blob: 1505c3b08f45f9a2ac62bebcbf1dda367d743862 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.service;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.service.RoutingDataSource;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.dataqueries.service.GenericDataServiceImpl;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.FineractEntityAccessConstants;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.domain.FineractEntity;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.domain.FineractEntityAccessType;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.domain.FineractEntityType;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.exception.FineractEntityAccessConfigurationException;
import org.apache.fineract.useradministration.domain.AppUser;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class FineractEntityAccessReadServiceImpl implements FineractEntityAccessReadService {
private final PlatformSecurityContext context;
private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericDataServiceImpl.class);
public FineractEntityAccessReadServiceImpl(final PlatformSecurityContext context, final RoutingDataSource dataSource) {
this.context = context;
this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.service.
* FineractEntityAccessReadService#getSQLQueryWithListOfIDsForEntityAccess
* (Long,
* org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.domain.FineractEntityType,
* org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.domain.
* FineractEntityAccessType,
* org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.entityaccess.domain.FineractEntityType,
* boolean)
* This method returns the list of entity IDs as a comma separated list Or
* null if there is no entity restrictions or if there
public String getSQLQueryInClause_WithListOfIDsForEntityAccess(Long firstEntityId, FineractEntityType firstEntityType,
FineractEntityAccessType accessType, FineractEntityType secondEntityType, boolean includeAllOffices) {
Collection<FineractEntityAccessData> accesslist = retrieveEntityAccessFor(firstEntityId, firstEntityType, accessType, secondEntityType,
String returnIdListStr = null;
StringBuffer accessListCSVStrBuf = null;
if ((accesslist != null) && (accesslist.size() > 0)) {
logger.debug("Found " + accesslist.size() + " access type restrictions while getting entity access configuration for "
+ firstEntityType.getType() + ":" + firstEntityId + " with type " + accessType.toStr() + " against "
+ secondEntityType.getType());
accessListCSVStrBuf = new StringBuffer(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < accesslist.size(); i++) {
FineractEntityAccessData accessData = (FineractEntityAccessData) accesslist.toArray()[i];
if (accessData == null) { throw new FineractEntityAccessConfigurationException(firstEntityId, firstEntityType, accessType,
secondEntityType); }
if (accessData.getSecondEntity().getId() == 0) { // If there is
// any ID that
// zero, then
// allow access
// to all
accessListCSVStrBuf = null;
if (i > 0) {
} else {
logger.debug("Found zero access type restrictions while getting entity access configuration for " + firstEntityType.getType()
+ ":" + firstEntityId + " with type " + accessType.toStr() + " against " + secondEntityType.getType());
accessListCSVStrBuf = new StringBuffer();
accessListCSVStrBuf.append("false"); // Append false so that no rows
// will be returned
if (accessListCSVStrBuf != null) {
returnIdListStr = accessListCSVStrBuf.toString();
logger.debug("List of IDs applicable:" + returnIdListStr);
return returnIdListStr;
public Collection<FineractEntityAccessData> retrieveEntityAccessFor(Long firstEntityId, FineractEntityType firstEntityType,
FineractEntityAccessType accessType, FineractEntityType secondEntityType, boolean includeAllSubOffices) {
final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();
final String hierarchy = currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy();
String hierarchySearchString = null;
if (includeAllSubOffices) {
hierarchySearchString = "." + "%";
} else {
hierarchySearchString = hierarchy + "%";
String sql = getSQLForRetriveEntityAccessFor(firstEntityType, accessType, secondEntityType);
Collection<FineractEntityAccessData> entityAccessData = null;
FineractEntityAccessDataMapper mapper = new FineractEntityAccessDataMapper();
if (includeAllSubOffices && (firstEntityType.getTable().equals("m_office"))) {
sql += " where firstentity.hierarchy like ? order by firstEntity.hierarchy";
entityAccessData = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, mapper, new Object[] { firstEntityId, hierarchySearchString });
} else {
entityAccessData = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, mapper, new Object[] { firstEntityId });
return entityAccessData;
private String getSQLForRetriveEntityAccessFor(FineractEntityType firstEntityType, FineractEntityAccessType accessType,
