<?xml version="1.0"?> | |
<!-- | |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more | |
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with | |
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. | |
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 | |
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with | |
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |
WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |
limitations under the License. | |
--> | |
<!-- | |
Notes: If you're running the main target, then there is no need to call clean first. | |
Each of the main targets for the modules will call clean themselves before proceeding. | |
--> | |
<project name="BlazeDS" default="main" basedir="."> | |
<property file="${basedir}/env.properties"/> | |
<property environment="env"/> | |
<!-- properties --> | |
<property file="${basedir}/build.properties"/> | |
<property name="modules.core.dir" value="${basedir}/core"/> | |
<property name="download.dir" value="${basedir}/in"/> | |
<property name="lib.dir" value="${basedir}/lib"/> | |
<property name="servlet.dir" value="${lib.dir}/javax/servlet/servlet-api/${servlet.version}"/> | |
<property name="activemq.dir" value="${lib.dir}/org/apache/activemq"/> | |
<property name="activemq.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/apache-activemq-${activemq.version}-bin.zip"/> | |
<property name="codec.dir" value="${lib.dir}/commons-codec/commons-codec/${codec.version}"/> | |
<property name="codec.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/apache-codec-${codec.version}-bin.zip"/> | |
<property name="collections.dir" value="${lib.dir}/commons-collections/commons-collections/${collections.version}"/> | |
<property name="collections.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/apache-collections-${collections.version}-bin.zip"/> | |
<!-- needed? | |
<property name="fileupload.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/apache-fileupload-1.1.zip"/> | |
--> | |
<property name="httpclient.dir" value="${lib.dir}/commons-httpclient/commons-httpclient/${httpclient.version}"/> | |
<property name="httpclient.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/apache-httpclient-${httpclient.version}-bin.zip"/> | |
<property name="logging.dir" value="${lib.dir}/commons-logging/commons-logging/${logging.version}"/> | |
<property name="logging.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/apache-logging-1.1.1-bin.zip"/> | |
<!-- | |
<property name="hsqldb.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/hsqldb_1_8_0_10.zip"/> | |
<property name="jms.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/openjms-"/> | |
--> | |
<property name="jms.jar" value="geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar"/> | |
<property name="jms.dir" value="${lib.dir}/org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec/1.1.1"/> | |
<property name="log4j.dir" value="${lib.dir}/log4j/log4j/${log4j.version}"/> | |
<property name="log4j.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/logging-log4j-${log4j.version}.zip"/> | |
<property name="spring.dir" value="${lib.dir}/org/springframework/spring-core/${spring-version}.RELEASE"/> | |
<property name="spring.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/spring-framework-${spring.version}.RELEASE.zip"/> | |
<property name="springsecurity.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/spring-security-3.0.3.RELEASE.zip"/> | |
<!-- | |
<property name="springflex.jar.file" value="${basedir}/lib/spring/spring-flex-core-1.5.2.RELEASE.jar"/> | |
<property name="taglibs.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.2.zip"/> | |
<property name="aopalliance.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/aopalliance.zip"/> | |
<property name="backport.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/backport-util-concurrent.zip"/> | |
<property name="cglib.jar.file" value="${basedir}/lib/spring/cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar"/> | |
<property name="jackson.jar.file" value="${basedir}/lib/spring/jackson-core-asl-1.0.0.jar"/> | |
<property name="axis.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/axis.zip"/> | |
--> | |
<property name="xalan.dir" value="${lib.dir}/xalan/xalan/${xalan.version}.RELEASE"/> | |
<property name="xalan.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/xalan-j_${xalan.version}-bin-2jars.zip"/> | |
