blob: fc063e9b008301c9462f64c447acc73c4201cb92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@namespace "library://";
/* Global style declaration */
/* framework styles */
accentColor: #0099FF;
alignmentBaseline: "useDominantBaseline";
backgroundAlpha: 1.0; /* this runs the opacity of nearly every square piece of the components */
/* backgroundDisabledColor: #DDDDDD; */
backgroundSize: "auto";
baselineShift: 0;
bevel: true;
blockProgression: "tb";
borderAlpha: 1.0;
borderCapColor: #919999;
borderColor: #696969;
borderSides: "left top right bottom";
borderStyle: "inset";
borderThickness: 1;
borderVisible: true;
breakOpportunity: "auto";
buttonColor: #6F7777;
caretColor: #0167FF;
cffHinting: "horizontalStem";
chromeColor: #CCCCCC;
closeDuration: 50;
color: #000000;
columnCount: "auto";
columnGap: 20;
columnWidth: "auto";
contentBackgroundAlpha: 1;
contentBackgroundColor: #FFFFFF;
cornerRadius: 2;
digitCase: "default";
digitWidth: "default";
direction: "ltr";
disabledAlpha: 0.5;
disabledColor: #AAB3B3;
disabledIconColor: #999999;
dominantBaseline: "auto";
dropShadowColor: #000000;
dropShadowVisible: false;
embedFonts: false;
errorColor: #FE0000;
fillAlphas: 0.6, 0.4, 0.75, 0.65; /* last pair are for OVER state */
fillColor: #FFFFFF; /* kill this?? */
filled: true;
firstBaselineOffset: "auto";
focusAlpha: 0.55;
focusBlendMode: "normal";
focusColor: #70B2EE;
focusRoundedCorners: "tl tr bl br";
focusSkin: ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.HaloFocusRect");
focusThickness: 2;
focusedTextSelectionColor: #A8C6EE;
fontAntiAliasType: "advanced";
fontFamily: "Arial";
fontGridFitType: "pixel";
fontLookup: "embeddedCFF";
fontSharpness: 0;
fontSize: 12;
fontStyle: "normal";
fontThickness: 0;
fontWeight: "normal";
/* footerColors: #E7E7E7, #C7C7C7; */
/* headerColors: #E7E7E7, #D9D9D9; */
/* headerHeight: 28; */
highlightAlphas: 0.3, 0; /* use this to control the 'light' cast on the components */
horizontalAlign: "left";
horizontalGap: 8;
horizontalGridLineColor: #F7F7F7;
horizontalGridLines: false;
iconColor: #111111;
iconPlacement: "left";
inactiveTextSelectionColor: #E8E8E8;
indentation: 17;
indicatorGap: 14;
interactionMode: "mouse";
justificationRule: "auto";
justificationStyle: "auto";
kerning: "default";
layoutDirection: "ltr";
leading: 2;
leadingModel: "auto";
ligatureLevel: "common";
letterSpacing: 0;
lineBreak: "toFit";
lineHeight: "120%";
lineThrough: false;
locale: "en";
modalTransparency: 0.5;
modalTransparencyBlur: 3;
modalTransparencyColor: #DDDDDD;
modalTransparencyDuration: 100;
openDuration: 1;
paddingBottom: 0;
paddingLeft: 0;
paddingRight: 0;
paddingTop: 0;
paragraphEndIndent: 0;
paragraphSpaceAfter: 0;
paragraphSpaceBefore: 0;
paragraphStartIndent: 0;
renderingMode: "cff";
repeatDelay: 500;
repeatInterval: 35;
rollOverColor: #CEDBEF;
roundedBottomCorners: true;
selectionColor: #A8C6EE;
selectionDisabledColor: #DDDDDD;
selectionDuration: 250;
shadowCapColor: #D5DDDD;
shadowColor: #EEEEEE;
shadowDirection: "center";
shadowDistance: 2;
stroked: false;
strokeWidth: 1;
symbolColor: #000000;
tabStops: ClassReference(null);
textAlign: "start";
textAlignLast: "start";
textAlpha: 1.0;
textDecoration: "none";
textFieldClass: ClassReference("mx.core.UITextField");
textIndent: 0;
textJustify: "interWord";
textRollOverColor: 0;
textRotation: "auto";
textSelectedColor: 0;
themeColor: #70B2EE;
//themeColor: #80FF4D; // haloGreen
//themeColor: #FFB600; // haloOrange
//themeColor: #AECAD9; // haloSilver
trackingLeft: 0;
trackingRight: 0;
typographicCase: "default";
unfocusedTextSelectionColor: #E8E8E8;
showErrorSkin: true;
showErrorTip: true;
useRollOver: true;
version: "4.0.0";
verticalAlign: "top";
verticalGap: 6;
verticalGridLineColor: #D5DDDD;
verticalGridLines: true;
whiteSpaceCollapse: "collapse";
/* spark styles */
/* Looks */
backgroundImageFillMode : "scale";
borderWeight : 1;
/* Behaviors */
autoThumbVisibility: true;
fixedThumbSize: false;
fullScreenHideControlsDelay: 3000;
horizontalScrollPolicy: "auto";
liveDragging: true;
rollOverOpenDelay: 200;
slideDuration: 300;
smoothScrolling: true;
verticalScrollPolicy: "auto";
// CursorManager
busyCursor: ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.BusyCursor");
busyCursorBackground: Embed(source="Assets.swf",symbol="mx.skins.cursor.BusyCursor");
// DragManager
copyCursor: Embed(source="Assets.swf",symbol="mx.skins.cursor.DragCopy");
defaultDragImageSkin: ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DefaultDragImage");
linkCursor: Embed(source="Assets.swf",symbol="mx.skins.cursor.DragLink");
moveCursor: Embed(source="Assets.swf",symbol="mx.skins.cursor.DragMove");
rejectCursor: Embed(source="Assets.swf",symbol="mx.skins.cursor.DragReject");
// .errorTip
borderColor: #CE2929;
borderStyle: "errorTipRight";
color: #FFFFFF;
fontSize: 10;
fontWeight: "bold";
shadowColor: #000000;
paddingBottom: 4;
paddingLeft: 4;
paddingRight: 4;
paddingTop: 4;
// .headerDragProxyStyle
fontWeight: "bold";
// SWFLoader
brokenImageBorderSkin: ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.BrokenImageBorderSkin");
brokenImageSkin: Embed(source="Assets.swf",symbol="__brokenImage");
// ToolTip
backgroundColor: #FFFFCC;
backgroundAlpha: 0.95;
borderColor: #919999;
borderSkin: ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.ToolTipBorder");
borderStyle: "toolTip";
cornerRadius: 2;
fontSize: 10;
paddingBottom: 2;
paddingLeft: 4;
paddingRight: 4;
paddingTop: 2;