blob: 103279df377f07e5fe70b944ca05611b5ae5f183 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import flex.messaging.Destination;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;
import flex.messaging.util.ClassUtil;
import flex.messaging.util.SettingsReplaceUtil;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
* Subclass of Destination which provides HTTP Proxy-specific destination functionality.
public class HTTPProxyDestination extends Destination {
static final long serialVersionUID = -5749492520894791206L;
* Log category for <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code>.
public static final String LOG_CATEGORY = LogCategories.SERVICE_HTTP;
// ConfigMap keys from XML based services configuration.
private static final String URL = "url";
private static final String WSDL = "wsdl";
private static final String DYNAMIC_URL = "dynamic-url";
private static final String SOAP = "soap";
private static final String REMOTE_USERNAME = "remote-username";
private static final String REMOTE_PASSWORD = "remote-password";
private static final String USE_CUSTOM_AUTH = "use-custom-auth";
private static final String ID = "id";
private static final String CLASS = "class";
private static final String PROPERTIES = "properties";
// HTTPProxyDestination's properties
protected String defaultUrl;
protected final List dynamicUrls;
protected String remoteUsername;
protected String remotePassword;
protected boolean useCustomAuthentication;
protected ProtocolFactory protocolFactory;
// HTTPProxyDestination internal
protected boolean allowsDynamicAuthentication;
protected boolean dynamicParsed;
protected String parsedDefaultUrl;
protected List parsedDynamicUrls;
private HTTPProxyDestinationControl controller;
// Constructor
* Constructs an unmanaged <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code> instance.
public HTTPProxyDestination() {
* Constructs a <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code> with the indicated management.
* @param enableManagement <code>true</code> if the <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code>
* is manageable; otherwise <code>false</code>.
public HTTPProxyDestination(boolean enableManagement) {
dynamicUrls = new ArrayList();
// Initialize, validate, start, and stop methods.
* Initializes the <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code> with the properties.
* <pre>
* &lt;url&gt;...&lt;/url&gt; (HTTP)
* or
* &lt;wsdl&gt;...&lt;/wsdl&gt; (SOAP)
* &lt;dynamic-url&gt;...&lt;/dynamic-url&gt;* (HTTP)
* or
* &lt;soap&gt;...&lt;/soap&gt;* (SOAP)
* &lt;remote-username&gt;...&lt;/remote-username&gt;
* &lt;remote-password&gt;...&lt;/remote-password&gt;
* &lt;use-custom-authentication&gt;true&lt;/use-custom-authentication&gt;
* &lt;protocol-factory class=""&gt;
* &lt;properties&gt;...&lt;/properties&gt;
* &lt;/protocol-factory&gt;
* </pre>
* @param id The id of the destination.
* @param properties Properties for the <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code>.
public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties) {
super.initialize(id, properties);
if (properties == null || properties.size() == 0)
// Custom protocol-factory
ConfigMap factoryMap = properties.getPropertyAsMap(HostConfigurationSettings.PROTOCOL_FACFORY, null);
if (factoryMap != null) {
String className = factoryMap.getPropertyAsString(CLASS, null);
if (className != null) {
Class factoryClass = ClassUtil.createClass(className);
protocolFactory = (ProtocolFactory) ClassUtil.createDefaultInstance(factoryClass, ProtocolFactory.class);
String factoryId = factoryMap.getPropertyAsString(ID, getId() + "_protocol_factory");
ConfigMap protocolProperties = factoryMap.getPropertyAsMap(PROPERTIES, null);
protocolFactory.initialize(factoryId, protocolProperties);
// Default URL or WSDL
defaultUrl = properties.getPropertyAsString(URL, null);
if (defaultUrl == null) {
defaultUrl = properties.getPropertyAsString(WSDL, null);
} else {
// Dynamic URL or SOAP Endpoint patterns
List dynUrls = properties.getPropertyAsList(DYNAMIC_URL, null);
if (dynUrls != null) {
List soapUrls = properties.getPropertyAsList(SOAP, new ArrayList());
if (soapUrls != null) {
remoteUsername = properties.getPropertyAsString(REMOTE_USERNAME, null);
remotePassword = properties.getPropertyAsString(REMOTE_PASSWORD, null);
useCustomAuthentication = properties.getPropertyAsBoolean(USE_CUSTOM_AUTH, true);
// Public Getters and Setters for Destination properties
* Returns the <code>url</code> (or <code>wsdl</code> if using the
* SOAP) property.
* @return The <code>url</code> or <code>wsdl</code> property.
public String getDefaultUrl() {
return defaultUrl;
* Sets the <code>url</code> or <code>wsdl</code> property.
* @param defaultUrl The <code>url</code> or <code>wsdl</code> property.
public void setDefaultUrl(String defaultUrl) {
this.defaultUrl = defaultUrl;
* Returns the list of <code>dynamic-url</code> (or <code>soap</code>
* if using SOAP) properties.
* @return The list of <code>dynamic-url</code> or <code>soap</code>
* properties.
public List getDynamicUrls() {
return dynamicUrls;
* Adds a <code>dynamic-url</code> or <code>soap</code> property.
* The developer configures a list of dynamic URLs that are
* allowed for Proxy Service destinations. The dynamic URL
* may contain * and ? wildcards, and must start with either
* &quot;http://&quot; or &quot;https://&quot;. Dynamic URLs
* are compared in a case insensitive manner.
