blob: 826316d965f1f3ef7a84a91787e4c5b1abb7cdb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.flexcapacitor.model {
import com.flexcapacitor.controller.Radiate;
import com.flexcapacitor.utils.DisplayObjectUtils;
import com.flexcapacitor.utils.MXMLDocumentImporter;
import com.flexcapacitor.utils.XMLUtils;
import com.flexcapacitor.utils.supportClasses.ComponentDescription;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
import mx.utils.UIDUtil;
* Document model
* */
public class Document extends DocumentData implements IDocument, ISavable {
* Constructor
* */
public function Document(target:IEventDispatcher=null) {
uid = UIDUtil.createUID();
* URL to get code
* */
public var URL:String;
* Dots per inch
* */
public var DPI:int;
* Width of document
* */
public var width:String;
* Height of document
* */
public var height:String;
private var _scale:Number = 1;
* Scale of document
* */
public function get scale():Number {
return _scale;
* Scale of document
* */
public function set scale(value:Number):void {
_scale = value;
if (instance) {
DisplayObject(instance).scaleX = value;
DisplayObject(instance).scaleY = value;
private var _projectID:String;
* ID of project. Can be part of multiple projects so we may need to change this.
* */
public function get projectID():String {
return _projectID;
* @private
public function set projectID(value:String):void {
_projectID = value;
private var _project:IProject;
* Reference to parent project
* */
public function get project():IProject {
return _project;
* @private
public function set project(value:IProject):void {
_project = value;
private var _containerType:Class;
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function get containerType():Class {
return _containerType;
public function set containerType(value:Class):void {
_containerType = value;
private var _containerTypeName:String;
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function get containerTypeName():String {
return _containerTypeName;
public function set containerTypeName(value:String):void {
_containerTypeName = value;
* @private
* */
private var _componentDescription:ComponentDescription;
* Reference to the component description
* */
public function get componentDescription():ComponentDescription {
if (!_componentDescription) {
if (instance) {
_componentDescription = DisplayObjectUtils.getComponentDisplayList2(instance, null, 0, descriptionsDictionary);
// com.flexcapacitor.utils.supportClasses.ComponentDescription (@1234c3539)
_componentDescription = DisplayObjectUtils.getComponentDisplayList2(instance, null, 0, descriptionsDictionary);
return _componentDescription;
* @private
public function set componentDescription(value:ComponentDescription):void {
_componentDescription = value;
private var _instance:Object;
* Instance of document
* */
public function get instance():Object {
return _instance;
* @private
public function set instance(value:Object):void {
_instance = value;
* @private
* */
private var _history:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
* History
* */
public function get history():ArrayCollection {
return _history;
* @private
public function set history(value:ArrayCollection):void {
_history = value;
private var _historyIndex:int = -1;
* Index of current event in history
* */
public function get historyIndex():int {
return _historyIndex;
* @private
public function set historyIndex(value:int):void {
_historyIndex = value;
if (value != lastSavedHistoryIndex) {
isChanged = true;
else {
isChanged = false;
private var _lastSavedHistoryIndex:int = -1;
* Index of event in history when the document was last saved
* */
public function get lastSavedHistoryIndex():int {
return _lastSavedHistoryIndex;
* @private
public function set lastSavedHistoryIndex(value:int):void {
_lastSavedHistoryIndex = value;
isChanged = historyIndex!=value;
private var _isPreviewOpen:Boolean;
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function get isPreviewOpen():Boolean {
return _isPreviewOpen;
public function set isPreviewOpen(value:Boolean):void {
_isPreviewOpen = value;
private var _descriptionsDictionary:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
* Reference to component description for each component instance
* */
public function get descriptionsDictionary():Dictionary {
return _descriptionsDictionary;
* @private
public function set descriptionsDictionary(value:Dictionary):void {
_descriptionsDictionary = value;
private var _documentData:IDocumentData;
* Reference to the last saved data that was loaded in
* */
public function get documentData():IDocumentData {
return _documentData;
* @private
public function set documentData(value:IDocumentData):void {
_documentData = value;
* @inheritDoc
* */
override public function close():void {
//"Close:" + source);
* Removes the history events
* */
public function clearHistory():void {
historyIndex = -1;
isChanged = false;
* Save
* */
override public function save(locations:String = REMOTE_LOCATION, options:Object = null):Boolean {
var savedLocallyResult:Boolean =, options);
lastSavedHistoryIndex = historyIndex;
return savedLocallyResult;
* */
override public function toString():String {
var output:String = exporter.export(this);
return output;
* Exports to XML object
* */
override public function toXML(representation:Boolean = false):XML {
var output:XML = exporter.exportXML(this, representation);
return output;
* Exports an XML string.
