewColumnIndex(value:int):void
gridDimensionsView.viewColumnIndex = value;
columnsView.startIndex = value;
// viewRowCount
* The number of rows displayed by the target GridView.
* @default -1
public function get viewRowCount():int
return gridDimensionsView.viewRowCount;
* @private
public function set viewRowCount(value:int):void
gridDimensionsView.viewRowCount = value;
dataProviderView.count = value;
// viewRowIndex
* The row index origin of the grid region displayed by the target GridView.
* @default 0
public function get viewRowIndex():int
return gridDimensionsView.viewRowIndex;
* @private
public function set viewRowIndex(value:int):void
gridDimensionsView.viewRowIndex = value;
dataProviderView.startIndex = value;
// Method Overrides
* Returns the index where a new item should be inserted if
* the user releases the mouse at the specified coordinates
* while completing a drag and drop gesture.
* Called by the <code>calculatedDropLocation()</code> method.
* @param x The x coordinate of the drag and drop gesture, in
* local coordinates.
* @param y The y coordinate of the drag and drop gesture, in
* the drop target's local coordinates.
* @return The drop index or -1 if the drop operation is not available
* at the specified coordinates.
* @see #calculateDropLocation()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 11
* @playerversion AIR 3.0
* @productversion Flex 5.0
override protected function calculateDropIndex(x:Number, y:Number):int
var rowIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getRowIndexAt(x, y);
if (rowIndex == -1)
rowIndex = gridDimensionsView.rowCount;
// If we are closer to the next row then drop on the next row.
var bounds:Rectangle = gridDimensionsView.getRowBounds(rowIndex);
if (y > (bounds.y + (bounds.height / 2)))
return rowIndex + gridDimensionsView.viewRowIndex;
* Calculates the bounds for the drop indicator that provides visual feedback
* to the user of where the items will be inserted at the end of a drag and drop
* gesture.
* Called by the <code>showDropIndicator()</code> method.
* @param dropLocation A valid DropLocation object previously returned
* by the <code>calculateDropLocation()</code> method.
* @return The bounds for the drop indicator or null.
* @see spark.layouts.supportClasses.DropLocation
* @see #calculateDropIndex()
* @see #calculateDragScrollDelta()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 11
* @playerversion AIR 3.0
* @productversion Flex 5.0
override protected function calculateDropIndicatorBounds(dropLocation:DropLocation):Rectangle
var rowIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getRowIndexAt(dropLocation.dropPoint.x, dropLocation.dropPoint.y);
if (rowIndex == -1)
// If the last row is visible then put the drop indicator below the last row.
if (grid.dataProvider && isCellVisible(grid.dataProvider.length - 1, -1))
rowIndex = grid.dataProvider.length - 1;
return null;
var bounds:Rectangle = gridDimensionsView.getRowBounds(rowIndex);
// If we are closer to the next row then put the drop indicator on
// the next row.
// TODO (dloverin): TBD how the drop indicator should be sized when
// rowGap is implemented.
// NOTE: The bounds indicator for the MX DataGrid start at the top of
// the cell. The top of the drag indicator was moved up by two pixels
// so it could be seen when the indicator bounds are below the last row.
// The issue is there may not be any space below the last row and the drop
// indicator would not be visible if it started at the top of the next cell.
if (dropLocation.dropPoint.y > ( + bounds.height / 2))
return new Rectangle(2, bounds.bottom - 2, bounds.width -4, 4);
return new Rectangle(2, Math.max(0, bounds.y - 2), bounds.width - 4, 4);
* @private
* Clear everything.
override public function clearVirtualLayoutCache():void
visibleRowIndices.length = 0;
visibleColumnIndices.length = 0;
hoverIndicator = null;
caretIndicator = null;
editorIndicator = null;
* @private
* This version of the method uses gridDimensions to calcuate the bounds
* of the specified cell. The index is the cell's position in the row-major
* layout.
override public function getElementBounds(index:int):Rectangle
const columnsLength:int = gridDimensionsView.columnCount;
if (columnsLength == -1)
return null;
const rowIndex:int = index / columnsLength;
const columnIndex:int = index - (rowIndex * columnsLength);
return gridDimensionsView.getCellBounds(rowIndex, columnIndex);
* @private
override protected function getElementBoundsAboveScrollRect(scrollRect:Rectangle):Rectangle
const y:int = Math.max(0, - 1);
const rowIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getRowIndexAt(scrollRect.x, y);
return gridDimensionsView.getRowBounds(rowIndex);
* @private
override protected function getElementBoundsBelowScrollRect(scrollRect:Rectangle):Rectangle
const rowCount:int = gridDimensionsView.rowCount;
const maxY:int = Math.max(0, gridDimensionsView.getContentHeight(rowCount) - 1);
const y:int = Math.min(maxY, scrollRect.bottom + 1);
const rowIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getRowIndexAt(scrollRect.x, y);
return gridDimensionsView.getRowBounds(rowIndex);
* @private
override protected function getElementBoundsLeftOfScrollRect(scrollRect:Rectangle):Rectangle
const x:int = Math.max(0, scrollRect.left - 1);
const columnIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getColumnIndexAt(x, scrollRect.y);
return gridDimensionsView.getColumnBounds(columnIndex);
* @private
override protected function getElementBoundsRightOfScrollRect(scrollRect:Rectangle):Rectangle
const columnCount:int = gridDimensionsView.columnCount;
const maxX:int = Math.max(0, gridDimensionsView.getContentWidth(columnCount) - 1);
const x:int = Math.min(maxX, scrollRect.right + 1);
const columnIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getColumnIndexAt(x, scrollRect.y);
return gridDimensionsView.getColumnBounds(columnIndex);
* @private
override protected function scrollPositionChanged():void
if (!grid)
grid.hoverRowIndex = -1;
grid.hoverColumnIndex = -1;
super.scrollPositionChanged(); // sets GridView's scrollRect
const hspChanged:Boolean = oldHorizontalScrollPosition != horizontalScrollPosition;
const vspChanged:Boolean = oldVerticalScrollPosition != verticalScrollPosition;
oldHorizontalScrollPosition = horizontalScrollPosition;
oldVerticalScrollPosition = verticalScrollPosition;
// Only invalidate if we're clipping and rows and/or columns covered
// by the scrollR changes. If so, the visible row/column indicies need
// to be updated.
var invalidate:Boolean = false;
if (visibleRowIndices.length == 0 || visibleColumnIndices.length == 0)
invalidate = true;
if (!invalidate && vspChanged)
const oldFirstRowIndex:int = visibleRowIndices[0];
const oldLastRowIndex:int = visibleRowIndices[visibleRowIndices.length - 1];
const newFirstRowIndex:int =
gridDimensionsView.getRowIndexAt(horizontalScrollPosition, verticalScrollPosition);
const newLastRowIndex:int =
gridDimensionsView.getRowIndexAt(horizontalScrollPosition, verticalScrollPosition + target.height);
if (oldFirstRowIndex != newFirstRowIndex || oldLastRowIndex != newLastRowIndex)
invalidate = true;
if (!invalidate && hspChanged)
const oldFirstColIndex:int = visibleColumnIndices[0];
const oldLastColIndex:int = visibleColumnIndices[visibleColumnIndices.length - 1];
const newFirstColIndex:int =
gridDimensionsView.getColumnIndexAt(horizontalScrollPosition, verticalScrollPosition);
const newLastColIndex:int =
gridDimensionsView.getColumnIndexAt(horizontalScrollPosition + target.width, verticalScrollPosition);
if (oldFirstColIndex != newFirstColIndex || oldLastColIndex != newLastColIndex)
invalidate = true;
if (invalidate)
var reason:String = "none";
if (vspChanged && hspChanged)
reason = "bothScrollPositions";
else if (vspChanged)
reason = "verticalScrollPosition";
else if (hspChanged)
reason = "horizontalScrollPosition";
* @private
* Computes new values for the grid's measuredWidth,Height and
* measuredMinWidth,Height properties.
