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<pre><span class="sourceLineNo">001</span>/*<a name="line.1"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">002</span> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one<a name="line.2"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">003</span> * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file<a name="line.3"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">004</span> * distributed with this work for additional information<a name="line.4"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">005</span> * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file<a name="line.5"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">006</span> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the<a name="line.6"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">007</span> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance<a name="line.7"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">008</span> * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at<a name="line.8"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">009</span> *<a name="line.9"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">010</span> *<a name="line.10"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">011</span> *<a name="line.11"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">012</span> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<a name="line.12"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">013</span> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an<a name="line.13"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">014</span> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY<a name="line.14"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">015</span> * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the<a name="line.15"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">016</span> * specific language governing permissions and limitations<a name="line.16"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">017</span> * under the License.<a name="line.17"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">018</span> */<a name="line.18"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">019</span><a name="line.19"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">020</span>package org.apache.felix.ipojo.dependency.interceptors;<a name="line.20"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">021</span><a name="line.21"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">022</span>import org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.DependencyModel;<a name="line.22"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">023</span>import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;<a name="line.23"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">024</span>import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;<a name="line.24"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">025</span><a name="line.25"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">026</span>/**<a name="line.26"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">027</span> * A service to influence the visibility of services within a service dependency.<a name="line.27"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">028</span> * This service is called to determine which services from the tracker (base set) is going to the matching set.<a name="line.28"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">029</span> *<a name="line.29"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">030</span> * Several tracking interceptors can be plugged to the same service dependency. In this case,<a name="line.30"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">031</span> * a chain is created where all interceptor can influence the next one. If the dependency has a filter,<a name="line.31"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">032</span> * a tracking interceptor using this filter is the last interceptor of the chain.<a name="line.32"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">033</span> *<a name="line.33"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">034</span> * Obviously an interceptor can be plugged to several interceptors.<a name="line.34"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">035</span> */<a name="line.35"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">036</span>public interface ServiceTrackingInterceptor extends DependencyInterceptor {<a name="line.36"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">037</span><a name="line.37"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">038</span> /**<a name="line.38"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">039</span> * Does the interceptor accepts the reference of not ?<a name="line.39"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">040</span> * This methods has two goals. It can filter out undesirable services by returning {@literal null}. In addition,<a name="line.40"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">041</span> * it can &lt;em&gt;transform&lt;/em&gt; the service reference to add / remove service properties. In this case,<a name="line.41"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">042</span> * it must return the &lt;strong&gt;same&lt;/strong&gt; instance of {@link TransformedServiceReference},<a name="line.42"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">043</span> * but with the new set of properties.<a name="line.43"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">044</span> *<a name="line.44"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">045</span> * So to filter out the service, return {@literal null}. To accept the service,<a name="line.45"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">046</span> * return the reference as it is. To transform the service update the service reference and return it.<a name="line.46"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">047</span> *<a name="line.47"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">048</span> * When several interceptors are collaborating on the same dependency, a chain is created. The received reference<a name="line.48"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">049</span> * is the reference modified by the preceding interceptor. Notice that once an interceptor returns {@literal<a name="line.49"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">050</span> * null} the chain is interrupted and the service rejected.<a name="line.50"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">051</span> *<a name="line.51"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">052</span> * @param dependency the dependency<a name="line.52"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">053</span> * @param context the context of the dependency<a name="line.53"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">054</span> * @param ref the reference<a name="line.54"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">055</span> * @param &lt;S&gt; the type of service<a name="line.55"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">056</span> * @return {@literal null} to filter out the service, the, optionally updated, reference to accept it.<a name="line.56"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">057</span> */<a name="line.57"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">058</span> public &lt;S&gt; TransformedServiceReference&lt;S&gt; accept(DependencyModel dependency, BundleContext context,<a name="line.58"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">059</span> TransformedServiceReference&lt;S&gt; ref);<a name="line.59"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">060</span><a name="line.60"></a>
<span class="sourceLineNo">061</span>}<a name="line.61"></a>