<property name="catalina4.dir" value="${lib.dir}/tomcat/catalina/${catalina4.version}"/> | |
<property name="catalina4.zip.file" value="${basedir}/in/jakarta-tomcat-${catalina4.version}.zip"/> | |
<property name="catalina.dir" value="${lib.dir}/org/apache/tomcat/catalina/${catalina.version}"/> | |
<property name="catalina7.dir" value="${lib.dir}/org/apache/tomcat/tomcat-catalina/${catalina7.version}"/> | |
<property name="dist.dir" value="${basedir}/dist"/> | |
<property name="qa.dir" value="${basedir}/qa"/> | |
<!--if CruiseControl is used, label is set to SVN revision number--> | |
<property name="label" value="dev"/> | |
<property name="build.number" value="${label}"/> | |
<property name="subproject.target" value="main"/> | |
<property name="server.baseurl" value="http://localhost:8400"/> | |
<property name="tmp.dir" value="${basedir}/packagetemp/temp"/> | |
<property name="local.sdk.dir" value="resources/flex_sdk"/> | |
<property name="env.FLEX_HOME" value="${basedir}/../flex-sdk"/> | |
<!-- set FLEX_HOME from environment if not already set --> | |
<property name="FLEX_HOME" value="${env.FLEX_HOME}"/> | |
<property name="ANT_HOME" value="${env.ANT_HOME}"/> | |
<condition property="ocx.dir" value="${env.WINDIR}/system32/Macromed/Flash/"> | |
<isset property="env.WINDIR"/> | |
</condition> | |
<condition property="ocx.dir" value="${env.WinDir}/system32/Macromed/Flash/"> | |
<isset property="env.WinDir"/> | |
</condition> | |
<property name="ocx.dir" value="${env.windir}/system32/Macromed/Flash/"/> | |
<condition property="isFlex3" value="true"> | |
<equals arg1="${sdk.version}" arg2="3"/> | |
</condition> | |
<condition property="installer.exe" value="${fp9.installer.exe}"> | |
<equals arg1="${sdk.version}" arg2="3"/> | |
</condition> | |
<property name="installer.exe" value="${fp11.installer.exe}"/> | |
<condition property="installer.plugin.exe" value="${fp9.installer.plugin.exe}"> | |
<equals arg1="${sdk.version}" arg2="3"/> | |
</condition> | |
<property name="installer.plugin.exe" value="${fp11.installer.plugin.exe}"/> | |
<target name="check-env" | |
depends="check-flex-home, load-more-properties, check-playerglobal-home"/> | |
<target name="check-flex-home" unless="flexhome.exists" | |
description="Check FLEX_HOME for both a directory and a file"> | |
<echo message="FLEX_HOME is ${env.FLEX_HOME}"/> | |
<available file="${env.FLEX_HOME}" | |
type="dir" | |
property="FLEX_HOME.set"/> | |
<fail message="The environment variable FLEX_HOME is not set to a directory" | |
unless="FLEX_HOME.set"/> | |
<property name="flex-sdk-description.xml" | |
value="${env.FLEX_HOME}/flex-sdk-description.xml"/> | |
<available file="${flex-sdk-description.xml}" | |
type="file" | |
property="flex-sdk-description.xml.exists"/> | |
<fail message="The file ${flex-sdk-description.xml} does not exist" | |
unless="flex-sdk-description.xml"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="load-more-properties" | |
description="load the FLEX_HOME/build.properties to pick up playerglobal.version"> | |
<property file="${FLEX_HOME}/build.properties"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="check-playerglobal-home" unless="playerglobal.swc.exists" | |
description="Check PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME for both a directory and a swc file"> | |
<echo message="PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME is ${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}"/> | |
<echo message="playerglobal.version is ${playerglobal.version}"/> | |
<available file="${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}" | |
type="dir" | |
property="PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME.set"/> | |
<fail message="The environment variable PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME is not set to a directory" | |
unless="PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME.set"/> | |
<property name="playerglobal.swc" | |
value="${env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME}/${playerglobal.version}/playerglobal.swc"/> | |
<available file="${playerglobal.swc}" | |
type="file" | |
property="playerglobal.swc.exists"/> | |
<fail message="The file ${playerglobal.swc} does not exist" | |
unless="playerglobal.swc.exists"/> | |
<echo message="playerglobal.swc is ${playerglobal.swc}"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="thirdparty-downloads" unless="no.thirdparty-downloads" | |