* If grid.requestedRowCount is GTE 0, then measuredHeight is estimated
* content height for as many rows. Otherwise the measuredHeight is the estimated
* content height for all rows. The measuredWidth calculation is similar. The
* measuredMinWidth,Height properties are also similar however if the corresponding
* requestedMin property isn't specified, then the measuredMin size is the same
* as the measured size.
override public function measure():void
const gridView:GridView = target as GridView; // TBD: requestedRowCount should be a local property...
const grid:Grid = this.grid;
if (!gridView || !grid)
var measuredRowCount:int = requestedRowCount;
if (measuredRowCount == -1)
measuredRowCount = gridDimensionsView.rowCount;
if (grid.requestedMaxRowCount != -1)
measuredRowCount = Math.min(grid.requestedMaxRowCount, measuredRowCount);
if (grid.requestedMinRowCount != -1)
measuredRowCount = Math.max(grid.requestedMinRowCount, measuredRowCount);
var measuredColumnCount:int = requestedColumnCount;
if (measuredColumnCount == -1)
measuredColumnCount = getColumnsLength();
if (grid.requestedMinColumnCount != -1)
measuredColumnCount = Math.max(grid.requestedMinColumnCount, measuredColumnCount);
var measuredWidth:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalContentWidth(measuredColumnCount);
var measuredHeight:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalContentHeight(measuredRowCount);
var measuredMinWidth:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalContentWidth(grid.requestedMinColumnCount);
var measuredMinHeight:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalContentHeight(grid.requestedMinRowCount);
// Use Math.ceil() to make sure that if the content partially occupies
// the last pixel, we'll count it as if the whole pixel is occupied.
target.measuredWidth = Math.ceil(measuredWidth);
target.measuredHeight = Math.ceil(measuredHeight);
target.measuredMinWidth = Math.ceil(measuredMinWidth);
target.measuredMinHeight = Math.ceil(measuredMinHeight);
//trace("measure", target.measuredWidth, target.measuredHeight);
* @private
override public function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
const grid:Grid = this.grid;
if (!grid)
//trace("updateDisplayList", unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
// Find the index of the last GridColumn.visible==true column
const columnsLength:int = gridDimensionsView.columnCount;
const lastVisibleColumnIndex:int = (columnsLength > 0) ? getPreviousVisibleColumnIndex(columnsLength) : -1;
if (lastVisibleColumnIndex < 0)
// Layers
const backgroundLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("backgroundLayer");
const selectionLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("selectionLayer");
const editorIndicatorLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("editorIndicatorLayer");
const rendererLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("rendererLayer");
const overlayLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("overlayLayer");
// Relayout everything if the scroll position changed or if no
// "invalidateDisplayList reason" was specified. See
// Grid/invalidateDisplayListFor(reason)
const completeLayoutNeeded:Boolean =
grid.isInvalidateDisplayListReason("verticalScrollPosition") ||
// Layout the columns and item renderers; compute new values for visibleRowIndices et al.
if (completeLayoutNeeded)
oldVisibleRowIndices = visibleRowIndices;
oldVisibleColumnIndices = visibleColumnIndices;
// Determine the x/y position of the visible content. Note that the
// actual scroll positions may be negative.
const scrollX:Number = Math.max(0, horizontalScrollPosition);
const scrollY:Number = Math.max(0, verticalScrollPosition);
visibleGridBounds.x = scrollX;
visibleGridBounds.y = scrollY;
visibleGridBounds.width = unscaledWidth;
visibleGridBounds.height = unscaledHeight;
layoutColumns(scrollX, scrollY, unscaledWidth);
layoutItemRenderers(rendererLayer, scrollX, scrollY, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
// Update the content size. Make sure that if the content spans partially
// over a pixel to the right/bottom, the content size includes the whole pixel.
const columnCount:int = getColumnsLength();
const rowCount:int = gridDimensionsView.rowCount;
const contentWidth:Number = Math.ceil(gridDimensionsView.getContentWidth(columnCount));
const contentHeight:Number = Math.ceil(gridDimensionsView.getContentHeight(rowCount));
target.setContentSize(contentWidth, contentHeight);
// If the grid's contentHeight is smaller than than the available height
// (unscaledHeight) then pad the visible rows
var paddedRowCount:int = rowCount;
if ((scrollY == 0) && (contentHeight < unscaledHeight))
const unusedHeight:Number = unscaledHeight - gridDimensionsView.getContentHeight(rowCount);
paddedRowCount += Math.ceil(unusedHeight / gridDimensionsView.defaultRowHeight);
for (var rowIndex:int = rowCount; rowIndex < paddedRowCount; rowIndex++)
// Layout the row backgrounds
visibleRowBackgrounds = layoutLinearElements(grid.rowBackground, backgroundLayer,
visibleRowBackgrounds, oldVisibleRowIndices, visibleRowIndices, layoutRowBackground);
// Layout the row and column separators.
const lastRowIndex:int = paddedRowCount - 1;
visibleRowSeparators = layoutLinearElements(grid.rowSeparator, overlayLayer,
visibleRowSeparators, oldVisibleRowIndices, visibleRowIndices, layoutRowSeparator, lastRowIndex);
visibleColumnSeparators = layoutLinearElements(grid.columnSeparator, overlayLayer,
visibleColumnSeparators, oldVisibleColumnIndices, visibleColumnIndices, layoutColumnSeparator, lastVisibleColumnIndex);
// The old visible row,column indices are no longer needed
oldVisibleRowIndices.length = 0;
oldVisibleColumnIndices.length = 0;
// Layout the hoverIndicator, caretIndicator, and selectionIndicators
if (completeLayoutNeeded || grid.isInvalidateDisplayListReason("hoverIndicator"))
if (completeLayoutNeeded || grid.isInvalidateDisplayListReason("selectionIndicator"))
if (completeLayoutNeeded || grid.isInvalidateDisplayListReason("caretIndicator"))
if (completeLayoutNeeded || grid.isInvalidateDisplayListReason("editorIndicator"))
if (!completeLayoutNeeded)
// To avoid flashing, force all of the layers to render now
* @private
* Reset the selected, showsCaret, and hovered properties for all visible item renderers.
* Run the prepare() method for renderers that have changed.
* This method is only called when the item renderers are not updated as part of a general
* redisplay, by layoutItemRenderers().
private function updateVisibleItemRenderers():void
const grid:Grid = grid; // avoid get method cost
const rowSelectionMode:Boolean = isRowSelectionMode();
const cellSelectionMode:Boolean = isCellSelectionMode();
if (!rowSelectionMode && !cellSelectionMode)
for each (var renderer:IGridItemRenderer in visibleItemRenderers)
var rowIndex:int = renderer.rowIndex; // TBD: need grid-relative row,column indices here
var columnIndex:int = renderer.columnIndex;
var oldSelected:Boolean = renderer.selected;
var oldShowsCaret:Boolean = renderer.showsCaret;
var oldHovered:Boolean = renderer.hovered;
// The following initializations should match what's done in initializeItemRenderer()
if (rowSelectionMode)
renderer.selected = grid.selectionContainsIndex(rowIndex);
renderer.showsCaret = grid.caretRowIndex == rowIndex;
renderer.hovered = grid.hoverRowIndex == rowIndex;
else if (cellSelectionMode)
renderer.selected = grid.selectionContainsCell(rowIndex, columnIndex);
renderer.showsCaret = (grid.caretRowIndex == rowIndex) && (grid.caretColumnIndex == columnIndex);
renderer.hovered = (grid.hoverRowIndex == rowIndex) && (grid.hoverColumnIndex == columnIndex);
if ((oldSelected != renderer.selected) ||
(oldShowsCaret != renderer.showsCaret) ||
(oldHovered != renderer.hovered))
// Target GridView Access
private function gridRowIndexToViewIndex(gridRowIndex:int):int
return (gridRowIndex == -1) ? -1 : gridRowIndex - viewRowIndex;
private function gridColumnIndexToViewIndex(gridColumnIndex:int):int
return (gridColumnIndex == -1) ? -1 : gridColumnIndex - viewColumnIndex;
private function getLayer(name:String):GridLayer
return target.getChildByName(name) as GridLayer;
* @private
private function getGridColumn(columnIndex:int):GridColumn
const columnsView:IList = columnsView;
if ((columnsView == null) || (columnIndex >= columnsView.length) || (columnIndex < 0))
return null;
return columnsView.getItemAt(columnIndex) as GridColumn;
* @private
private function getColumnsLength():int
return (columnsView) ? columnsView.length : 0;
* @private
* Returns the index of the next Grid.visible==true column
* after index. Returns -1 if there are no more visible columns.
* To find the first GridColumn.visible==true column index, use
* getNextVisibleColumnIndex(-1).
private function getNextVisibleColumnIndex(index:int=-1):int
if (index < -1)
return -1;
const columns:IList = columnsView;
const columnsLength:int = (columns) ? columns.length : 0;
for (var i:int = index + 1; i < columnsLength; i++)
var column:GridColumn = columns.getItemAt(i) as GridColumn;
if (column && column.visible)
return i;
return -1;
* @private
* Returns the index of the previous GridColumn.visible==true column
* before index. Returns -1 if there are no more visible columns.
