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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.ipojo.api.composite;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.metadata.Element;
* Tests about {@link InstantiatedService}.
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public class InstantiatedServiceTest extends TestCase {
// <comp:composite name="" architecture="true">
// <subservice action="instantiate" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.BarService"/>
* Simple test.
public void testSimple() {
InstantiatedService svc = new InstantiatedService()
Element elem = svc.getElement();
String spec = elem.getAttribute("specification");
String action = elem.getAttribute("action");
assertEquals("spec" , "org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.BarService", spec);
assertEquals("action" , "instantiate", action);
* Malformed instantiated service.
public void testBad() {
InstantiatedService svc = new InstantiatedService()
//.setSpecification("org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.BarService") NO SPEC
try {
fail("Invalid element accepted");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// OK
//<comp:composite name="" architecture="true">
// <subservice action="instantiate" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.BarService" aggregate="true"/>
* Aggregate.
public void testAggregate() {
InstantiatedService svc = new InstantiatedService()
Element elem = svc.getElement();
String spec = elem.getAttribute("specification");
String action = elem.getAttribute("action");
String agg = elem.getAttribute("aggregate");
assertEquals("spec" , "org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.BarService", spec);
assertEquals("action" , "instantiate", action);
assertEquals("aggregate" , "true", agg);
//<comp:composite name="" architecture="true">
// <subservice action="instantiate" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.BarService" optional="true"/>
* Optional.
public void testOptional() {
InstantiatedService svc = new InstantiatedService()
Element elem = svc.getElement();
String spec = elem.getAttribute("specification");
String action = elem.getAttribute("action");
String agg = elem.getAttribute("aggregate");
String opt = elem.getAttribute("optional");
assertEquals("spec" , "org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.BarService", spec);
assertEquals("action" , "instantiate", action);
assertNull("aggregate" , agg);
assertEquals("optional" , "true", opt);
//<comp:composite name="" architecture="true">
// <subservice action="instantiate" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.FooService" aggregate="true" optional="true"/>
* Aggregate and optional.
public void testOptionalAndAggregate() {
InstantiatedService svc = new InstantiatedService()
Element elem = svc.getElement();
String spec = elem.getAttribute("specification");
String action = elem.getAttribute("action");
String agg = elem.getAttribute("aggregate");
String opt = elem.getAttribute("optional");
assertEquals("spec" , "org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.FooService", spec);
assertEquals("action" , "instantiate", action);
assertEquals("aggregate" , "true", agg);
assertEquals("optional" , "true", opt);
//<comp:composite name="" architecture="true">
// <subservice action="instantiate" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.FooService">
// <property name="boolean" value="true"/>
// <property name="string" value="foo"/>
// <property name="strAprop" value="{foo, bar, baz}"/>
// <property name="int" value="5"/>
// </subservice>
* Instance configuration.
public void testWithConfiguration() {
InstantiatedService svc = new InstantiatedService()
.addProperty("boolean", "true")
.addProperty("string", "foo")
.addProperty("stringAprop", new String[] {"foo", "bar", "baz" })
.addProperty("int", "5");
Element elem = svc.getElement();
String spec = elem.getAttribute("specification");
String action = elem.getAttribute("action");
String agg = elem.getAttribute("aggregate");
String opt = elem.getAttribute("optional");
assertEquals("spec" , "org.apache.felix.ipojo.test.composite.service.FooService", spec);
assertEquals("action" , "instantiate", action);
assertNull("aggregate" , agg);
assertNull("optional" , opt);
Element[] props = elem.getElements("property");
assertEquals("Number of properties", 4, props.length);
String n0 = props[0].getAttribute("name");
String v0 = props[0].getAttribute("value");
assertEquals("n0" , "boolean", n0);
assertEquals("v0" , "true", v0);
String n1 = props[1].getAttribute("name");
String v1 = props[1].getAttribute("value");
assertEquals("n1" , "string", n1);
assertEquals("v1" , "foo", v1);
String n2 = props[2].getAttribute("name");
String v2 = props[2].getAttribute("value");
String t2 = props[2].getAttribute("type");
Element[] sub = props[2].getElements();
assertEquals("Number of sub-properties", 3, sub.length);
assertEquals("n2", "stringAprop", n2);
assertNull("v2", v2);
assertEquals("t2", "array", t2);
String n20 = sub[0].getAttribute("name");
String v20 = sub[0].getAttribute("value");
assertNull("n20" , n20);
assertEquals("v20" , "foo", v20);
String n21 = sub[1].getAttribute("name");
String v21 = sub[1].getAttribute("value");
assertNull("n21" , n21);
assertEquals("v21" , "bar", v21);
String n22 = sub[2].getAttribute("name");
String v22 = sub[2].getAttribute("value");
assertNull("n22" , n22);
assertEquals("v22" , "baz", v22);
String n3 = props[3].getAttribute("name");
String v3 = props[3].getAttribute("value");
assertEquals("n3" , "int", n3);
assertEquals("v3" , "5", v3);