blob: 720321be3e1a1318a60a43b1da9e61669732127b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.fineract.portfolio.charge.domain.ChargePaymentMode;
import org.apache.fineract.portfolio.charge.domain.ChargeTimeType;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
* Immutable data object for loan charge data.
public class LoanChargeData {
private final Long id;
private final Long chargeId;
private final String name;
private final EnumOptionData chargeTimeType;
private final LocalDate dueDate;
private final EnumOptionData chargeCalculationType;
private final BigDecimal percentage;
private final BigDecimal amountPercentageAppliedTo;
private final CurrencyData currency;
private final BigDecimal amount;
private final BigDecimal amountPaid;
private final BigDecimal amountWaived;
private final BigDecimal amountWrittenOff;
private final BigDecimal amountOutstanding;
private final BigDecimal amountOrPercentage;
private final Collection<ChargeData> chargeOptions;
private final boolean penalty;
private final EnumOptionData chargePaymentMode;
private final boolean paid;
private final boolean waived;
private final boolean chargePayable;
private final Long loanId;
private final BigDecimal minCap;
private final BigDecimal maxCap;
private final Collection<LoanInstallmentChargeData> installmentChargeData;
private BigDecimal amountAccrued;
private BigDecimal amountUnrecognized;
public static LoanChargeData template(final Collection<ChargeData> chargeOptions) {
return new LoanChargeData(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, chargeOptions, false, null, false, false, null, null,
null, null, null);
* used when populating with details from charge definition (for crud on
* charges)
public static LoanChargeData newLoanChargeDetails(final Long chargeId, final String name, final CurrencyData currency,
final BigDecimal amount, final BigDecimal percentage, final EnumOptionData chargeTimeType,
final EnumOptionData chargeCalculationType, final boolean penalty, final EnumOptionData chargePaymentMode,
final BigDecimal minCap, final BigDecimal maxCap) {
return new LoanChargeData(null, chargeId, name, currency, amount, percentage, chargeTimeType, chargeCalculationType, null, penalty,
chargePaymentMode, false, false, null, minCap, maxCap, null, null);
public LoanChargeData(final Long id, final Long chargeId, final String name, final CurrencyData currency, final BigDecimal amount,
final BigDecimal amountPaid, final BigDecimal amountWaived, final BigDecimal amountWrittenOff,
final BigDecimal amountOutstanding, final EnumOptionData chargeTimeType, final LocalDate dueDate,
final EnumOptionData chargeCalculationType, final BigDecimal percentage, final BigDecimal amountPercentageAppliedTo,
final boolean penalty, final EnumOptionData chargePaymentMode, final boolean paid, final boolean waived, final Long loanId,
final BigDecimal minCap, final BigDecimal maxCap, final BigDecimal amountOrPercentage,
Collection<LoanInstallmentChargeData> installmentChargeData) { = id;
this.chargeId = chargeId; = name;
this.currency = currency;
this.amount = amount;
this.amountPaid = amountPaid;
this.amountWaived = amountWaived;
this.amountWrittenOff = amountWrittenOff;
this.amountOutstanding = amountOutstanding;
this.chargeTimeType = chargeTimeType;
this.dueDate = dueDate;
this.chargeCalculationType = chargeCalculationType;
this.percentage = percentage;
this.amountPercentageAppliedTo = amountPercentageAppliedTo;
this.penalty = penalty;
this.chargePaymentMode = chargePaymentMode;
this.paid = paid;
this.waived = waived;
this.minCap = minCap;
this.maxCap = maxCap;
if (amountOrPercentage == null) {
if (chargeCalculationType != null && chargeCalculationType.getId().intValue() > 1) {
this.amountOrPercentage = this.percentage;
} else {
this.amountOrPercentage = amount;
} else {
this.amountOrPercentage = amountOrPercentage;
this.chargeOptions = null;
this.chargePayable = isChargePayable();
this.loanId = loanId;