* To find the last GridColumn.visible==true column index, use
* getPreviousVisibleColumnIndex(columns.length).
private function getPreviousVisibleColumnIndex(index:int):int
const columns:IList = columnsView;
if (!columns || (index > columns.length))
return -1;
for (var i:int = index - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var column:GridColumn = columns.getItemAt(i) as GridColumn;
if (column && column.visible)
return i;
return -1;
* @private
private function getDataProviderItem(rowIndex:int):Object
const dataProviderView:IList = this.dataProviderView;
if ((dataProviderView == null) || (rowIndex >= dataProviderView.length) || (rowIndex < 0))
return null;
return dataProviderView.getItemAt(rowIndex);
* @private
private function getDataProviderLength():int
const dataProviderView:IList = this.dataProviderView;
return (dataProviderView) ? dataProviderView.length : -1;
// Updating the GridDimensions' typicalCell sizes and columnWidths
* @private
* Return width clamped to the column's minWidth and maxWidth properties.
private static function clampColumnWidth(width:Number, column:GridColumn):Number
const minColumnWidth:Number = column.minWidth;
const maxColumnWidth:Number = column.maxWidth;
if (!isNaN(minColumnWidth))
width = Math.max(width, minColumnWidth);
if (!isNaN(maxColumnWidth))
width = Math.min(width, maxColumnWidth);
return width;
* @private
* Use the specified GridColumn's itemRenderer (IFactory) to create a temporary
* item renderer. The returned item renderer must be freed, with freeGridElement(),
* and removed from the rendererLayer after it's used.
private function createTypicalItemRenderer(columnIndex:int):IGridItemRenderer
const rendererLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("rendererLayer");
if (!rendererLayer)
return null;
var typicalItem:Object = grid.typicalItem;
if (typicalItem == null)
typicalItem = getDataProviderItem(0);
const column:GridColumn = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
const factory:IFactory = itemToRenderer(column, typicalItem);
const renderer:IGridItemRenderer = allocateGridElement(factory) as IGridItemRenderer;
initializeItemRenderer(renderer, 0 /* rowIndex */, columnIndex, grid.typicalItem, false);
// If the column's width isn't specified, then use the renderer's explicit
// width, if any. If that isn't specified, then use 4096, to avoid wrapping.
var columnWidth:Number = column.width;
if (isNaN(columnWidth))
// Sadly, IUIComponent, UITextField, and UIFTETextField all have an
// explicitWidth property but do not share a common type.
if ("explicitWidth" in renderer)
columnWidth = Object(renderer).explicitWidth;
// The default width of a UI[FTE]TextField is 100. If autoWrap is true, and
// multiline is true, the measured text will wrap if it is wider than
// the TextField's width. This is not what we want when measuring the
// width of typicalItem columns that lack an explicit column width.
if (isNaN(columnWidth))
columnWidth = 4096;
layoutItemRenderer(renderer, 0, 0, columnWidth, NaN);
return renderer;
* @private
* Update the typicalCellWidth,Height for all of the columns starting
* with x coordinate startX and column startIndex that fit within the
* specified width. Typical sizes are only updated if the current
* typical cell size is NaN.
* The typicalCellWidth for GridColumns with an explicit width, is just
* the explicit width. Otherwise an item renderer is created for the column
* and the item renderer's preferred bounds become the typical cell size.
private function updateVisibleTypicalCellSizes(width:Number, scrollX:Number, firstVisibleColumnIndex:int):void
const rendererLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("rendererLayer");
if (!rendererLayer)
const columnCount:int = getColumnsLength();
const startCellX:Number = gridDimensionsView.getCellX(0 /* rowIndex */, firstVisibleColumnIndex);
const columnGap:int = gridDimensionsView.columnGap;
var columnIndex : int;
var column : GridColumn;
var totalWidthCoef : Number = 0;
var contentFreeSpace : Number = grid.contentWidth;
var gridFreeSpace : Number = grid.width;
for (columnIndex = 0; (columnIndex < columnCount); columnIndex++)
column = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
if (isNaN(column.width) && column.visible)
totalWidthCoef += column.percentWidth;
if (!isNaN(column.width) && column.visible)
contentFreeSpace -= column.width;
gridFreeSpace -= column.width;
var freeSpace : Number = gridFreeSpace < 0 ? contentFreeSpace : gridFreeSpace;
var unusedFreeSpace : Number = freeSpace;
for (columnIndex = firstVisibleColumnIndex;
(width > 0) && (columnIndex >= 0) && (columnIndex < columnCount);
columnIndex = getNextVisibleColumnIndex(columnIndex))
var cellHeight:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex);
var cellWidth:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex);
column = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
if (!isNaN(column.width))
cellWidth = column.width;
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex, cellWidth);
if (totalWidthCoef > 0)
cellWidth = Math.round(column.percentWidth / totalWidthCoef * (freeSpace > 0 ? freeSpace : 0));
if (cellWidth < column.minWidth)
cellWidth = column.minWidth;
unusedFreeSpace -= cellWidth;
if (cellWidth > unusedFreeSpace)
cellWidth = unusedFreeSpace;
unusedFreeSpace = 0;
unusedFreeSpace -= cellWidth;
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex, cellWidth);
if (isNaN(cellWidth) || isNaN(cellHeight))
var renderer:IGridItemRenderer = createTypicalItemRenderer(columnIndex);
if (isNaN(cellWidth))
cellWidth = clampColumnWidth(renderer.getPreferredBoundsWidth(), column);
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex, cellWidth);
if (isNaN(cellHeight))
cellHeight = renderer.getPreferredBoundsHeight();
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex, cellHeight);
if (columnIndex == firstVisibleColumnIndex)
width -= startCellX + cellWidth - scrollX;
width -= cellWidth + columnGap;
* @private
* Used by the measure() method to initialize the GridDimensions typical width,height of
* requestedColumnCount columns, and the typical width of *all* columns with an explicit width.
private function updateTypicalCellSizes():void
const rendererLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("rendererLayer");
if (!rendererLayer)
const columnCount:int = getColumnsLength();
const requestedColumnCount:int = grid.requestedColumnCount; // TBD GridView...
var measuredColumnCount:int = 0;
var columnIndex : int;
var column : GridColumn;
var totalWidthCoef : Number = 0;
var contentFreeSpace : Number = grid.contentWidth;
var gridFreeSpace : Number = grid.width;
for (columnIndex = 0; (columnIndex < columnCount); columnIndex++)
column = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
if (isNaN(column.width) && column.visible)
totalWidthCoef += column.percentWidth;
if (!isNaN(column.width) && column.visible)
contentFreeSpace -= column.width;
gridFreeSpace -= column.width;
var freeSpace : Number = gridFreeSpace < 0 ? contentFreeSpace : gridFreeSpace;
var unusedFreeSpace : Number = freeSpace;
for (columnIndex = 0; (columnIndex < columnCount); columnIndex++)
var cellHeight:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex);
var cellWidth:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex);
column = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
// GridColumn.visible==false columns have a typical size of (0,0)
// to distinguish them from the GridColumn.visible==true columns
// that aren't in view yet.
if (!column.visible)
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex, 0);
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex, 0);
if (!isNaN(column.width))
cellWidth = column.width;
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex, cellWidth);
if (totalWidthCoef > 0)
cellWidth = Math.round(column.percentWidth / totalWidthCoef * (freeSpace > 0 ? freeSpace : 0));
if (cellWidth < column.minWidth)
cellWidth = column.minWidth;
unusedFreeSpace -= cellWidth;
if (cellWidth > unusedFreeSpace)
cellWidth = unusedFreeSpace;
unusedFreeSpace = 0;
unusedFreeSpace -= cellWidth;
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex, cellWidth);
var needTypicalRenderer:Boolean = (requestedColumnCount == -1) || (measuredColumnCount < requestedColumnCount);
if (needTypicalRenderer && (isNaN(cellWidth) || isNaN(cellHeight)))
var renderer:IGridItemRenderer = createTypicalItemRenderer(columnIndex);
if (isNaN(cellWidth))
cellWidth = clampColumnWidth(renderer.getPreferredBoundsWidth(), column);
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex, cellWidth);
if (isNaN(cellHeight))
cellHeight = renderer.getPreferredBoundsHeight();
gridDimensionsView.setTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex, cellHeight);
* @private
* Update the column widths for the columns visible beginning at scrollX, that will fit
* within the specified width, or for all columns if width is NaN. The width of
* GridColumns that lack an explicit width is the preferred width of an item renderer
* for the grid's typicalItem.
