blob: a6fdf5d52c5ee50ae604327535c16a801407fcc2 [file] [log] [blame]
INSERT INTO `stretchy_report` (`report_name`, `report_type`, `report_subtype`, `report_category`, `report_sql`, `description`, `core_report`, `use_report`) VALUES ('ClientSummary ', 'Table', NULL, NULL, 'SELECT x.* FROM m_client c, m_office o, \n(\n SELECT a.loanCycle, a.activeLoans, b.lastLoanAmount, d.activeSavings, d.totalSavings FROM \n (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(l.loan_counter),0) AS loanCycle, COUNT( AS activeLoans FROM m_loan l WHERE l.loan_status_id=300 AND l.client_id=${clientId}) a, \n (SELECT count(, IFNULL(l.principal_amount,0) AS \'lastLoanAmount\' FROM m_loan l WHERE l.client_id=${clientId} AND l.disbursedon_date = (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(disbursedon_date),NOW()) FROM m_loan where client_id=${clientId} and loan_status_id=300)) b, \n (SELECT COUNT( AS \'activeSavings\', IFNULL(SUM(s.account_balance_derived),0) AS \'totalSavings\' FROM m_savings_account s WHERE s.status_enum=300 AND s.client_id=${clientId}) d\n) x\nWHERE${clientId} AND = c.office_id AND o.hierarchy LIKE CONCAT(\'${currentUserHierarchy}\', \'%\')', 'Utility query for getting the client summary details', 1, 0);
INSERT INTO `stretchy_report` (`report_name`, `report_type`, `report_subtype`, `report_category`, `report_sql`, `description`, `core_report`, `use_report`) VALUES ('LoanCyclePerProduct', 'Table', NULL, NULL, 'SELECT AS \'productName\', MAX(l.loan_product_counter) AS \'loanProductCycle\' FROM m_loan l JOIN m_product_loan lp ON WHERE lp.include_in_borrower_cycle=1 AND l.loan_product_counter IS NOT NULL AND l.client_id=${clientId} GROUP BY l.product_id', 'Utility query for getting the client loan cycle details', 1, 0);