| # Apache Fineract CN Portfolio [](https://travis-ci.com/apache/fineract-cn-portfolio) [](https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/fineract-cn-portfolio/builds) |
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| This project provides product and case management for Fineract CN. Products are described and "instantiated" |
| for customers as cases. |
| [Read more](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FINERACT/Fineract+CN+Project+Structure#FineractCNProjectStructure-portfolio). |
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| ## Abstract |
| Apache Fineract CN is an application framework for digital financial services, a system to support nationwide and cross-national financial transactions and help to level and speed the creation of an inclusive, interconnected digital economy for every nation in the world. |
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| ## Versioning |
| The version numbers follow the [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) scheme. |
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| In addition to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH the following postfixes are used to indicate the development state. |
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| * BUILD-SNAPSHOT - A release currently in development. |
| * M - A _milestone_ release include specific sets of functions and are released as soon as the functionality is complete. |
| * RC - A _release candidate_ is a version with potential to be a final product, considered _code complete_. |
| * RELEASE - indicates that this release is the best available version and is recommended for all usage. |
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| The versioning layout is {MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}-{INDICATOR}[.{PATCH}]. Only milestones and release candidates can have patch versions. Some examples: |
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| 1.3.5-M.1 |
| 1.5.7-RC.2 |
| 2.0.0-RELEASE |
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| ## License |
| See [LICENSE](LICENSE) file. |