* If width is specified and all columns are visible, then we'll increase the widths
* of GridDimensions columns for GridColumns without an explicit width so that all of
* the available space is consumed.
private function layoutColumns(scrollX:Number, scrollY:Number, width:Number):void
var columnCount:int = gridDimensionsView.columnCount;
if (columnCount <= 0)
// Update the GridDimensions typicalCellWidth,Height values as needed.
const firstVisibleColumnIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getColumnIndexAt(scrollX, scrollY);
updateVisibleTypicalCellSizes(width, scrollX, firstVisibleColumnIndex);
// Set the GridDimensions columnWidth for no more than columnCount columns.
const columnGap:int = gridDimensionsView.columnGap;
const startCellX:Number = gridDimensionsView.getCellX(0 /* rowIndex */, firstVisibleColumnIndex);
var availableWidth:Number = width;
var flexibleColumnCount:uint = 0;
for (var columnIndex:int = firstVisibleColumnIndex;
(availableWidth > 0) && (columnIndex >= 0) && (columnIndex < columnCount);
columnIndex = getNextVisibleColumnIndex(columnIndex))
var columnWidth:Number = gridDimensionsView.getTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex);
var gridColumn:GridColumn = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
if (isNaN(gridColumn.width)) // if this column's width wasn't explicitly specified
flexibleColumnCount += 1;
columnWidth = clampColumnWidth(columnWidth, gridColumn);
columnWidth = gridColumn.width;
gridDimensionsView.setColumnWidth(columnIndex, columnWidth); // store the column width
if (columnIndex == firstVisibleColumnIndex)
availableWidth -= startCellX + columnWidth - scrollX;
availableWidth -= columnWidth + columnGap;
// If we haven't scrolled horizontally, and there's space left over, widen
// the columns whose GridColumn width isn't set explicitly, to fill the extra space.
if ((scrollX != 0) || (availableWidth < 1.0) || (flexibleColumnCount == 0))
const columnWidthDelta:Number = Math.ceil(availableWidth / flexibleColumnCount);
for (columnIndex = firstVisibleColumnIndex;
(columnIndex >= 0) && (columnIndex < columnCount) && (availableWidth >= 1.0);
columnIndex = getNextVisibleColumnIndex(columnIndex))
gridColumn = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
if (isNaN(gridColumn.width)) // if this column's width wasn't explicitly specified
var oldColumnWidth:Number = gridDimensionsView.getColumnWidth(columnIndex);
columnWidth = oldColumnWidth + Math.min(availableWidth, columnWidthDelta);
columnWidth = clampColumnWidth(columnWidth, gridColumn);
gridDimensionsView.setColumnWidth(columnIndex, columnWidth); // store the column width
availableWidth -= (columnWidth - oldColumnWidth);
// Item Renderer Management and Layout
private const gridItemRendererClassFactories:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
* @private
* Return the item renderer for the specified column and dataProvider item,
* essentially column.itemToRenderer(dataItem).
* If this app might have embedded fonts then item renderers must be created with the Grid's
* module factory. To enable that, we wrap the real item renderer ClassFactory with
* a GridItemRendererClassFactory. Wrapped factories are cached in
* the gridItemRendererClassFactories Dictionary.
private function itemToRenderer(column:GridColumn, dataItem:Object):IFactory
var factory:IFactory = column.itemToRenderer(dataItem);
var rendererClassFactory:IFactory = null;
if (embeddedFontRegistryExists && (factory is ClassFactory))
rendererClassFactory = gridItemRendererClassFactories[factory];
if (!rendererClassFactory)
rendererClassFactory = new GridItemRendererClassFactory(grid, ClassFactory(factory));
gridItemRendererClassFactories[factory] = rendererClassFactory;
return (rendererClassFactory) ? rendererClassFactory : factory;
private function layoutItemRenderers(rendererLayer:GridLayer, scrollX:Number, scrollY:Number, width:Number, height:Number):void
if (!rendererLayer)
var rowIndex:int;
var colIndex:int;
const rowCount:int = gridDimensionsView.rowCount;
const colCount:int = getColumnsLength();
const rowGap:int = gridDimensionsView.rowGap;
const colGap:int = gridDimensionsView.columnGap;
// Compute the row,column index and bounds of the upper left "start" cell
const startColIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getColumnIndexAt(scrollX, scrollY);
const startRowIndex:int = gridDimensionsView.getRowIndexAt(scrollX, scrollY);
const startCellX:Number = gridDimensionsView.getCellX(startRowIndex, startColIndex);
const startCellY:Number = gridDimensionsView.getCellY(startRowIndex, startColIndex);
// Compute newVisibleColumns
const newVisibleColumnIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
var availableWidth:Number = width;
var column:GridColumn;
for (colIndex = startColIndex;
(availableWidth > 0) && (colIndex >= 0) && (colIndex < colCount);
colIndex = getNextVisibleColumnIndex(colIndex))
var columnWidth:Number = gridDimensionsView.getColumnWidth(colIndex);
if (colIndex == startColIndex)
availableWidth -= startCellX + columnWidth - scrollX;
availableWidth -= columnWidth + colGap;
// compute newVisibleRowIndices, newVisibleItemRenderers, layout item renderers
const newVisibleRowIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
const newVisibleItemRenderers:Vector.<IGridItemRenderer> = new Vector.<IGridItemRenderer>();
var cellX:Number = startCellX;
var cellY:Number = startCellY;
var availableHeight:Number = height;
for (rowIndex = startRowIndex; (availableHeight > 0) && (rowIndex >= 0) && (rowIndex < rowCount); rowIndex++)
var rowHeight:Number = gridDimensionsView.getRowHeight(rowIndex);
for each (colIndex in newVisibleColumnIndices)
var renderer:IGridItemRenderer = takeVisibleItemRenderer(rowIndex, colIndex);
if (!renderer)
var dataItem:Object = getDataProviderItem(rowIndex);
column = getGridColumn(colIndex);
var factory:IFactory = itemToRenderer(column, dataItem);
renderer = allocateGridElement(factory) as IGridItemRenderer;
if (renderer.parent != rendererLayer)
initializeItemRenderer(renderer, rowIndex, colIndex);
var colWidth:Number = gridDimensionsView.getColumnWidth(colIndex);
layoutItemRenderer(renderer, cellX, cellY, colWidth, rowHeight);
var preferredRowHeight:Number = renderer.getPreferredBoundsHeight();
gridDimensionsView.setCellHeight(rowIndex, colIndex, preferredRowHeight);
cellX += colWidth + colGap;
// If gridDimensions.rowHeight is now larger, we need to make another
// pass to fix up the item renderer heights.
const finalRowHeight:Number = gridDimensionsView.getRowHeight(rowIndex);
if (rowHeight != finalRowHeight)
const visibleColumnsLength:int = newVisibleColumnIndices.length;
rowHeight = finalRowHeight;
for each (colIndex in newVisibleColumnIndices)
var rowOffset:int = newVisibleRowIndices.indexOf(rowIndex);
var colOffset:int = newVisibleColumnIndices.indexOf(colIndex);
var index:int = (rowOffset * visibleColumnsLength) + colOffset;
renderer = newVisibleItemRenderers[index];
// We're using layoutBoundsX,Y,Width instead of x,y.width because
// the IUITextField item renderers pad their x,y,width,height properties
var rendererX:Number = renderer.getLayoutBoundsX();
var rendererY:Number = renderer.getLayoutBoundsY();
var rendererWidth:Number = renderer.getLayoutBoundsWidth();
layoutItemRenderer(renderer, rendererX, rendererY, rendererWidth, rowHeight);
gridDimensionsView.setCellHeight(rowIndex, colIndex, renderer.getPreferredBoundsHeight());
cellX = startCellX;
cellY += rowHeight + rowGap;
if (rowIndex == startRowIndex)
availableHeight -= startCellY + rowHeight - scrollY;
availableHeight -= rowHeight + rowGap;
// Free renderers that aren't in use
for each (var oldRenderer:IGridItemRenderer in visibleItemRenderers)
// Update visibleItemRenderersBounds
if ((newVisibleRowIndices.length > 0) && (newVisibleColumnIndices.length > 0))
const lastRowIndex:int = newVisibleRowIndices[newVisibleRowIndices.length - 1];
const lastColIndex:int = newVisibleColumnIndices[newVisibleColumnIndices.length - 1];
const lastCellR:Rectangle = gridDimensionsView.getCellBounds(lastRowIndex, lastColIndex);
visibleItemRenderersBounds.x = startCellX;
visibleItemRenderersBounds.y = startCellY;
visibleItemRenderersBounds.width = lastCellR.x + lastCellR.width - startCellX;
visibleItemRenderersBounds.height = lastCellR.y + lastCellR.height - startCellY;
// Update visibleItemRenderers et al
visibleItemRenderers = newVisibleItemRenderers;
visibleRowIndices = newVisibleRowIndices;
visibleColumnIndices = newVisibleColumnIndices;
* Reinitialize and layout the visible renderer at rowIndex, columnIndex. If the cell's preferred
* height changes and the Grid has been configured with variableRowHeight=true, the entire grid is
* invalidated.
* <p>If row,columnIndex do not correspond to a visible cell, nothing is done.</p>
* @param rowIndex The 0-based row index of the cell that changed.
