blob: 25a4644cd4f4c4a59e4a6646050c936599d8c9ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.fineract.integrationtests;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.fineract.batch.domain.BatchRequest;
import org.apache.fineract.batch.domain.BatchResponse;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.serialization.FromJsonHelper;
import org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.common.BatchHelper;
import org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.common.Utils;
import org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.common.savings.SavingsProductHelper;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.jayway.restassured.builder.RequestSpecBuilder;
import com.jayway.restassured.builder.ResponseSpecBuilder;
import com.jayway.restassured.http.ContentType;
import com.jayway.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification;
import com.jayway.restassured.specification.ResponseSpecification;
* Test class for
* {@link org.apache.fineract.batch.command.CommandStrategyProvider}. This tests
* the response provided by commandStrategy by injecting it with a
* {@code BatchRequest}.
* @author RishabhShukla
* @see org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.common.BatchHelper
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.domain.BatchRequest
public class BatchApiTest {
private ResponseSpecification responseSpec;
private RequestSpecification requestSpec;
public BatchApiTest() {
* Sets up the essential settings for the TEST like contentType,
* expectedStatusCode. It uses the '@Before' annotation provided by jUnit.
public void setup() {
this.requestSpec = new RequestSpecBuilder().setContentType(ContentType.JSON).build();
this.requestSpec.header("Authorization", "Basic " + Utils.loginIntoServerAndGetBase64EncodedAuthenticationKey());
this.responseSpec = new ResponseSpecBuilder().expectStatusCode(200).build();
* Tests for the unimplemented command Strategies by returning 501 status
* code. For a unknownRequest a statusCode 501 is returned back with
* response.
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.UnknownCommandStrategy
public void shouldReturnStatusNotImplementedUnknownCommand() {
final BatchRequest br = new BatchRequest();
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postWithSingleRequest(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec, br);
// Verify that only 501 is returned as the status code
for (BatchResponse resp : response) {
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status code 501", (long) 501, (long) resp.getStatusCode());
* Tests for the successful response for a createClient request from
* createClientCommand. A successful response with statusCode '200' is
* returned back.
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.CreateClientCommandStrategy
public void shouldReturnOkStatusForCreateClientCommand() {
final BatchRequest br = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4712L, "");
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postWithSingleRequest(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec, br);
// Verify that a 200 response is returned as the status code
for (BatchResponse resp : response) {
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status code 200", (long) 200, (long) resp.getStatusCode());
* Tests for an erroneous response with statusCode '501' if transaction
* fails. If Query Parameter 'enclosingTransaction' is set to 'true' and if
* one of the request in BatchRequest fails then all transactions are rolled
* back.
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.CreateClientCommandStrategy
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.api.BatchApiResource
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.service.BatchApiService
public void shouldRollBackAllTransactionsOnFailure() {
// Create first client request
final BatchRequest br1 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4713L, "TestExtId11");
// Create second client request
final BatchRequest br2 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4714L, "TestExtId12");
// Create third client request, having same externalID as second client,
// hence cause of error
final BatchRequest br3 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4715L, "TestExtId11");
final List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = new ArrayList<>();
final String jsonifiedRequest = BatchHelper.toJsonString(batchRequests);
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postBatchRequestsWithEnclosingTransaction(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec,
// Verifies that none of the client in BatchRequest is created on the
// server
BatchHelper.verifyClientCreatedOnServer(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec, "TestExtId11");
BatchHelper.verifyClientCreatedOnServer(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec, "TestExtId12");
// Asserts that all the transactions have been successfully rolled back
Assert.assertEquals(response.size(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status code 400", (long) 400, (long) response.get(0).getStatusCode());
* Tests that a client information was successfully updated through
* updateClientCommand. A 'changes' parameter is returned in the response
* after successful update of client information.