description="Downloads all the required thirdparty code."> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/downloads.xml" dir="${basedir}"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="main" depends="check-env,clean,thirdparty-downloads,sdk,common,core,proxy,remoting,opt,createMMSFile" | |
description="full build"> | |
<tstamp> | |
<format property="build.datetime" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss aa"/> | |
</tstamp> | |
<echo>ant main target completed on ${build.datetime}</echo> | |
</target> | |
<target name="help"> | |
<echo message="run ant -projecthelp to see the available targets"/> | |
</target> | |
<!-- must be setup before building other targets --> | |
<target name="sdk" description="get the sdk and add to the server"> | |
<!--<ant antfile="${basedir}/sdk/build.xml"/> AJH: needed? --> | |
</target> | |
<target name="common" description="full build of the common module"> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/common/build.xml" target="${subproject.target}"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="core" description="full build of the core module"> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/core/build.xml" target="${subproject.target}"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="proxy" description="full build of the proxy module"> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/proxy/build.xml" target="${subproject.target}"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="remoting" description="full build of the remoting module"> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/remoting/build.xml" target="${subproject.target}"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="opt" description="full build of the opt module"> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/opt/build.xml" target="${subproject.target}"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="postbuilds"> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/modules/core/build.xml" target="postbuilds"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="createMMSFile" | |
description="create mms.cfg in order to enable local shared object access" | |
if="isWindows"> | |
<!-- Sets the default maximum local shared object storage size to unlimited --> | |
<echo file="${ocx.dir}/mms.cfg" append="false">LocalStorageLimit=6</echo> | |
</target> | |
<target name="package" depends="package-clean" description="package task which creates zips"> | |
<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/> | |
<!-- package qa apps --> | |
<!-- <ant antfile="${qa.dir}/apps/qa-manual/build.xml" target="package"/> --> | |
<ant antfile="${qa.dir}/apps/qa-regress/build.xml" target="package"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/apps/samples/build.xml" target="package"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/apps/samples-spring/build.xml" target="package"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/apps/blazeds/build.xml" target="package"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/apps/blazeds-spring/build.xml" target="package"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/apps/ds-console/build.xml" target="package"/> | |
<ant antfile="${appserver.dir}/build.xml" target="package"/> | |
<antcall target="package-oem"/> | |
<copy todir="${dist.dir}/lib"> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib"> | |
<include name="flex-messaging-common.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-messaging-core.jar"/> | |
</fileset> | |
</copy> | |
<antcall target="javadoc"/> | |
<!-- add apps to Tomcat --> | |
<unzip src="${dist.dir}/blazeds.war" dest="${dist.dir}/tomcat/webapps/blazeds"/> | |
<unzip src="${dist.dir}/blazeds-spring.war" dest="${dist.dir}/tomcat/webapps/blazeds-spring"/> | |
<unzip src="${dist.dir}/samples.war" dest="${dist.dir}/tomcat/webapps/samples"/> | |
<unzip src="${dist.dir}/samples-spring.war" dest="${dist.dir}/tomcat/webapps/samples-spring"/> | |
<unzip src="${dist.dir}/ds-console.war" dest="${dist.dir}/tomcat/webapps/ds-console"/> | |
<!-- generate turnkey zip --> | |
<antcall target="package-turnkey"/> | |
<!-- generate binary zip --> | |
<zip destfile="${dist.dir}/blazeds-bin-${manifest.Implementation-Version}.${label}.zip" | |
comment="${manifest.Implementation-Title} ${manifest.Implementation-Version}.${label}"> | |
