Fineract CN Docker-Compose scripts

This project contains Docker Compose Scripts for running Fineract CN especially in Development.


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose


Generate .env file with RSA keys

java -cp external_tools/lang-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar UNIX > .env

This library is taken from fineract-cn-lang. If needed you can pull a fresh copy of it:

wget lang-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar

Add other environment variables to the end of the .env file

cat env_variables >> .env

If you run some service from localhost then you need to change the host parameter to ‘localhost’ of that service in .env file.


Start external tools (database, cassandra, etc)

cd external-tools
docker-compose up

Choose the services you want to run

In the docker-compose.yml (that resides in project root) comment out the services you don't want to run. Running all services together consumes a lot of memory.

Start micro services

In project root directory run:

docker-compose up


  • Provision the web services
  • Adjust scripts for Kubernetes

There are some scripts in that have been developed in the past for this purpose.