FineractEntityType secondEntityType) {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("select eea.entity_id as entity_id, entity_type as entity_type, ");
str.append("access_type_code_value_id as access_id, cv.code_value as access_type_desc, c.code_name as code, ");
str.append(" as first_entity_id, as entity_name, ");
str.append(" as second_entity_id, as second_entity_name, ");
str.append("eea.second_entity_type as second_entity_type ");
str.append("from m_entity_to_entity_access eea ");
str.append("left join m_code_value cv on (cv.code_value = ");
str.append("' ");
str.append("and eea.access_type_code_value_id = ");
str.append("left join m_code c on (c.code_name = '");
str.append("' and cv.code_id = ");
str.append("left join ");
str.append(" firstentity on (eea.entity_type = ");
str.append(" and eea.entity_id = left join ");
str.append(" otherentity on (eea.second_entity_type = ");
str.append("' ");
str.append("and eea.second_entity_id = ");
str.append("where eea.access_type_code_value_id = ");
str.append("and eea.entity_id = ? ");
return str.toString();
private static final class FineractEntityAccessDataMapper implements RowMapper<FineractEntityAccessData> {
public FineractEntityAccessData mapRow(final ResultSet rs, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final int rowNum) throws SQLException {
final String entityType = rs.getString("entity_type");
final Long entityId = rs.getLong("entity_id");
// final String entityName = rs.getString("entity_name");
// final Long accessId = rs.getLong("access_id");
final String accessTypeDesc = rs.getString("access_type_desc");
// final String code = rs.getString("code");
final Long secondEntityId = rs.getLong("second_entity_id");
// final String secondEntityName =
// rs.getString("second_entity_name");
final String secondEntityType = rs.getString("second_entity_type");
FineractEntity firstEntity = null;
FineractEntityType etype = FineractEntityType.get(entityType);
if (etype != null) {
firstEntity = new FineractEntity(entityId, etype);
FineractEntity secondEntity = null;
FineractEntityType secondetype = FineractEntityType.get(secondEntityType);
if (etype != null) {
secondEntity = new FineractEntity(secondEntityId, secondetype);
FineractEntityAccessType accessType = null;
if (accessTypeDesc != null) {
accessType = FineractEntityAccessType.get(accessTypeDesc);
FineractEntityAccessData returnFineractEntityAccessData = null;
if (firstEntity != null && secondEntity != null && accessType != null) {
returnFineractEntityAccessData = new FineractEntityAccessData(firstEntity, accessType, secondEntity);
return returnFineractEntityAccessData;
public String getSQLQueryInClauseIDList_ForLoanProductsForOffice(Long officeId, boolean includeAllOffices) {
FineractEntityType firstEntityType = FineractEntityType.OFFICE;
FineractEntityAccessType accessType = FineractEntityAccessType.OFFICE_ACCESS_TO_LOAN_PRODUCTS;
FineractEntityType secondEntityType = FineractEntityType.LOAN_PRODUCT;
return getSQLQueryInClause_WithListOfIDsForEntityAccess(officeId, firstEntityType, accessType, secondEntityType, includeAllOffices);
public String getSQLQueryInClauseIDList_ForSavingsProductsForOffice(Long officeId, boolean includeAllOffices) {
FineractEntityType firstEntityType = FineractEntityType.OFFICE;
FineractEntityAccessType accessType = FineractEntityAccessType.OFFICE_ACCESS_TO_SAVINGS_PRODUCTS;
FineractEntityType secondEntityType = FineractEntityType.SAVINGS_PRODUCT;
return getSQLQueryInClause_WithListOfIDsForEntityAccess(officeId, firstEntityType, accessType, secondEntityType, includeAllOffices);
public String getSQLQueryInClauseIDList_ForChargesForOffice(Long officeId, boolean includeAllOffices) {
FineractEntityType firstEntityType = FineractEntityType.OFFICE;
FineractEntityAccessType accessType = FineractEntityAccessType.OFFICE_ACCESS_TO_CHARGES;
FineractEntityType secondEntityType = FineractEntityType.CHARGE;
return getSQLQueryInClause_WithListOfIDsForEntityAccess(officeId, firstEntityType, accessType, secondEntityType, includeAllOffices);
public Collection<FineractEntityRelationData> retrieveAllSupportedMappingTypes() {
EntityRelationMapper entityMapper = new EntityRelationMapper();
final String sql = entityMapper.schema();
final Collection<FineractEntityRelationData> mapTypes = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, entityMapper, new Object[] {});
return mapTypes;
private static final class EntityRelationMapper implements RowMapper<FineractEntityRelationData> {
private final StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder("select id as id,code_name as mapping_Types from m_entity_relation ");
public String schema() {
return this.sqlBuilder.toString();
public FineractEntityRelationData mapRow(final ResultSet rs, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final int rowNum) throws SQLException {
