blob: 1b8df8cbe32854382a6cea87ab1d71c3101228c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.flexcapacitor.utils {
import com.flexcapacitor.model.IDocument;
import com.flexcapacitor.utils.supportClasses.ComponentDescription;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
import spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase;
import spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout;
import spark.layouts.VerticalLayout;
* Exports a document to Android markup
* */
public class AndroidDocumentExporter extends DocumentExporter {
public function AndroidDocumentExporter() {
* Last source code
* */
public var sourceCode:String;
public var includePreviewCode:Boolean;
public var horizontalPositions:Array = ["x","left","right","horizontalCenter"];
public var verticalPositions:Array = ["y","top","bottom","verticalCenter"];
public var sizesPositions:Array = ["width","height"];
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function exportXMLString(iDocument:IDocument, reference:Boolean = false, target:Object = null):String {
var XML1:XML;
//document = iDocument;
var application:Object = iDocument ? iDocument.instance : null;
var targetDescription:ComponentDescription;
var componentTree:ComponentDescription;
var output:String = "";
var xml:XML;
componentTree = iDocument.componentDescription;
// find target in display list and get it's code
targetDescription = DisplayObjectUtils.getTargetInComponentDisplayList(target, componentTree);
if (targetDescription) {
// see the top of this document on how to generate source code
getAppliedPropertiesFromHistory(iDocument, targetDescription);
if (!reference) {
//output = getAndroidOutputString(document.componentDescription);
var includePreviewCode:Boolean = true;
output = getAndroidOutputString(iDocument, targetDescription, true, "", includePreviewCode);
output = output + "\n";
try {
// don't use XML for Android output because it converts this:
// <div ></div>
// to this:
// <div />
// and that breaks the Android page
// we can still try it to make sure it's valid
xml = new XML(output); // check if valid
sourceCode = output;
// passing the raw string not the xml
catch (error:Error) {
// Error #1083: The prefix "s" for element "Group" is not bound.
// <s:Group x="93" y="128">
// <s:Button x="66" y="17"/>
sourceCode = output;
else {
XML1 = <document />;
XML1.@host =;
XML1.@id =;
XML1.@name =;
XML1.@uid = iDocument.uid;
XML1.@uri = iDocument.uri;
output = XML1.toXMLString();
return output;
* Gets the formatted output from a component.
* Needs refactoring.
* */
public function getAndroidOutputString(iDocument:IDocument, component:ComponentDescription, addLineBreak:Boolean = false, tabs:String = "", includePreview:Boolean = false):String {
var property:Object =;
var name:String =;
var componentChild:ComponentDescription;
var styles:String = "position:absolute;";
var contentToken:String = "[child_content]";
var isHorizontalLayout:Boolean;
var isVerticalLayout:Boolean;
var childContent:String = "";
var wrapperTag:String = "";
var wrapperTagStyles:String = "";
var properties:String = "";
var output:String = "";
var type:String = "";
var value:*;
var index:int;
var numElements:int;
var gap:int;
// get layout positioning
if (component.parent && component.parent.instance is GroupBase) {
if (component.parent.instance.layout is HorizontalLayout) {
isHorizontalLayout = true;
index = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).getElementIndex(component.instance as IVisualElement);
numElements = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).numElements;
wrapperTagStyles += "display:inline;";
gap = HorizontalLayout(component.parent.instance.layout).gap - 4;
if (index<numElements-1 && numElements>1) {
wrapperTagStyles += "padding-right:" + gap + "px";
wrapperTag = "div";
else if (component.parent.instance.layout is VerticalLayout) {
isVerticalLayout = true;
styles = styles.replace("absolute", "relative");
index = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).getElementIndex(component.instance as IVisualElement);
numElements = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).numElements;
gap = VerticalLayout(component.parent.instance.layout).gap;
if (index<numElements-1 && numElements>1) {
wrapperTagStyles += "padding-bottom:" + gap + "px";
wrapperTag = "div";
// loop through assigned properties
for (var propertyName:String in property) {
value = property[propertyName];
if (value===undefined || value==null) {
// if horizontal or vertical layout do not add position
if (propertyName=="x" || propertyName=="left") {
if (!isHorizontalLayout && !isVerticalLayout) {
styles += "left:" + Object(property[propertyName]).toString() + "px;";
else if (propertyName=="y" || propertyName=="top") {
if (!isHorizontalLayout && !isVerticalLayout) {
styles += "top:" + Object(property[propertyName]).toString() + "px;";
else {
properties += propertyName + "=\"" + Object(property[propertyName]).toString() + "\"";
properties += " ";
if (name) {
// create code for element type
if (name=="application") {
name = "merge";
output += "<merge";
output += " xmlns:android=\"\"";
output += " xmlns:tools=\"\"";
output += ">";
output += contentToken;
output += "\n</merge>";
// container div
if (includePreview) {
else {
else if (name=="group") {
name = "RelativeLayout";
output = tabs + "<RelativeLayout";
output += " android:layout_width=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement) + "\"";
output += " android:layout_height=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement, false) + "\"";
output += ">";
output += contentToken;
output += "\n" + tabs + "</RelativeLayout>";
else if (name=="vgroup" || name=="hgroup") {
output = tabs + "<LinearLayout";
if (name=="hgroup") {
output += " android:orientation=\"horizontal\"";
else {
output += " android:orientation=\"vertical\"";
name = "LinearLayout";
output += " android:layout_width=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement) + "\"";