* @param columnIndex The 0-based column index of the cell that changed.
public function invalidateCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):void
const renderer:IGridItemRenderer = getVisibleItemRenderer(rowIndex, columnIndex);
if (!renderer)
// If the renderer at rowIndex,columnIndex is going to have to be replaced, because
// this columns itemRendererFunction now returns a different (IFactory) value, punt.
if (itemRendererFunctionValueChanged(renderer))
initializeItemRenderer(renderer, rowIndex, columnIndex);
// We're using layoutBoundsX,Y,Width,Height instead of x,y,width,height because
// the IUITextField item renderers pad their x,y,width,height properties
const rendererX:Number = renderer.getLayoutBoundsX();
const rendererY:Number = renderer.getLayoutBoundsY();
const rendererWidth:Number = renderer.getLayoutBoundsWidth();
const rendererHeight:Number = renderer.getLayoutBoundsHeight();
layoutItemRenderer(renderer, rendererX, rendererY, rendererWidth, rendererHeight);
// If the renderer's preferredHeight has changed and variableRowHeight=true, then
// the row's height may have changed, which implies we need to layout -everything-.
// Warning: the unconditional getPreferredBoundsHeight() call also serves to
// force DefaultGridItemRenderer and UITextFieldGridItemRenderer to validate;
// similar to what happens in layoutItemRenderers() and updateTypicalCellSizes()
const preferredRendererHeight:Number = renderer.getPreferredBoundsHeight();
if (gridDimensionsView.variableRowHeight && (rendererHeight != preferredRendererHeight))
* @private
* Return true if the specified item renderer was defined by an itemRendererFunction whose
* value has changed.
private function itemRendererFunctionValueChanged(renderer:IGridItemRenderer):Boolean
const column:GridColumn = renderer.column;
if (!column || (column.itemRendererFunction === null))
return false;
const factory:IFactory = itemToRenderer(column,;
return factory !== elementToFactoryMap[renderer];
* @private
private function getVisibleItemRendererIndex(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):int
if ((visibleRowIndices == null) || (visibleColumnIndices == null))
return -1;
// TODO (hmuller) - binary search would be faster than indexOf()
const rowOffset:int = visibleRowIndices.indexOf(rowIndex);
const colOffset:int = visibleColumnIndices.indexOf(columnIndex);
if ((rowOffset == -1) || (colOffset == -1))
return -1;
const index:int = (rowOffset * visibleColumnIndices.length) + colOffset;
return index;
* Return the visible item renderer at the specified GridView row,columnIndex.
public function getVisibleItemRenderer(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):IGridItemRenderer
const index:int = getVisibleItemRendererIndex(rowIndex, columnIndex);
if (index == -1 || index >= visibleItemRenderers.length)
return null;
const renderer:IGridItemRenderer = visibleItemRenderers[index];
return renderer;
* @private
private function takeVisibleItemRenderer(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):IGridItemRenderer
const index:int = getVisibleItemRendererIndex(rowIndex, columnIndex);
if (index == -1 || index >= visibleItemRenderers.length)
return null;
const renderer:IGridItemRenderer = visibleItemRenderers[index];
visibleItemRenderers[index] = null;
// If the renderer at rowIndex,columnIndex is going to have to be replaced, because
// this column's itemRendererFunction now returns a different (IFactory) value, then
// get rid of the old one and return null.
if (renderer && itemRendererFunctionValueChanged(renderer))
return null;
return renderer;
* @private
private function initializeItemRenderer(
rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int,
renderer.visible = visible;
const gridColumn:GridColumn = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
if (gridColumn)
renderer.rowIndex = rowIndex;
renderer.column = gridColumn;
if (dataItem == null)
dataItem = getDataProviderItem(rowIndex);
renderer.label = gridColumn.itemToLabel(dataItem);
// The following code must be kept in sync with updateVisibleItemRenderers()
if (isRowSelectionMode())
renderer.selected = grid.selectionContainsIndex(rowIndex);
renderer.showsCaret = grid.caretRowIndex == rowIndex;
renderer.hovered = grid.hoverRowIndex == rowIndex;
else if (isCellSelectionMode())
renderer.selected = grid.selectionContainsCell(rowIndex, columnIndex);
renderer.showsCaret = (grid.caretRowIndex == rowIndex) && (grid.caretColumnIndex == columnIndex);
renderer.hovered = (grid.hoverRowIndex == rowIndex) && (grid.hoverColumnIndex == columnIndex);
} = dataItem;
if (grid.dataGrid)
renderer.owner = grid.dataGrid;
private function freeItemRenderer(renderer:IGridItemRenderer):void
if (!renderer)
private function freeItemRenderers(renderers:Vector.<IGridItemRenderer>):void
for each (var renderer:IGridItemRenderer in renderers)
renderers.length = 0;
// Linear elements: row,column separators, backgrounds
* @private
* Common code for laying out the rowBackround, rowSeparator, columnSeparator visual elements.
* For row,columnSeparators, lastIndex identifies the element in the new layout for which
* no separator is drawn. If the previous layout - oldVisibleIndices - included the lastIndex,
* it needs to be freed, even though it exists in the new layout (newVisibleIndices). See
* freeLinearElements().
private function layoutLinearElements(
lastIndex:int = -1):Vector.<IVisualElement>
if (!layer)
return new Vector.<IVisualElement>(0);
// If a factory changed, free the old visual elements and set oldVisibleElements.length=0
discardGridElementsIfFactoryChanged(factory, layer, oldVisibleElements);
if (factory == null)
return new Vector.<IVisualElement>(0);
// Free and clear oldVisibleElements that are no long visible
freeLinearElements(oldVisibleElements, oldVisibleIndices, newVisibleIndices, lastIndex);
// Create, layout, and return newVisibleElements
const newVisibleElementCount:uint = newVisibleIndices.length;
const newVisibleElements:Vector.<IVisualElement> = new Vector.<IVisualElement>(newVisibleElementCount);
for (var index:int = 0; index < newVisibleElementCount; index++)
var newEltIndex:int = newVisibleIndices[index];
if (newEltIndex == lastIndex)
newVisibleElements.length = index;
// If an element already exists for visibleIndex then use it, otherwise create one
var eltOffset:int = oldVisibleIndices.indexOf(newEltIndex);
var elt:IVisualElement = (eltOffset != -1 && eltOffset < oldVisibleElements.length) ? oldVisibleElements[eltOffset] : null;
if (elt == null)
elt = allocateGridElement(factory);
// Initialize the element, and then delegate to the layout function
newVisibleElements[index] = elt;
elt.visible = true;
layoutFunction(elt, newEltIndex);
return newVisibleElements;
private function layoutCellElements(
oldVisibleRowIndices:Vector.<int>, oldVisibleColumnIndices:Vector.<int>,
newVisibleRowIndices:Vector.<int>, newVisibleColumnIndices:Vector.<int>,
if (!layer)
return new Vector.<IVisualElement>(0);
// If a factory changed, discard the old visual elements.
if (discardGridElementsIfFactoryChanged(factory, layer, oldVisibleElements))
oldVisibleRowIndices.length = 0;
oldVisibleColumnIndices.length = 0;
if (factory == null)
return new Vector.<IVisualElement>(0);
// Create, layout, and return newVisibleElements
const newVisibleElementCount:uint = newVisibleRowIndices.length;
const newVisibleElements:Vector.<IVisualElement> = new Vector.<IVisualElement>(newVisibleElementCount);
// Free and clear oldVisibleElements that are no long visible.
freeCellElements(oldVisibleElements, newVisibleElements,
oldVisibleRowIndices, newVisibleRowIndices,
oldVisibleColumnIndices, newVisibleColumnIndices);
for (var index:int = 0; index < newVisibleElementCount; index++)
var newEltRowIndex:int = newVisibleRowIndices[index];
var newEltColumnIndex:int = newVisibleColumnIndices[index];
// If an element already exists for visibleIndex then use it,
// otherwise create one.
var elt:IVisualElement = newVisibleElements[index];
if (elt === null)
// Initialize the element, and then delegate to the layout
// function.
elt = allocateGridElement(factory);
newVisibleElements[index] = elt;
elt.visible = true;
layoutFunction(elt, newEltRowIndex, newEltColumnIndex);
return newVisibleElements;
* @private
* If the factory has changed, or is now null, remove and free all the old
* visual elements, if there were any.
* @returns True if at least one visual element was removed.
private function discardGridElementsIfFactoryChanged(
if ((oldVisibleElements.length) > 0 && (factory != elementToFactoryMap[oldVisibleElements[0]]))
for each (var oldElt:IVisualElement in oldVisibleElements)
oldVisibleElements.length = 0;
return true;
return false;
* @private
* Free each member of elements if the corresponding member of oldIndices doesn't
* appear in newIndices. Both vectors of indices must have been sorted in increasing
* order. When an element is freed, the corresponding member of the vector parameter
* is set to null.
