blob: 8f03fbf86e80d94dfbf6b969e46a18494e1d2ecf [file] [log] [blame]
ALTER TABLE `m_savings_account_charge`
CHANGE COLUMN `due_for_collection_as_of_date` `charge_due_date` DATE NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `charge_time_enum`;
ALTER TABLE `m_savings_account_charge`
ADD COLUMN `fee_on_month` SMALLINT(5) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `charge_due_date`,
ADD COLUMN `fee_on_day` SMALLINT(5) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `fee_on_month`,
ADD COLUMN `is_active` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `waived`;
delimiter //
CREATE PROCEDURE migrate_withdrwal_fees()
declare no_more_rows boolean default false;
declare v_currency_code VARCHAR(3);
declare v_withdrawal_fee_type_enum SMALLINT(5);
declare v_withdrawal_fee_amount_charge_def DECIMAL(19,6);
declare v_account_id BIGINT(20);
declare v_withdrawal_fee_amount DECIMAL(19,6);
declare t_calculation_percentage DECIMAL(19,6);
declare t_calculation_on_amount DECIMAL(19,6);
declare t_withdrawal_fee_name VARCHAR(100);
declare t_charge_id BIGINT(20);
declare t_savings_charge_id BIGINT(20);
-- savings transaction variables
declare v_savings_transaction_id BIGINT(20);
declare v_transaction_amount DECIMAL(19,6);
declare cursor1 cursor for
select sa.currency_code, sa.withdrawal_fee_type_enum, sa.withdrawal_fee_amount
from m_savings_account sa where sa.withdrawal_fee_amount is not null and sa.withdrawal_fee_amount > 0 group by sa.currency_code, sa.withdrawal_fee_type_enum;
declare cursor2 cursor for
select, sa.withdrawal_fee_amount from m_savings_account sa where sa.currency_code=v_currency_code and sa.withdrawal_fee_type_enum=v_withdrawal_fee_type_enum and sa.withdrawal_fee_amount is not null and sa.withdrawal_fee_amount > 0;
declare cursor3 cursor for
select, sat.amount from m_savings_account_transaction sat
where sat.savings_account_id=v_account_id and sat.transaction_type_enum=4;
declare continue handler for not found
set no_more_rows := true;
open cursor1;
LOOP1: loop
fetch cursor1 into v_currency_code, v_withdrawal_fee_type_enum, v_withdrawal_fee_amount_charge_def;
if no_more_rows then
close cursor1;
leave LOOP1;
end if;
-- set withdrawal fee name
if(v_withdrawal_fee_type_enum = 1) then
set t_withdrawal_fee_name = CONCAT('Withdrawal fee-Flat-',v_currency_code);
set t_withdrawal_fee_name = CONCAT('Withdrawal fee-Percentage-',v_currency_code);
end if;
-- get charge id if already exists
set t_charge_id = (select id from m_charge where name = t_withdrawal_fee_name);
if t_charge_id is null then
-- add withdrawal fee to charges
INSERT INTO `m_charge` (`name`, `currency_code`, `charge_applies_to_enum`, `charge_time_enum`, `charge_calculation_enum`, `charge_payment_mode_enum`, `amount`, `is_penalty`, `is_active`, `is_deleted`) VALUES (t_withdrawal_fee_name , v_currency_code, 2, 5, v_withdrawal_fee_type_enum, 0, v_withdrawal_fee_amount_charge_def, 0, 1, 0);
-- get inserted charge id
set t_charge_id = last_insert_id();
end if;
open cursor2;
LOOP2: loop
fetch cursor2 into v_account_id, v_withdrawal_fee_amount;
if no_more_rows then
set no_more_rows := false;
close cursor2;
leave LOOP2;
end if;
if (v_withdrawal_fee_type_enum=1) then
set t_calculation_percentage = NULL;
set t_calculation_on_amount = NULL;
set t_calculation_percentage = v_withdrawal_fee_amount;
set v_withdrawal_fee_amount = 0;
set t_calculation_on_amount = 0;
end if;
if not exists (select id from m_savings_account_charge sac where
sac.savings_account_id=v_account_id and sac.charge_id=t_charge_id and sac.charge_time_enum=5) then
-- attach withdrawal charge to savings
INSERT INTO `m_savings_account_charge` (`savings_account_id`, `charge_id`, `is_penalty`, `charge_time_enum`, `charge_due_date`, `fee_on_month`, `fee_on_day`, `charge_calculation_enum`, `calculation_percentage`, `calculation_on_amount`, `amount`, `amount_paid_derived`, `amount_waived_derived`, `amount_writtenoff_derived`, `amount_outstanding_derived`, `is_paid_derived`, `waived`, `is_active`) VALUES (v_account_id, t_charge_id, 0, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_withdrawal_fee_type_enum, t_calculation_percentage, t_calculation_on_amount, v_withdrawal_fee_amount, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.000000, 0, 0, 1);
-- set savings account charge id
set t_savings_charge_id = last_insert_id();
set t_savings_charge_id = (select id from m_savings_account_charge sac where sac.savings_account_id=v_account_id and sac.charge_id=t_charge_id and sac.charge_time_enum=5);
end if;
open cursor3;
LOOP3: loop
fetch cursor3 into v_savings_transaction_id, v_transaction_amount;
if no_more_rows then
set no_more_rows := false;
close cursor3;
leave LOOP3;
end if;
if not exists (select id from m_savings_account_charge_paid_by sacp where
sacp.savings_account_transaction_id=v_savings_transaction_id and sacp.savings_account_charge_id=t_savings_charge_id) then
-- insert a record into savings account charge paid by
