blob: 570911ab62784a7934ffdedbb52b148fa11f5738 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package flex.messaging.log;
import flex.messaging.LocalizedException;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.util.PrettyPrinter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashSet;
public class Log
public static final String INVALID_CHARS = "[]~$^&\\/(){}<>+=`!#%?,:;\'\"@";
// Errors
private static final int INVALID_TARGET = 10013;
private static final int INVALID_CATEGORY = 10014;
private static final int INVALID_CATEGORY_CHARS = 10015;
private static Log log;
private static PrettyPrinter prettyPrinter;
private static String prettyPrinterClass = "flex.messaging.util.BasicPrettyPrinter";
private static final HashSet excludedProperties = new HashSet();
public static final String VALUE_SUPRESSED = "** [Value Suppressed] **";
private volatile short targetLevel;
private final Map loggers;
private final List targets;
private final Map targetMap;
private static final Object staticLock = new Object();
// Constructor
* Private constructor.
private Log()
targetLevel = LogEvent.NONE;
loggers = new HashMap();
targets = new ArrayList();
targetMap = new LinkedHashMap();
* Creates the log on first access, returns already created log on
* subsequent calls.
* @return log.
public static Log createLog()
synchronized (staticLock)
if (log == null)
log = new Log();
return log;
// Initialize, validate, start, and stop methods.
* Initializes Log with id and properties.
* @param id Id for the Log which is ignored, though is used by the ManageableComponent superclass
* @param properties ConfigMap of properties for the Log.
public static synchronized void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties)
String value = properties.getPropertyAsString("pretty-printer", null);
if (value != null)
prettyPrinterClass = value;
// Create a HashSet with the properties that we want to exclude from the
// list of properties given by 'getPropertiesAsList'
ConfigMap excludeMap = properties.getPropertyAsMap("exclude-properties", null);
if (excludeMap != null)
if (excludeMap.getPropertyAsList("property", null) != null)
excludedProperties.addAll(excludeMap.getPropertyAsList("property", null));
// Public Getters and Setters for Log properties
* Indicates whether a fatal level log event will be processed by a log target.
* @return boolean true if it is Fatal level
public static boolean isFatal()
return log == null ? false : log.targetLevel <= LogEvent.FATAL;
* Indicates whether an error level log event will be processed by a log target.
* @return boolean true if it is Error level
public static boolean isError()
return log == null ? false : log.targetLevel <= LogEvent.ERROR;
* Indicates whether a warn level log event will be processed by a log target.
* @return boolean true if it is Warn level
public static boolean isWarn()
return log == null ? false : log.targetLevel <= LogEvent.WARN;
* Indicates whether an info level log event will be processed by a log target.
* @return boolean true if it is Info level
public static boolean isInfo()
return log == null ? false : log.targetLevel <= LogEvent.INFO;
* Indicates whether a debug level log event will be processed by a log target.
* @return boolean true if it is debug level
public static boolean isDebug()
return log == null ? false : log.targetLevel <= LogEvent.DEBUG;
* Indicates whether a log property should be excluded.
* @param property the property to check
* @return boolean true if the property should be excluded
public static boolean isExcludedProperty(String property)
return !excludedProperties.isEmpty() && excludedProperties.contains(property);
* Given a category, returns the logger associated with the category.
* @param category Categogry for the logger.
* @return Logger associated with the category.
public static Logger getLogger(String category)
if (log != null)
return getLogger(log, category);
// Return a dummy logger?
return new Logger(category);
* @param log base logger.
* @param category category to log to.
* @return Logger instance for the given category.
public static Logger getLogger(Log log, String category)
synchronized (staticLock)
Logger result = (Logger) log.loggers.get(category);
if (result == null)
result = new Logger(category);
// Check to see if there are any targets for this logger.
for (Iterator iter = log.targets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Target target = (Target);
if (categoryMatchInFilterList(category, target.getFilters()))
log.loggers.put(category, result);
return result;
* Returns an unmodifiable snapshot of the targets registered with this Log when the
* method is invoked.