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}" includes="blazeds.war"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/collateral" includes="blazeds-bin-readme.htm" | |
fullpath="blazeds-bin-readme.htm"/> | |
</zip> | |
<!-- generate src zip --> | |
<antcall target="package-src"/> | |
<!-- generate java amf client zip --> | |
<zip destfile="${dist.dir}/blazeds-java-amf.${label}.zip" | |
comment="${manifest.Implementation-Title} ${manifest.Implementation-Version}.${label}"> | |
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}/lib" includes="*"/> | |
</zip> | |
<!-- geneate md5 checksums for the four zips --> | |
<checksum forceOverwrite="yes" format="MD5SUM"> | |
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}"> | |
<include name="blazeds-*.zip"/> | |
</fileset> | |
</checksum> | |
<antcall target="package-automation"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="package-turnkey"> | |
<zip destfile="${dist.dir}/blazeds-turnkey-${manifest.Implementation-Version}.${label}.zip" | |
comment="${manifest.Implementation-Title} ${manifest.Implementation-Version}.${label}"> | |
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}" | |
includes="blazeds.war,blazeds-spring.war,samples.war,samples-spring.war,ds-console.war"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${dist.dir}/tomcat" prefix="tomcat" excludes="bin,bin/*,work/"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${dist.dir}/tomcat/bin" prefix="tomcat/bin" filemode="744"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${dist.dir}/docs" prefix="docs"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/resources" prefix="resources"> | |
<exclude name="fds-ajax-bridge/build.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="clustering/JGroups-2.9.0.GA.src.zip"/> | |
<exclude name="flex_sdk/*.zip"/> | |
<exclude name="flex_sdk/*.htm"/> | |
<exclude name="flex_sdk/readme.txt"/> | |
</zipfileset> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/lib" prefix="resources/clustering" includes="jgroups*"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/lib" prefix="resources/lib" includes="flex-messaging*"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/collateral" includes="blazeds-turnkey-readme.htm" | |
fullpath="blazeds-turnkey-readme.htm"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${dist.dir}/sampledb" prefix="sampledb" filemode="744"/> | |
</zip> | |
</target> | |
<target name="package-src"> | |
<zip destfile="${dist.dir}/blazeds-src-${manifest.Implementation-Version}.${label}.zip" | |
comment="${manifest.Implementation-Title} ${manifest.Implementation-Version}.${label}"> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/collateral" includes="blazeds-src-readme.htm" | |
fullpath="blazeds-src-readme.htm"/> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}"> | |
<include name="adobe.header"/> | |
<include name="build.properties"/> | |
<include name="build.xml"/> | |
<include name="readme.txt"/> | |
<include name="collateral/**/*"/> | |
<include name="development/**/*"/> | |
<include name="sampledb/**/*"/> | |
</fileset> | |
<!-- apps folder --> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/apps" prefix="apps"> | |
<!-- blazeds app --> | |
<include name="blazeds/**/*"/> | |
<exclude name="blazeds/WEB-INF/lib/"/> | |
<exclude name="blazeds/WEB-INF/src/"/> | |
<!-- blazeds-spring app --> | |
<include name="blazeds-spring/**/*"/> | |
<exclude name="blazeds-spring/WEB-INF/lib/"/> | |
<exclude name="blazeds-spring/WEB-INF/src/"/> | |
<!-- ds-console app --> | |
<include name="ds-console/**/*"/> | |
<exclude name="ds-console/history/"/> | |
<exclude name="ds-console/*.swf"/> | |
<exclude name="ds-console/*.html"/> | |
<exclude name="ds-console/*.js"/> | |
<exclude name="ds-console/WEB-INF/lib/"/> | |
<exclude name="ds-console/WEB-INF/classes/"/> | |
<!-- samples app --> | |
<include name="samples/images/"/> | |
<include name="samples/*.htm"/> | |
<include name="samples/main.css"/> | |
<include name="samples/README.txt"/> | |
<include name="samples/build.xml"/> | |
<include name="samples/WEB-INF/"/> | |
<exclude name="samples/WEB-INF/classes/"/> | |
<exclude name="samples/WEB-INF/lib/b*"/> | |
<exclude name="samples/WEB-INF/lib/c*"/> | |
<exclude name="samples/WEB-INF/lib/f*"/> | |
<exclude name="samples/WEB-INF/flex-src/*.zip"/> | |
<exclude name="samples/WEB-INF/flex-src/**/datavisualization*.swc"/> | |
