Creates unit and component test for domains and services respectively

Unit and component Tests,Rest and command 

added dependencies to shared Gradle file

Created  new group IDs for SMS and Email management

Added creation and finding operations to the client manager

Created modified Email and SMS configuration domain objects

Created SMS and Email pages to support fims operations

Created Post and Get Constants for creating and retrieving Configuration entitiies

Created Unit tests for Email and SMS confiurations objects

Created component tests to test SMS and Email services

Created Domain Object Generator to help with testing

Created Command and command handlers, created mappers and refactored repositories

Grouped the Email and SMS service inside the notification service

Created SQL scripts the repository and added sample configuration data

removed sample class and other event listeners

Delete system-analysis.mdj

Delete .travis.yml

changed active mq concurrency to 1-1 and added sanity checks in customerlistener

formatted the code to use 2 line implementation and debugged SMS and Email Repository and Entities

Added component tests

refactored test sms

testing porfolio triggers

testing unsecured email sign in

debugged tests and added address updated event

Used operator for auth

90 files changed
tree: 3989ace3c981fb9e6cf11b75252968a29f3bad67
  1. api/
  2. component-test/
  3. gradle/
  4. service/
  5. .gitignore
  6. build.gradle
  7. gradlew
  8. gradlew.bat
  11. NOTICE.txt
  13. settings.gradle
  14. shared.gradle

Apache Fineract CN Notification

This mircroservice contains all the functionalities for SMS and Email Notification


Apache Fineract CN is an application framework for digital financial services, a system to support nationwide and cross-national financial transactions and help to level and speed the creation of an inclusive, interconnected digital economy for every nation in the world.


The version numbers follow the Semantic Versioning scheme.

In addition to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH the following postfixes are used to indicate the development state.

  • BUILD-SNAPSHOT - A release currently in development.
  • M - A milestone release include specific sets of functions and are released as soon as the functionality is complete.
  • RC - A release candidate is a version with potential to be a final product, considered code complete.
  • RELEASE - General availability indicates that this release is the best available version and is recommended for all usage.

The versioning layout is {MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}-{INDICATOR}[.{PATCH}]. Only milestones and release candidates can have patch versions. Some examples:



See LICENSE file.