adjust ledger balance based on initial account balance
1 file changed
tree: dfadbfebfc36b7e759b65ce42ec6dce961c5829d
  1. api/
  2. component-test/
  3. gradle/
  4. importer/
  5. service/
  6. .gitignore
  7. build.gradle
  8. gradlew
  9. gradlew.bat
  10. HEADER
  13. settings.gradle
  14. shared.gradle

Mifos I/O Accounting

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Thoth provides financial accounting services.


Mifos I/O is an application framework for digital financial services, a system to support nationwide and cross-national financial transactions and help to level and speed the creation of an inclusive, interconnected digital economy for every nation in the world.


The version numbers follow the Semantic Versioning scheme.

In addition to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH the following postfixes are used to indicate the development state.

  • BUILD-SNAPSHOT - A release currently in development.
  • M - A milestone release include specific sets of functions and are released as soon as the functionality is complete.
  • RC - A release candidate is a version with potential to be a final product, considered code complete.
  • RELEASE - indicates that this release is the best available version and is recommended for all usage.

The versioning layout is {MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}-{INDICATOR}[.{PATCH}]. Only milestones and release candidates can have patch versions. Some examples:

1.2.3-BUILD-SNAPSHOT 1.3.5-M.1 1.5.7-RC.2 2.0.0-RELEASE


See LICENSE file.