* This method is [supposed to be a] somewhat more efficient implementation of the following:
* for (var i:int = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
* {
* if ((oldIndices[i] == lastIndex) || (newIndices.indexOf(oldIndices[i]) == -1))
* freeGridElement(elements[i]);
* elements[i] = null;
* }
* The lastIndex parameter is used to handle row and column separators, where the last
* element is left out since separators only appear in between elements. If the lastIndex
* appears in oldIndices, we're not going to need the old element.
private function freeLinearElements (
// TODO(hmuller): rewrite this, should be one pass (no indexOf)
for (var i:int = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
const offset:int = newIndices.indexOf(oldIndices[i]);
if ((oldIndices[i] == lastIndex) || (offset == -1))
const elt:IVisualElement = elements[i];
if (elt)
elements[i] = null;
private function freeCellElements (
elements:Vector.<IVisualElement>, newElements:Vector.<IVisualElement>,
oldRowIndices:Vector.<int>, newRowIndices:Vector.<int>,
oldColumnIndices:Vector.<int>, newColumnIndices:Vector.<int>):void
var freeElement:Boolean = true;
// assumes newRowIndices.length == newColumnIndices.length
const numNewCells:int = newRowIndices.length;
var newIndex:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
const elt:IVisualElement = elements[i];
if (elt == null)
// assumes oldIndices.length == elements.length
const oldRowIndex:int = oldRowIndices[i];
const oldColumnIndex:int = oldColumnIndices[i];
for ( ; newIndex < numNewCells; newIndex++)
const newRowIndex:int = newRowIndices[newIndex];
const newColumnIndex:int = newColumnIndices[newIndex];
if (newRowIndex == oldRowIndex)
if (newColumnIndex == oldColumnIndex)
// Same cell still selected so reuse the selection.
// Save it in the correct place in newElements. That
// way we know its location based on
// newRowIndices[newIndex], newColumnIndices[newIndex].
newElements[newIndex] = elt;
freeElement = false;
else if (newColumnIndex > oldColumnIndex)
// not found
else if (newRowIndex > oldRowIndex)
// not found
if (freeElement)
freeElement = true;
elements.length = 0;
private function layoutRowBackground(rowBackground:IVisualElement, rowIndex:int):void
const rowCount:int = gridDimensionsView.rowCount;
const bounds:Rectangle = (rowIndex < rowCount)
? gridDimensionsView.getRowBounds(rowIndex)
: gridDimensionsView.getPadRowBounds(rowIndex);
if (!bounds)
if ((rowIndex < rowCount) && (bounds.width == 0)) // implies no columns
bounds.width = visibleGridBounds.width;
// Initialize this visual element
intializeGridVisualElement(rowBackground, rowIndex);
layoutGridElementR(rowBackground, bounds);
private function layoutRowSeparator(separator:IVisualElement, rowIndex:int):void
// Initialize this visual element
intializeGridVisualElement(separator, rowIndex);
const height:Number = separator.getPreferredBoundsHeight();
const rowCount:int = gridDimensionsView.rowCount;
const bounds:Rectangle = (rowIndex < rowCount)
? gridDimensionsView.getRowBounds(rowIndex)
: gridDimensionsView.getPadRowBounds(rowIndex);
if (!bounds)
const x:Number = bounds.x;
const width:Number = Math.max(bounds.width, visibleGridBounds.right);
const y:Number = bounds.bottom; // TODO (klin): should center on gap here.
layoutGridElement(separator, x, y, width, height);
private function layoutColumnSeparator(separator:IVisualElement, columnIndex:int):void
// Initialize this visual element
intializeGridVisualElement(separator, -1, columnIndex);
const r:Rectangle = visibleItemRenderersBounds;
const width:Number = separator.getPreferredBoundsWidth();
const height:Number = Math.max(r.height, visibleGridBounds.height);
const x:Number = gridDimensionsView.getCellX(0, columnIndex) + gridDimensionsView.getColumnWidth(columnIndex); // TODO (klin): should center on gap here.
const y:Number = r.y;
layoutGridElement(separator, x, y, width, height);
// Selection Indicators
private var visibleSelectionIndicators:Vector.<IVisualElement> = new Vector.<IVisualElement>(0);
private var visibleRowSelectionIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(0);
private var visibleColumnSelectionIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(0);
private function isRowSelectionMode():Boolean
const mode:String = grid.selectionMode;
return (mode == GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW) || (mode == GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS);
private function isCellSelectionMode():Boolean
const mode:String = grid.selectionMode;
return mode == (GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL) || (mode == GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS);
private function layoutSelectionIndicators(layer:GridLayer):void
const selectionIndicatorFactory:IFactory = grid.selectionIndicator;
const viewRowIndex:int = viewRowIndex;
const viewColumnIndex:int = viewColumnIndex;
// layout and update visibleSelectionIndicators,Indices
if (isRowSelectionMode())
// Selection is row-based so if there are existing cell selections,
// free them since they can't be reused.
if (visibleColumnSelectionIndices.length > 0)
var oldVisibleRowSelectionIndices:Vector.<int> = visibleRowSelectionIndices;
// Load this up with the currently selected rows.
visibleRowSelectionIndices = new Vector.<int>();
for each (var rowIndex:int in visibleRowIndices)
if (grid.selectionContainsIndex(rowIndex + viewRowIndex))
// Display the row selections.
visibleSelectionIndicators = layoutLinearElements(
// Selection is not row-based so if there are existing row selections,
// free them since they can't be reused.
if (visibleRowSelectionIndices.length > 0 && visibleColumnSelectionIndices.length == 0)
if (isCellSelectionMode())
oldVisibleRowSelectionIndices = visibleRowSelectionIndices;
const oldVisibleColumnSelectionIndices:Vector.<int> = visibleColumnSelectionIndices;
// Load up the vectors with the row/column of each selected cell.
visibleRowSelectionIndices = new Vector.<int>();
visibleColumnSelectionIndices = new Vector.<int>();
for each (rowIndex in visibleRowIndices)
for each (var columnIndex:int in visibleColumnIndices)
if (grid.selectionContainsCell(rowIndex + viewRowIndex, columnIndex + viewColumnIndex))
// Display the cell selections.
visibleSelectionIndicators = layoutCellElements(
oldVisibleRowSelectionIndices, oldVisibleColumnSelectionIndices,
visibleRowSelectionIndices, visibleColumnSelectionIndices,
// No selection.
// If there are existing cell selections,
// free them since there is no selection.
if (visibleColumnSelectionIndices.length > 0)
private function layoutRowSelectionIndicator(indicator:IVisualElement, rowIndex:int):void
// Initialize this visual element
intializeGridVisualElement(indicator, rowIndex);
layoutGridElementR(indicator, gridDimensionsView.getRowBounds(rowIndex));
private function layoutCellSelectionIndicator(indicator:IVisualElement,
// Initialize this visual element
intializeGridVisualElement(indicator, rowIndex, columnIndex);
layoutGridElementR(indicator, gridDimensionsView.getCellBounds(rowIndex, columnIndex));
private function clearSelectionIndicators():void
visibleRowSelectionIndices.length = 0;
visibleColumnSelectionIndices.length = 0;
// Indicators: hover, caret
private function layoutIndicator(
if (!layer)
return null;
// If the indicatorFactory has changed for the specified non-null indicator,
// then free the old indicator.
if (indicator && (indicatorFactory != elementToFactoryMap[indicator]))
indicator = null;
if (indicatorFactory == null)
return null;
if (rowIndex == -1 || grid.selectionMode == GridSelectionMode.NONE ||
(isCellSelectionMode() && (getNextVisibleColumnIndex(columnIndex - 1) != columnIndex)))
if (indicator)
indicator.visible = false;
return indicator;
if (!indicator && indicatorFactory)
indicator = createGridElement(indicatorFactory);
if (indicator)
const bounds:Rectangle = isRowSelectionMode() ?
gridDimensionsView.getRowBounds(rowIndex) :
gridDimensionsView.getCellBounds(rowIndex, columnIndex);
intializeGridVisualElement(indicator, rowIndex, columnIndex);
// TODO (klin): Remove this special case for the caret overlapping separators
// when we implement column/row gaps.
if (indicatorFactory == grid.caretIndicator && bounds)
// increase width and height by 1 to cover separator.
