blob: c48992c24809d164561866b09107d9a7a62470bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.flexcapacitor.utils {
import com.flexcapacitor.controller.Radiate;
import com.flexcapacitor.model.IDocument;
import com.flexcapacitor.utils.supportClasses.ComponentDefinition;
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
* Import MXML into a IDocument. Basic support of creating components and apply properties and styles.
* */
public class MXMLDocumentImporter extends EventDispatcher {
public var document:IDocument;
* Import the MXML document into the IDocument.
* */
public function MXMLDocumentImporter(iDocument:IDocument, id:String, mxml:XML, container:IVisualElement) {
document = iDocument;
var elName:String = mxml.localName();
var timer:int = getTimer();
Radiate.importingDocument = true;
// TODO this is a special case we check for since
// we should have already created the application by now
// we should handle this case before we get here (pass in the children of the application xml not application itself)
if (elName=="Application") {
Radiate.setAttributesOnComponent(document.instance, mxml);
else {
createChildFromNode(mxml, container);
for each (var childNode:XML in mxml.children()) {
createChildFromNode(childNode, container);
Radiate.importingDocument = false;
// using importing document flag it goes down from 5 seconds to 1 second
//"Time to import: " + (getTimer()-timer));
* Create child from node
* */
private function createChildFromNode(node:XML, parent:Object):IVisualElement {
var elementName:String = node.localName();
var domain:ApplicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
var componentDefinition:ComponentDefinition = Radiate.getDynamicComponentType(elementName);
var className:String;
var classType:Class;
var includeChildren:Boolean = true;
var instance:Object;
if (componentDefinition==null) {
className =componentDefinition ? componentDefinition.className :null;
classType = componentDefinition ? componentDefinition.classType as Class :null;
if (componentDefinition==null && elementName!="RootWrapperNode") {
//message += " Add this class to Radii8LibrarySparkAssets.sparkManifestDefaults or add the library to the project that contains it.";
var message:String = "Could not find definition for " + elementName + ". The document will be missing elements.";
return null;
// classes to look into for decoding XML
// XMLDecoder, SchemaTypeRegistry, SchemaManager, SchemaProcesser
// special case for radio button group
/*var object:* = SchemaTypeRegistry.getInstance().getClass(classType);
var object2:* = SchemaTypeRegistry.getInstance().getClass(elementName);
var object3:* = SchemaTypeRegistry.getInstance().getClass(node);
var sm:mx.rpc.xml.SchemaManager = new mx.rpc.xml.SchemaManager();
sm.addNamespaces({s:new Namespace("s", "library://")});
var o:Object = sm.unmarshall(node);
var q:QName = new QName(null, elementName);*/
//var object2:* = SchemaTypeRegistry.getInstance().registerClass(;
if (componentDefinition!=null) {
instance = Radiate.createComponentForAdd(document, componentDefinition, true);
//"MXML Importer adding: " + elementName);
// calling add before setting properties because some
// properties such as borderVisible need to be set after
// the component is added (maybe)
Radiate.addElement(instance, parent);
Radiate.setAttributesOnComponent(instance, node);
if (includeChildren) {
for each (var childNode:XML in node.children()) {
createChildFromNode(childNode, instance);
return instance as IVisualElement;