* @return List the list of targets
public static List getTargets()
if (log != null)
List currentTargets;
// Snapshot the current target list (shallow copy) and return it.
synchronized (staticLock)
currentTargets = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList(log.targets));
return currentTargets;
return null;
* Return the Log's map of targets keyed on their human-readable ids (e.g. ConsoleTarget0, ConsoleTarget1, etc.)
* @return Map the target map
public static Map getTargetMap()
if (log != null)
Map currentTargets;
synchronized (staticLock)
currentTargets = new LinkedHashMap(log.targetMap);
return currentTargets;
return null;
* Returns the target associated with the unique ID searchId. Returns null if no
* such target exists.
* @param searchId the search ID
* @return Target the associated target
public static Target getTarget(String searchId)
if (log != null)
synchronized (staticLock)
return (Target) log.targetMap.get(searchId);
return null;
* Return the categories for all of the loggers
* @return String[] the categories for all of the loggers
public String[] getLoggers()
String[] currentCategories;
if (log != null)
synchronized (staticLock)
Object[] currentCategoryObjects = loggers.keySet().toArray();
currentCategories = new String[currentCategoryObjects.length];
for (int i = 0; i < currentCategoryObjects.length; i++)
currentCategories[i] = (String)(currentCategoryObjects[i]);
currentCategories = new String[0];
return currentCategories;
* Adds a target to the log.
* @param target Target to be added.
public static void addTarget(Target target)
if (log != null)
if (target != null)
synchronized (staticLock)
List filters = target.getFilters();
// need to find what filters this target matches and set the specified
// target as a listener for that logger.
Iterator it = log.loggers.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
String key = (String);
if (categoryMatchInFilterList(key, filters))
target.addLogger((Logger) log.loggers.get(key));
// if we found a match all is good, otherwise we need to
// put the target in a waiting queue in the event that a logger
// is created that this target cares about.
if (!log.targets.contains(target))
if (!log.targetMap.containsValue(target))
String name = target.getClass().getName();
if (name.indexOf(".") > -1)
String[] classes = name.split("\\.");
name = classes[classes.length - 1];
log.targetMap.put(new String(name + log.targetMap.size()), target);
// update our global target log level if this target is more verbose.
short targetLevel = target.getLevel();
if (log.targetLevel == LogEvent.NONE)
log.targetLevel = targetLevel;
else if (targetLevel < log.targetLevel)
log.targetLevel = targetLevel;
// Invalid target specified. Target must not be null.
LocalizedException ex = new LocalizedException();
throw ex;
* Removes a target from the log.
* @param target The target to be removed.
public static void removeTarget(Target target)
if (log != null)
if (target != null)
synchronized (staticLock)
// Remove the target from any associated loggers.
List filters = target.getFilters();
Iterator it = log.loggers.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
String key = (String);
if (categoryMatchInFilterList(key, filters))
target.removeLogger((Logger) log.loggers.get(key));
// Remove the target from the Log set.
// Invalid target specified. Target must not be null.
LocalizedException ex = new LocalizedException();
throw ex;
// Other Public APIs
* This method removes all of the current loggers and targets from the cache.
* and resets target level.
public static synchronized void reset()
public static void flush()
if (log != null)
log.targetLevel = LogEvent.NONE;
* @param l string representation of the log level.
* @return a short value representing the log level.
public static short readLevel(String l)
short lvl = LogEvent.ERROR;
if ((l != null) && (l.length() > 0))
l = l.trim().toLowerCase();
char c = l.charAt(0);
switch (c)
case 'n':
lvl = LogEvent.NONE;
case 'e':
lvl = LogEvent.ERROR;
case 'w':
lvl = LogEvent.WARN;
case 'i':
lvl = LogEvent.INFO;
case 'd':
lvl = LogEvent.DEBUG;
case 'a':
lvl = LogEvent.ALL;
lvl = LogEvent.ERROR;
return lvl;
* This method checks the specified string value for illegal characters.
* @param value to check for illegal characters.