* If reference is true then just returns just enough basic information to locate it.
* */
/*override public function toXMLString(reference:Boolean = false):String {
var output:String;
output = exporter.exportXMLString(this, reference);
return output;
* Exports an MXML string.
* If reference is true then just enough basic information to locate it.
* */
/*override public function toMXMLString(reference:Boolean = false):String {
var output:String;
output = internalExporter.exportXMLString(this, reference);
return output;
* Exports a string
* */
/*public function export(exporter:IDocumentExporter):String {
var output:String = exporter.exportXMLString(this);
return output;
* Get basic document data
* */
override public function unmarshall(data:Object):void {
if (data is IDocumentData) {
//documentData = IDocumentData(data);// this and
//IDocumentData(data).document = this;// this should be removed just have references somewhere
* Get source code for document.
* Exporters may not work if the document is not open.
* */
override public function getSource(target:Object = null):String {
var value:String;
if (isOpen) {
if (this.historyIndex==-1) {
//"Document history is empty!");
if (isChanged || source==null || source=="") {
value = internalExporter.export(this);
else if (source) {
value = source;
else if (originalSource) {
value = originalSource;
/*"is changed=" + isChanged);"original source null=" + (originalSource==null));"history length=" + history.length);"history index=" + historyIndex);"instance stage=" + (instance?instance.stage:null));"date saved=" + dateSaved);;*/
/* Main Thread (Suspended)
return value;
// return source;
return source;
* Parses the code and builds a document.
* If code is null and source is set then parses source.
* If parent is set then imports code to the parent.
* */
public function parseSource(code:String = null, parent:IVisualElement = null):void {
var codeToParse:String = code ? code : source;
var currentChildren:XMLList;
var nodeName:String;
var child:XML;
var xml:XML;
var root:String;
var isValid:Boolean;
var rootNodeName:String = "RootWrapperNode";
var updatedCode:String;
isValid = XMLUtils.isValidXML(codeToParse);
if (!isValid) {
root = '<'+rootNodeName+ ' xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://">';
updatedCode = root + codeToParse + "</"+rootNodeName+">";
isValid = XMLUtils.isValidXML(updatedCode);
if (isValid) {
codeToParse = updatedCode;
// check for valid XML
try {
xml = new XML(codeToParse);
catch (error:Error) {
Radiate.log.error("Could not parse code for document " + name + ". " + error.message);
if (xml) {
// loop through each item and create an instance
// and set the properties and styles on it
/*currentChildren = xml.children();
while (child in currentChildren) {
nodeName =;
//"Importing document: " + name);
//var mxmlLoader:MXMLImporter = new MXMLImporter( "testWindow", new XML( inSource ), canvasHolder );
var mxmlLoader:MXMLDocumentImporter;
var container:IVisualElement = parent ? parent as IVisualElement : instance as IVisualElement;
mxmlLoader = new MXMLDocumentImporter(this, "testWindow", xml, container);
if (container) {
/*_toolTipChildren = new SystemChildrenList(this,
new QName(mx_internal, "topMostIndex"),
new QName(mx_internal, "toolTipIndex"));*/
//return true;
* Resets the save status after loading a document
* */
public function resetSaveStatus():void {
lastSavedHistoryIndex = historyIndex;