blob: f3b565a5b517c1462e7c384cb6f2ac0a0f031957 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package flex.messaging;
import java.util.Map;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;
import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;
import flex.messaging.log.LogEvent;
import flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.Message;
import flex.messaging.util.ExceptionUtil;
import flex.messaging.util.PropertyStringResourceLoader;
import flex.messaging.util.ResourceLoader;
import flex.messaging.util.StringUtils;
* The MessageException class is the basic exception type used throughout
* the server. This class is extended to support more specific exception types.
public class MessageException extends LocalizedException
// Static Constants
// Message exception code strings.
public static final String CODE_SERVER_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE = "Server.ResourceUnavailable";
static final long serialVersionUID = 3310842114461162689L;
// Constructors
* Default constructor.
public MessageException()
* Construct a message specifying a ResourceLoader to be used to load localized strings.
* @param loader
public MessageException(ResourceLoader loader)
* Constructor with a message.
* @param message The detailed message for the exception.
public MessageException(String message)
* Constructs a new exception with the specified message and the <code>Throwable</code> as the root cause.
* @param message The detailed message for the exception.
* @param t The root cause of the exception.
public MessageException(String message, Throwable t)
* Constructs a new exception with the specified <code>Throwable</code> as the root cause.
* @param t The root cause of the exception.
public MessageException(Throwable t)
String rootMessage = t.getMessage();
if (rootMessage == null)
rootMessage = t.toString();
// Properties
// code
protected String code;
* Returns the code of the exception.
* @return Code of the exception.
public String getCode()
return code;
* Sets the code of the exception.
* @param code Code of the exception.
public void setCode(String code)
this.code = code;
// defaultLogMessageIntro
* Returns the default initial text for use in the log output generated by <code>logAtHingePoint()</code>.
* @return the default initial text for use in the log output generated by <code>logAtHingePoint()</code>.
public String getDefaultLogMessageIntro()
return "Error handling message: ";
// extendedData
protected Map extendedData;
* Returns the extended data of the exception.
* @return The extended data of the exception.
public Map getExtendedData()
return extendedData;
* Sets the extended data of the exception.
* @param extendedData The extended data of the exception.
public void setExtendedData(Map extendedData)
this.extendedData = extendedData;
// errorMessage
protected ErrorMessage errorMessage;
* Returns the error message of the exception.
* @return The error message of the exception.
public ErrorMessage getErrorMessage()
if (errorMessage == null)
errorMessage = createErrorMessage();
return errorMessage;
* Sets the error message of the exception.
* @param errorMessage The error message of the exception.
public void setErrorMessage(ErrorMessage errorMessage)
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
// logStackTraceEnabled
* Indicates whether logging of this exception should include a full stack trace or not.
* Default is true.
* @see #logAtHingePoint(Message, ErrorMessage, String)
* @return true if the logging stack traces is enabled.
public boolean isLogStackTraceEnabled()
return true;
// logged
protected boolean logged;
* Indicates whether this exception has already been logged
* by a call to <code>logAtHingPoint()</code>.
* Manual logging for an exception can use <code>setLogged(true)</code>
* to suppress any further automatic logging of the exception.
* @return true if the exception has been logged; otherwise false.
public boolean isLogged()
return logged;
* Records whether this exception has been logged.
* @param value true if the exception has been logged; otherwise false.
public void setLogged(boolean value)
logged = value;
// peferredLogLevel
* Returns the preferred log level for this exception instance.
* The default value is <code>LogEvent.ERROR</code>.
* @see #logAtHingePoint(Message, ErrorMessage, String)
* @return the preffered log level.
public short getPreferredLogLevel()
return LogEvent.ERROR;
// resourceLoader
* Returns the <code>ResourceLoader</code> used to load localized strings.
* @return The <code>ResourceLoader</code> used to load localized strings.
@Override protected ResourceLoader getResourceLoader()
if (resourceLoader == null)
MessageBroker broker = FlexContext.getMessageBroker();
resourceLoader = broker != null? broker.getSystemSettings().getResourceLoader()
: new PropertyStringResourceLoader();
catch (NoClassDefFoundError exception) // Could happen in client mode.
return new PropertyStringResourceLoader();
return resourceLoader;
// rootCauseErrorMessage
public Object getRootCauseErrorMessage()
if (rootCause == null)
return null;
// FIXME: serialize number field.
return rootCause instanceof MessageException?
((MessageException)rootCause).createErrorMessage() : rootCause;
// statusCode
protected int statusCode;
* Returns the HTTP status code of the exception.
* @return The HTTP status code of the exception.
public int getStatusCode()
return statusCode;
* Sets the HTTP status code of the exception.
* @param statusCode The HTTP status code of the exception.
public void setStatusCode(int statusCode)
this.statusCode = statusCode;
// Public Methods
* Creates an error message from the exception.
* @return The error message.
public ErrorMessage createErrorMessage()
ErrorMessage msg = new ErrorMessage();
msg.faultCode = code != null? code : "Server.Processing";
msg.faultString = message;
msg.faultDetail = details;
msg.rootCause = getRootCauseErrorMessage();
if (extendedData != null)
msg.extendedData = extendedData;
if (statusCode != 0)
msg.setHeader(Message.STATUS_CODE_HEADER, statusCode);
return msg;
* Invoked at hinge-points in server processing where catch-all exception logging is performed.
* This method uses <code>isLogged()</code> and <code>setLogged()</code> to avoid repeat logging
* of the same exception and uses <code>getPreferredLogLevel()</code> which may be
* overridden in subclasses to control the log level that the logging is output at.
* The underlying exception stack traces are also conditionally included in log output
* if the exception class allows it and this is determined by invoking <code>isLogStackTraceEnabled()</code>
* @param inboundMessage The inbound message that triggered an exception during processing.
* @param outboundMessage The outbound <code>ErrorMessage</code>, which may be null depending on whether it has been generated
* or not at the point this method is invoked.
* @param logMessageIntro The beginning text for the log message, which may be null; default value is returned by <code>getDefaultLogMessageIntro()</code>.
public void logAtHingePoint(Message inboundMessage, ErrorMessage outboundMessage, String logMessageIntro)
if (!isLogged())
short preferredLevel = getPreferredLogLevel();
// If the preferred level is less than the current Log level; return early.
if (preferredLevel < Log.getTargetLevel())
// Construct core log output.
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
output.append((logMessageIntro != null) ? logMessageIntro : getDefaultLogMessageIntro());
output.append(" incomingMessage: ");
if (outboundMessage != null)
output.append(" errorReply: ");
if (isLogStackTraceEnabled())
switch (preferredLevel)
case LogEvent.FATAL:
case LogEvent.ERROR:
case LogEvent.WARN:
case LogEvent.INFO:
case LogEvent.DEBUG:
Log.getLogger(LogCategories.MESSAGE_GENERAL).fatal("Failed to log exception for handling message due to an invalid preferred log level: " + preferredLevel);