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.UpdateClientCommandStrategy
public void shouldReflectChangesOnClientUpdate() {
// Create a createClient Request
final BatchRequest br1 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4716L, "");
// Create a clientUpdate Request
final BatchRequest br2 = BatchHelper.updateClientRequest(4717L, 4716L);
final List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = new ArrayList<>();
final String jsonifiedRequest = BatchHelper.toJsonString(batchRequests);
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postBatchRequestsWithoutEnclosingTransaction(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec,
// Get the changes parameter from updateClient Response
final JsonObject changes = new FromJsonHelper().parse(response.get(1).getBody()).getAsJsonObject().get("changes").getAsJsonObject();
// Asserts the client information is successfully updated
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Firstname", "TestFirstName", changes.get("firstname").getAsString());
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Lastname", "TestLastName", changes.get("lastname").getAsString());
* Tests that a ApplyLoanCommand was successfully executed and returned a
* 200(OK) status. It creates a new client and apply a loan to that client.
* This also verifies the successful resolution of dependencies among two
* requests.
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.ApplyLoanCommandStrategy
public void shouldReturnOkStatusForApplyLoanCommand() {
final String loanProductJSON = new LoanProductTestBuilder() //
.withPrincipal("10000000.00") //
.withNumberOfRepayments("24") //
.withRepaymentAfterEvery("1") //
.withRepaymentTypeAsMonth() //
.withinterestRatePerPeriod("2") //
.withInterestRateFrequencyTypeAsMonths() //
.withAmortizationTypeAsEqualPrincipalPayment() //
.withInterestTypeAsDecliningBalance() //
.currencyDetails("0", "100").build(null);
final Integer productId = new LoanTransactionHelper(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec).getLoanProductId(loanProductJSON);
// Create a createClient Request
final BatchRequest br1 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4718L, "");
// Create a activateClient Request
final BatchRequest br2 = BatchHelper.activateClientRequest(4719L, 4718L);
// Create a ApplyLoan Request
final BatchRequest br3 = BatchHelper.applyLoanRequest(4720L, 4719L, productId);
final List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = new ArrayList<>();
final String jsonifiedRequest = BatchHelper.toJsonString(batchRequests);
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postBatchRequestsWithoutEnclosingTransaction(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec,
// Get the clientId parameter from createClient Response
final JsonElement clientId = new FromJsonHelper().parse(response.get(0).getBody()).getAsJsonObject().get("clientId");
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status Code 200" + clientId.getAsString(), 200L, (long) response.get(1).getStatusCode());
* Tests that a new savings accounts was applied to an existing client and a
* 200(OK) status was returned. It first creates a new client and a savings
* product, then uses the cliendId and ProductId to apply a savings account.
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.ApplySavingsCommandStrategy
public void shouldReturnOkStatusForApplySavingsCommand() {
final SavingsProductHelper savingsProductHelper = new SavingsProductHelper();
final String savingsProductJSON = savingsProductHelper //
.withInterestCompoundingPeriodTypeAsDaily() //
.withInterestPostingPeriodTypeAsMonthly() //
.withInterestCalculationPeriodTypeAsDailyBalance() //
final Integer productId = SavingsProductHelper.createSavingsProduct(savingsProductJSON, this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec);
// Create a createClient Request
final BatchRequest br1 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4720L, "");
// Create a activateClient Request
final BatchRequest br2 = BatchHelper.activateClientRequest(4721L, 4720L);
// Create a applySavings Request
final BatchRequest br3 = BatchHelper.applySavingsRequest(4722L, 4721L, productId);
final List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = new ArrayList<>();
final String jsonifiedRequest = BatchHelper.toJsonString(batchRequests);
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postBatchRequestsWithoutEnclosingTransaction(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec,
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status Code 200", 200L, (long) response.get(1).getStatusCode());
* Tests that a new charge was added to a newly created loan and charges are
* Collected properly 200(OK) status was returned for successful responses.