INSERT INTO `m_savings_account_charge_paid_by` (`savings_account_transaction_id`, `savings_account_charge_id`, `amount`) VALUES(v_savings_transaction_id, t_savings_charge_id, v_transaction_amount);
end if;
end loop LOOP3;
end loop LOOP2;
end loop LOOP1;
end //
CREATE PROCEDURE migrate_annual_fees()
declare no_more_rows boolean default false;
declare v_currency_code VARCHAR(3);
declare v_annual_fee_amount_charge_def DECIMAL(19,6);
declare v_account_id BIGINT(20);
declare v_annual_fee_amount DECIMAL(19,6);
declare v_annual_fee_on_month SMALLINT(5);
declare v_annual_fee_on_day SMALLINT(5);
declare v_annual_fee_next_due_date DATE;
declare t_annual_fee_name VARCHAR(100);
declare t_charge_id BIGINT(20);
declare t_savings_charge_id BIGINT(20);
-- savings transaction variables
declare v_savings_transaction_id BIGINT(20);
declare v_transaction_amount DECIMAL(19,6);
declare cursor1 cursor for
select sa.currency_code, sa.annual_fee_amount
from m_savings_account sa where sa.annual_fee_amount is not null and sa.annual_fee_on_month is not null and sa.annual_fee_on_day is not null group by sa.currency_code;
declare cursor2 cursor for
select, sa.annual_fee_amount, sa.annual_fee_on_month, sa.annual_fee_on_day, sa.annual_fee_next_due_date from m_savings_account sa where sa.currency_code=v_currency_code and sa.annual_fee_amount is not null and sa.annual_fee_on_month is not null and sa.annual_fee_on_day is not null;
declare cursor3 cursor for
select, sat.amount from m_savings_account_transaction sat
where sat.savings_account_id=v_account_id and sat.transaction_type_enum=5;
declare continue handler for not found
set no_more_rows := true;
open cursor1;
LOOP1: loop
fetch cursor1 into v_currency_code, v_annual_fee_amount_charge_def;
if no_more_rows then
close cursor1;
leave LOOP1;
end if;
-- set annual fee name
set t_annual_fee_name = CONCAT('Annual fee - ',v_currency_code);
-- get charge id if already exists
set t_charge_id = (select id from m_charge where name = t_annual_fee_name);
if t_charge_id is null then
-- add annual fee to charges
INSERT INTO `m_charge` (`name`, `currency_code`, `charge_applies_to_enum`, `charge_time_enum`, `charge_calculation_enum`, `charge_payment_mode_enum`, `amount`, `is_penalty`, `is_active`, `is_deleted`) VALUES (t_annual_fee_name, v_currency_code, 2, 6, 1, 0, v_annual_fee_amount_charge_def, 0, 1, 0);
-- get inserted charge id
set t_charge_id = last_insert_id();
end if;
open cursor2;
LOOP2: loop
fetch cursor2 into v_account_id, v_annual_fee_amount, v_annual_fee_on_month, v_annual_fee_on_day, v_annual_fee_next_due_date;
if no_more_rows then
set no_more_rows := false;
close cursor2;
leave LOOP2;
end if;
if not exists (select id from m_savings_account_charge sac where
sac.savings_account_id=v_account_id and sac.charge_id=t_charge_id and sac.charge_time_enum=6) then
-- attach annual charge to savings
INSERT INTO `m_savings_account_charge` (`savings_account_id`, `charge_id`, `is_penalty`, `charge_time_enum`, `charge_due_date`, `fee_on_month`, `fee_on_day`, `charge_calculation_enum`, `calculation_percentage`, `calculation_on_amount`, `amount`, `amount_paid_derived`, `amount_waived_derived`, `amount_writtenoff_derived`, `amount_outstanding_derived`, `is_paid_derived`, `waived`, `is_active`) VALUES (v_account_id, t_charge_id, 0, 6, v_annual_fee_next_due_date, v_annual_fee_on_month, v_annual_fee_on_day, 1, NULL, NULL, v_annual_fee_amount, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_annual_fee_amount, 0, 0, 1);
-- set savings account charge id
set t_savings_charge_id = last_insert_id();
set t_savings_charge_id = (select id from m_savings_account_charge sac where sac.savings_account_id=v_account_id and sac.charge_id=t_charge_id and sac.charge_time_enum=6);
end if;
open cursor3;
LOOP3: loop
fetch cursor3 into v_savings_transaction_id, v_transaction_amount;
if no_more_rows then
set no_more_rows := false;
close cursor3;
leave LOOP3;
end if;
if not exists (select id from m_savings_account_charge_paid_by sacp where
sacp.savings_account_transaction_id=v_savings_transaction_id and sacp.savings_account_charge_id=t_savings_charge_id) then
-- insert a record into savings account charge paid by
INSERT INTO `m_savings_account_charge_paid_by` (`savings_account_transaction_id`, `savings_account_charge_id`, `amount`) VALUES(v_savings_transaction_id, t_savings_charge_id, v_transaction_amount);
end if;
end loop LOOP3;
end loop LOOP2;
end loop LOOP1;
end //
delimiter ;
call migrate_withdrwal_fees();
call migrate_annual_fees();
drop procedure if exists migrate_annual_fees;
drop procedure if exists migrate_withdrwal_fees;
ALTER TABLE `m_savings_account`
DROP COLUMN `annual_fee_amount`,
DROP COLUMN `annual_fee_on_month`,
DROP COLUMN `annual_fee_on_day`,
DROP COLUMN `annual_fee_next_due_date`,
DROP COLUMN `withdrawal_fee_amount`,
DROP COLUMN `withdrawal_fee_type_enum`;
ALTER TABLE `m_savings_product`
DROP COLUMN `annual_fee_amount`,
DROP COLUMN `annual_fee_on_month`,
DROP COLUMN `annual_fee_on_day`;