blob: e8eeb31307903a0d4e13d3e3cbb560b51b30f982 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import flex.messaging.MessageException;
* A Java alternative to the native class for
* sending AMF formatted requests over HTTP or HTTPS.
* AMFConnection in Actionscript. AMF connection automatically handles cookies
* by looking for cookie headers and setting the cookies in subsequent request.
* <p>
* AMF connection class is not thread safe.
public class AMFConnection {
// Public Static Variables
public static final String COOKIE = "Cookie";
public static final String COOKIE2 = "Cookie2";
public static final String COOKIE_SEPERATOR = ";";
public static final String COOKIE_NAMEVALUE_SEPERATOR = "=";
public static final String SET_COOKIE = "Set-Cookie";
public static final String SET_COOKIE2 = "Set-Cookie2";
// Private Static Variables
private static int DEFAULT_OBJECT_ENCODING = MessageIOConstants.AMF3;
private static String HTTP_HEADER_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type";
// Public Static Methods
* Registers a custom alias for a class name bidirectionally.
* @param alias The alias for the class name.
* @param className The concrete class name.
public static void registerAlias(String alias, String className) {
ClassAliasRegistry registry = ClassAliasRegistry.getRegistry();
registry.registerAlias(alias, className);
registry.registerAlias(className, alias);
// Constructor
* Creates a default AMF connection instance.
public AMFConnection() {
// Private Variables
private ActionContext actionContext;
private boolean connected;
private boolean instantiateTypes = true;
private Proxy proxy;
private int objectEncoding;
private boolean objectEncodingSet = false;
private SerializationContext serializationContext;
private String url;
private URL urlObject;
// Protected Variables
* List of AMF message headers.
protected List<MessageHeader> amfHeaders;
* An AMF connection may have an AMF header processor where AMF headers
* can be passed to as they are encountered in AMF response messages.
protected AMFHeaderProcessor amfHeaderProcessor;
* Used internally by AMF serialization code to log debug info.
protected AmfTrace amfTrace;
* A map of cookie names and values that are used to keep track of cookies.
protected Map<String, String> cookies;
* Map of Http request header names and values.
protected Map<String, String> httpRequestHeaders;
* Sequentially incremented counter used to generate a unique responseURI
* to match response messages to responders.
protected int responseCounter;
* The URL connection used to make AMF formatted HTTP and HTTPS requests for
* this connection.
protected HttpURLConnection urlConnection;
* A buffered input stream that wraps the input stream of the underlying
* url connection. This is returned in server and client exceptions as part
* of the HTTP response info.
protected BufferedInputStream urlConnectionInputStream;
// Properties
// amfHeaderProcessor
* Returns the AMF header processor associated with the AMF connection. AMF
* header processor is same as NetConnection's client property.
* See
* @return The AMF header processor associated with the AMF connection.
public AMFHeaderProcessor getAMFHeaderProcessor() {
return amfHeaderProcessor;
* Sets the AMF header processor associated with the AMF connection.
* @param amfHeaderProcessor The AMF header processor to set.
public void setAMFHeaderProcessor(AMFHeaderProcessor amfHeaderProcessor) {
this.amfHeaderProcessor = amfHeaderProcessor;
// amfTrace
* Returns the <tt>AmfTrace</tt> associated with the AMF connection.
* @return The <tt>AmfTrace</tt> associated with the AMF connection.
public AmfTrace getAmfTrace() {
return amfTrace;
* Sets the <tt>AmfTrace</tt> associated with the AMF connection.
* @param amfTrace The <tt>AmfTrace</tt> associated with the AMF connection.
public void setAmfTrace(AmfTrace amfTrace) {
this.amfTrace = amfTrace;
// defaultObjectEncoding
* The default object encoding for all AMFConnection instances. This
* controls which version of AMF is used during serialization. The default
* is AMF 3. See
* @return The default object encoding of the AMF connection.
public static int getDefaultObjectEncoding() {
* Sets the default object encoding of the AMF connection.
* @param value The value to set the default object encoding to.
public static void setDefaultObjectEncoding(int value) {
// instantiateTypes
* Returns instantiateTypes property. InstantiateTypes property determines
* whether type information will be used to instantiate a new instance.
* If set to false, types will be deserialized as
* instances with type information retained but not used to create an instance.
* Note that types in the flex.* package (and any subpackage) will always be
* instantiated. The default is true.
* @return The instantitateTypes property.
public boolean isInstantiateTypes() {
return instantiateTypes;
* Sets the instantiateTypes property.