final Long mappingTypesId = rs.getLong("id");
final String mappingTypes = rs.getString("mapping_Types");
return FineractEntityRelationData.getMappingTypes(mappingTypesId, mappingTypes);
public Collection<FineractEntityToEntityMappingData> retrieveEntityToEntityMappings(Long mapId, Long fromId, Long toId) {
EntityToEntityMapper entityToEntityMapper = new EntityToEntityMapper();
String sql = entityToEntityMapper.schema();
final Collection<FineractEntityToEntityMappingData> mapTypes = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, entityToEntityMapper,
new Object[] { mapId, fromId, fromId, toId, toId });
return mapTypes;
public Collection<FineractEntityToEntityMappingData> retrieveOneMapping(Long mapId) {
GetOneEntityMapper entityMapper = new GetOneEntityMapper();
String sql = entityMapper.schema();
final Collection<FineractEntityToEntityMappingData> mapTypes = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, entityMapper, new Object[] { mapId });
return mapTypes;
private static final class GetOneEntityMapper implements RowMapper<FineractEntityToEntityMappingData> {
private final String schema;
public GetOneEntityMapper() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("select eem.rel_id as relId, ");
str.append("eem.from_id as fromId,eem.to_Id as toId,eem.start_date as startDate,eem.end_date as endDate ");
str.append("from m_entity_to_entity_mapping eem ");
str.append("where ? ");
this.schema = str.toString();
public String schema() {
return this.schema;
public FineractEntityToEntityMappingData mapRow(final ResultSet rs, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final int rowNum) throws SQLException {
final Long relId = rs.getLong("relId");
final Long fromId = rs.getLong("fromId");
final Long toId = rs.getLong("toId");
final Date startDate = rs.getDate("startDate");
final Date endDate = rs.getDate("endDate");
return FineractEntityToEntityMappingData.getRelatedEntities(relId, fromId, toId, startDate, endDate);
private static final class EntityToEntityMapper implements RowMapper<FineractEntityToEntityMappingData> {
private final String schema;
public EntityToEntityMapper() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("select as mapId, ");
str.append("eem.rel_id as relId, ");
str.append("eem.from_id as from_id, ");
str.append("eem.to_id as to_id, ");
str.append("eem.start_date as startDate, ");
str.append("eem.end_date as endDate, ");
str.append("case er.code_name ");
str.append("when 'office_access_to_loan_products' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("when 'office_access_to_savings_products' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("when 'office_access_to_fees/charges' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("when 'role_access_to_loan_products' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("when 'role_access_to_savings_products' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("end as from_name, ");
str.append("case er.code_name ");
str.append("when 'office_access_to_loan_products' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("when 'office_access_to_savings_products' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("when 'office_access_to_fees/charges' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("when 'role_access_to_loan_products' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("when 'role_access_to_savings_products' then ");
str.append(" ");
str.append("end as to_name, ");
str.append("er.code_name ");
str.append("from m_entity_to_entity_mapping eem ");
str.append("join m_entity_relation er on eem.rel_id = ");
str.append("left join m_office o on er.from_entity_type = 1 and eem.from_id = ");
str.append("left join m_role r on er.from_entity_type = 5 and eem.from_id = ");
str.append("left join m_product_loan lp on er.to_entity_type = 2 and eem.to_id = ");
str.append("left join m_savings_product sp on er.to_entity_type = 3 and eem.to_id = ");
str.append("left join m_charge charge on er.to_entity_type = 4 and eem.to_id = ");
str.append("where ");
str.append(" = ? and ");
str.append("( ? = 0 or from_id = ? ) and ");
str.append("( ? = 0 or to_id = ? ) ");
this.schema = str.toString();
public String schema() {
return this.schema;
public FineractEntityToEntityMappingData mapRow(final ResultSet rs, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final int rowNum) throws SQLException {
final Long mapId = rs.getLong("mapId");
final Long relId = rs.getLong("relId");
final Long fromId = rs.getLong("from_id");
final Long toId = rs.getLong("to_id");
final String fromEntity = rs.getString("from_name");
final String toEntity = rs.getString("to_name");
final Date startDate = rs.getDate("startDate");
final Date endDate = rs.getDate("endDate");
return FineractEntityToEntityMappingData.getRelatedEntities(mapId, relId, fromId, toId, startDate, endDate, fromEntity, toEntity);