blob: 433d80d79a04f3482972e071441846fd088663d4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.registry;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Collections;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.HttpConfig;
import org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.HttpServiceServletHandler;
import org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.ServletHandler;
import org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.runtime.ServletInfo;
import org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.runtime.dto.FailedDTOHolder;
import org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.service.HttpServiceFactory;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.osgi.service.http.runtime.dto.ServletContextDTO;
import org.osgi.service.http.runtime.dto.ServletDTO;
public class HandlerRegistryTest
private final HandlerRegistry registry = new HandlerRegistry(new HttpConfig());
@Test public void testInitialSetup()
final FailedDTOHolder holder = new FailedDTOHolder();
final ServletContextDTO dto = new ServletContextDTO();
dto.serviceId = HttpServiceFactory.HTTP_SERVICE_CONTEXT_SERVICE_ID;
assertFalse(registry.getRuntimeInfo(dto, holder));
assertTrue(registry.getRuntimeInfo(dto, holder));
assertFalse(registry.getRuntimeInfo(dto, holder));
public void testAddRemoveServlet() throws Exception
final FailedDTOHolder holder = new FailedDTOHolder();
final ServletContextDTO dto = new ServletContextDTO();
dto.serviceId = HttpServiceFactory.HTTP_SERVICE_CONTEXT_SERVICE_ID;
dto.servletDTOs = new ServletDTO[0];
Servlet servlet = Mockito.mock(Servlet.class);
final ServletInfo info = new ServletInfo("foo", "/foo", Collections.<String, String> emptyMap());
ServletHandler handler = new HttpServiceServletHandler(null, info, servlet);
assertTrue(registry.getRuntimeInfo(dto, holder));
assertEquals("Precondition", 0, dto.servletDTOs.length);
Mockito.verify(servlet, Mockito.times(1)).init(Mockito.any(ServletConfig.class));
assertTrue(registry.getRuntimeInfo(dto, holder));
assertEquals(1, dto.servletDTOs.length);
assertEquals(info.getServiceId(), dto.servletDTOs[0].serviceId);
final ServletInfo info2 = new ServletInfo("bar", "/bar", Collections.<String, String> emptyMap());
ServletHandler handler2 = new HttpServiceServletHandler(null, info2, Mockito.mock(Servlet.class));
assertTrue(registry.getRuntimeInfo(dto, holder));
assertEquals(2, dto.servletDTOs.length);
final ServletInfo info3 = new ServletInfo("zar", "/foo", Collections.<String, String> emptyMap());
ServletHandler handler3 = new HttpServiceServletHandler(null,info3, Mockito.mock(Servlet.class));
assertTrue(registry.getRuntimeInfo(dto, holder));
assertEquals(2, dto.servletDTOs.length);
assertEquals(1, holder.failedServletDTOs.size());
public void testAddServletWhileSameServletAddedDuringInit() throws Exception
final HandlerRegistry hr = new HandlerRegistry();
Servlet servlet = Mockito.mock(Servlet.class);
final ServletInfo info = new ServletInfo("bar", "/bar", 0, null, servlet, null);
final ServletHandler otherHandler = new ServletHandler(null, null, info, info.getServlet());
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Void>()
boolean registered = false;
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable
if (!registered)
registered = true;
// sneakily register another handler with this servlet before this
// one has finished calling init()
hr.addServlet(null, otherHandler);
return null;
final ServletInfo info2 = new ServletInfo("foo", "/foo", 0, null, servlet, null);
ServletHandler handler = new ServletHandler(null, null, info2, info2.getServlet());
hr.addServlet(null, handler);
// fail("Should not have allowed the servlet to be added as it was already "
// + "added before init was finished");
catch (ServletException ne)
// good
assertArrayEquals(new ServletHandler[] {otherHandler, handler}, hr.getServlets());
public void testAddServletWhileSameAliasAddedDuringInit() throws Exception
final HandlerRegistry hr = new HandlerRegistry();
Servlet otherServlet = Mockito.mock(Servlet.class);
final ServletInfo info = new ServletInfo("bar", "/foo", 0, null, otherServlet, null);
final ServletHandler otherHandler = new ServletHandler(null, null, info, info.getServlet());