<!-- samples-spring app --> | |
<include name="samples-spring/images/"/> | |
<include name="samples-spring/*.htm"/> | |
<include name="samples-spring/main.css"/> | |
<include name="samples-spring/README.txt"/> | |
<include name="samples-spring/build.xml"/> | |
<include name="samples-spring/WEB-INF/"/> | |
<exclude name="samples-spring/WEB-INF/classes/"/> | |
<exclude name="samples-spring/WEB-INF/lib/b*"/> | |
<exclude name="samples-spring/WEB-INF/lib/c*"/> | |
<exclude name="samples-spring/WEB-INF/lib/f*"/> | |
<exclude name="samples-spring/WEB-INF/flex-src/*.zip"/> | |
<exclude name="samples-spring/WEB-INF/flex-src/**/datavisualization*.swc"/> | |
<!-- team app --> | |
<include name="team/**/*"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/lib/"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/classes/"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/flex/jars/"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/flex/libs/"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/flex/locale/"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/flex/*.ser"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/flex/flash-unicode-table.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/flex/flex-sdk-description.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="team/WEB-INF/flex/mxml-manifest.xml"/> | |
</zipfileset> | |
<!-- qa folder --> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/qa" prefix="qa"> | |
<!-- qa-manual app --> | |
<include name="apps/qa-manual/**/*"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/qa-manual/bugs/"/> | |
<!-- common excludes for both qa-manual and qa-regress apps --> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/classes/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/lib/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/jars/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/libs/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/locale/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/*.ser"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/flash-unicode-table.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/flex-sdk-description.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/mxml-manifest.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/flex-config.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/flex-webtier-config.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/messaging-config.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/proxy-config.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/remoting-config.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/**/WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml"/> | |
<!-- qa-regress app --> | |
<include name="apps/qa-regress/**/*"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/qa-regress/features/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/qa-regress/lib/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/bugs/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/noproxy/"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/general/array*"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/general/attributesScript.mxml"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/general/deserializeDocLitArray.mxml"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/general/twoDimensionalArrayScript.mxml"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/mxWebService/DotNetDocLiteralTests/"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/mxWebService/mxWebServiceAmpersandInWSDL.mxml"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/mxWebService/mxWebServiceDotDotInWSDL.mxml"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/mxWebService/mxWebServiceMethod*.mxml"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/mxWebService/mxWebServiceSetEndpointURI.mxml"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/mxWebService/mxWebServiceUseProxyFalseFault.mxml"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/mxunit/tests/proxyService/webService/mxWebService/mxWebServiceUseProxyTrue.mxml"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/flexunit/src/tests/flexunit/wscl/interop/Query*.*"/> | |
<exclude name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/flexunit/src/tests/flexunit/wscl/interop/*DotNet*"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/flexunit/src/tests/flexunit/wscl/interop/SOAPBuilderRound2CFCTest.as"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/flexunit/src/tests/flexunit/wscl/interop/SOAPBuilderRound3Compound1.as"/> | |