* @param instantiateTypes The value to set the instantiateTypes property to.
public void setInstantiateTypes(boolean instantiateTypes) {
this.instantiateTypes = instantiateTypes;
// objectEncoding
* The object encoding for this AMFConnection sets which AMF version to
* use during serialization. If set, this version overrides the
* defaultObjectEncoding.
* @return The object encoding for the AMF connection.
public int getObjectEncoding() {
if (!objectEncodingSet)
return getDefaultObjectEncoding();
return objectEncoding;
* Sets the object encoding for the AMF connection.
* @param objectEncoding The value to set the object encoding to.
public void setObjectEncoding(int objectEncoding) {
this.objectEncoding = objectEncoding;
objectEncodingSet = true;
// proxy
* Returns the <tt>Proxy</tt> this AMF connection is using;
* <code>null</code> by default.
* @return The <tt>Proxy</tt> this AMF connection is using.
public Proxy getProxy() {
return proxy;
* Sets the <tt>Proxy</tt> that this AMF connection will use.
* Set to <code>null</code> to clear out any existing proxy setting that
* should no longer be used.
* @param proxy The <tt>Proxy</tt> this AMF connection will use.
public void setProxy(Proxy proxy) {
this.proxy = proxy;
// url
* Returns the HTTP or HTTPS url for the AMF connection.
* @return The HTTP or HTTPs url for the AMF connection.
public String getUrl() {
return url;
// Public Methods
* Adds an AMF packet-level header which is sent with every request for
* the life of this AMF connection.
* @param name The name of the header.
* @param mustUnderstand Whether the header must be processed or not.
* @param data The value of the header.
public void addAmfHeader(String name, boolean mustUnderstand, Object data) {
if (amfHeaders == null)
amfHeaders = new ArrayList<MessageHeader>();
MessageHeader header = new MessageHeader(name, mustUnderstand, data);
* Add an AMF packet-level header with mustUnderstand=false, which is sent
* with every request for the life of this AMF connection.
* @param name The name of the header.
* @param data The value of the header.
public void addAmfHeader(String name, Object data) {
addAmfHeader(name, false, data);
* Removes any AMF headers found with the name given.
* @param name The name of the header(s) to remove.
* @return true if a header existed with the given name.
public boolean removeAmfHeader(String name) {
boolean exists = false;
if (amfHeaders != null) {
for (Iterator<MessageHeader> iterator = amfHeaders.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
MessageHeader header =;
if (name.equals(header.getName())) {
exists = true;
return exists;
* Removes all AMF headers.
public void removeAllAmfHeaders() {
if (amfHeaders != null)
amfHeaders = null;
* Adds a Http request header to the underlying connection.
* @param name The name of the Http header.
* @param value The value of the Http header.
public void addHttpRequestHeader(String name, String value) {
if (httpRequestHeaders == null)
httpRequestHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
httpRequestHeaders.put(name, value);
* Removes the Http header found with the name given.
* @param name The name of the Http header.
* @return true if a header existed with the given name.
public boolean removeHttpRequestHeader(String name) {
boolean exists = false;
if (httpRequestHeaders != null) {
Object previousValue = httpRequestHeaders.remove(name);
exists = (previousValue != null);
return exists;
* Removes all Http request headers.
public void removeAllHttpRequestHeaders() {
if (httpRequestHeaders != null)
httpRequestHeaders = null;
* Makes an AMF request to the server. A connection must have been made
* prior to making a call.
* @param command The method to call on the server.
* @param arguments Arguments for the method.
* @return The result of the call.
* @throws ClientStatusException If there is a client side exception.
* @throws ServerStatusException If there is a server side exception.
public Object call(String command, Object... arguments) throws ClientStatusException, ServerStatusException {
if (!connected) {
String message = "AMF connection is not connected";
ClientStatusException cse = new ClientStatusException(message, ClientStatusException.AMF_CALL_FAILED_CODE);
throw cse;
String responseURI = getResponseURI();
// TODO: Support customizable batching of messages.