const columnsLength:int = getColumnsLength();
if (isCellSelectionMode() && (columnIndex < columnsLength - 1))
bounds.width += 1;
//if ((rowIndex < grid.dataProvider.length - 1) || (visibleRowIndices.length > grid.dataProvider.length))
// bounds.height += 1;
const dataProviderLength:int = getDataProviderLength();
if ((rowIndex < dataProviderLength) || (visibleRowIndices.length > dataProviderLength))
bounds.height += 1;
layoutGridElementR(indicator, bounds);
indicator.visible = true;
return indicator;
private function layoutHoverIndicator(layer:GridLayer):void
const rowIndex:int = gridRowIndexToViewIndex(grid.hoverRowIndex);
const columnIndex:int = gridColumnIndexToViewIndex(grid.hoverColumnIndex);
const factory:IFactory = grid.hoverIndicator;
hoverIndicator = layoutIndicator(layer, factory, hoverIndicator, rowIndex, columnIndex);
private function layoutCaretIndicator(layer:GridLayer):void
const rowIndex:int = gridRowIndexToViewIndex(grid.caretRowIndex);
const columnIndex:int = gridColumnIndexToViewIndex(grid.caretColumnIndex);
const factory:IFactory = grid.caretIndicator;
caretIndicator = layoutIndicator(layer, factory, caretIndicator, rowIndex, columnIndex);
// Hide caret based on the showCaret property. Don't show caret if its
// already hidden by layoutIndicator() because it has an invalid position.
if (caretIndicator && !grid.showCaret)
caretIndicator.visible = grid.showCaret;
private function layoutEditorIndicator(layer:GridLayer):void
const dataGrid:DataGrid = grid.dataGrid;
if (!dataGrid)
const rowIndex:int = gridRowIndexToViewIndex(dataGrid.editorRowIndex);
const columnIndex:int = gridColumnIndexToViewIndex(dataGrid.editorColumnIndex);
var indicatorFactory:IFactory = dataGrid.editorIndicator;
// If the indicatorFactory has changed for the specified non-null indicator,
// then free the old indicator.
if (editorIndicator && (indicatorFactory != elementToFactoryMap[editorIndicator]))
editorIndicator = null;
if (indicatorFactory == null)
if (rowIndex == -1 || columnIndex == -1)
if (editorIndicator)
editorIndicator.visible = false;
if (!editorIndicator && indicatorFactory)
editorIndicator = createGridElement(indicatorFactory);
if (editorIndicator)
const bounds:Rectangle = gridDimensionsView.getCellBounds(rowIndex, columnIndex);
// Initialize this visual element
intializeGridVisualElement(editorIndicator, rowIndex, columnIndex);
layoutGridElementR(editorIndicator, bounds);
editorIndicator.visible = true;
// CollectionEvent handling: dataProvider, columns
public function dataProviderCollectionChanged(event:CollectionEvent):void
switch (event.kind)
case CollectionEventKind.ADD:
case CollectionEventKind.REMOVE:
case CollectionEventKind.MOVE:
// TBD(hmuller)
case CollectionEventKind.REFRESH:
case CollectionEventKind.RESET:
case CollectionEventKind.UPDATE:
case CollectionEventKind.REPLACE:
* @private
* Called in response to one or more items having been inserted into the
* grid's dataProvider. Ensure that visibleRowIndices and visibleRowSelectionIndices
* correspond to the same, potentially shifted, dataProvider items.
private function dataProviderCollectionAdd(event:CollectionEvent):void
const insertIndex:int = event.location - viewRowIndex;
const insertLength:int = event.items.length;
incrementIndicesGTE(visibleRowIndices, insertIndex, insertLength);
incrementIndicesGTE(visibleRowSelectionIndices, insertIndex, insertLength);
* @private
* Called in response to one or more items having been removed from the
* grid's dataProvider.
private function dataProviderCollectionRemove(event:CollectionEvent):void
const eventItemsLength:uint = event.items.length;
const firstRemoveIndex:int = event.location - viewRowIndex;
const lastRemoveIndex:int = firstRemoveIndex + eventItemsLength - 1;
// Compute the range of visibleRowIndices elements affected by the remove event.
// And while we're at it, decrement the visibleRowIndices "to the right of" the
// deleted items.
var firstVisibleOffset:int = -1; // remove visibleRowIndices[firstVisibleOffset]
var lastVisibleOffset:int = -1; // ... through visibleRowIndices[lastVisibleOffset]
for (var offset:int = 0; offset < visibleRowIndices.length; offset++)
var rowIndex:int = visibleRowIndices[offset];
if ((rowIndex >= firstRemoveIndex) && (rowIndex <= lastRemoveIndex))
if (firstVisibleOffset == -1)
firstVisibleOffset = lastVisibleOffset = offset;
lastVisibleOffset = offset;
else if (rowIndex > lastRemoveIndex)
visibleRowIndices[offset] = rowIndex - eventItemsLength;
// Remove the elements of visibleRowBackgrounds, visibleRowSeparators, visibleRowIndices,
// and visibleItemRenderers in the range firstVisibleOffset, lastVisibleOffset.
if ((firstVisibleOffset != -1) && (lastVisibleOffset != -1))
const removeCount:int = (lastVisibleOffset - firstVisibleOffset) + 1;
visibleRowIndices.splice(firstVisibleOffset, removeCount);
if (lastVisibleOffset < visibleRowBackgrounds.length)
freeGridElements(visibleRowBackgrounds.splice(firstVisibleOffset, removeCount));
if (lastVisibleOffset < visibleRowSeparators.length)
freeGridElements(visibleRowSeparators.splice(firstVisibleOffset, removeCount));
const visibleColCount:int = visibleColumnIndices.length;
const firstRendererOffset:int = firstVisibleOffset * visibleColCount;
freeItemRenderers(visibleItemRenderers.splice(firstRendererOffset, removeCount * visibleColCount));
* @private
* Increment the elements of indices that are >= insertIndex by delta.
private function incrementIndicesGTE(indices:Vector.<int>, insertIndex:int, delta:int):void
const indicesLength:int = indices.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < indicesLength; i++)
var index:int = indices[i];
if (index >= insertIndex)
indices[i] = index + delta;
* @private
* Called in response to a refresh/reset CollectionEvent. Clear everything.
private function dataProviderCollectionReset(event:CollectionEvent):void
* @private
* Called in response to an item being updated in the dataProvider. Checks
* to see if the item is visible and invalidates the grid if it is. Otherwise,
* do nothing.
private function dataProviderCollectionUpdate(event:CollectionEvent):void
var data:Object;
const itemsLength:int = event.items.length;
const itemRenderersLength:int = visibleItemRenderers.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < itemsLength; i++)
data = PropertyChangeEvent(event.items[i]).source;
for (var j:int = 0; j < itemRenderersLength; j++)
var renderer:IGridItemRenderer = visibleItemRenderers[j] as IGridItemRenderer;
if (renderer && == data)
visibleItemRenderers[j] = null;
* @private
* This handler runs AFTER the GridDimension object has been updated.
public function columnsCollectionChanged(event:CollectionEvent):void
switch (event.kind)
case CollectionEventKind.UPDATE:
if (grid)
grid.setContentSize(0, 0);
// Grid Elements
* @private
* Let the allocateGridElement() caller know if the returned element was
* created or recycled.
private var createdGridElement:Boolean = false;
private function createGridElement(factory:IFactory):IVisualElement
createdGridElement = true;
const element:IVisualElement = factory.newInstance() as IVisualElement;
elementToFactoryMap[element] = factory;
return element;
* @private
* Return an element the factory-specific free-list, or create a new element,
* with createGridElement, if a free element isn't available.
private function allocateGridElement(factory:IFactory):IVisualElement
createdGridElement = false;
const elements:Vector.<IVisualElement> = freeElementMap[factory] as Vector.<IVisualElement>;
if (elements)
const element:IVisualElement = elements.pop();
if (elements.length == 0)
delete freeElementMap[factory];
if (element)
return element;
return createGridElement(factory);
* @private
* Move the specified element to the free list after hiding it. Return true if the
* element was added to the free list (freeElements). Note that we do not remove
* the element from its parent.
private function freeGridElement(element:IVisualElement):Boolean
if (!element)
return false;
element.visible = false;
const factory:IFactory = elementToFactoryMap[element];
if (!factory)
return false;
// Add the renderer to the freeElementMap
var freeElements:Vector.<IVisualElement> = freeElementMap[factory];
if (!freeElements)
freeElements = new Vector.<IVisualElement>();
freeElementMap[factory] = freeElements;
return true;
private function freeGridElements(elements:Vector.<IVisualElement>):void
for each (var elt:IVisualElement in elements)
elements.length = 0;
* @private
* Remove the element from the elementToFactory map and from the per-factory free list and, finally,
* from its container. On the off chance that someone is monitoring the visible property,
* we set that to false, just for good measure.
private function removeGridElement(element:IVisualElement):void
const factory:IFactory = elementToFactoryMap[element];
const freeElements:Vector.<IVisualElement> = (factory) ? freeElementMap[factory] : null;
if (freeElements)
const index:int = freeElements.indexOf(element);
if (index != -1)
freeElements.splice(index, 1);
if (freeElements.length == 0)
delete freeElementMap[factory];
delete elementToFactoryMap[element];
element.visible = false;
const parent:IVisualElementContainer = element.parent as IVisualElementContainer;
if (parent)
* @private
private function layoutItemRenderer(renderer:IGridItemRenderer, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):void
if (!isNaN(width) || !isNaN(height))
if (renderer is ILayoutManagerClient)
const validateClientRenderer:ILayoutManagerClient = renderer as ILayoutManagerClient;
LayoutManager.getInstance().validateClient(validateClientRenderer, true); // true => skip validateDisplayList()
else if (renderer is IGraphicElement)
const graphicElementRenderer:IGraphicElement = renderer as IGraphicElement;
renderer.setLayoutBoundsSize(width, height);
if ((renderer is IInvalidating) && !(renderer is IGraphicElement))
const validateNowRenderer:IInvalidating = renderer as IInvalidating;
renderer.setLayoutBoundsPosition(x, y);
private function layoutGridElementR(elt:IVisualElement, bounds:Rectangle):void
if (bounds)
layoutGridElement(elt, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
private static const MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE:Number = 8192;
private static const ELEMENT_EDGE_PAD:Number = 512;
* @private
* Set the visual element's layoutBounds size and position.