<exclude | |
name="apps/qa-regress/testsuites/flexunit/src/tests/flexunit/wscl/interop/SOAPBuilderRound3Compound1_WhiteMesaTest.as"/> | |
<include name="features/**/*"/> | |
<include name="lib/**/*"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/tools/"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/ms*.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/commons-logging.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/qa-config.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/qa-flexunit.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/qa-mxunit.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/qa-utils.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/browserServer.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="lib/xalan.jar"/> | |
<include name="resources/config/*"/> | |
<include name="resources/frameworks/*"/> | |
<include name="resources/webtier/"/> | |
<include name="src/**/*"/> | |
<include name="build.*"/> | |
</zipfileset> | |
<!-- frameworks folder --> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/frameworks" prefix="frameworks"> | |
<include name="**/datavisualization*.swc"/> | |
<include name="local-swcs/*"/> | |
</zipfileset> | |
<!-- lib folder --> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/lib" prefix="lib"> | |
<include name="hsqldb/*"/> | |
<include name="spring/*"/> | |
<include name="commons*.*"/> | |
<exclude name="commons-logging.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="commons-collections.jar"/> | |
<include name="j*.*"/> | |
<include name="flex-w*.*"/> | |
<include name="flex-b*.*"/> | |
<include name="xalan*.*"/> | |
<include name="backport*.*"/> | |
<include name="cfgatewayadapter.jar"/> | |
<include name="concurrent.jar"/> | |
<include name="oscache.jar"/> | |
<include name="servlet.jar"/> | |
</zipfileset> | |
<!-- modules folder --> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/modules" prefix="modules"> | |
<include name="**/src/**/*"/> | |
<include name="**/lib/*"/> | |
<include name="core/test/src/**/*"/> | |
<include name="**/AdobeInfo.xml"/> | |
<include name="**/build.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="rds/"/> | |
</zipfileset> | |
<!-- servers folder --> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/servers" prefix="servers"> | |
<exclude name="apache-tomcat-6.0.29/lib/blazeds/"/> | |
<exclude name="apache-tomcat-6.0.29/conf/Catalina/localhost/qa-perf.xml"/> | |
<exclude name="apache-tomcat-6.0.29/logs/"/> | |
<exclude name="apache-tomcat-6.0.29/work/"/> | |
</zipfileset> | |
<!-- resources folder --> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/resources" prefix="resources"> | |
<exclude name="security/tomcat/*.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="flex_sdk/*.zip"/> | |
</zipfileset> | |
</zip> | |
</target> | |
<!-- | |
*************************************************************************** | |
Target - package-automation | |
*************************************************************************** --> | |
<target name="package-automation" description="Create QA Automation package"> | |
<zip destfile="${basedir}/dist/qa-automation.zip"> | |
<zipfileset dir="${qa.dir}/automation"/> | |
</zip> | |
</target> | |
<target name="package-oem" description="Create OEM package"> | |
<delete dir="${basedir}/packagetemp" failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true"/> | |
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/dist"/> | |
<!-- Copy sdk zip and other community resources --> | |
<copy todir="${basedir}/packagetemp"> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}"> | |
<include name="resources/**/*"/> | |
<exclude name="resources/flex_sdk/**/*"/> | |
</fileset> | |
</copy> | |
<!-- Copy community jars --> | |
<copy todir="${basedir}/packagetemp/lib"> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib"> | |
<include name="flex-messaging-common.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-messaging-core.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-messaging-proxy.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-messaging-remoting.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-messaging-opt.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-bootstrap.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-bootstrap-jsp.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-webtier.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-webtier-jsp.jar"/> | |