output += " android:layout_height=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement, false) + "\"";
output += ">";
output += contentToken;
output += "\n" + tabs + "</LinearLayout>";
else if (name=="button") {
/*<Button android:id="@+id/sign_in_button"
android:layout_gravity="right" />*/
output = tabs;
output += "<Button";
output += " android:layout_width=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement) + "\"";
output += " android:layout_height=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement, false) + "\"";
/*if ("group") {
output += " android:layout_marginLeft=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentPosition(component) + "\"";
output += " android:layout_marginTop=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentPosition(component, false) + "\"";
else {
output += " android:text=\"" + component.instance.label + "\"";
output += "/>";
else if (name=="checkbox") {
name = "CheckBox";
output = tabs;
output += "<CheckBox";
output += " android:layout_width=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement) + "\"";
output += " android:layout_height=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement, false) + "\"";
output += " android:text=\"" + component.instance.label + "\"/>";
//output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (name=="textinput") {
android:imeOptions="actionUnspecified" />*/
name = "EditText";
output = tabs;
output += "<EditText";
output += " android:layout_width=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement) + "\"";
output += " android:layout_height=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement, false) + "\"";
output += " android:singleLine=\"true\"";
output += " android:maxLines=\"1\"";
output += " android:fontFamily=\"" + component.instance.inheritingStyles.fontFamily + "\"";
output += " android:hint=\""+ component.instance.prompt +"\"";
if (component.instance.displayAsPassword) {
output += " android:inputType=\"textPassword\"";
else {
output += " android:inputType=\"text\"";
output += "/>";
else if (name=="label") {
/* <TextView
android:text="@string/login_progress_signing_in" />*/
name = "TextView";
output = tabs;
output += "<TextView";
output += " android:layout_width=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement) + "\"";
output += " android:layout_height=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement, false) + "\"";
output += " android:fontFamily=\"" + component.instance.inheritingStyles.fontFamily + "\"";
output += " android:text=\""+ component.instance.text+"\"";
output += "/>";
else if (name=="image") {
name = "ImageView";
output = tabs;
output += "<ImageView " + properties;
output += " android:layout_width=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement) + "\"";
output += " android:layout_height=\"" + getAndroidEquivalentSize(component.instance as IVisualElement, false) + "\"";
output += " android:src=\"@drawable/" + component.instance.source + "\"";
output += "/>";
else {
output = tabs;
output += "<!--<" + name.toLowerCase() + " " + properties;
output += properties ? " " : "";
output += "style=\"" + styles + "\"/>-->";
//output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
// add children
if (component.children && component.children.length>0) {
//output += ">\n";
for (var i:int;i<component.children.length;i++) {
componentChild = component.children[i];
getAppliedPropertiesFromHistory(iDocument, componentChild);
if (i>0) {
childContent += "\n";
childContent += getAndroidOutputString(iDocument, componentChild, false, tabs + "\t");
output = output.replace(contentToken, "\n" + childContent);
else {
output = output.replace(contentToken, "\n");
else {
output = "";
return output;
* Get Android equivalent size.
* Android has fill_parent, match_parent and wrap_content.
* It also has numeric value, like "55dp".
* */
public function getAndroidEquivalentSize(element:IVisualElement, width:Boolean = true):String {
var isPercent:Boolean;
var output:String;
// get width
if (width) {
isPercent = Boolean(element.percentWidth);
if (isPercent) {
if (element.percentWidth==100) {
output = "fill_parent";
else {
output = String(element.width) + "dp"; // absolute value
else {
if ("explicitWidth" in element && element.width==Object(element).explicitWidth) {
output = String(element.width) + "dp";
else {
output = "wrap_content";
return output;
// get height
isPercent = Boolean(element.percentHeight);
if (isPercent) {
if (element.percentHeight==100) {
output = "fill_parent";
else {
output = String(element.height) + "dp"; // absolute value
else {
if ("explicitHeight" in element && element.height==Object(element).percentHeight) {
output = String(element.height) + "dp";
else {
output = "wrap_content";
return output;
* Get Android equivalent position
* */
public function getAndroidEquivalentPosition(componentDescription:ComponentDescription, x:Boolean = true):String {
var element:Object = componentDescription.instance;
var isPercent:Boolean;
var output:String;
// get width
if (x) {
isPercent = Boolean(element.percentWidth);
if (isPercent) {
if (element.percentWidth==100) {
output = "fill_parent";
else {
output = String(element.width) + "dp"; // absolute value
else {
if ("explicitWidth" in element && element.width==Object(element).explicitWidth) {
output = String(element.width) + "dp";
else {
output = "wrap_content";
return output;
// get height
isPercent = Boolean(element.percentHeight);
if (isPercent) {
if (element.percentHeight==100) {
output = "fill_parent";
else {
output = String(element.height) + "dp"; // absolute value
else {
if ("explicitHeight" in element && element.height==Object(element).percentHeight) {
output = String(element.height) + "dp";
else {
output = "wrap_content";
return output;
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function exportXML(document:IDocument, reference:Boolean = false):XML {
return null;
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function exportJSON(document:IDocument, reference:Boolean = false):JSON {
return null;