* @param dynamicUrl - A wildcard pattern used to match dynamic URLs
public void addDynamicUrl(String dynamicUrl) {
if (dynamicUrl != null) {
dynamicParsed = false;
// FIXME: Why do we enforce this? What about {context.root} based relative URLs?
if (u.startsWith("http://") || u.startsWith("https://"))
Don't convert to chars here, we need to translate {context.root} when we know it later...
char[] urlChars = u.toLowerCase().toCharArray();
parsed = false;
throw new MessageException("Dynamic URL patterns must start with 'http://' or 'https://'");
* Adds a list of <code>dynamic-url</code> or <code>soap</code> properties
* to the existing list.
* @param dynamicUrls A list of <code>dynamic-url</code> or <code>soap</code>
* properties.
public void addDynamicUrls(List dynamicUrls) {
dynamicParsed = false;
* Returns the <code>protocol-factory</code> property. A ProtocolFactory
* implementation allows the developer to customize how the HTTP Proxy
* Service communicates with a 3rd party endpoint.
* @return The <code>protocol-factory</code> property.
public ProtocolFactory getProtocolFactory() {
return protocolFactory;
* Sets the <code>protocol-factory</code> property.
* @param protocolFactory The <code>protocol-factory</code> property.
public void setProtocolFactory(ProtocolFactory protocolFactory) {
this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory;
* Returns the <code>remote-password</code> property.
* @return The <code>remote-password</code> property.
public String getRemotePassword() {
return remotePassword;
* Sets the <code>remote-password</code> property.
* @param remotePassword The <code>remote-password</code> property.
public void setRemotePassword(String remotePassword) {
this.remotePassword = remotePassword;
* Gets the <code>remote-username</code> property.
* @return The <code>remote-username</code> property.
public String getRemoteUsername() {
return remoteUsername;
* Sets the <code>remote-username</code> property.
* @param remoteUsername The <code>remote-username</code> property.
public void setRemoteUsername(String remoteUsername) {
this.remoteUsername = remoteUsername;
* Casts the <code>Service</code> into <code>HTTPProxyService</code>
* and calls super.setService.
* @param service The HTTP proxy service.
public void setService(Service service) {
HTTPProxyService proxyService = (HTTPProxyService) service;
* Returns the <code>use-custom-auth</code> property.
* @return <code>true</code> if use-custom-auth is enabled;
* otherwise <code>false</code>.
public boolean isUseCustomAuthentication() {
return useCustomAuthentication;
* Sets the <code>use-custom-auth</code> property.
* @param useCustomAuthentication The <code>use-custom-auth</code> property.
public void setUseCustomAuthentication(boolean useCustomAuthentication) {
this.useCustomAuthentication = useCustomAuthentication;
// Other public APIs
* This method replaces the dynamic tokens of the default url with the specified
* values and returns the resulting url.
* @param contextPath The context path to be used in dynamic url replacement.
* @param serverName The server name to be used in dynamic url replacement.
* @param serverPort The server port to be used in dynamic url replacement.
* @param serverProtocol The server protocol to be used in dynamic url replacement.
* @return The fully parsed url where the dynamic tokens have been replaced.
public String getParsedDefaultUrl(String contextPath, String serverName, String serverPort, String serverProtocol) {
if (defaultUrl != null) {
parsedDefaultUrl = SettingsReplaceUtil.replaceAllTokensGivenServerName(defaultUrl, contextPath, serverName, serverPort, serverProtocol);
return parsedDefaultUrl;
* This method replaces all the dynamic tokens of dynamic urls using the specified
* context path, when necessary.
* @param contextPath The context path to be used in dynamic url replacement.
* @return List List of fully parsed urls where the dynamic tokens have been replaced.
public List getParsedDynamicUrls(String contextPath) {
if (!dynamicParsed || parsedDynamicUrls == null) {
parseDynamicUrls(this, contextPath);
return parsedDynamicUrls;
private static void parseDynamicUrls(HTTPProxyDestination dest, String contextPath) {
List dynamicUrls = dest.getDynamicUrls();
dest.parsedDynamicUrls = new ArrayList();
dest.allowsDynamicAuthentication = true;
String lastDomainAndPort = null;
boolean computeAuth = true;
Set parsedUrls = SettingsReplaceUtil.replaceAllTokensCalculateServerName(dynamicUrls, contextPath);
for (Iterator iter = parsedUrls.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String url = (String);
if (computeAuth) {
boolean fail = false;
try {
URL urlObj = new URL(url);
String host = urlObj.getHost();
if (host.indexOf('*') > -1) {
fail = true;
} else {
String domainAndPort = host + ":" + urlObj.getPort();
if (lastDomainAndPort != null && !lastDomainAndPort.equalsIgnoreCase(domainAndPort))
fail = true;
lastDomainAndPort = domainAndPort;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
//probably due to the port being *
fail = true;
if (fail) {
computeAuth = false;
dest.allowsDynamicAuthentication = false;
dest.dynamicParsed = true;
* Returns whether dynamic authentication is allowed.
* @return Whether dynamic authentication is allowed.
public boolean allowsDynamicAuthentication() {
if (!dynamicParsed) {
//not using proxy exception because this is really a coding issue
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot compute authentication if dynamic urls aren't parsed");
return allowsDynamicAuthentication;
// Protected/private APIs
* Returns the log category of the <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code>.
* @return The log category of the component.
protected String getLogCategory() {
* Invoked automatically to allow the <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code> to setup its corresponding
* MBean control.
* @param service The <code>Service</code> that manages this <code>HTTPProxyDestination</code>.
protected void setupDestinationControl(Service service) {
controller = new HTTPProxyDestinationControl(this, service.getControl());