* It first creates a new client and apply a loan, then creates a new charge
* for the create loan and then fetches all the applied charges
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.CollectChargesCommandStrategy
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.CreateChargeCommandStrategy
public void shouldReturnOkStatusForCollectChargesCommand() {
final String loanProductJSON = new LoanProductTestBuilder() //
.withPrincipal("10000000.00") //
.withNumberOfRepayments("24") //
.withRepaymentAfterEvery("1") //
.withRepaymentTypeAsMonth() //
.withinterestRatePerPeriod("2") //
.withInterestRateFrequencyTypeAsMonths() //
.withAmortizationTypeAsEqualPrincipalPayment() //
.withInterestTypeAsDecliningBalance() //
.currencyDetails("0", "100").build(null);
final Integer productId = new LoanTransactionHelper(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec).getLoanProductId(loanProductJSON);
// Create a createClient Request
final BatchRequest br1 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4722L, "");
// Create a activateClient Request
final BatchRequest br2 = BatchHelper.activateClientRequest(4723L, 4722L);
// Create a ApplyLoan Request
final BatchRequest br3 = BatchHelper.applyLoanRequest(4724L, 4723L, productId);
// Create a Collect Charges Request
final BatchRequest br4 = BatchHelper.collectChargesRequest(4725L, 4724L);
final List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = new ArrayList<>();
final String jsonifiedRequest = BatchHelper.toJsonString(batchRequests);
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postBatchRequestsWithoutEnclosingTransaction(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec,
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status Code 200 for Create Loan Charge", 200L, (long) response.get(3).getStatusCode());
* Test for the successful activation of a pending client using
* 'ActivateClientCommandStrategy'. A '200' status code is expected on
* successful activation.
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.ActivateClientCommandStrategy
public void shouldReturnOkStatusOnSuccessfulClientActivation() {
// Create a createClient Request
final BatchRequest br1 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4726L, "");
// Create a activateClient Request
final BatchRequest br2 = BatchHelper.activateClientRequest(4727L, 4726L);
final List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = new ArrayList<>();
final String jsonifiedRequest = BatchHelper.toJsonString(batchRequests);
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postBatchRequestsWithoutEnclosingTransaction(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec,
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status Code 200 for Create Client", 200L, (long) response.get(0).getStatusCode());
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status Code 200 for Activate Client", 200L, (long) response.get(1).getStatusCode());
* Test for the successful approval and disbursal of a loan using
* 'ApproveLoanCommandStrategy' and 'DisburseLoanCommandStrategy'. A '200'
* status code is expected on successful activation.
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.ApproveLoanCommandStrategy
* @see org.apache.fineract.batch.command.internal.DisburseLoanCommandStrategy
public void shouldReturnOkStatusOnSuccessfulLoanApprovalAndDisburse() {
final String loanProductJSON = new LoanProductTestBuilder() //
.withPrincipal("10000000.00") //
.withNumberOfRepayments("24") //
.withRepaymentAfterEvery("1") //
.withRepaymentTypeAsMonth() //
.withinterestRatePerPeriod("2") //
.withInterestRateFrequencyTypeAsMonths() //
.withAmortizationTypeAsEqualPrincipalPayment() //
.withInterestTypeAsDecliningBalance() //
.currencyDetails("0", "100").build(null);
final Integer productId = new LoanTransactionHelper(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec).getLoanProductId(loanProductJSON);
// Create a createClient Request
final BatchRequest br1 = BatchHelper.createClientRequest(4730L, "");
// Create a activateClient Request
final BatchRequest br2 = BatchHelper.activateClientRequest(4731L, 4730L);
// Create a ApplyLoan Request
final BatchRequest br3 = BatchHelper.applyLoanRequest(4732L, 4731L, productId);
// Create a approveLoan Request
final BatchRequest br4 = BatchHelper.approveLoanRequest(4733L, 4732L);
// Create a disburseLoan Request
final BatchRequest br5 = BatchHelper.disburseLoanRequest(4734L, 4733L);
final List<BatchRequest> batchRequests = new ArrayList<>();
final String jsonifiedRequest = BatchHelper.toJsonString(batchRequests);
final List<BatchResponse> response = BatchHelper.postBatchRequestsWithoutEnclosingTransaction(this.requestSpec, this.responseSpec,
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status Code 200 for Approve Loan", 200L, (long) response.get(3).getStatusCode());
Assert.assertEquals("Verify Status Code 200 for Disburse Loan", 200L, (long) response.get(4).getStatusCode());