<include name="oscache.jar"/> | |
<include name="cfgatewayadapter.jar"/> | |
<include name="flex-rds-server.jar"/> | |
</fileset> | |
</copy> | |
<copy todir="${basedir}/packagetemp/console_src"> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}/apps/ds-console"> | |
<include name="console/**/*"/> | |
<include name="*.mxml"/> | |
</fileset> | |
</copy> | |
<zip destfile="${basedir}/dist/blazeds-oem.zip"> | |
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}" includes="ds-console.war"/> | |
<zipfileset dir="${basedir}/packagetemp"/> | |
</zip> | |
</target> | |
<target name="package-oem-small" depends="package-oem" description="Create Small OEM package"> | |
<echo message="Creating smaller Flex_SDK. . ."/> | |
<mkdir dir="${tmp.dir}"/> | |
<unzip src="${basedir}/dist/blazeds-oem.zip" dest="${tmp.dir}"/> | |
<mkdir dir="${tmp.dir}/${local.sdk.dir}/expanded"/> | |
<unzip src="${basedir}/packagetemp/${local.sdk.dir}/${sdk.zip.file}" | |
dest="${tmp.dir}/${local.sdk.dir}/expanded"> | |
<!--<patternset> | |
<include name="ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" /> | |
<include name="asdoc/**/*"/> | |
<include name="bin/*"/> | |
<include name="lib/*"/> | |
<include name="frameworks/*"/> | |
<include name="frameworks/libs/**"/> | |
<include name="frameworks/locale/**"/> | |
<include name="runtimes/player/**/*"/> | |
<include name="templates/**/*"/> | |
</patternset>--> | |
</unzip> | |
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true"> | |
<fileset dir="${tmp.dir}/${local.sdk.dir}" includes="${sdk.zip.file}"/> | |
</delete> | |
<zip destfile="${tmp.dir}/${local.sdk.dir}/${sdk.zip.file}"> | |
<fileset dir="${tmp.dir}/${local.sdk.dir}/expanded" includes="**/**"/> | |
</zip> | |
<delete dir="${tmp.dir}/${local.sdk.dir}/expanded" failonerror="false"/> | |
<zip destfile="${basedir}/dist/blazeds-oem-small.zip"> | |
<fileset dir="${tmp.dir}" includes="**/**"/> | |
</zip> | |
<delete dir="${tmp.dir}" failonerror="false"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="package-clean"> | |
<delete failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true"> | |
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}" includes="**/*"/> | |
</delete> | |
</target> | |
<target name="clean" description="clean"> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/sdk/build.xml" target="clean"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/remoting/build.xml" target="clean"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/proxy/build.xml" target="clean"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/common/build.xml" target="clean"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/core/build.xml" target="clean"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/opt/build.xml" target="clean"/> | |
<delete> | |
<fileset dir="." includes="TEST-*.xml"/> | |
</delete> | |
</target> | |
<target name="super-clean" depends="thirdparty-clean,clean" | |
description="Cleans everything including thirdparty downloads."/> | |
<target name="thirdparty-clean" unless="no.thirdparty-clean" description="Removes all thirdparty downloads."> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/downloads.xml" target="clean" dir="${basedir}"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="generated-clean"> | |
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true"> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}/apps" includes="**/generated/*"/> | |
</delete> | |
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true"> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}/apps" includes="**/generated"/> | |
</delete> | |
</target> | |
<target name="unit" description="Runs JUnit tests"> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/modules/core/build.xml" target="unit"> | |
<property name="feature" value="${feature}"/> <!-- runs subset of unit tests --> | |
</ant> | |
</target> | |
<!-- Don't try to start server if it is already running --> | |
<target name="check.server"> | |
<condition property="server.running"> | |
<http url="${server.baseurl}"/> | |
</condition> | |
</target> | |
<target name="set.extension" description="set vars per os"> | |