ActionMessage requestMessage = new ActionMessage(getObjectEncoding());
if (amfHeaders != null) {
for (MessageHeader header : amfHeaders)
MessageBody amfMessage = new MessageBody(command, responseURI, arguments);
// Setup for AMF message serializer
ByteArrayOutputStream outBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
AmfMessageSerializer amfMessageSerializer = new AmfMessageSerializer();
amfMessageSerializer.initialize(serializationContext, outBuffer, amfTrace);
try {
Object result = send(outBuffer);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof ClientStatusException)
throw (ClientStatusException) e;
if (e instanceof ServerStatusException)
throw (ServerStatusException) e;
// Otherwise, wrap into a ClientStatusException.
throw new ClientStatusException(e, ClientStatusException.AMF_CALL_FAILED_CODE, generateHttpResponseInfo());
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ignore) {
* Closes the underlying URL connection, sets the url to null, and clears
* the cookies.
public void close() {
// Clear the cookies.
if (cookies != null)
// Clear the URL connection and URL.
if (urlConnection != null) {
urlConnection = null;
url = null;
urlObject = null;
serializationContext = null;
connected = false;
* Connects to the URL provided. Any previous connections are closed.
* @param connectUrl The url to connect to.
* @throws ClientStatusException If there is a client side exception.
public void connect(String connectUrl) throws ClientStatusException {
SerializationContext serializationContext = new SerializationContext();
serializationContext.createASObjectForMissingType = true;
// Make sure collections are written out as Arrays (vs. ArrayCollection),
// in case the server does not recognize ArrayCollections.
serializationContext.legacyCollection = true;
// When legacyMap is true, Java Maps are serialized as ECMA arrays
// instead of anonymous Object.
serializationContext.legacyMap = true;
connect(connectUrl, serializationContext);
* Connects to the URL provided. Any previous connections are closed.
* @param connectUrl The url to connect to.
* @param serializationContext The serialization context used to configure the serialization.
* @throws ClientStatusException If there is a client side exception.
public void connect(String connectUrl, SerializationContext serializationContext) throws ClientStatusException {
if (connected)
url = connectUrl;
// Try to encode the url in case it has spaces etc.
String encodedUrl = null;
try {
URL raw = new URL(url);
URI uri = new URI(raw.getProtocol(), raw.getUserInfo(), raw.getHost(), raw.getPort(), raw.getPath(), raw.getQuery(), null);
encodedUrl = uri.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
urlObject = new URL(encodedUrl != null ? encodedUrl : url);
this.serializationContext = serializationContext;
} catch (IOException e) {
ClientStatusException exception = new ClientStatusException(e, ClientStatusException.AMF_CONNECT_FAILED_CODE);
throw exception;
// Protected Methods
* Generates the HTTP response info for the server status exception.
* @return The HTTP response info for the server status exception.
protected HttpResponseInfo generateHttpResponseInfo() {
HttpResponseInfo httpResponseInfo = null;
try {
if (urlConnection != null) {
int responseCode = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
String responseMessage = urlConnection.getResponseMessage();
httpResponseInfo = new HttpResponseInfo(responseCode, responseMessage, urlConnectionInputStream);
} catch (IOException ignore) {
return httpResponseInfo;
* Generates and returns the response URI.
* @return The response URI.
protected String getResponseURI() {
String responseURI = "/" + responseCounter;
return responseURI;
* An internal method that sets up the underlying URL connection.
* @throws IOException If an exception is encountered during URL connection setup.
protected void internalConnect() throws IOException {
if (proxy == null)
urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlObject.openConnection();
urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlObject.openConnection(proxy);
serializationContext.instantiateTypes = instantiateTypes;
actionContext = new ActionContext();
connected = true;
* Processes the HTTP response headers and body.
protected Object processHttpResponse(InputStream inputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, ClientStatusException, ServerStatusException {
return processHttpResponseBody(inputStream);
* Processes the HTTP response body.
protected Object processHttpResponseBody(InputStream inputStream)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, ClientStatusException,
ServerStatusException {
if (urlConnectionInputStream != null)
urlConnectionInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
// Mark the first 2 bytes so that the stream can be reset in case it
// contains non-AMF data.
ActionMessage message = new ActionMessage();
MessageDeserializer deserializer = new AmfMessageDeserializer();
deserializer.initialize(serializationContext, urlConnectionInputStream, amfTrace);
try {
deserializer.readMessage(message, actionContext);
} catch (MessageException me) {
// Means the stream contained non-AMF data, reset the stream and throw.
if (AmfMessageDeserializer.CODE_VERSION_MISMATCH.equals(me.getCode())) {
String errorMessage = "Unsupported AMF version";
throw new ClientStatusException(errorMessage, ClientStatusException.AMF_CALL_FAILED_CODE, generateHttpResponseInfo());
throw me;
return processAmfPacket(message);
* Processes the HTTP response headers.
