blob: b627ce1958397777fc8a3370b759cce2e28ade9c [file] [log] [blame]
/**Add currency code**/
ALTER TABLE `acc_gl_journal_entry`
ADD COLUMN `currency_code` VARCHAR(3) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `reversal_id`;
/**Update currency codes for loans**/
UPDATE acc_gl_journal_entry journal_entry SET currency_code = (
SELECT m_loan.currency_code
FROM m_loan, m_loan_transaction
WHERE = m_loan_transaction.loan_id AND
WHERE journal_entry.entity_type_enum=1;
/**Update currency codes for savings**/
UPDATE acc_gl_journal_entry journal_entry SET currency_code = (
SELECT m_savings_account.currency_code
FROM m_savings_account, m_savings_account_transaction
WHERE = m_savings_account_transaction.savings_account_id AND
WHERE journal_entry.entity_type_enum=2;
/**Update currency codes for manual journal entries***/
update acc_gl_journal_entry set currency_code = (select code from m_organisation_currency limit 1)
where acc_gl_journal_entry.currency_code is NULL;
/**Make currency code not null**/
ALTER TABLE `acc_gl_journal_entry`
ALTER `currency_code` DROP DEFAULT;
ALTER TABLE `acc_gl_journal_entry`
CHANGE COLUMN `currency_code` `currency_code` VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL AFTER `reversal_id`;