* The following characters are not valid:
* []~$^&amp;\/(){}&lt;&gt;+=`!#%?,:;'"&amp;#64;
* @return <code>true</code> if there are any illegal characters found,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public static boolean hasIllegalCharacters(String value)
char[] chars = value.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++)
char c = chars[i];
if (INVALID_CHARS.indexOf(c) != -1)
return true;
return false;
* Returns the PrettyPrinter used by the Log.
* @return the PrettyPrinter used by the Log.
public static PrettyPrinter getPrettyPrinter()
if (prettyPrinter == null ||
Class c = Class.forName(prettyPrinterClass);
prettyPrinter = (PrettyPrinter)c.newInstance();
catch (Throwable t)
throw new RuntimeException("Error creating instance of default pretty printer.", t);
return (PrettyPrinter)prettyPrinter.copy();
* Returns the current target level for the Log.
* @return the current target level for the Log.
public static short getTargetLevel()
return log == null ? LogEvent.NONE : log.targetLevel;
* Sets the pretty printer class name used by the log.
* @param value Name of the pretty printer class.
public static void setPrettyPrinterClass(String value)
prettyPrinterClass = value;
// Protected/private methods.
/* package */ static void resetTargetLevel()
if (log != null)
synchronized (staticLock)
short maxTargetLevel = LogEvent.NONE;
for (Iterator iter = log.targets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
short targetLevel = ((Target);
if (maxTargetLevel == LogEvent.NONE || targetLevel < maxTargetLevel)
maxTargetLevel = targetLevel;
log.targetLevel = maxTargetLevel;
/* package */ static void processTargetFilterAdd(Target target, String filter)
if (log != null)
synchronized (staticLock)
List filters = new ArrayList();
// Find the loggers this target matches and add the
// target as a listener for log events from these loggers.
Iterator it = log.loggers.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
String key = (String);
if (categoryMatchInFilterList(key, filters))
target.addLogger((Logger) log.loggers.get(key));
/* package */ static void processTargetFilterRemove(Target target, String filter)
if (log != null)
synchronized (staticLock)
// Remove the target from any matching loggers.
List filters = new ArrayList();
Iterator it = log.loggers.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
String key = (String);
if (categoryMatchInFilterList(key, filters))
target.removeLogger((Logger) log.loggers.get(key));
* This method checks that the specified category matches any of the filter
* expressions provided in the filters array.
* @param category to match against
* @param filters - list of strings to check category against.
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified category matches any of the
* filter expressions found in the filters list, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
private static boolean categoryMatchInFilterList(String category, List filters)
if (filters == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < filters.size(); i++)
String filter = (String) filters.get(i);
// match category to filter based on the presence of a wildcard
if (checkFilterToCategory(filter,category))
return true;
return false;
* Check whether the category match with the filter.
* @param filter The filter string to check against a specific category
* @param category The category which the filter could match
* @return whether the filter matches a specific category
public static boolean checkFilterToCategory(String filter, String category)
int index = -1;
index = filter.indexOf("*");
if (index == 0) // match all
return true;
else if (index < 0) // match full category to filter
if (category.equals(filter))
return true;
else // match partial category to filter
if ((category.length() >= index) && category.substring(0, index).equals(filter.substring(0, index)))
return true;
return false;
* This method will ensure that a valid category string has been specified.
* If the category is not valid an exception will be thrown.
* Categories can not contain any blanks or any of the following characters:
* []`*~,!#$%^&amp;()]{}+=\|'";?&gt;&lt;./&amp;#64; or be less than 1 character in length.
private static void checkCategory(String category)
if (category == null || category.length() == 0)
// Categories must be at least one character in length.
LocalizedException ex = new LocalizedException();
throw ex;
if (hasIllegalCharacters(category) || (category.indexOf("*") != -1))
// Categories can not contain any of the following characters: 'INVALID_CHARS'
LocalizedException ex = new LocalizedException();
throw ex;
* Clean up static member variables.
public static void clear()
log = null;
prettyPrinter = null;