blob: 75a80dbbe947e8d404a91738f616f3b7cc92e3b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.felix.hc.generalchecks.scrutil;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.felix.hc.api.FormattingResultLog;
import org.apache.felix.hc.api.Result.Status;
import org.apache.felix.hc.api.ResultLog.Entry;
import org.apache.felix.rootcause.DSComp;
import org.apache.felix.rootcause.DSRootCause;
import org.apache.felix.rootcause.RootCausePrinter;
import org.osgi.service.component.runtime.ServiceComponentRuntime;
import org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ComponentDescriptionDTO;
/** Minimal bridge to root cause in order to allow making that dependency optional. */
public class DsRootCauseAdapter {
private DSRootCause analyzer;
public DsRootCauseAdapter(ServiceComponentRuntime scr) {
this.analyzer = new DSRootCause(scr);
public void logMissingService(FormattingResultLog log, String missingServiceName, Status status) {
Optional<DSComp> rootCauseOptional = analyzer.getRootCause(missingServiceName);
if (rootCauseOptional.isPresent()) {
logRootCause(log, rootCauseOptional.get(), status);
} else {
log.add(new Entry(status, "Missing service without matching DS component: " + missingServiceName));
public void logNotEnabledComponent(FormattingResultLog log, ComponentDescriptionDTO desc, Status status) {
DSComp component = analyzer.getRootCause(desc);
logRootCause(log, component, status);
private void logRootCause(FormattingResultLog log, DSComp component, Status status) {
new RootCausePrinter(new Consumer<String>() {
private boolean firstLineLogged = false;
public void accept(String str) {
log.add(new Entry(!firstLineLogged ? status : Status.OK, str.replaceFirst(" ", "-- ").replaceFirst(" ", "- ")));
firstLineLogged = true;