<osfamily property="os.family"/> | |
<switch value="${os.family}"> | |
<case value="windows"> | |
<property name="shellext" value="bat"/> | |
</case> | |
<case value="unix"> | |
<property name="shellext" value="sh"/> | |
</case> | |
<case value="mac"> | |
<property name="shellext" value="sh"/> | |
</case> | |
</switch> | |
</target> | |
<target name="startserver" description="Start Tomcat Server" depends="set.extension, check.server" | |
unless="server.running"> | |
<exec spawn="true" executable="${appserver.dir}/bin/catalina.${shellext}" | |
dir="${appserver.dir}/bin"> | |
<arg line="start"/> | |
</exec> | |
</target> | |
<target name="stopserver" description="Stop Tomcat Server" | |
depends="set.extension"> | |
<exec spawn="true" executable="${appserver.dir}/bin/catalina.${shellext}" | |
dir="${appserver.dir}/bin"> | |
<arg line="stop"/> | |
</exec> | |
</target> | |
<target name="waitforAppserverToStart"> | |
<echo message="Waiting for appserver to start: requesting ${server.baseurl}/qa-regress"/> | |
<waitfor maxwait="120" maxwaitunit="second" checkevery="15" timeoutproperty="bTimeout"> | |
<http url="${server.baseurl}/qa-regress"/> | |
</waitfor> | |
<switch value="${bTimeout}"> | |
<case value="true"> | |
<property name="bAppServerStarted" value="false"/> | |
</case> | |
<default> | |
<property name="bAppServerStarted" value="true"/> | |
</default> | |
</switch> | |
<echo>Flex has started: ${bAppServerStarted} ...continuing</echo> | |
</target> | |
<target name="checkintests" description="checkintests"> | |
<!-- run flexunit--> | |
<ant antfile="${qa.dir}/apps/qa-regress/testsuites/flexunit/build.xml" target="main"> | |
<property name="basedir" value="${qa.dir}"/> | |
<property name="feature" value="checkintests"/> <!-- runs rpc and messaging --> | |
<property name="alwaysshowreport" value="false"/> <!-- will only show report if there are failures --> | |
</ant> | |
<!-- JUnit tests already start the server, if necessary | |
<antcall target="startserver"/> | |
--> | |
<!-- run java unit tests --> | |
<property name="feature" value="checkintests-all"/> | |
<antcall target="unit"> | |
<param name="feature" value="${feature}"/> <!-- runs subset of unit tests --> | |
</antcall> | |
<antcall target="stopserver"/> | |
</target> | |
<target name="parseresults"> | |
<java classname="utils.TestResultsParser"> | |
<classpath> | |
<pathelement location="${qa.dir}/classes"/> | |
<fileset dir="${qa.dir}/lib"> | |
<include name="*.jar"/> | |
</fileset> | |
</classpath> | |
<arg line="${qa.dir}/sdk/testsuites/mxunit/reports"/> | |
</java> | |
</target> | |
<target name="ocx" | |
description="Update the ActiveX player to the latest. You must CLOSE YOUR BROWSERS for this to work."> | |
<property name="ant-contrib.jar" location="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b2.jar"/> | |
<available file="${basedir}/qa/automation/bin/${uninstaller.exe}" property="uninstaller.exists"/> | |
<condition property="uninstall.fp" value="true"> | |
<and> | |
<equals arg1="${uninstaller.exists}" arg2="true"/> | |
<not> | |
<equals arg1="${skip.uninstall}" arg2="true"/> | |
</not> | |
</and> | |
</condition> | |
<antcall target="actual.uninstall.fp"/> | |
<echo>Installing the new player.</echo> | |
<exec dir="${basedir}/bin" executable="${basedir}/bin/${installer.exe}"> | |
<arg line="-install"/> | |
</exec> | |
<echo>Installing the plugin player.</echo> | |
<exec dir="${basedir}/bin" executable="${basedir}/bin/${installer.plugin.exe}"> | |
<arg line="-install"/> | |
</exec> | |
</target> | |
<target name="actual.uninstall.fp" depends="check.uninstall.fp" if="uninstall.fp"> | |
<echo>Uninstalling the old ActiveX and Plugin players.</echo> | |
<exec dir="${basedir}" executable="${basedir}/qa/automation/bin/${uninstaller.exe}"> | |
<arg line="-uninstall"/> | |
</exec> | |
</target> | |
<target name="check.uninstall.fp" unless="uninstall.fp"> | |
<echo>Uninstall was skipped.</echo> | |
<echo>- skip.uninstall? ${skip.uninstall}</echo> | |
</target> | |
<target name="javadoc"> | |
<delete dir="${basedir}/docs" failonerror="false" includeEmptyDirs="true"/> | |
<ant antfile="${basedir}/modules/core/build.xml" target="javadoc"> | |
<property name="build.number" value="${build.number}"/> | |
</ant> | |
<copy todir="${dist.dir}/docs"> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}/docs" includes="javadoc.zip"/> | |
</copy> | |
</target> | |
</project> |