Servlet servlet = Mockito.mock(Servlet.class);
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Void>()
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable
// sneakily register another servlet before this one has finished calling init()
hr.addServlet(null, otherHandler);
return null;
final ServletInfo info2 = new ServletInfo("foo", "/foo", 0, null, servlet, null);
ServletHandler handler = new ServletHandler(null, null, info2, info2.getServlet());
hr.addServlet(null, handler);
fail("Should not have allowed the servlet to be added as another one got in there with the same alias");
catch (NamespaceException ne)
// good
assertArrayEquals(new ServletHandler[] {otherHandler}, hr.getServlets());
Mockito.verify(servlet, Mockito.times(1)).destroy();
assertSame(otherServlet, hr.getServletByAlias("/foo"));
public void testAddRemoveFilter() throws Exception
HandlerRegistry hr = new HandlerRegistry();
Filter filter = Mockito.mock(Filter.class);
final FilterInfo info = new FilterInfo("oho", "/aha", 1, null, filter, null);
FilterHandler handler = new FilterHandler(null, filter, info);
assertEquals("Precondition", 0, hr.getFilters().length);
Mockito.verify(filter, Mockito.times(1)).init(Mockito.any(FilterConfig.class));
assertEquals(1, hr.getFilters().length);
assertSame(handler, hr.getFilters()[0]);
final FilterInfo info2 = new FilterInfo("haha", "/hihi", 2, null, filter, null);
FilterHandler handler2 = new FilterHandler(null, filter, info2);
fail("Should not have allowed the same filter to be added twice");
catch(ServletException se)
// good
assertArrayEquals(new FilterHandler[] {handler}, hr.getFilters());
Mockito.verify(filter, Mockito.never()).destroy();
hr.removeFilter(filter, true);
Mockito.verify(filter, Mockito.times(1)).destroy();
assertEquals(0, hr.getServlets().length);
public void testAddFilterWhileSameFilterAddedDuringInit() throws Exception
final HandlerRegistry hr = new HandlerRegistry();
Filter filter = Mockito.mock(Filter.class);
final FilterInfo info = new FilterInfo("two", "/two", 99, null, filter, null);
final FilterHandler otherHandler = new FilterHandler(null, filter, info);
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Void>()
boolean registered = false;
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable
if (!registered)
registered = true;
// sneakily register another handler with this filter before this
// one has finished calling init()
return null;
final FilterInfo info2 = new FilterInfo("one", "/one", 1, null, filter, null);
FilterHandler handler = new FilterHandler(null, filter, info2);
fail("Should not have allowed the filter to be added as it was already "
+ "added before init was finished");
catch (ServletException se)
// good
assertArrayEquals(new FilterHandler[] {otherHandler}, hr.getFilters());
public void testRemoveAll() throws Exception
HandlerRegistry hr = new HandlerRegistry();
Servlet servlet = Mockito.mock(Servlet.class);
final ServletInfo info = new ServletInfo("f", "/f", 0, null, servlet, null);
ServletHandler servletHandler = new ServletHandler(null, null, info, info.getServlet());
hr.addServlet(null, servletHandler);
Servlet servlet2 = Mockito.mock(Servlet.class);
final ServletInfo info2 = new ServletInfo("ff", "/ff", 0, null, servlet2, null);
ServletHandler servletHandler2 = new ServletHandler(null, null, info2, info2.getServlet());
hr.addServlet(null, servletHandler2);
Filter filter = Mockito.mock(Filter.class);
final FilterInfo fi = new FilterInfo("f", "/f", 0, null, filter, null);
FilterHandler filterHandler = new FilterHandler(null, filter, fi);
assertEquals(2, hr.getServlets().length);
assertEquals("Most specific Alias should come first",
"/ff", hr.getServlets()[0].getAlias());
assertEquals("/f", hr.getServlets()[1].getAlias());
assertEquals(1, hr.getFilters().length);
assertSame(filter, hr.getFilters()[0].getFilter());
Mockito.verify(servlet, Mockito.never()).destroy();
Mockito.verify(servlet2, Mockito.never()).destroy();
Mockito.verify(filter, Mockito.never()).destroy();
Mockito.verify(servlet, Mockito.times(1)).destroy();
Mockito.verify(servlet2, Mockito.times(1)).destroy();
Mockito.verify(filter, Mockito.times(1)).destroy();
assertEquals(0, hr.getServlets().length);
assertEquals(0, hr.getFilters().length);