protected void processHttpResponseHeaders() {
Map<String, List<String>> headers = urlConnection.getHeaderFields();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> element : headers.entrySet()) {
String headerName = element.getKey();
List<String> headerValues = element.getValue();
for (String headerValue : headerValues) {
if (SET_COOKIE.equals(headerName) || COOKIE.equals(headerName)
|| SET_COOKIE2.equals(headerName) || COOKIE2.equals(headerName))
* Processes the AMF packet.
protected Object processAmfPacket(ActionMessage packet) throws ServerStatusException {
return processAmfBody(packet.getBodies());
* Processes the AMF headers by dispatching them to an AMF header processor,
* if one exists.
protected void processAmfHeaders(ArrayList<MessageHeader> headers) {
// No need to process headers if there's no AMF header processor.
if (amfHeaderProcessor == null)
for (MessageHeader header : headers)
* Processes the AMF body. Note that this method won't work if batching of
* AMF messages is supported at some point but for now we are guaranteed to
* have a single message.
protected Object processAmfBody(ArrayList<MessageBody> messages) throws ServerStatusException {
for (MessageBody message : messages) {
String targetURI = message.getTargetURI();
if (targetURI.endsWith(MessageIOConstants.RESULT_METHOD)) {
return message.getData();
} else if (targetURI.endsWith(MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD)) {
String exMessage = "Server error";
HttpResponseInfo responseInfo = generateHttpResponseInfo();
ServerStatusException exception = new ServerStatusException(exMessage, message.getData(), responseInfo);
throw exception;
return null; // Should not happen.
* Writes the output buffer and processes the HTTP response.
protected Object send(ByteArrayOutputStream outBuffer) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, ClientStatusException, ServerStatusException {
// Every Http request needs a new HttpURLConnection, hence the internalConnect.
// Process the response
return processHttpResponse(urlConnection.getInputStream());
* Processes the incoming set-cookie headers.
* @param headerValue The value of the set-cookie header.
protected void processSetCookieHeader(String headerValue) {
String cookie = headerValue;
if (cookie.indexOf(COOKIE_SEPERATOR) > 0)
cookie = headerValue.substring(0, cookie.indexOf(COOKIE_SEPERATOR));
String name = cookie.substring(0, cookie.indexOf(COOKIE_NAMEVALUE_SEPERATOR));
String value = cookie.substring(cookie.indexOf(COOKIE_NAMEVALUE_SEPERATOR) + 1, cookie.length());
if (cookies == null)
cookies = new HashMap<String, String>();
cookies.put(name, value);
* Sets the Http request headers, including the cookie headers.
protected void setHttpRequestHeaders() {
if (httpRequestHeaders != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> element : httpRequestHeaders.entrySet()) {
String key = element.getKey();
String value = element.getValue();
urlConnection.setRequestProperty(key, value);
// Always set valid Content-Type header (overrides any user-defined Content-Type).
* Sets the Http request cookie headers.
protected void setHttpRequestCookieHeader() {
if (cookies == null)
// Set the cookies, if any.
StringBuffer cookieHeaderValue = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> element : cookies.entrySet()) {
String name = element.getKey();
String value = element.getValue();
if (cookieHeaderValue == null) // First cookie
cookieHeaderValue = new StringBuffer(name + COOKIE_NAMEVALUE_SEPERATOR + value);
cookieHeaderValue.append(COOKIE_SEPERATOR + " " + name + COOKIE_NAMEVALUE_SEPERATOR + value);
if (cookieHeaderValue != null)
urlConnection.setRequestProperty(COOKIE, cookieHeaderValue.toString());
// Inner Classes
* An inner class to represent the HTTP response associated with the exception.
public static class HttpResponseInfo {
private int responseCode;
private String responseMessage;
private InputStream responseInputStream;
* Creates an HTTP response info with the HTTP code, message, and the
* input stream.
* @param responseCode The HTTP response code.
* @param responseMessage the HTTP message.
* @param responseInputStream The underlying input stream.
public HttpResponseInfo(int responseCode, String responseMessage, InputStream responseInputStream) {
this.responseCode = responseCode;
this.responseMessage = responseMessage;
this.responseInputStream = responseInputStream;
* Returns the HTTP response code.
* @return The HTTP response code.
public int getResponseCode() {
return responseCode;
* Returns the HTTP response message.
* @return The HTTP response message.
public String getResponseMessage() {
return responseMessage;
* Returns the underlying response input stream.
* @return The underlying response input stream.
public InputStream getResponseInputStream() {
return responseInputStream;
* Returns a String representation of the HTTP response info.
* @return A String representation of the HTTP response info.
public String toString() {
return "HttpResponseInfo " + "\n\tcode: " + responseCode
+ "\n\tmessage: " + responseMessage;