this.installmentChargeData = installmentChargeData;
this.amountAccrued = null;
this.amountUnrecognized = null;
private LoanChargeData(final Long id, final Long chargeId, final String name, final CurrencyData currency, final BigDecimal amount,
final BigDecimal percentage, final EnumOptionData chargeTimeType, final EnumOptionData chargeCalculationType,
final Collection<ChargeData> chargeOptions, final boolean penalty, final EnumOptionData chargePaymentMode, final boolean paid,
final boolean waived, final Long loanId, final BigDecimal minCap, final BigDecimal maxCap, final BigDecimal amountOrPercentage,
Collection<LoanInstallmentChargeData> installmentChargeData) { = id;
this.chargeId = chargeId; = name;
this.currency = currency;
this.amount = amount;
this.amountPaid = BigDecimal.ZERO;
this.amountWaived = BigDecimal.ZERO;
this.amountWrittenOff = BigDecimal.ZERO;
this.amountOutstanding = amount;
this.chargeTimeType = chargeTimeType;
this.dueDate = null;
this.chargeCalculationType = chargeCalculationType;
this.percentage = percentage;
this.amountPercentageAppliedTo = null;
this.penalty = penalty;
this.chargePaymentMode = chargePaymentMode;
this.paid = paid;
this.waived = waived;
if (amountOrPercentage == null) {
if (chargeCalculationType != null && chargeCalculationType.getId().intValue() > 1) {
this.amountOrPercentage = this.percentage;
} else {
this.amountOrPercentage = amount;
} else {
this.amountOrPercentage = amountOrPercentage;
this.chargeOptions = chargeOptions;
this.chargePayable = isChargePayable();
this.loanId = loanId;
this.minCap = minCap;
this.maxCap = maxCap;
this.installmentChargeData = installmentChargeData;
this.amountAccrued = null;
this.amountUnrecognized = null;
public LoanChargeData(final Long id, final LocalDate dueAsOfDate, final BigDecimal amountOutstanding, EnumOptionData chargeTimeType,
final Long loanId, Collection<LoanInstallmentChargeData> installmentChargeData) { = id;
this.chargeId = null; = null;
this.currency = null;
this.amount = null;
this.amountPaid = null;
this.amountWaived = null;
this.amountWrittenOff = null;
this.amountOutstanding = amountOutstanding;
this.chargeTimeType = chargeTimeType;
this.dueDate = dueAsOfDate;
this.chargeCalculationType = null;
this.percentage = null;
this.amountPercentageAppliedTo = null;
this.penalty = false;
this.chargePaymentMode = null;
this.paid = false;
this.waived = false;
this.amountOrPercentage = null;
this.chargeOptions = null;
this.chargePayable = false;
this.loanId = loanId;
this.minCap = null;
this.maxCap = null;
this.installmentChargeData = installmentChargeData;
this.amountAccrued = null;
this.amountUnrecognized = null;
public LoanChargeData(final Long id, final Long chargeId, final LocalDate dueAsOfDate, EnumOptionData chargeTimeType,
final BigDecimal amount, final BigDecimal amountAccrued, final BigDecimal amountWaived, final boolean penalty) { = id;
this.chargeId = chargeId; = null;
this.currency = null;
this.amount = amount;
this.amountPaid = null;
this.amountWaived = amountWaived;
this.amountWrittenOff = null;
this.amountOutstanding = null;
this.chargeTimeType = chargeTimeType;
this.dueDate = dueAsOfDate;
this.chargeCalculationType = null;
this.percentage = null;
this.amountPercentageAppliedTo = null;
this.penalty = penalty;
this.chargePaymentMode = null;
this.paid = false;
this.waived = false;
this.amountOrPercentage = null;
this.chargeOptions = null;
this.chargePayable = false;
this.loanId = null;
this.minCap = null;
this.maxCap = null;
this.installmentChargeData = null;
this.amountAccrued = amountAccrued;
this.amountUnrecognized = null;
public LoanChargeData(final BigDecimal amountUnrecognized, final LoanChargeData chargeData) { =;
this.chargeId = chargeData.chargeId; = null;
this.currency = null;
this.amount = chargeData.amount;
this.amountPaid = null;
this.amountWaived = chargeData.amountWaived;
this.amountWrittenOff = null;
this.amountOutstanding = null;