* Attempting to render graphics whose size is larger than MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE can cause the
* Flash Player to fail. We reduce the size of visual elements here and preserve
* the visibility of edges. For example if the element's left edge is not showing,
* then we ensure that it's no more than ELEMENT_EDGE_PAD to the left of the left edge of
* the scrollRect (that's the horizontalScrollPosition). The unfortunate assumption here
* is that shrinking the size of a visual element in this way will not affect the appearance
* of the part of the element that overlaps the scrollRect.
private function layoutGridElement(elt:IVisualElement, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):void
if (width > MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE)
const scrollX:Number = Math.max(0, horizontalScrollPosition);
const gridWidth:Number = target.getLayoutBoundsWidth();
const newX:Number = Math.max(x, scrollX - ELEMENT_EDGE_PAD);
const newRight:Number = Math.min(x + width, scrollX + gridWidth + ELEMENT_EDGE_PAD);
x = newX;
width = newRight - newX;
if (height > MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE)
const scrollY:Number = Math.max(0, verticalScrollPosition);
const gridHeight:Number = target.getLayoutBoundsHeight();
const newY:Number = Math.max(y, scrollY - ELEMENT_EDGE_PAD);
const newBottom:Number = Math.min(y + height, scrollY + gridHeight + ELEMENT_EDGE_PAD);
y = newY;
height = newBottom - newY;
elt.setLayoutBoundsSize(width, height);
elt.setLayoutBoundsPosition(x, y);
* @private
* Calls <code>prepareGridVisualElement()</code> on the element if it is an
* IGridVisualElement.
private function intializeGridVisualElement(elt:IVisualElement, rowIndex:int = -1, columnIndex:int = -1):void
const gridVisualElement:IGridVisualElement = elt as IGridVisualElement;
if (gridVisualElement)
gridVisualElement.prepareGridVisualElement(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex);
// Public API Exported for Grid Cover Methods
// The methods in this section return indices and coordinates relative to
// the Grid, not this layout's target GridView. Incoming parameters are
// similarly Grid-relative.
* Returns the Grid-relative bounds of the visible part of the target GridView.
public function getVisibleBounds():Rectangle
const x:Number = gridDimensionsView.viewOriginX + target.horizontalScrollPosition;
const y:Number = gridDimensionsView.viewOriginY + target.verticalScrollPosition;
return new Rectangle(x, y, target.width, target.height);
* @copy spark.components.Grid#getVisibleRowIndices()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function getVisibleRowIndices():Vector.<int>
const indexOffset:int = viewRowIndex;
const indices:Vector.<int> = visibleRowIndices.concat();
for (var i:int = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
indices[i] += indexOffset;
return indices;
* @copy spark.components.Grid#getVisibleColumnIndices()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function getVisibleColumnIndices():Vector.<int>
const indexOffset:int = viewColumnIndex;
const indices:Vector.<int> = visibleColumnIndices.concat();
for (var i:int = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
indices[i] += indexOffset;
return indices;
* Return the Grid-relative index of the first fully visible row: if the first rowIndex
* element of visibleRowIndices hasn't been completely scrolled into view, then return
* the second element.
* If no rows are visible, return -1. If only one row is visible, return its index.
public function getFirstFullyVisibleRowIndex():int
const visibleRowIndicesLength:int = visibleRowIndices.length;
if (visibleRowIndicesLength == 0)
return -1;
// If the first visible row's Y origin is "above" ther current verticalScrollPosition,
// and there is a second visible row, then use the second one.
const rowIndex:int = visibleRowIndices[0];
const rowY:Number = gridDimensionsView.getCellY(rowIndex, -1);
const useSecondVisibleRow:Boolean = (rowY < verticalScrollPosition) && (visibleRowIndicesLength > 1);
return viewRowIndex + (useSecondVisibleRow ? visibleRowIndices[1] : rowIndex);
* Return the Grid-relative index of the last fully visible row: if the last rowIndex
* element of visibleRowIndices hasn't been completely scrolled into view, then return the
* second to last element.
* If no rows are visible, return -1. If only one row is visible, return its index.
public function getLastFullyVisibleRowIndex():int
const visibleRowIndicesLength:int = visibleRowIndices.length;
if (visibleRowIndicesLength == 0)
return -1;
const rowIndex:int = visibleRowIndices[visibleRowIndicesLength - 1];
const rowY:Number = gridDimensionsView.getCellY(rowIndex, -1) + gridDimensionsView.getRowHeight(rowIndex);
const scrollY:Number = verticalScrollPosition + target.getLayoutBoundsHeight();
const useSecondVisibleRow:Boolean = (rowY > scrollY) && (visibleRowIndicesLength > 1);
return viewRowIndex + (useSecondVisibleRow ? visibleRowIndices[visibleRowIndicesLength - 2] : rowIndex);
* @copy spark.components.Grid#getItemRendererAt()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function getItemRendererAt(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):IGridItemRenderer
rowIndex = gridRowIndexToViewIndex(rowIndex);
columnIndex = gridColumnIndexToViewIndex(columnIndex);
const visibleItemRenderer:IGridItemRenderer = getVisibleItemRenderer(rowIndex, columnIndex);
if (visibleItemRenderer)
return visibleItemRenderer;
const rendererLayer:GridLayer = getLayer("rendererLayer");
if (!rendererLayer)
return null;
// Create an item renderer.
var dataItem:Object = getDataProviderItem(rowIndex);
var column:GridColumn = getGridColumn(columnIndex);
// Invalid row or column.
if (dataItem == null || column == null)
return null;
// column is GridColumn.visible==false
if (!column.visible)
return null;
const factory:IFactory = itemToRenderer(column, dataItem);
const renderer:IGridItemRenderer = factory.newInstance() as IGridItemRenderer;
createdGridElement = true; // initializeItemRenderer() depends on this
initializeItemRenderer(renderer, rowIndex, columnIndex, dataItem, false);
// The width/height may change later if the cell becomes visible.
var bounds:Rectangle = gridDimensionsView.getCellBounds(rowIndex, columnIndex);
if (bounds == null)
return null;
layoutItemRenderer(renderer, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
renderer.visible = false;
return renderer;
* @copy spark.components.Grid#isCellVisible()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function isCellVisible(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):Boolean
if (rowIndex == -1 && columnIndex == -1)
return false;
rowIndex = gridRowIndexToViewIndex(rowIndex);
columnIndex = gridColumnIndexToViewIndex(columnIndex);
return ((rowIndex == -1) || (visibleRowIndices.indexOf(rowIndex) != -1)) &&
((columnIndex == -1) || (visibleColumnIndices.indexOf(columnIndex) != -1));
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
import mx.core.ClassFactory;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory;
import spark.components.Grid;
* @private
* A wrapper class for item renderers that creates the renderer instance with the grid's
* module factory.
* This is necessary for applications that use embedded fonts. The module factory creates
* the renderer instance in the correct "font context" in the same way as ContextualClassFactory
* does. More about this in the ContextualClassFactory ASDoc.
class GridItemRendererClassFactory extends ClassFactory
public var grid:Grid;
public var factory:ClassFactory;
public function GridItemRendererClassFactory(grid:Grid, factory:ClassFactory)
this.grid = grid;
this.factory = factory;
override public function newInstance():*
const factoryGenerator:Class = factory.generator;
const moduleFactory:IFlexModuleFactory = grid.moduleFactory;
const instance:Object =
(moduleFactory) ? moduleFactory.create(getQualifiedClassName(factoryGenerator)) : new factoryGenerator();
const factoryProperties:Object =;
if (factoryProperties)
for (var p:String in factoryProperties)
instance[p] = factoryProperties[p];
return instance;