blob: d3a9ec4a1b60ddc6f00b8c723471dad045f9aa6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.registry;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.ServletHandler;
import org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.service.HttpServiceFactory;
* The path resolver factory creates a path resolver for a pattern.
* The servlet spec supports different patterns
* - path mapping, a pattern starting with / and ending with /*
* - extension mapping, a pattern starting with *.
* - default mapping, the pattern /
* - root mapping, the pattern is the empty string
* - exact match
* Exact match is tried first, followed by longest match and finally
* extension match.
public abstract class PathResolverFactory {
public static @NotNull PathResolver createPatternMatcher(@Nullable final ServletHandler handler, @NotNull final String pattern)
if ( pattern.length() == 0 )
return new RootMatcher(handler);
else if ( pattern.equals("/") )
return new DefaultMatcher(handler);
else if ( pattern.startsWith("*.") )
return new ExtensionMatcher(handler, pattern);
else if ( pattern.endsWith("/*") )
return new PathMatcher(handler, pattern);
else if ( handler != null && handler.getContextServiceId() == HttpServiceFactory.HTTP_SERVICE_CONTEXT_SERVICE_ID )
return new ExactAndPathMatcher(handler, pattern);
return new ExactMatcher(handler, pattern);
public static @NotNull PathResolver createRegexMatcher(@NotNull final String regex)
return new RegexMatcher(regex);
public static abstract class AbstractMatcher implements PathResolver
private final int ranking;
private final String pattern;
private final ServletHandler handler;
public AbstractMatcher(final ServletHandler handler, final String pattern, final int ranking)
this.handler = handler;
this.ranking = ranking;
this.pattern = pattern;
public int compareTo(final PathResolver o)
int result = o.getRanking() - this.ranking;
if ( result == 0 )
result = o.getOrdering() - this.getOrdering();
return result;
public ServletHandler getServletHandler()
return this.handler;
public int getRanking()
return this.ranking;
public int getOrdering()
return 0;
public String getPattern()
return this.pattern;
public int hashCode()
return pattern.hashCode();
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
final AbstractMatcher other = (AbstractMatcher) obj;
return this.pattern.equals(other.pattern);
public static final class RootMatcher extends AbstractMatcher
public RootMatcher(final ServletHandler handler)
super(handler, "", 2);
public PathResolution resolve(final String uri) {
if ( uri.length() == 0 || uri.equals("/") )
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.pathInfo = "/";
pr.servletPath = "";
pr.requestURI = uri;
pr.handler = this.getServletHandler();
return pr;
return null;
public static final class DefaultMatcher extends AbstractMatcher
public DefaultMatcher(final ServletHandler handler)
super(handler, "/", 1);
public PathResolution resolve(final String uri) {
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.pathInfo = null;
pr.servletPath = uri;
pr.requestURI = uri;
pr.handler = this.getServletHandler();
return pr;
public static final class ExactAndPathMatcher extends AbstractMatcher
private final String path;
private final String prefix;
public ExactAndPathMatcher(final ServletHandler handler, final String pattern)
super(handler, pattern, 5);
this.path = pattern;
this.prefix = pattern.concat("/");
public PathResolution resolve(final String uri) {
if ( uri.equals(this.path) )
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.pathInfo = null;
pr.servletPath = uri;
pr.requestURI = uri;
pr.handler = this.getServletHandler();
return pr;
else if ( uri.startsWith(prefix) )
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.servletPath = this.prefix.substring(0, this.prefix.length() - 1);
pr.pathInfo = uri.substring(pr.servletPath.length());
pr.requestURI = uri;
pr.handler = this.getServletHandler();
return pr;
return null;
public int getOrdering()
return this.path.length();
public static final class ExactMatcher extends AbstractMatcher
private final String path;
public ExactMatcher(final ServletHandler handler, final String pattern)
super(handler, pattern, 5);
this.path = pattern;
public PathResolution resolve(final String uri) {
if ( uri.equals(this.path) )
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.servletPath = uri;
pr.pathInfo = null;
pr.requestURI = uri;
pr.handler = this.getServletHandler();
return pr;
return null;
public int getOrdering()
return this.path.length();
public static final class PathMatcher extends AbstractMatcher
private final String prefix;
private final String path;
public PathMatcher(final ServletHandler handler, final String pattern)
super(handler, pattern, 4);
this.prefix = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 1);
this.path = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 2);
public PathResolution resolve(final String uri) {
if ( uri.equals(this.path) )
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.servletPath = this.path;
pr.pathInfo = null;
pr.requestURI = uri;
pr.handler = this.getServletHandler();
return pr;
if ( uri.startsWith(this.prefix) )
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.servletPath = this.prefix.substring(0, this.prefix.length() - 1);
pr.pathInfo = uri.substring(pr.servletPath.length());
pr.requestURI = uri;
pr.handler = this.getServletHandler();
return pr;
return null;
public int getOrdering()
return this.prefix.length() + 1;
public static final class ExtensionMatcher extends AbstractMatcher
private final String extension;
public ExtensionMatcher(final ServletHandler handler, final String pattern)
super(handler, pattern, 3);
this.extension = pattern.substring(1);
public PathResolution resolve(final String uri) {
if ( uri.endsWith(this.extension) )
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.pathInfo = null;
pr.servletPath = uri;
pr.requestURI = uri;
pr.handler = this.getServletHandler();
return pr;
return null;
public int getOrdering()
return this.extension.length();
public static final class RegexMatcher extends AbstractMatcher
private final Pattern pattern;
public RegexMatcher(final String regex)
super(null, regex, 0);
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
public @Nullable PathResolution resolve(@NotNull final String uri) {
if ( pattern.matcher(uri).matches() )
final PathResolution pr = new PathResolution();
pr.pathInfo = null;
pr.servletPath = uri;
pr.requestURI = uri;
return pr;
return null;
public int getOrdering()
return this.pattern.toString().length();