this.chargeTimeType = chargeData.chargeTimeType;
this.dueDate = chargeData.dueDate;
this.chargeCalculationType = null;
this.percentage = null;
this.amountPercentageAppliedTo = null;
this.penalty = chargeData.penalty;
this.chargePaymentMode = null;
this.paid = false;
this.waived = false;
this.amountOrPercentage = null;
this.chargeOptions = null;
this.chargePayable = false;
this.loanId = null;
this.minCap = null;
this.maxCap = null;
this.installmentChargeData = null;
this.amountAccrued = chargeData.amountAccrued;
this.amountUnrecognized = amountUnrecognized;
public LoanChargeData(LoanChargeData chargeData, Collection<LoanInstallmentChargeData> installmentChargeData) { =;
this.chargeId = chargeData.chargeId; =;
this.currency = chargeData.currency;
this.amount = chargeData.amount;
this.amountPaid = chargeData.amountPaid;
this.amountWaived = chargeData.amountWaived;
this.amountWrittenOff = chargeData.amountWrittenOff;
this.amountOutstanding = chargeData.amountOutstanding;
this.chargeTimeType = chargeData.chargeTimeType;
this.dueDate = chargeData.dueDate;
this.chargeCalculationType = chargeData.chargeCalculationType;
this.percentage = chargeData.percentage;
this.amountPercentageAppliedTo = chargeData.amountPercentageAppliedTo;
this.penalty = chargeData.penalty;
this.chargePaymentMode = chargeData.chargePaymentMode;
this.paid = chargeData.paid;
this.waived = chargeData.waived;
this.minCap = chargeData.minCap;
this.maxCap = chargeData.maxCap;
this.amountOrPercentage = chargeData.amountOrPercentage;
this.chargeOptions = chargeData.chargeOptions;
this.chargePayable = chargeData.chargePayable;
this.loanId = chargeData.loanId;
this.installmentChargeData = installmentChargeData;
this.amountAccrued = chargeData.amountAccrued;
this.amountUnrecognized = chargeData.amountUnrecognized;
public LoanChargeData(final Long id, final LocalDate dueAsOfDate, final BigDecimal amountOrPercentage) { = id;
this.chargeId = null; = null;
this.currency = null;
this.amount = null;
this.amountPaid = null;
this.amountWaived = null;
this.amountWrittenOff = null;
this.amountOutstanding = null;
this.chargeTimeType = null;
this.dueDate = dueAsOfDate;
this.chargeCalculationType = null;
this.percentage = null;
this.amountPercentageAppliedTo = null;
this.penalty = false;
this.chargePaymentMode = null;
this.paid = false;
this.waived = false;
this.amountOrPercentage = amountOrPercentage;
this.chargeOptions = null;
this.chargePayable = false;
this.loanId = null;
this.minCap = null;
this.maxCap = null;
this.installmentChargeData = null;
this.amountAccrued = null;
this.amountUnrecognized = null;
public boolean isChargePayable() {
boolean isAccountTransfer = false;
if (this.chargePaymentMode != null) {
isAccountTransfer = ChargePaymentMode.fromInt(this.chargePaymentMode.getId().intValue()).isPaymentModeAccountTransfer();
return isAccountTransfer && !this.paid && !this.waived;
public Long getId() {
public LocalDate getDueDate() {
return this.dueDate;
public Long getLoanId() {
return this.loanId;
public BigDecimal getAmountOutstanding() {
return this.amountOutstanding;
public boolean isInstallmentFee() {
boolean isInstalmentFee = false;
if (this.chargeTimeType != null) {
isInstalmentFee = ChargeTimeType.fromInt(this.chargeTimeType.getId().intValue()).isInstalmentFee();
return isInstalmentFee;
public BigDecimal amountOrPercentage() {
return this.amountOrPercentage;
public Collection<LoanInstallmentChargeData> getInstallmentChargeData() {
return this.installmentChargeData;
public boolean isPenalty() {
return this.penalty;
public BigDecimal getAmount() {
return this.amount;
public BigDecimal getAmountAccrued() {
return this.amountAccrued;
public void updateAmountAccrued(BigDecimal amountAccrued) {
this.amountAccrued = amountAccrued;
public Long getChargeId() {
return this.chargeId;
public BigDecimal getAmountWaived() {
return this.amountWaived;
public BigDecimal getAmountUnrecognized() {
return this.amountUnrecognized;