blob: a516e59b96597d1b13d313c4dea22f2316b54338 [file] [log] [blame]
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<mx:Application backgroundColor="0xFFFFFF" backgroundImage="" width="800" height="600" xmlns:mx="" xmlns:comps="comps.*" >
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
* General functions
* This will hide all of the DataGrids except the ones
* that are passed in via the array. This is so that we
* can make tests that use other or multiple DataGrids without
* leaving them visible for all the rest of the tests.
* It might not be essential, but having those others hanging
* around is annoying.
public function showOnlyTheseDataGrids(keepUs:Array):void{
var children:Array = application.getChildren();
var obj:DisplayObject;
for(var i:int = 0; i < children.length; ++i){
obj = children[i];
if(obj is mx.controls.DataGrid ){
if(keepUs.indexOf(obj) == -1){
DataGrid(obj).height = 0;
DataGrid(obj).visible = false;
* Functions regarding the data provider
* Use this function to reset the dataProvider. Do
* not just re-use the dataProvider that is in the
* main app. file because edits made to the DataGrid
* will continue to appear in subsequent tests. Instead,
* use that one as a template to populate this one
* which we reset all the time.
public function setDataProvider(dg:DataGrid, dpNum:int):void{
case 1:
dg.dataProvider = ObjectUtil.copy(dataArray1);
* Functions regarding the columns
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<!-- This is a plain DataGrid -->
<mx:DataGrid id="dg1" />
<!-- This is a plain set of columns. -->
<mx:Array id="columnSet1" >
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc1_1" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc1_2" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc1_3" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc1_4" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc1_5" />
<!-- This is a large set of columns. -->
<mx:Array id="columnSet2" >
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_1" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_2" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_3" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_4" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_5" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_6" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_7" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_8" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_9" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_10" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_11" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_12" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_13" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_14" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_15" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_16" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_17" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_18" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_19" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="dgc2_20" />
<mx:ArrayCollection id="dataArray1">
<mx:Object name="Uncle Ted" family="Smith" age="39" hobby="Building model ships" thoughts="What a cute litle ship!" />
<mx:Object name="Aunt Imari" family="Smith" age="37" hobby="Building model airplanes" thoughts="What a cute litle airplane!" />
<mx:Object name="Uncle Umbra" family="Smith" age="28" hobby="Building model cars" thoughts="What a cute litle car!" />
<mx:Object name="Aunt Izzy" family="Smith" age="91" hobby="Building model trains" thoughts="What a cute litle train!" />
<mx:Object name="Uncle TJ" family="Smith" age="51" hobby="Building model trucks" thoughts="What a cute litle truck!" />
<mx:Object name="Uncle Bo" family="Hampton" age="38" hobby="Photographing real ships" thoughts="What a big ship!" />
<mx:Object name="Uncle Danny" family="Hampton" age="27" hobby="Photographing real airplanes" thoughts="What a big airplane!" />
<mx:Object name="Aunt Molly" family="Hampton" age="42" hobby="Photographing real cars" thoughts="What a beautiful car!" />
<mx:Object name="Uncle Matisse" family="Hampton" age="47" hobby="Photographing real trains" thoughts="What a fast train!" />
<mx:Object name="Aunt Carmen" family="Hampton" age="87" hobby="Photographing real trucks" thoughts="What a big truck!" />
<mx:Object name="Uncle Chumley" family="Brown" age="79" hobby="Piloting ships" thoughts="Look out for the bridge!" />
<mx:Object name="Uncle Moe" family="Brown" age="61" hobby="Flying airplanes" thoughts="Look out for the radio tower!" />
<mx:Object name="Uncle Cadbury" family="Brown" age="74" hobby="Driving cars" thoughts="Don't forget to stop for the stop sign!" />
<mx:Object name="Aunt Bunny" family="Brown" age="32" hobby="Riding trains" thoughts="Final stop, San Francisco!" />
<mx:Object name="Aunt Daisy" family="Brown" age="36" hobby="Driving trucks" thoughts="Breaker-breaker! " />